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Kharazmi University
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Nasergholi Sarli
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Habib-Allah Abbasi
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Zahra Saberi
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

EISSN 24766941
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Showing 1 results for Old Stories

Roghayyeh Vahabi Daryakenari, Maryam Hosseini,
Volume 25, Issue 82 (9-2017)

Studying and analyzing the ways of rewriting and recreating in Bahram Beyzai’s literary works is the main goal of this paper. He is a norm-breaker author who destroys the reader’s mental and language structures and defaults. The plays, scripts and narrations which are analyzed in this article are Azhdehaak, Arash, Ahu, Salandar, Talhak va Digaran, Pardeye neiy, Siavash Khani, Shabe hezar-o Yekom and Majlese Ghorbaniye Sennemar. At first, in this research, Beyzai’s descriptive-analytical ways are introduced, and then these ways are analyzed in Beyzai’s   works.  The ways are generally as follows: 1. recreating an old work on two levels: “changing the plot” and “changing the dutifulness of characters,” and 2. rewriting an old work in some ways by “adding dialogue between characters”, “suggesting cause and effect relation” and “changing the ways of narration.”

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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