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Mica chemistry and metamorphism in garnet-micaschists of Haji-Qara high, North of Golpayegan (15529 Views)
Simulation of Nitrate Transport in Groundwater: Lenjanat Plain, Isfahan (14941 Views)
Analysis of Split Bregman Method for Solving the Optimal Control Problem with Elliptic Partial Differential Equation Constraint (14338 Views)
Study of germination ecology of mesquite (Prosopis farcta) (14058 Views)
Deformation Evidence for Regional, Contact and Dynamic Metamorphism in Aliabad Damagh Shear Zone (Hamadan) (13699 Views)
Floristic study of forests Kasf (Khorasan Razavi) (13349 Views)
Deformation Evidences and Shear Zone in Marziyan Granitic Pluton, Azna, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (13332 Views)
Spatial Variation of Fractal Parameters in Central Alborz, Iran (13019 Views)
The rodingitization of gabbroic bodies in the southeast of Sahneh (west of Iran) with emphasis on mineral reaction and isotope geochemistry (13004 Views)
Investigation of nickel toxicity effect on different aspects of photosynthesis and growth in maize seedlings (12870 Views)
Inductive Effect of IDE1 on Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs) Into Definitive Endoderm Cells by Using PCL Electrospun Scaffold (12267 Views)
The Effect of acid rain on growth and physiological responses of wheat plant (12074 Views)
Comparison of structural and ultrastructural differences and similarities of hair and feather follicles (12056 Views)
Performance of dead Fucus serratus biomass in binary Biosorption of Cd (II) and Ni (II) from aqueous solutions (11928 Views)
Abstract (11729 Views)
Biostratigraphy of Eocene Sedimentary Rocks Based on Alveolina in East Lut Block, Iran (10913 Views)
روش هم محلی چندجمله ای های لژاندر برای تقریب جواب معادلات انتگرال- دیفرانسیل فردهلم خطی با تأخیر زمانی (10843 Views)
Distribution of Mycorrhizal Populations in Tandooreh National Park in relation to Calcium and Potassium in vitro (10585 Views)
Investigation of AC and DC Electrical Properties and Surface Morphology of Al/TiO2/PSi/Al Nanostructure (10525 Views)
Numerical solution of the nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra-Hammerstein integro-differential equations via Bessel functions (9628 Views)
Effect of cold stress on variable chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), lipid peroxidation, chlorophyll and proline content in Arabidopsis thaliana L. (9377 Views)
Numerical Solution of Fuzzy Differential Equation by Runge-Kutta Method (9252 Views)
تا (9219 Views)
The study of saponin contents in the aerial parts and roots of three Silene L. species (9168 Views)
The effects of Oliganum aqueous extraction during pregnancy and lactation on the learning behavior and memory near rat newborns (9152 Views)
Comparison effect of magnetic field and salicylic acid on Melisa officinalis under UV-B stress (9056 Views)
Investigating the Variation of Activated Carbon Adsorbents’ Particle Size and Its Effect on Equilibrium Time and Nickel Ions’ Removal Efficiency from Aqueous Solutions (8965 Views)
The effects of time and method of processing on nutritional value of gammarus (Pontogammarus maeoticus) (8931 Views)
The Effect of Drought Stress on Soluble Sugar, Total Protein, Proline, Phenolic Compound, Chlorophyll Content and rate Reductase Activity in Soybean (Glycine max (8799 Views)
Geochemistry, Origin and Geodynamic environment Intrusion Zaker - Sorkheh Dizaj in the Southern Limb of the Tarom Subzone, East of Zanjan (8586 Views)
The study of antimutation and anticarcinogen activity of triterpenoids presented in apple peel( Ursolic Acid and oleanolic acid) by the use of Ames test. (8512 Views)
Numerical solution of fractional Volterra integro-differential equations via the rationalized Haar functions (8364 Views)
Main Recent Fault related Active Tectonic around Rudbar- Lorestan Dam Site (8332 Views)
Investigation of optical properties of MgO thin films prepared by sol-gel method (8289 Views)
Effects of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate on metabolic diversity of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) fingerlings hindgut anaerobic bacterial by using community level physiological profile (8285 Views)
Study of Species Diversity of Macrophytes in Mazandaran Province, Iran (8239 Views)
Solving Fredholm Integral Equations with Bernstein Multi-Scaling Functions‎ (8184 Views)
A comparison between the homotopy perturbation method and Adomian’s decomposition method for solving nonlinear Volterra integral equations (8163 Views)
Pollen morphology study of Salvia sect. Plethiosphace and S. sect. Hemisphace in Iran (8153 Views)
Detection of Escherichia coli and Enteroccocus faecalis Indices in Groundwater Sources by Membrane Filter and MPN Techniques (8028 Views)
Numerical taxonomy of the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) emphasizing the groups D and E of Flora Iranica in Northeast of Iran (8007 Views)
Numerical taxonomy and morphology of the stigma of the genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) in Iran (7964 Views)
The Effect of Graphene Nano-ribbon Chirality on the Transmission Coefficient and Energy Gap (7937 Views)
Application of GIS and DSS in Selection of Proper Areas for Floodwater Spreading in Meimeh Basin (7930 Views)
Petrography and Petrology of metapelites in middle part of sanandaj – sirjan zone (North of Golpayegane – East of Khomein) (7895 Views)
Polymerization of Acryric Acid co Acrylamide Hydrogel by Ultrasound (7837 Views)
Direct Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential, Integral and Integro-differential Equations by Using Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform (7791 Views)
Spectrophotometric Study of Charge-Transfer Complexes of DDQ with Some Benzophenones in Chloroform Solution (7746 Views)
Calculation of Transmission Coefficient and Current density for Symmetric Triangular Double Quantum Wells (7647 Views)
Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Meristem Culture of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (7606 Views)
Total Sum: 2490693

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