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Showing 2 results for Quadriceps Muscle

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Volume 12, Issue 8 (10-2014)

As one of the most famous martial arts karate kata and kumite are two main ]1[. Different techniques when doing sports, including quadriceps muscles and joints (knee extensor muscles) and joint use. In this study, called the internal and external obliques broad kata and kumite athletes dominant leg when the two techniques were compared Znkutsudachi and Movashi Gray. Therefore, local and wide flat external obliques muscle activity during the two techniques in the dominant leg Karate Twenty healthy female elite athletes, (mean age 21/8) were recorded. After the onset of muscle activity was determined and the results of data processing using statistical techniques to design a mixed ANOVA between groups and within groups were examined. The results showed that flattened the internal oblique muscle Znkutsudachi techniques in kumite athletes Katakaran to be done first.

Dr Mostafa Haj Lotfalian, Dr Heydar Sadeghi, Mr Soroosh Bagheri,
Volume 21, Issue 25 (9-2023)

The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the difference between inside kick, outside kick, toe foot kick and cheap kick with maximum effort, in some parameters associated with the electromyographic activity of the quadriceps muscle. Eight skilled collegiate soccer players volunteered as subjects in the study. These variables were included the average and maximum activation, activation time (AT), the time which the muscles reached to zenith activity (ZAT) and work (W). In order to calculate electromyography of selected muscles contain, RectusFemuris, VastusMedialis and VastusLateralis, ME6000 apparatus with 1080 Hz sample rate was used. Paired sample t-test was used to analyze data. The results indicate similarity between outside and toe foot kicks in average and maximum activity, activation time and work. thus there was no significant difference in electromyographic activity of the quadriceps muscles between these two kicks. But in many parameters, these two kicks were different with inside and cheap kicks. In a nutshell, according to the results, it can be said, quadriceps muscles during various kicks, adapting different trend of contraction which are dependent on the position of the muscles and limbs interaction during soccer kick. And outside kick could be created maximum stimulation in quadriceps.

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