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Volume 10, Issue 3 (2-2010)

The septum and hippocampus act in concert to control anxiety. In the present study, the possible interaction between septal GABAergic and hippocampal dopaminergic systems in the elevated plus-maze test, an animal model of anxiety were examined. We found that a 10-ng infusion of GABAa receptor agonist, muscimol in the medial septum have an anxiolytic effect , whereas lower doses (2.5 and 5.0 ng) did not induce any effect. Micro-infusion of 1 ng/rat of Baclofen, GABAb receptor agonist into the same location decreased  open-arm exploration in the elevated plus-maze, but lower doses (0.1 and 0.5 ng ) did not. Intra dorsal-hippocampal infusions of dopamine D1/D2 receptor agonist, apomorphine had opposite effects on anxiety- like behavior in dose dependent manner. Lower dose of apomorphine (0.005 µg/rat) increased the percentage of open arm entries and open arm time, whereas higher dose (0.1µg/rat) decreased these parameters,but moderate doses of apomorphine (0.01, 0.05 µg/rat) could not alter the anxiety- like parameters. The infusion of combined sub(non)-effective doses of apomorphine(0.01µg)  and muscimol(2.5 ng) significantly reduced anxiety-like behavior, while co-infusion of sub(non)-effective doses of apomorphine and baclofen(0.1 ng) showed an anxiogenesis effect.The results may indicate that the hippocampal dopaminergic and septal gabaergic systems act synergistically in the modulation of anxiety and the involvement of dopamine is dose dependent.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (2-2010)

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) is a kind of acute Leukemia. L-Ascorbic Acid (L-AA) also known as Vitamin C has anti-oxidant properties. L-AA under certain conditions acts as a pro-oxidant and it has cytotoxic effect in high dose on different cell lines that this effect depends on its oxidation-reduction properties. Different experiments showed that anti-proliferation and anti- inflammation materials could influence the effect of such components and so decrease their resulting side effects. Regarding to anti-proliferative and anti-cancer Honey Bee Venom (BV), in this research, we examined the effect of BV on L-AA effect of function. The toxic and non-toxic concentrations of L-AA and BV on HL-60 cells were determined and then the effect of these two components individually and also in combination with each other on growth of HL-60 cells were assessed using Trypan blue stained cell counting and MTT assay. All experiments were done three times and data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test and Instate 3 soft ware. Our finding showed that both BV and L-AA caused cell death at high concentrations in a dose and time dependent manner in HL- these results, it may be suggested that non- toxic concentration of BV can increase anti-60 cells and they could inhibit proliferation of these cells at lower concentrations. L-AA in 0.1 mM concentration inhibited proliferation of HL-60 cells during 72 h and this inhibitory effect of L-AA significantly increased in combination with BV. On the basis of proliferation potency of L-AA on HL-60 cancer cell line.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2011)

Maize (Zea mays L) plants grown in hydroponic culture were treated with 0, 50 and 100&thinsp&mumCdCl2. Growth parameters and some biochemical changes were studied in roots and shoots of plants. The results showed that with increasing Cd concentration, root weight, pigment contents (chlorophyll a and b and total carotenoids), reduction of dichlorophenol indophenol, nitrate content and nitrate reductase activity were decreased, while free amino acide, non-protein thiols, endogenous H2O2 and malondealdyde as indicator lipid of peroxidation were increased.
, P Abrishamchi, M Lahoti,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2011)

Plant diseases especially plant viruses cause significant crop decrease. Meristem culture is the most important method for virus free plant production. The aim of this investigation was to establish an effective protocol for callus induction and plant regeneration from meristem culture of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var.premier) tissues. Calli were induced from axillary meristems of Solanum tuberosum L. (cv. Premier) on MS medium containing 2,4-D (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mg/l) and kinetin (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mg/l). MS medium with 2 mg/l 2,4-D and 1.5 mg/l kinetin, was effective for callus induction. Plantlets were regenerated after 9 weeks. In terms of shoot regeneration and its growth, 1 mg/l 2,4-D and 1.5 mg/l kinetin were the most effective treatment. Maximum number of leaves were produced by plantlets growing on MS medium containing 1 mg/l 2,4-D and 1 mg/l kinetin. High frequency of root formation and its growth were observed on the same medium.
F Mousavi, , A Majd, S Airian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2011)

Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) belongs to Simaroubaceae. It is a dioecious plant and its flowers are unisexual, but there are unfertile reproductive organs of opposite sex rudimentarily. In this study, the structure of flower and pollen grain and anther development especially in staminate flowers were studied using light and scanning electron microscopes. Results showed that each staminate flower contained 10 functional stamens and 5 sterile carpels without ovule and embryo sac. Pistillate flowers produce a gynocium with 3-5 carpels (mostly 5 carpels) and 10 abortive stamens without pollen sacs and pollen grains. The anther wall in staminate flowers is composed of epidermis, endothecium, 2-3 middle layers and glandular tapetum. Tapetal layer is multinucleate and elongate. The cytokinesis following meiosis is simultaneous, producing tetrahedral and rhomb-  shaped tetrads. Under SEM, pollen grains seems prolate, elliptic, isopolar and tricolporate. Exine sculpture is straite- reticulate.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of static magnetic field (o, 25, 50 and 75mT) and exposure time (15, 30 and 60 minutes) on Feoniculum vulgare seed germination.  Treatment of Foeniculum vulgare seeds in these magnetic fields increased the germination rat (GR), germination index (GI), germination rate coefficient (GRC), seedling length and seedling dry and fresh weight under laboratory germination tests. In germinating seeds, enzyme activities of &alpha-amylase, dehydrogenase and protease were significantly higher in treated seeds in contrast to controls. The higher enzyme activity in magnetic-field-treated Feoniculum vulgare seeds could be triggering the fast germination and early vigor of seedlings.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

The taxonomy and morphology of 24 Salvia atropatana Bunge (Lamiaceae) accessions were studied in Iran. The morphological variations are mostly related to the indumentum and trichome frequency in surface and base of stem, leaf length, form of leaf margin, indumentum of leaf surface, form of bract margin, indumentum of bracteole surface, indumentum of calyx surface, corolla length, indumentum of corolla surface and style length. The cluster analysis based on Euclidian Distance Coefficient and SPSS V.11.5 software was used to determine the infra-specific relationships. The results of cluster analysis show diversity among the accessions of this species. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the morphological variability of S. atropatana accessions is due to the polymorphism, and infra-specific hybridization. 

Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

Aluminum toxicity is one of the most important limiting factors for plant growth and development in acidic soil (pH <5.5). Soil acidity and consequently availability of Al in the soil can be accelerated by some farming practices and acid rain. The mechanisms of Aluminum toxicity have not been elucidated yet. The first response of the plant to aluminium toxicity is the inhibition of root elongation, that is apparently resulted from increasing of cell wall cross links. Therefore, the effect of aluminium on activity and gene expression of enzymes involved in phenolic compounds biosynthesis such as phenylalanine ammonialyase and peroxidase was investigated in this research.To this end, the flax seeds grown in Hoagland’s solution were treated with 0, 50 and 100 &muM aluminium (as AlCl3. 6H2O). The results showed that aluminium decreased root growth but increased wall bound phenolics content, compared with those of the control plants. Increase of the activity of peroxidase especially in ionically and covalently fractions in Al-treated roots was consisted with reducing root growth.  Increased activity, PAL expression and lignin contents were observed in higher concentrations of aluminum. The investigation of the expression of peroxidase isozymes, Flxper1 and Flxper3 suggested that Flxper3 is the isozyme which is more involved in aluminium toxicity in flax roots.  
Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

In order to cytogenetically study on some populations of Foeniculum vulgare, karyotypes of 11 populations were analyzed. According to basic chromosome number, the species were 2n=22. According to Stebbins categorization populations foreign 1, Oromie and Lorestan were classified in symmetric class of 1A , populations Shiraz, Yazd, foreign 2, Fozveh Najafabad and Ebnesina were classified in 2A , Esfahan in 1B and Hamedan and Boshehr in 2B. Based on inter and intra chromosomal variations Hamedan and Boshehr which have the most asymmetric and evolutionary, karyotype-sis classified in the B class. Using the biplot of populations, based on two parameters of A1 and A2, and symmetry types of Stebbins, the same results were obtained. Using principal component analysis, the first two components justified %77.47 of total va-riance. In the first components, the arm ratio of long arm/short arm, %TF and A1 which had the highest coefficients of eigenvalues were the most important traits. In the second component, the ratio of the longest chromosome to shortest chromosome, A2 and length of shortest chromosome had the most important role for total variation. By cutting dendrogram resulted from cluster analysis (Ward) in metric distance of 5, the populations were classified into three groups. The furthest distances were obtained between Esfahan and Fozveh Najafabad, which indicates the least affinity between them. The shortest metric distance values were obtained between Najafabad and Lo-restan. The diagram of population's dispersion, based on two first components, grouped in three separated classes, which is in confirmation with the results of cluster analysis.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

Manesht and Ghalarang protected region with an area of 29146 hectares (ha) is located in the north part of Ilam province, between 33°34'27" and 33°48'32" northern latitudes and 46°20'31" and 46°38'45" eastern longitudes. The altitude of the area ranges from 1105 to 2650 m. The total annual rain is 536.2 mm and the median annual temperature is 17.43 °C. Manesht and Ghalarang protected area is a mountainous area of Zagros Range Mountains. According to the studies done, Manesht and Ghalarang protected area comprise of seven watersheds. In this study, the flora of Shalam watershed with an area of 4467 ha, has been studied. Totally, 221 taxa (species, subspecies and variety) were collected that belong to 219 species, 150 genera and 46 families. Results showed that from 219 species are known in this area 29 monocotyledones and 190 dicotyledones were determined. Asteraceae with 35, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae with 19, and Brassicaceae and Poaceae with 17 species were the families with the highest number of species. Throphyta 44.80%, Hemicryptophyta 32.58%, Geophyta 11.76%, Phanerophyta 6.33% and Chamaephyta 3.17% are the life forms in the area. The most extended chorotype with 141 taxa (63.80%) is related to Irano-Turanian region
, ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (10-2011)

Plants from papilionoideae Subfamily of fabaceae family have a papilionoid flower. Glycyrrhiza glabra is an important plant of this family and is a perennial and bushy plant which includes raceme inflorescences with blue or dark violet flowers. Flower has synsepalous calyx with five lobes that at adaxial surface has secretory hairs. Corolla has three kinds of petals: a vexillium, two wings and two keels. In contrast to other petals, wings have secretory locules more and are darker in color. Keels do not attach to each other. Androecium is decamerous, diadelphous, heteromorphy. Anther characters are: tetrasporange, extrorse, longitudinal dehiscence, four wall layers, simultaneous cytokinesis, secretory taptum and sheroidal pollen. Gynoecium is monocarpate with campilotropous and crossinucelate ovules, open style and disk shaped stigma. Secretory thricomes are seen on the outer side of sepals. Fruit is pod with 2-5 seeds, which even at maturity stage has secretory thricomes. Eventually, it seems that flower color, its papilionoid structure, numerous secretory thricomes on ovary wall, sepals and wings are important charachters at insect attraction.
Abdoljavad Taherizadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2011)

Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and M be a unital R-module. Then the concept of quasi-secondary submodules of M is introduced and some results concerning this class of submodules is obtained
Esmaeil Babolian, Ar Vahidi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2011)

In this paper, we conduct a comparative study between the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and Adomian’s decomposition method (ADM) for analytic treatment of nonlinear Volterra integral equations, and we show that the HPM with a specific convex homotopy is equivalent to the ADM for these type of equations.

S Bazm, Esmaeil Babolian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2011)

In this paper, we use operational matrices of piecewise constant orthog-
onal functions on the interval [0,1] to solve fractional differential , integral
and integro-differential equations without solving any system. We first ob-
tain Laplace transform of the problem and then we find numerical inversion
of Laplace transform by operational matrices. Numerical examples show
that the approximate solutions have a good degree of accuracy.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2011)

The main purpose of this article is to present an approximate solution for the two-dimensional nonlinear Volterra integral equations using Legendre orthogonal polynomials. First, the two-dimensional shifted Legendre orthogonal polynomials are defined and the properties of these polynomials are presented. The operational matrix of integration and the product operational matrix are introduced. These properties together with the Gauss-Legendre nodes are then utilized to transform the given integral equation to the solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Also, an estimation of the error is presented. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the new technique.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2011)

Habit and pollen morphology were studied in four taxa belonging to Astragalus sect. Macrophyllium in Iran. Data obtained from pollen morphology support the phenetic grouping based on habit morphology. In addition, meiotic chromosome number and behavior were analyzed in two species of the section. The species were cytogenetically analyzed and found to be tetraploid and possess a 2n = 4x = 32 chromosome number consistent with the proposed base number of x = 8 for the section from the check list of Legumes of Northern Eurasia. The taxa displayed an almost regular bivalent pairing and chromosome segregation at meiosis. However, some meiotic abnormalities observed here included varied degrees of chromosome stickiness and laggards in telophase I and II, asynchronous nuclei in telophase I, multipolar cells and cytomixis.
, Hamide Eskandari Torbaghan,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2-2011)

This study presents the electric behavior of sandwich devices based on porous silicon (PS) thin films with Au/Ps/Si/Cu structure when the material’s surface is exposed to different gases. PS thin films were fabricated by the electrochemical anodization method of Si–c (100) substrates with resistivity 1.4-2.6 Ωcm. Samples were anodized in a solution of HF (48%), C2H5OH (99.98%) and distilled water with different current densities, etching time(t) and anodization length(L). They exhibit a different behavior after anodization process. This behavior can be explained by band gap measurement on   graph. In this research, measurement of I-V and I-T characteristics were carried out at different conditions, in the presence of O2, N2 and Co2 gases for gas sensing construction. The best response to gas exposure belonged to these parameters: current density= 20 mA/cm2 ،t = 1800 S ، PH = 1.869 and L = 4 cm.
Peyman Najafi Moghadam, Ehsan Nazarzadeh Zare,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2-2011)

Conducting polyaniline (PANI) nano particles doped with HCl were synthesized by a sonochemical method. Polyaniline/Poly (styrene- alt-maleic acid)/Polystyrene sulfonic acid nano composites with different polyaniline content were developed by solution-dispersion blending method. The influence of Poly (styrene-alt-maleic acid) (PSMAC) and polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSS) concentration in nano composite structure was investigated. The composite dispersed solution in tetrahydrofurane (THF) cast to fabricate conductive films with evaporation of the solvent. With only a mixing procedure and without any dispersant added, the PANI nanoparticles were well dispersed in the matrix polymer as indicated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The conductivity of obtained nano composites was measured with four probe technique. All of obtained nano composites have conductivity and between them, the maximum electrical conductivity was 3 S/cm. The obtained nano composites were characterized by FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopiess.
F N, Mt Mt,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2-2011)

In this paper, we analyze, near infra red images of the central region of the local group galaxy M33.  These images were obtained in K band with the UFTI instrument, installed on the UKIRT telescope. This is a part of a bigger project started in 2003 with an aim to investigate RGB and AGB stars in M33. K band magnitude was obtained for 18509 stars by fitting appropriate PSF models to stellar profiles in the images. ‎The ‎final ‎catalogue ‎was ‎obtained ‎by ‎ calibrating ‎instrumental ‎magnitude ‎to ‎standard‎ ‎system.‎ Cross correlation methods was manipulated to assign J-K color index to each star. A color magnitude diagram was plotted which represents population of RGB, AGB and Carbon stars  in the core of M33 galaxy

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