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Showing 5 results for Literary Criticism

Qaysar Aminpoor,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (9-2005)

Azraqi Heravi is one of the great poets of the fifth and sixth centuries who is ranked often as a minor poet. In this paper, the researcher reports a study of the data related to this poet and his life, and, discussing the style of his writing and the innovations he introduces in his poetry, he tries to show that because of these very innovations Heravi is equal to some of his contemporaries if not superior to them. This paper discusses different aspects of his poetry such as his thought, imagination, emotion, language, music and form and gives some evidence to illustrate each of these elements and technical aspects.

Masoud Rouhani, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
Volume 17, Issue 66 (3-2010)

Currently, we can hardly find any criticism that has not paid any attention to structural functionalism. Contemporary literary criticism leads to structuralism inspired by de Saussure's linguistic theory. Structural analysis, especially, of narrative works is one of the most extraordinary achievements of contemporary literary criticism. In the stories, fairy tales and epic realm, Vladimir Propp's method is the best for structural stratification and analysis. His method is based on tales stratification and symbolic analysis of each stratum. Vladimir Propp used structural linguistic analysis for narrative analyzing. Propp, having studied one hundred narratives with similar composition,  uncovered the structure of "main narrative" and by analyzing one hundred stories of Russian stories concluded that there were thirty one genres. He believed the method could be applied to other folk tales and even novels. Propp's method has been used by other scholars and sometimes was criticized too. Although  Propp's system has its own defects, it has provided a proper starting point for other theorists and has influenced subsequent theorists. This article follows Propp's model and method and intends to stratify and analyze "Bizhan and Manizhe” Story, one of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh stories, The aim of this article is to probe Propp's model in this story. 

Hamid Abdollahian, Farnoush Farahmand,
Volume 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)

Najdi is one of the outstanding contemporary writers due to his specific style. He has a different attitude towards human life and cultural elements of Iran, which makes his stories a good subject for discussion and research. In this article, two stories of Najdi are analyzed in the light of Deconstruction: “The Day of Asb-rizi” and “The Night of Killing Sohrab”. Deconstruction is mostly based on Derrida’s theory. It originated and was initially used in Philosophy and then it spread to literary criticism. The aim of Deconstruction is to find the binary oppositions, to analyze them in order to reveal the contradictory points and to deny the accepted assumptions. The results of this process is to doubt those beliefs that have been considered as axiomatic up to that time. In Najdi’s stories, the binary oppositions include man/animal, man/nature and man and civilization. In “The Day of Asb-rizi”, the opposition between man and animal, and, freedom and slavery causes some contradictions in the major themes of the story. In “The Night of Killing Sohrab”, the binary opposition is that of harsh patriarchal world/ innocent childish world, or, experience/inexperience.

No Ebrāhim Hasanaklou, No Rezā Cherāghi,
Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)

The debate over literary theory and Nima’s poetry has a long history. Literary critics have interpreted Nima from their own perspectives, offering various interpretations. The issue of this research is a critical re-reading of the views of Pournamdarian and Barahani in the 1990s as representatives of academic and non-academic criticism. This research showed that Pournamdarian and Barahani have occasionally been excessive in their understanding of Nima. As a result, despite Pournamdarian’s efforts to understand Nima’s poetry anew, he remains trapped in the stereotypical traditions of literary criticism, which leads him to define modern poetry under traditional poetry. On the other hand, Barahani has neglected the historical process of theorizing and Nima’s poetry, by going to extremes in some of his views and speaking of a crisis that we witness in the poetry from the 1990s onward. In other words, tradition and modernity are clearly at odds in the views of these two critics. Pournamdarian wants to blend modern poetry with traditional criticism, while Barahani becomes dogmatic in his criticism.

Dr. Hossein Bahri,
Volume 32, Issue 97 (1-2025)

The Persian translation of “The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan” by James Morier is undoubtedly one of the masterpieces of Persian literature. Mirza Habib Esfahani translated this work into Persian from the French translation of the book. The fact that a translated work, through an intermediary translation, can meet such a reception by the readers in the literature of a language is considered one of the rare and exceptional cases. Since the publication of this work, researchers of language and literature, translation and other fields of humanities have studied its various aspects. However, so far, there has been no research that studies the reception of this translation by the Persian readers from a historical perspective. In this article, based on Jauss’s concept of “Horizon of Expectations” and using the descriptive-analytical method, the researcher has tried to investigate various aspects of the reception of this translation by the Persian readers before and after the Islamic Revolution through reviewing the works and examining the existing texts. To do so, from among the studies available on this work, which comprised about 50 Persian articles and books published since 1942, ten significant works (5 published before and 5 after the Islamic Revolution) were selected and the expectations within them were examined and analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method. Next, the various themes of the receptions of the Persian translation that were discussed in these ten works were extracted and compared. The findings of the study indicated that during both periods of time, the Persian translation of “The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan” was of interest to the literary taste and in accordance with the expectations of the readers, including writers, critics, and researchers, and it still continues to be widely received by the readers, which has made this work enduring and popular.

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