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Showing 1 results for Ontology

Ali Heidary, Kianoush Danyari,
Volume 26, Issue 84 (9-2018)

As one of the most famous philosophers of the twentieth century, Heidegger has proposed significant ideas about ontology. The undercurrent of his philosophy is the question of being in the world or Dasein. He believes that human is the only creature for whom being in the world is a question and only human is capable of asking about Dasein. Heidegger thinks that authentic poets with their particular use of language are the rightful peoples that can perceive and reveal the truth of being. Sohrab Sepehri is a contemporary poet who has a systematic frame of mind. In his poems, especially in his late works, consciously, continuously, and varyingly he speaks about the true being of things. In this analytic-descriptive article, the authors study Sohrab Sepehri's philosophical perspective towards the ontological state of being. Similar to Heidegger, in order to understand being in the world, he refrains from any stereotypical and utilitarian outlook on it, and ignores the presuppositions. In his final Collection, Sepehri's earnest endeavors to understand the reality of existence are evident. Yet, although he eventually confesses that he has not completely understood the meaning of existence, he never despairs.

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