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Showing 3 results for Self-Control

Maryam Nezakat Alhosseini, Abbas Bahram, Ahmad Farrokhi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2012)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-control feedback on the learningof generalized motor program and parameters during physical and observational practice. Participants (n=90) were randomly assigned to physical and observational practice (self-control, yoked and instructor KR) groups. They practiced a sequential timing task. The task required participants to press four keys (2, 6, 8, and 4).They performed 72 trials during the acquisition phase and 12 in retention and transfer phase. The analyses demonstrated that during the acquisition phase, relative timing errors were lower for the self-control and instructor groups. During the retention and transfer phase, relative timing errors were lower for the self-control groups and instructor groups. This might explain self-control feedback and physical practice develop the generalized motor program but not parameter learning and support the theoretical separation of GMP and parameter processes.
Mr Hamed Osouli, Dr Mehdi Shahbazi, Dr Elaheh Arabameri,
Volume 13, Issue 25 (9-2023)

A few studies have examined the interactive self-control effect on the type of self-modeling feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing different strategies of self-control feedback through self-modeling on learning of Lay-up shot basketball skill. For this purpose, 60 right-handed 11-13 years old male beginner students were selected through available sampling. Then they were divided into 4 groups randomly. One of the groups between the blocks and the other group before training session defined to get the type of self-modeling feedback (best performance or overall performance in Lay-up shot basketball skill). For each of these groups, the yoked group was selected. The training program was conducted for 6 sessions for two weeks. Pretest, retention and transfer test were made in 12 attempts. Results showed significant effect between pretest with retention and transfer tests scores. Also, there was significant difference between the self-control feedback before sessions and the self-control feedback between the blocks groups and their yoked group in the retention and transfer tests (P≤001), While between the yoked groups did not had any significant difference. These results indicate the greater effect of self-control feedback during sessions, which emphasizes the greater autonomy of learners as one of the psychological needs for learning optimization.

Mr Mehdi Babapuor, Dr Jalal Dehghanizade,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The literature on self-controlled motor learning includes efforts that compare a group of learners who have choices about some aspect of their practice environment with a group who are dependent on those choices. Therefore, several studies have shown that self-control practices have benefits. In the present study, using the self-control approach, the choice order during golf practices, the level of skill accuracy, autonomy, and self-efficacy were investigated. The present research is of a semi-experimental type and was carried out during the 24-hour follow-up period. Twenty-four beginner students were available and randomly placed in the experimental group (n=12) or yoked group (n=12). In the pre-test, the participants took the golf putting test. Then the yoked group used the practicum devices in the order of choice of the experimental group. On the first day, skill accuracy, autonomy, and self-efficacy were measured in the pre-test and acquisition, and then with the retention test. The results of the repeated Measurements analysis test showed that self-control has a significant effect on golf putting skill, autonomy, and self-efficacy. Therefore, a small choice such as the order of practice in the self-control approach can be effective on motor performance and learning, and the psychological components related to them.

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