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Showing 26 results for Flood

Leyla Babaee, Nahideh Parchami, Raoof Mostafazadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Changes in the hydrological response due to climatic parameters and human induced activities can be derived from indicators based on the analysis of flow duration curves. The purpose of this research is to determine the flood and the low flow parameters using the flow duration curves. The trend detection technique can be used as a useful tool in deterimining the temporal changes of the different hydro-meteorological parameters. The river gauge stations of the Ardabil province were used for the analysis of high and low flow occurrence in this study. The spatial variations of the flood events can be used as a preliminary guideline for the prioritization of the watershed in the vulnerability assessment and management-oriented measures. Also, the assessment of low flow condition is a useful tool in the allocation of environmental flow allocation and utilization of river surface water resources.
In this research, temporal and spatial changes of Q10, Q50, Q90, Q90/50 and Lane indices in 31 hydrometric stations of Ardabil province during the period from 1993- 2014 were evaluated. The flow duration curve of each river gauge stations was derived. The flow duration curves also were plotted based on the dimensionless flow divided by the mean discharge and the upstream area of each river gauge station. Also, the temporal variations of the of Q10, Q50, Q90, Q90/50 and Lane indices were analysed using non-parametric Man Kendall trend test. Then the significant level of upward and downward trend directions were determined. In this study, the results of 5 river gauge stations were presented as example based on the the river flow ranges, which includes low, medium and high river flow discharge (Hajahmadkandi, Nanakaran, Shamsabad, Polesoltani, and Booran).
Based on the results, the trend of Q10 (Flood flow index) was significant at the stations located on the main trunk of the Qarehsou river. Meanwhile the Q50 (average flow index) has a significant decreasing trend in most of the studied river gauge stations. In addition, Q90 and Q90/50 indices have a significant decreasing trend in most stations. In addition, Q90 and Q90/50 indices had a significant decrease at (p<0.05) regarding the Lane index as a flood related indicator in the Arbabkandi and Dostbeglo stations, which are affected by the dam construction there is a significant decreasing trend.
I summary, the values of flood flow index in the upstream rivers of the Ardabil province had a increasing trend.
Dr Mohammad Mahdi Hosseinzadeh, Dr Ali Reza Salehipor Milani, Mis Fateme Rezaian Zarandini,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2023)

A flood is a natural disaster caused by heavy rainfall, which causes casualties and damage to infrastructure and crops. Trend of floods in the world increasing due to climate change, changing rainfall patterns, rising sea levels in the future, and in addition, population growth and urban development and human settlements near river have caused floods to become a threat to humans. One of the most important and necessary tasks in catchments is to prepare flood risk maps and analyze them. In recent decades, researchers have been using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems to obtain flood risk maps in an area. Due to the numerous floods that have occurred in the Neka river catchment, it is necessary to conduct a study entitled zoning of flood sensitivity in Neka river catchment for more effective management in this area.

Materials and methods
Study area: Neka river catchment area with an area of ​​1922 Km2 is part of Mazandaran province in terms of political divisions. This basin is between 53º 17´ 54 º44´ east and 36 º 28 ´to 36 º 42´ of north latitude. The highest point of the basin is 3500 m (Shahkuh peak) and the height of the lowest point of the basin in the Ablo station is about 50 m and at the connection to the Caspian Sea is -27 meters. The seven sub-basins of this basin are Laksha, Golord, Burma, Metkazin, Kiasar, Alarez and Sorkh Griyeh. Geologically, the basin is mostly of calcareous and marl formations. In the south and southwest of Neka River, the rock material is mostly clay and calcareous marl, which makes this basin has a high erosion potential
To study the flood zoning of the area using a multi-criteria decision model, 1: 25000 maps of the surveying organization and a digital elevation model with a resolution of 12.5 meters (Alos Palsar) were extracted. In order to study the flood risk in Neka river, 4 criteria of height, distance from the river, land use and slope have been used. In the present study, modeling and preparation of flood risk zoning map in 4 stage including descending valuation, normalization of each class, normalized index weight and integration of criteria has been done by the following linear weighting method. Performing linear weighting operations depends on the weighted average of a number of selected parameters in the opinion of the expert. According to the weight assigned to each criterion based on the expert opinion, each of the criteria was multiplied by the assigned weight and at the end the criteria were added together and the final zoning map was obtained.

Results and Discussion
In this study, using a multi-criteria decision-making system model, a flood risk zoning map in the Neka river catchment was prepared. According to the weight assigned to each criterion based on expert opinion, the final risk probability map has a value between 0.02 to 0.2, which is ultimately divided into 5 classes in terms of flood risk. Value range 0.02 to 0.06 component of very low risk zone, range 0.08 to 0.11 component of low-risk zone, range 0.11 to 0.13 component of medium-risk zone, range 0.13 to 0.16 component of high-risk zone, and finally domain 0.16 to 0.20 components of the area with very high risk potential have been obtained. According to the final divisions in the flood risk zoning map of the catchment area, a safe area means areas where the probability of flooding is very low and close to zero, and in contrast, the area with a high and very high risk potential for flooding has the probability of high-risk floods. According to the final flood risk zoning map, about 982 Km2 (51%) has high and very high vulnerability, as well as about 510 Km2 (26.69%) has medium vulnerability in Neka catchment area.

The results obtained from the model indicates that the highest risk of flooding points are located in the western parts of the Neka catchment area and the end of the catchment area that reach the city of Neka. According to the research findings, the most important factors in increasing the risk of floods were the slope in this area and the distance from the drainage network. According to the results of the model, a large area of ​​the basin is a component of high risk zone, that means the Neka river watershed has a high potential for floods. Evidence and documented reports show that the Neka river Basin has experienced several floods in the last two decades. The major part of the occurrence of floods is due to the natural conditions of the basin, thus it is necessary to reduce flood damage by changing the locations of various land uses based on flood vulnerability maps. Using multi-criteria decision making method can be used to prepare flood risk zoning maps in basins that do not have hydrometric data; It is also a more cost-effective method in terms of time. One of the important issues in the final result of this model is due to the weight of the layers, which should be used by experts, who are familiar with the region and this method and adapt to field evidence.

Keyworlds: Flood, Multi-criteria decision making system(MCDA), Hazard zoning, Nekarod, Natural hazard.

Fatemeh Hosseini, Mohammad Hemmati , Mahtab Jafari, Alireza Estelaji,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Flood is one of the most destructive weather hazards in the world. The frequent occurrence of urban floods has affected public safety and limited the sustainable development of the social economy. The present study was conducted with the aim of preparing a flood intensity zoning map and analyzing its relationship with vegetation in Qirokarzin city in Fars province. For this purpose, after reviewing various sources, by introducing five effective criteria in the occurrence of floods, which were repeated in other researches in this field, the factors of height, slope, and distance from the river, topographic index and height of runoff were selected as effective factors. By using the method of network analysis process (ANP) in Super decision software, weighting and then using the simple weighted sum method, the final map has been obtained. In this regard, vegetation changes have been obtained using Landsat images in 2000 and 2021 and NDVI index. The results showed that the most effective criterion was the topographic index and Qirokarzin city was located in five zones of very low, low, medium, high and very high risk of flooding, among which 1849/6 square kilometer (54.8%) of Qirokarzin city were in the zone with the risk of flooding is very high. also, the analysis of vegetation changes showed that despite the development of agriculture and horticulture and the resulting relative improvement of the average values of the NDVI index, in the upper reaches of the watersheds of this city, the vegetation cover of forest and pasture lands has decreased significantly, and finally the effects of this problem lead to residential areas and agricultural and horticultural lands in 2021 compared to 2000 are located in areas with high flood potential with a higher percentage, this issue can confirm that the protection of land use in the upstream area is in accordance with to what extent can the policy of maintaining the existing cover and developing vegetation covers by using plants that have high soil protection value play a role in mitigating and suppressing the flooding of the downstream lands.

Hossein Hataminejad, Alireza Sadeghi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Measuring urban resilience can help develop appropriate strategies and policies for cities facing unexpected shocks and their consequences. Since urban resilience is a complex concept and difficult to operationalize, developing a technique or method to actualize this concept is a major milestone in understanding the factors and interactions that help create and maintain resilience. Tehran's metropolis has a high concentration of industries, government organizations, services, and facilities, which makes its management very complicated when a natural disaster occurs. Previous conditions or inherent socio-economic characteristics show that Tehran is not immune from flood forces. In fact, it is important to measure resilience against urban disasters for areas located on rivers in Tehran due to its inherent characteristics and spatial-temporal changes of floods in the region. This research focuses on measuring the resilience of the areas located on the rivers of Tehran. The measurement approach is based on creating a composite index based on six dimensions of social, economic, institutional, infrastructure, social capital, and environmental resilience against floods. This research has been done by developing a mixed multi-criteria decision-making method. The AHP model has been used for prioritizing the selected indicators and the TOPSIS model has been used to rank the areas located on the rivers of Tehran city based on their resilience levels. The results show that region 22 is the most resilient region, while regions 4, 5, and 14 have the lowest resilience levels. The findings of this research can help urban planning organizations such as Tehran Research Planning Center to integrate disaster resilience in urban planning and change from reactive plans to preventive urban adaptive strategies such as risk-sensitive urban land use planning.

Majid Ramezani Mehrian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Population growth and urbanization are two primary factors in increasing the risk of flooding in urban areas. Along with the increasing urbanization in many cities, changes in land use have led to an increase in the volume of surface runoff and a change in the flood regimes of rivers. Therefore, urban flooding is one of the risks that directly and indirectly have harmful effects. It has entered various cities in Iran. Since resilience thought provides a comprehensive understanding of the conditions by combining different components, it can be fruitful in creating urban flood risk management tools. To be able to effectively use the concept of resilience in the process of decision-making and management of urban floods, it is necessary to measure and evaluate the city's resilience against flood risk. Despite this, the measurement of resilience in urban environments against floods faces a serious challenge due to the lack of transparency in the field of methodological approaches. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the approaches and methods with a systematic review and meta-analysis of the studies conducted in the field of assessing the resilience of urban environments against floods. According to the findings of the research, the methods of assessing the resilience of urban environments against floods are divided into three categories: quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative. Qualitative methods have less diversity than quantitative methods and often include interviewing methods and theoretical conceptual frameworks. The majority of evaluation methods in this field are quantitative and semi-quantitative methods, which can be placed in two widely used categories, i.e. simulation-based methods and indexing-based methods. In the simulation-based approach, hydrological modeling and flood simulation are generally used. Methods based on indexing have been developed in different ways, but they generally follow the same principles and can be used to analyze the resilience of other types of risks in geographic areas.

Mrs Samaneh Riahi, Dr Amir Safari, Dr Seyed Musa Hisseini, Dr Ali Ahmadabadi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

In order to plan, manage and exploit water and land resources, awareness of the spatial variability of resources, as well as understanding the response behavior of the watershed in order to model physical processes, has an identical significant role. Due to its location in arid and semi-arid areas, special climatic and geomorphological conditions, Qom-Roud basin is prone to flash floods. Due to the lack of hydrometric and topographical data with high accuracy in the basin, the use of hydraulic models does not lead to accurate results of the hydraulic characteristics of floods. In such a situation, the methods based on the geomorphological features of the basin can be advantageous. In this article, Variable flood stage method (VFS) method is used, which combines the hydraulic characteristics of the river with the geomorphic characteristics of the basin in order to estimate the water depth in the river caused by floods with different return periods. The water depth was investigated for different return periods of two, five, ten, twenty-five, fifty and hundred years. In each period, the highest water depth was in the parts near the outlet and the lowest water depth was in the upstream parts of the river. The research illustrations there is a direct relationship between the depth of water and the area of the sub-basin. The results of this research can be used for basins without hydrometric and topographic statistics with high accuracy in order to estimate the peak speed and flood depth.

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