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Showing 2 results for Transactional Leadership

Hamid Janani, Fereydoon Tondnevis, Amir Ahmad Mozaffari,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (4-2013)

Conflict Management is a leadership interpersonal skill. Using proper leadership styles can lead to effective conflict management. This research aims to study the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership in Bass model (1985) with conflict management strategies in Iran futsal pro-leagues coaches. Coaches leadership style and conflict management strategies were measured by MLQ (1996) and OCCI (1991) questionnaires. Statistical population involves 360 players that 197 persons were selected randomly. Above questionnaires were distributed after determination of validity and reliability. In order to data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed. In order to determine the relationship between leadership styles and conflict management strategies, pearson correlation coefficient    was used. Results show that there was a significant positive relationship between transformational leadership style and collaborating strategy and there was a negative significant relationship with compromising, avoiding, accommodating and competing (p<0/01). There was a positive significant relationship between transactional leadership style with collaborating, compromising and competing strategies (p<0/01), negative significant relationship with avoiding (p<0/01) and accommodating (p<0/05) strategies. There was a negative significant relationship between laissez-fair leadership with collaborating and competing strategies (p<0/05), a positive significant relationship between laissez-fair leadership with avoiding and accommodating (p<0/01), and non significant relationship with compromising.  According to this fact that collaborating strategy is sign of effective strategies, avoiding and competing are signs of noneffective strategies and compromising and accommodating strategies show combined use of conflict it was infered that coaches transformational and transactional leadership have positive relationship with effective conflict management at this case the relationship with transformational style was stronger.

Volume 4, Issue 8 (12-2014)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership styles with the personality of Physical education (P.E) faculty manager`s in Iranian universities. Research method was a correlation and the statistical population (N=64) included all the managers and assistants of Physical Education Colleges in Iran. Data collection tool was the multi factorial leadership questionnaire MLQ, Bass (2006), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (GEPQ) and in a pilot study, the Cronbach's Alpha, were respectively estimated as 0.90 and 0.88. To analyze data descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results indicate that the change-oriented leadership style correlated with the extraversion personality correlated negatively and meaningfully (r=-0.577, p=0.001) and correlated significantly and positively with introversion personality dimension (r=0.547, p=0.001). Furthermore, there is a negative correlation between the action-oriented leadership style and the extraversion personality (r=-0.251, p=0.046) and there is no significant statistical relationship between stability, instability and introversion. The results of stepwise multiple regression showed that the only significant extraversion component is meaningful prediction in the development-oriented leadership style. With respect to the correlation of introversion and extroversion in choosing the leading style of managers and having understood that the personal characteristics make people do different actions and have different behaviors in different situations. According to the personality of managers, can place them in proper positions in an organization and take steps to determine appropriate managers. 

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