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Showing 13 results for Style

Mahbubeh Heidari,
year 16, Issue 62 (10-2008)

order to communicate with the celestial world. Also, it is a unique means to introduce and suggest many key thoughts of Sufism. Dreams are normally stated in a narrative style. All dreams of Sufi literature depict narrative themes. This paper examines the qualities of dream narration and the role of the two substantial elements: narrator and addressee in forming the narrative style of dream.

Seyyed Mahdi Nourian, Seyyed Ali Asqar Mirbagheri Fard, Bahram Sha’bani,
year 17, Issue 65 (11-2009)

By the crowning of Fatali Shah Ghajar, poetry found a better position and status compared with the previous periods of Zands and Afsharids. The Ghajar king who was a poet himself and whose pen name was khaghan began to support poets and with the formation and establishment of the new center of restoration movement in Tehran, many poets directed their steps from around the country toward the capital of Iran, Tehran. Khavari Shirazi is one of the poets who immigrated from Shiraz to Tehran and by relying on his inherent talent and practicing letter writing and historiography, and poem recitation in the literary circles of the capital, turned into one of the relatively known poets and writers of his era and left many complete poetical works embracing more than seven thousand couplets of different forma such as elegy, ode, compounds of stanzas , mathnavi, quatrain and poems stanzas. In this paper, after providing a brief study of poetry status in Afshar era , up to the end of Fatali shah's period , the  biography, the works, the Divan of the poetry and the compilation of the Divan and style of Khavari shirazi are analyzed in details.

Vahid Eidgah Torghabehei,
year 18, Issue 69 (12-2010)

This article, first takes a formalist approach and attempts to achieve two goals: defining the term defamiliarization, its essence and function. Then, it illustrates one of the prosodic features of Naser khosrow’s poetry which could be considered as an appropriate example of rhythmic defamiliarization. For this purpose, seven meters from his Divān, of which rare meters are usually called unpleasant/ unfamiliar, will be discussed; and, according to their different structures, they will be categorized into  two groups: one incorporating six meters, and the other containing only one. The meters of the first group which are mainly analyzed in this study have different length from their current forms. When a poet such as Naser Khosrow employs these infrequent meters in his poetry, it sounds odd to most of Persian readers who are accustomed to the ordinary rhythms. This can be called rhythmic/ prosodic defamiliarization.

Reza Fahimi, Hossien Aghahosseini, Mohammad Reza Nasr Isfahani,
year 19, Issue 71 (12-2011)

The book Javame Ahkam Alnojoom written by Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Zayd Beihaqi is truly considered as a masterpiece on astronomy written in 6th century.  The prose of this book duplicates a good part of the Morsel prose in terms of lexical and stylistic features of the 6th century. This book has unique stylistic features including variety of iterations, various removals, specific application of phrases and words, writing features, specific application of pronouns and arrangement of components as examined in this paper. In this book, in addition to using old Persian words, difficult Arabic words have also been utilized, At times, even some rather low frequent words which are not included in dictionaries appear in this book

Qolam Ali Fallah, Mehrdad Zare'i,
year 23, Issue 78 (5-2015)

Hindi style was adopted as a new method to escape the repetition and imitation which had been widespread in Persian poetry for a long time. However, it went ahead with this new manner so far that later on this style was considered decadent and did not enjoy a high status among literary community despite its merits  and beauty.  Fazel Nazari is a young poet whose poems in recent years have been well-received by the audience. He has excellently identified the capacities of Hindi style poetry and applied them to his own poems.  In this paper, the researchers demonstrate and investigate the characteristics of Hindi style in Nazari’s poems, features such as depth and complexity, themes, lack of vertical axis in Ghazal, allegory, using simple and everyday language, using daily issues, objects and environments in poetry, and personification. Moreover, a number of points regarding the artistic value and the aesthetic qualities of the mentioned characteristics have been discussed

, ,
year 24, Issue 81 (2-2017)

Styles in the normal course of historical development change and evolve, and in the process of this movement and change, some poets play a vital role. These poets try to be inventive in order to escape banality and repeated and shallow literary traditions, and by creating a rift between themselves and former traditions they introduce new elements.  These artists either create new figures or take an old but neglected one and develop it to give a special flavor to their personal style, or by introducing it to other poets they help in developing a new style. Hafiz is a good example of such artists. This article is an attempt to describe the figure "ambiguous metaphor of irony", as a mixed and already known figure (though unconsciously, not consciously), in the poetry of the poets before Hafiz, his role is highlighted in the rediscovery and serious development of this figure and its moderate use and finally its transference to the Indian style  where it had its highest development.

Mehrdad Akbari Gandomani, Mehdi Reza Kamali Baniani,
year 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Through a rhetorical system, poets’ and writers’ worldview is reflected in their literary works. One effective factor in forming or changing these viewpoints is the happenings and changes of the world poets dwell on different levels. Simile is an important structure in the rhetorical system. In this piece of research the writers have tried to show how structure of simile in Bidel reveals transformations in the texture of situation on different levels through establishing relations with other rhetorical structures. Moreover, the research also investigates how vivid or subdued transformations in the current period affect the horizon of expectation of previous ages resulting in the formation of new horizons. In this article, the poems of Bidel are regarded as a field the intrinsic transformations in which can be attributed to other fields such as Hindi style of poetry. Through this study, it became obvious that not only the poet (Bidel) sometimes creates new structures out of old similes, but also he establishes new structures by creating chains of similes networks, resulting in the abundance of syntactic images, or  several images using multidimensional words, etc. In the following article, situational texture of Safavid era, linguistic texture of Hindi style, its common simile structures, and at last, new simile structures and their features in Bidel’s poems are studied.
Mustafa Mirdar Rezaee,
year 29, Issue 90 (7-2021)

The geometrical complexity of some images, especially Indian-style images, which are not found in the field of traditional expression and which have not been mentioned by scholars in the historical tradition, is such that one must use a suitable tool to analyze them. In the present study, conducted by quantitative statistical analysis, first, frequency was usedto examine and compare the number of single and compound techniques in 500 verses of Bidel’s sonnets (which were randomly selected from all over his divan).Then, the three compound techniques of “irony metaphor”, “metaphorical amphibology metaphor” and “metaphorical amphibology irony simile” were examined in the structure of images of Bidel.The results of this study show that in both verses of Bidel’s poems, there is almost onecompound technique; additionally, onethird of Bidel’s images are created with the help of these techniques, and this means that by contenting ourselves with the four elements of traditional expression (simile, metaphor, irony, and metonymy) and ignoring the literary tools of compounding, the analysis and interpretation of Bidel’spoems will be incomplete.
Javad Dehghanian, Dr. Saeed Hessampour, Sedigheh Jamali,
year 31, Issue 94 (6-2023)

In the republishing of the Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, Jamalzadeh made changes so that the language, expression, tone and writing style of Mirza Habib Isfahani were altered. His changes in the “fragments of old phrases” and “morphology and syntax of sentences” aroused the reaction of the literary community of that time. While Jamalzadeh retained the main framework of the book, his method does not correspond to any of the technical terms for critical correction of texts. In order to understand the whys and wherefores of his method for republishing the book, the present study compared and analyzed three works: Mirza Habib Isfahani’s manuscript, Phillott’s edition, and Jamalzadeh’s reprint. Twenty percent of the volume of the book was selected for analysis: the author’s preface and fifteen chapters (five chapters from the beginning, middle and end of the work). The results indicate that the changes can be subsumed under three categories: 1. reduction through deletion or replacement; 2. expansion and finding equivalents; 3. transposition of parts of speech. The largest volume of changes in the text were created by expansions and finding equivalents for words, phrases and sentences and transpositions of parts of speech while deletions and replacements were used the least. These changes serve two main purposes: 1. strengthening the fictional elements of the book and 2. bringing the story closer to the understanding of the common people based on the capabilities of the popular language, in the continuation of the simple writing movement of the Qajar era. However, Jamalzadeh inflicted irreparable blows on the prose rhetoric of Mirza Habib’s translation.

Mohammad Reza Haji Aqababaei,
year 31, Issue 95 (11-2023)

Life style and its relevant issues are among the subjects that have been paid attention to in the didactic texts of Persian Literature for a long time and which have sometimes been called as ‘household policy’ or ‘household management’. Since the late Qajar era, attention to issues such as life style and its instruction was booming and it seemed that didactic literature became widespread with a new style and technique. In the present study, periodicals of the late Qajar and the first Pahlavi eras were reviewed and articles related to life style issues as well as comments made by their pros and cons were analyzed. Among the most important subjects discussed in the periodicals mention can be made of social life, arranging formalities, house management principles, physical health and clothing etiquette. Through reviewing published topics about life style in the late Qajar and the first Pahlavi eras, it can be concluded that movement towards modernity was advertized in different areas and western models were introduced to the Iranian society as superior examples of life style. However, in some cases these models were not much compatible with the Iranian life style and the culture of Iranian society. On the other hand, it seems that only women were to be instructed in life style and men did not require such teachings. This was due to the dominant cultural views of the then Iranian society.

Seyed Amirabbas Setayeshgar, Habibullah Abbasi , Seyed Morteza Mirhashemi, Effat Neghabi,
year 31, Issue 95 (11-2023)

The use of music is one of the most useful techniques in poetry, which poets use to convey their thoughts. Owing to their mastery in music, some poets have employed it to express their reflections and to portray poetic images more than others. The frequency of the discourse of music in the poetry of this group of poets and the imagery created through it shows their mastery over music, both in terms of theory (in topics such as organology and the study of tunes and melodies) and in terms of practice (which is performing and composing music). Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present research aimed at investigating the means of the theoretical and practical music in the divans of two of the foremost representatives of the Indian style (sabk-e Hendī) of Persian poetry, i.e. Saeb Tabrizi, the leader of the mode called delicate imageries (nazok-khiyali), and Bidel Dehlavi, the forerunner of the mode called exotic imageries (dour-khiyali). First, by giving examples, the concepts of music in the poetry of the two poets were examined and then both views were compared in the field of music. The results indicated that mastery of music would highly contribute to the decoding of secrets of the poems. In effect, without finding the musical roots (as a specialty and profession) it would not be possible to gain the correct and precise understanding of some couplets. In fact, this method of applying musical concepts is not a sign of distant knowledge of the field, but it implies a kind of scientific and close knowledge. The result of this study – which is the explanation of the combination of theoretical and practical music in the two modes of delicate imageries and exotic imageries of the Indian style – indicates the three main branches of the association network, the theoretical-practical knowledge and the link between poetry and music.

Dr Effat Neghabi, Dr Niloofar Sadat Abdollahi,
year 32, Issue 97 (1-2025)

  Mohammad Ali Foroughi is considered one of the famous contemporary men in politics, culture and law. His two political and cultural aspects have caused him to correspond with many educated friends about these issues. Due to Foroughi's familiarity with ancient literature and attachment to Iranian culture, his letters have been influenced by the structures of his predecessors in addition to ancient literary works. Looking at these correspondences, one can see the influence of Farahani's letters in them. It is worth mentioning that while imitating the style of Ghaem Magham, he had innovations in his letters. This issue, article aims to reveal the extent of Foroughi's innovation and influence on Ghaem Magham`s letters by considering Ghaem Magham`s letters as an example of the return style. For this purpose, in this research, 11 letters from Foroughi's letters, collected in the Zoka-ul-Mulk's policy book, and 11 letters from Ghaem Magham institutions, which were written in three fields of friendship, politics and social; Have been analysed. By examining these letters, it was found that although Foroughi was influenced by the letter structure, literary techniques, and linguistic features of Farahani's letters, he made innovations in the field of content and concepts. Zakaul-Molk's innovations can be seen in combining the retro style with modern socio-political concepts. In writing letters, Foroughi paid special attention to the needs of the times and people's understanding. Therefore, besides being influenced by the return style, he has overcome its weaknesses with some expressive tricks and subtleties. By using this way of writing, Foroughi has achieved the two goals of attracting the audience's attention in the direction of promoting Persian culture and literature and conveying modern concepts along with reports on current issues of the society. In his political and social letters, we see imitation of difficult literary-historical texts; However, his friendly correspondences are very tender and heartwarming due to the imitation of lyrical texts. So reading these letters gives the reader more literary pleasure than social letters.

Yahya Kardgar,
year 32, Issue 97 (1-2025)

The culture and literature of Iran, has paid special attention to the religion of Christianity. This feature has become more prominent in the Safavid era for political, social, cultural and ideological reasons. Saib, the greatest poet of this era, had further contribution in reflecting this feature in his poems. This paper examines the events of the life of Christ in his Divan of six books by his descriptive-analytical method and concluded that the religious features his era, his theosophical and ethical perspective, the attachment of the audience of Saib poetry to Christ and the religion of Christianity and, finally, his tendency to theme-creating and subtlety and his dominance in the life of heavenly prophets has played a key role in presenting a full image of Christ. Referring to the life of Christ and other divine messengers, he seeks to bring religions closer to one another.

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