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Showing 2 results for Expertise

Fatima Rabiei, Dr. Hamdi Salehi,
Volume 12, Issue 24 (12-2022)

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the differences between novice and skilled baseball players to anticipate the type of ball being pitched and to specify the players’ dependence on distributed or local kinematic spatial cues. Male baseball players (N= 15; Mage: 27.73 ± 6.28 years; baseball experience: 7.90 ± 5.69 years) and novices (N= 15; Mage: 23.10 ± 5.68 years; no playing experience in baseball) were asked to anticipate the type of pitch (i.e., fastball vs. curveball) using a spatial occlusion paradigm. Both groups viewed recorded video simulations of spatially manipulated pitches in which nine specific parts of the pitcher’s body or the ball were either omitted or showed separately. The data was analyzed by a 2 (Skill level) × 9 (Display Condition) mixed-design analysis of variance. The results revealed that skilled baseball players outperformed novices in the occlusion conditions. Furthermore, the results revealed that skilled baseball players used throwing arm and ball as well as upper body kinematic cues for their correct anticipations. The results are in line with previous findings on perceptual-cognitive expertise and decision-making in interactive sports and indicate skilled baseball players are able to obtain information distributed globally within the pitcher's body, rather than reliance on specific isolated or local kinematic cues.

Abbas Bahram, Sared Arsham, Moslem Bahmani,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

Few studies have investigated dimensions of attention out of laboratory settings. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction between internal/external and associative and dissociative attention and its role in expert judo players’ technical performance during competition. mixed method approach with parallel-design was used. In the qualitative section of the study, expert judo players’ attentional strategy was explored using self-confrontation interviews. In the quantitative part of the study, differences between reported foci in successful versus unsuccessful trials was tested.  Analysis of interview transcripts revealed that expert judo players had more focus on external-associative dimension in both preparation and execution phases. In addition, results of chi-square test indicated a significant difference between judo players’ focus of attention in successful versus unsuccessful trials (p < 0.05) with more focus on external-associative attention in successful trials. In conclusion, while this study does not support use or advantages of dissociative attention in skilled performers, provided more support for constrained-action hypothesis as indicated more use and advantages of adopting an external-associative focus for expert level judo players.

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