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Showing 2 results for Visual Perception

Dr Laleh Hamboushi, Dr Elaheh Arabameri, Dr Mehdi Shahbazi, Dr Rasoul Zeidabady,
Volume 12, Issue 23 (9-2022)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motor dependent/independent visual perception training on visual-motor integration and fine motor skills of 7-8 year old children .For this purpose, 107,  1st grade  primary school students in Sabzevar were selected through purposive sampling (with equal economical and cultural status , optimum mental and physical health and full sight with or without wearing glasses) and randomly divided into two experimental (no=32)and a control group (no=43). After attending a pre-test session, one of the experimental groups was trained in movement dependent visual-perception tasks while the other group performed movement independent visual-perception tasks.  Both groups performed their tasks for three sessions, 45-minute per week and for six consecutive weeks. Shapiro-Wilk and Levin test results confirmed the normality and homogenity of data and ANCOVA showed that both training programs significantly improved visual-motor integration and fine motor skills of 7 to 8 years old children. However, Bonferroni test indicated that there were no significant differences between the movement dependent and independent training programs. The data analysis was performed by using SPSS 19.0. The results of this study confirmed the purposed "movement" hypothesis stating that the significant contributor to the development of perception and perceptual-motor components is not the active or passive movements of the individual, but rather it is the attention of the person to the visual stimuli within the environment.

Fatima Rabiei, Dr. Hamdi Salehi,
Volume 12, Issue 24 (12-2022)

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the differences between novice and skilled baseball players to anticipate the type of ball being pitched and to specify the players’ dependence on distributed or local kinematic spatial cues. Male baseball players (N= 15; Mage: 27.73 ± 6.28 years; baseball experience: 7.90 ± 5.69 years) and novices (N= 15; Mage: 23.10 ± 5.68 years; no playing experience in baseball) were asked to anticipate the type of pitch (i.e., fastball vs. curveball) using a spatial occlusion paradigm. Both groups viewed recorded video simulations of spatially manipulated pitches in which nine specific parts of the pitcher’s body or the ball were either omitted or showed separately. The data was analyzed by a 2 (Skill level) × 9 (Display Condition) mixed-design analysis of variance. The results revealed that skilled baseball players outperformed novices in the occlusion conditions. Furthermore, the results revealed that skilled baseball players used throwing arm and ball as well as upper body kinematic cues for their correct anticipations. The results are in line with previous findings on perceptual-cognitive expertise and decision-making in interactive sports and indicate skilled baseball players are able to obtain information distributed globally within the pitcher's body, rather than reliance on specific isolated or local kinematic cues.

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