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Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Seyed Vahid Seyedazizi, Sahar Bala Khiyavi, Ali Keshtiaray,
Volume 21, Issue 26 (12-2023)

The researchers conducted the present study with the aim of investigating the pain and muscle disorders of patients with covid-19 with people who have experienced it. The research was applied and comparative. Samples were calculated using G-power of 303 people, and sports teachers were excluded from the research. The Nordic questionnaire was provided to Ardabil education and training employees after the investigation, the number of people with one year of identification and the number of 113 people with the age range of 30 to 45 years reported no reduction. Then, musculoskeletal disorders of 9 body areas in both groups were evaluated using descriptive statistics and chi-square test at a significance level of 0.01. The muscle pain of the affected group was significantly (P<0.01) higher than that of the healthy group, and also based on the chi-square test, the amount of back and neck pain was 52% and 45%, respectively, in affected people compared to other organs. It was more meaningful. (P<0.01) noticed that there was no significant difference between the pain and discomfort of different organs in the non-observed group. Corona patients may experience pain, and the cause of it in the Nordic questionnaire, in addition to physical abnormalities and excessive muscle disease, can be from Corona disease; Therefore, the Nordic questionnaire should be used.

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