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Showing 2 results for Balb C Mice

Volume 8, Issue 1 (12-2009)

Oxime is an important functional group in organic chemistry which can protect carboxilic groups and are applied as insecticides, fungicide and acaricides. It has been reported that some members of oxime family decrease spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Due to the similar structure of tolualdoxime with other oximes, in this study we evaluated the effects of tolualdoxime on spermatogenesis in order to achieve a male contraceptive compound with minimum side effects. LD50 standard was found 350 mg/kg B.W. In this research mature mice received 175 mg/kg /B.W. a daily single dose for two weeks .The analysis of results showed significant decrease in different parameters (p<0.05) in the experimental group compared with the controls. The results observed are as follows: decrease in body weight and the number of spermatogonia, primary spermatocyts, spermatids and sperms. In addition, in some experimental groups, spermatid cysts and release of primary spermatocytes, and spermatids into the lumen of seminiferous tubules were observed.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (10-2009)

Diazinon is a contact organophosphorous pesticide which has a wide range of insecticidal application. In this study the effects of diazinon 60% EC (Emulsifiable concentrate) on oogenesis and ovary structure of mature and immature Balb/C mice were assessed. Olive oil was used as solvent. The lethal dose (LD50) was estimated as 68 mg/kgB.W. Mice were divided into three groups: control, sham and experimental. In experimental groups of mature (>50 days old) and immature (~30 days old), 40 mg/kgB.W of diazinon 60% EC were injected intraperitoneally once a day for 7 days. In sham groups, the same amount of olive oil were injected once a day for 7 days. 8 days after the first injection in mature mice and three weeks after the first injection in immature mice, the animals were sacrificed and ovaries were removed and studied macroscopically and microscopically. 5 micrometer serial sections of ovary were made and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Then, results were analyzed statistically. In the experimental groups of mature and immature mice, no significant alteration in the weight of ovary and blood level of FSH and LH were observed when compared with control groups. Significant decreases (P<0.05 & P < 0.01 & P < 0.001) in the body weight, the number of primordial, primary and growing follicles, corpus luteum and its cells and the diameter of the Graffian follicles and their oocytes and nuclei, theca and granulosa layers and also the diameter of the corpus luteum and the blood levels of estrogen and progestin were observed respectively when compared with control groups. Also, significant increases (P<0.05 & P < 0.01 & P < 0.001) in the number of Graffian and atretic follicles and the diameter of ovaries were observed respectively when compared with control groups.

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