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Showing 5 results for Morphology

Masoud Rouhani, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
Volume 17, Issue 66 (3-2010)

Currently, we can hardly find any criticism that has not paid any attention to structural functionalism. Contemporary literary criticism leads to structuralism inspired by de Saussure's linguistic theory. Structural analysis, especially, of narrative works is one of the most extraordinary achievements of contemporary literary criticism. In the stories, fairy tales and epic realm, Vladimir Propp's method is the best for structural stratification and analysis. His method is based on tales stratification and symbolic analysis of each stratum. Vladimir Propp used structural linguistic analysis for narrative analyzing. Propp, having studied one hundred narratives with similar composition,  uncovered the structure of "main narrative" and by analyzing one hundred stories of Russian stories concluded that there were thirty one genres. He believed the method could be applied to other folk tales and even novels. Propp's method has been used by other scholars and sometimes was criticized too. Although  Propp's system has its own defects, it has provided a proper starting point for other theorists and has influenced subsequent theorists. This article follows Propp's model and method and intends to stratify and analyze "Bizhan and Manizhe” Story, one of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh stories, The aim of this article is to probe Propp's model in this story. 

Morteza Heydari,
Volume 23, Issue 79 (1-2016)

The necessity of using modern literary knowledge in evaluating the Quranic texts and the writings based on the Quranic teachings is clear and necessary for Muslim researchers in today's world. In this research, the structure of Joseph’s (pbuh) Tale in the translation of Tafsir-e-Tabari (the Persian translation of Tabari’s Commentary of the Quran) has been evaluated by using Propp’s morphology. To achieve a more appropriate conclusion, this tale has been divided into four stories and its characters and their functions have been critically analyzed in each story. The number of the characters and the manner of their functions clearly demonstrate the structure of this tale on the basis of Propp’s theory. The movements of three stories out of four in the mentioned tale have followed Propp’s sextuple movement pattern; only in the second story of this tale, a two cross-sectional movement is seen that is not adaptable to Propp’s movement patterns and is considered as a new movement. Propp in his ideas has considered the religious roots and his morphology theory has been very efficient in studying Joseph’s (pbuh) tale. Since Propp has paid attention to structures rather than superstructures and quantitative details, his ideas are also helpful in studying the other tales. Finally, the author suggests that all the Quranic tales can be evaluated from a structural perspective on the basis of Propp’s ideas to find out the fundamental structure of these tales.   

, ,
Volume 24, Issue 81 (2-2017)

Contemporary poetry can be divided into the poetry of before and after the Islamic Revolution. Among the post-revolutionary poetry, the Pishro or avant-garde Poetry is the most important style of poetry. The well-known figure of this kind of poetry is Reza Baraheni (1935- ) who became the most influential poet of the Post-Revolution Poetry with the publication of his Khetab be Parvane ha and introducing his literary ideas in different articles. Baraheni attempts in his poetic theory, which is known as lingual theory, to reach multilingualism in poetry, multiplicity of forms and language, disintegration of meaning, disintegration of narrative, disintegration of grammar, formalism, and disintegration of description. In the present study, topics such as morphological innovations and morphological and syntactic deviations in Khetab be Parvane ha are studied. As a result, deviations in these poems are divided into two: the successful linguistic part where Baraheni manages to bring some new words into Persian language without disturbing its morphological structure, and the unsuccessful syntactic part where all the rules governing the sentence have been disturbed.

Mohammad Reza Azizi,
Volume 28, Issue 89 (12-2020)

The present article identified the morphological characteristics of the Arabic noun as a feature preventing various interpretations of literary texts. Arabic nouns enjoy intrinsic features such as masculinity and femininity, solidness or derivativeness, morphological weight, duality, plurality, precise pronouns, relativity, demonstratives, etc., which determine and give rise to special associations in the mind of the audience. Although the precision of Arabic morphology in scientific and philosophical prose is a privilege with the help of which scholars can clearly express their intentions, it seems to be a defect in literary texts that reduces the multifariousness and artistic delicacy of the works. The absence of some of these features in the morphology of Persian nouns contributes to the ambiguity and literariness of the poem. In Hafez’s Diwān, there are seven bilingual lyrics (Molamma’āt) that allow such a comparison. The presence of some Persian and Arabic stanzas in a ghazal lyric of Hafez clearly shows the difference between the morphological possibilities in Persian and Arabic. In general, the absence or existence of such features in Persian words brings with it a wider audience and expands the range of different interpretations of a poetic work.
Rahele Gandomkar, Banafsheh Mesgari,
Volume 29, Issue 91 (12-2021)

The current paper aimed to conduct a corpus analysis of the relationship between Persian onomatopoeic words and their morphological meanings. All onomatopoeic words listed in The Dictionary of Onomatopoeic Words in Farsi (1996) were analyzed. The analysis of the morphological structure of 2570 onomatopoeic words suggests that there is a correlation between echo duplication and the concept of emphasizing. Partial reduplication indicates the continuance of the meaning of words. Total reduplication of words with a final plosive consonant represents the discontinuance of the meaning of onomatopoeic words. Double reduplications that use an interfix carry on the impression of friction. The reduplicated words that have fricative or affricative consonants suggest the idea of slight events. Echo duplication containing the interfix “va” constructs plurality and multitude. Contrary to the findings of previous studies, the intensity accompanies derivation and not reduplication. The data also suggests that Persian onomatopoeic words use phonetic as well as morphological tools to construe the meaning. 


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