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Showing 4 results for Kinesiotaping

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Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Objective: KinesioTaping is a method for rehabilitation of patients and athletes.
The efficacy of taping to enhance proprioception precision and balance has
been studied. The effects on skin sensory receptors and limb consciousness
are mechanisms of taping but there is an important question that if the persons
pay attention to other task the effectiveness of taping is still exists or not?
Materials and Methods: Ten healthy persons with average age of 28±3/3
years¸ height of 161±4/1cm and weight of 52±14/1kg participated in this study.
The index of stability was assessed in five conditions standing on the BIODEX
ISOKIETIC Instrument. The examination five conditions were as following
order.1-standing barefoot for 20 second (dominant foot).2-standing and dual
tasking for 20 second.(Reverse numbering from digits between 100-150). 3-
standing with taping on proneal muscles for 20 second.4-standing with taping
and dual tasking for 20 second.5-first condition was repeated. Results:
However¸ there was not any significant difference between the Stability Index
(SI) of the test conditions in this study but the pattern of changes showed that
when volunteers performed dual task with or without tape the stability index
improved. Improvement of SI with taping was not considerable. Conclusion:
Taping has a little positive effect on stability but effects of dual tasking were
coincided with the non-linear U-shaped pattern of dual tasking effect. It means
that stability was improved by the dual tasking used in this study which may be
too light to decrease stability of the subjects. This finding showed that triple
reverse numbering is not enough difficulties to attention demand interferes the
stability of the subjects.

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Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Introduction: This research aimed to compare two methods of kinesiotaping
and stretching of upper trapezius muscle in treatment of neck pain due to
forward head posture.
Research Methods: Design of this research was semi-experimental. 36
subjects (29 female and 7 men) with forward head posture between 20-40 years
of age with no history of neck pain due to vertebral fracture, disc herniation,
tumors, radicular pain to hands and arthritis rheumatoid were selected for this
research and assigned randomly into 2 groups with 18 subjects. One group
received kinesiotaping treatment and the other group received stretching upper
trapezius muscle treatment. Subjects received 10 treatment sessions 3 times
per week. All subjects completed visual analog scale (VAS) and neck disability
index (NDI) pre and post-tests. The data were analyzed with significant level of
p≤0/05. Data were analyzed by SPSS 15. Statistical paired t- test were used to
analyze effects of kinesiotaping and stretching of upper trapezius muscle in
reduction of neck pain and disability due to forward head posture in each group
and independent t- test were used to compare the kinesiotaping with stretching
of upper trapezius muscle in reduction of neck pain and disability due to forward
head posture.

Results: The results of the present research indicated that there is a significant
reduction in severity of neck pain and disability in both groups (P<0.05), But
there is no significant difference between two groups in severity of neck pain
and disability (P>0.05).
Conclusion: This research showed that either kinesiotaping or stretching of
upper trapezius muscle reduced severity of neck pain and disability due to
trigger points of upper trapezius muscle significantly. Also findings of this
research showed that there is no significant difference between kinesiotaping or
stretching of upper trapezius muscle in reduction of severity of neck pain and
disability. Therefore kinesiotaping can be used in case of vigorous pain either in
patient under other treatment methods or in patient who cannot tolerate
techniques like stretching or ischemic pressure until tolerable pain threshold.

Nafise-Sadat Shahamiri, Dr Mohammad-Ali Soleiman-Fallah, Dr Foad Feizolahi,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)

The aim of this study is the effect of one period core stability exercise with and without kinesio taping on biomechanical effective factors in lower cross syndrome on female. 36 female between 30 to 40 were randomly divided in to 3 groups (control, with taping and without taping).  each group consist 12 participant. To measure Pelvic slope, Hip and Knee ROM, Isometric strength of flexors and extensors, Abdominal muscle endurance, Flexibility of spine extensors, Endurance of core muscles, respectively was used Inclinometer, Goniometer, Dynamometer, Body flection test, Body straightening test and Planck test to the side. To evaluate research hypotheses, if there is a significant difference between them we was used analysis of covariance test and multiple comparison in averages with post hoc bonferroni test. The result of the survey indicate that  difference between taping and control groups were significant in pelvic slope, hamstring and rectus femoris flexibility, knee and hip flexors muscle strength )p≥0/05(. Difference between without taping and control groups were significant in pelvic slope, rectus femoris and spine extensors flexibility (p≥0/05(. Difference between with and with¬out taping groups were significant in hamstring and iliopsoas flexibility, knee flexors, hip flexors, extensors, adductors strength, core muscles endurance )p≥0/05(. The results show that training with taping has an effective role on reducing lower cross syndrome. So it is suggested that taping can be used as an non-aggressive and low-cost method at the same time with exercise.

Reza Khazaei, Dr Mansour Sahebozamani, Dr Abdolhamid Daneshjoo,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)

 Postural disorders disrupt muscle activity and lead to joint dysfunction. Maintaining the function of the shoulder joint requires precise coordination and on-time action of muscles, and its dysfunction lead to change in the level of muscle activity, movement disorder. This study aimed to measure the effects of corrective exercise program with kinesiotaping and physio-ball and durability of these effects after 4 weeks on EMG of serratus anterior, middle trapezius and rhomboids major muscles among male young with upper crossed syndrome. Forty-five male young with upper crossed syndrome (control group: age:17.00±0.75, height 163.93±2.01, weight 65.20±6.51، BMI 25.10±2.76, corrective exercise with physio-ball: age 16.93±0.88, height 161.66±6.85 ,weight 63.40±10.09، BMI 26.84±3/04, corrective exercise with kinesiotaping: age 17.00± 0.92, height 161.53±7.25, weight 62.86±6/81, BMI 27.88±3/84) objectively selected and participated in this study. The training program designed based on the previous studies and conducted during 8 weeks, three sessions per week (each session 40 to 60 minutes) under the supervision of the examiner. EMG device was used to measure of the MVIC electrical activity of trapezius, rhomboids and serratus anterior muscle during external and internal rotation and extension of shoulder. After 4 weeks of the training, the post-tests were repeated.The one way ANCOVA was showed that the amount of electrical activity of the selected shoulder girdle muscles after eight weeks of testing in both experimental groups in the post-test and after one month inactivity test were significantly improved than the pre-test Group corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p= 0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,15.79%  and rhomboids major p=0.001,14.81%), corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,21.62% and rhomboids major p=0.001,20%) and durability in group of corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%،, middle trapezius p=0.001, 7.9% and rhomboids major p=0.001, 7.4%) durability in group corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%, middle trapezius p=0.001،16.2 % and rhomboids major p=0.001, 8%).  Considering the results of the present research, it can be stated that corrective exercise programs with kinesio taping and physioball have an effect on the electrical activity and durability of selected shoulder girdle muscles and And these effects are lasting even after 4 weeks. It is suggested to use this program of corrective exercises for male students with upper crossed syndrome to improve their shoulder girdle muscles strength.

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