1- Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (7426 Views)
Anbaran inlier is located at the NW of Namin city. In the inlier Pre-Paleozoic roks surrounded by young Eosen and Cretaceouse rocks.To interpret the inlier deformation and its evolution model, geometry as well as kinematic characteristic its major structurs analysed for the first time. For the faults kinematic, indicator, such as slickenside, fault associated folds and S-C structure were used. The results of analysis show that the major structurs of inlier are the Anbaran and RF1 fault at its Norht and South margins.The high angle Anbaran and RF1 faults cause thrusting of the Pre-Paleozoic Biandor and Soltanieh formation in the core of inlier over the Eocen volcanic units and Cretaceouce limeston respectively.This resulted in development of a pop-up structure that form the present morphology of the region .The fault high angele dip, and deposition of Cretaceous sediments on its hanging wall provide evidence for the fault inversion.therefor the RF1 fault is considered as the inverted anbaran fault backthrust.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Geology Published: 2014/02/15