Volume 12, Issue 2 (11-2012)                   2012, 12(2): 483-500 | Back to browse issues page

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Alavi S A, Ghasemi M R, Mokhtari M, Gelalzadeh A R, Alipoor R. Fractures analysis of the Asmari reservoir rock in the Pazanan oil field (SW Iran). Journal title 2012; 12 (2) :483-500
URL: http://jsci.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1496-en.html
Abstract:   (8754 Views)
The Pazanan oil field is located in Dezful embayment, 150 km south east of Ahvaz and south east of Aghajari oil field. Aghajari formation has formed surface outcrop and also the Asmari formation with 7 reservoir layers is the main reservoir rock in this oil field. In this research high fractured areas in the Pazanan oil field have been analyzed based on subsurface date and utilization of subsurface analyzes method. It seem to be the Pazanan oil anticline is an asymmetric fold with high dip in south west limb and the middle parts have been distinguished as areas with potential of fractures development with respect to longitudinal Curvature. Geometrics analysis of this structure indicate that south west limb in more parts and north east limb in middle parts have been distinguished as areas with high fractures density. Axial bending (longitudinal) of the Pazanan anticline is because of growth and propagation and combining of separate anticlines shear zone result of strike slip faults motion and old strike slip structures.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Geology
Published: 2012/11/15

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