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Showing 2 results for Sport Talent

Phd Kia Ranjbar,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

Introduction: The purpose of the present study is to introduce and examine several genes that are related to people's sports performance and can be effective in their selection and selection in their favorite sports field. Various factors of physical fitness and training ability have been investigated along with the risk of sports injury and mental fitness of athletes.
Findings: The sports performance of people and the monitoring of sports exercises have been influenced by the vast genetic map and environmental interventions. In the present study, the performance of the aerobic system with the ACE gene and its different alleles, the strength and power performance of people with the ACTN3 gene, and the risk of injury of people with different genes such as COL1A1, COL5A1, Tenascin (TNC), apolipoprotein E and blood groups were investigated. It is a prediction; also, the trainability and mental preparation of people in the talent search process can be predicted and possibly measured by genetic knowledge. On the other hand, using the knowledge of genetics and genetic profiles of athletes can be useful for detecting genetic and cellular doping and help organizations that work in the prevention of doping, such as WADA.
Conclusion: The combination of genetic knowledge and environmental interventions play an effective role not only in discussing an athlete's talent, but also in monitoring and improving their performance. While genetics can play a significant role, the prediction of sports success based on genetic knowledge has been limited to a specific set of genes. However, developing this knowledge and identifying more genes that can aid in talent identification and exercise monitoring requires further research.

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Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Introduction: Different sports require athletes with special shape and size.
Findings of researches have reported the relationship between somatotype
components and athletic performance, similarity of somatotype of junior and
senior athletes in the same sport and, consistency of somatotype through
lifespan. In according to the fact that, somatotype is related to genetic factors
and not influenced by training and nutrition, this index can be helpful in
identification of talents. Lack of investigation examining somatotype profile of
Iranian population, the aim of present study was to describe somatotype profile
of Iranian 9-13 years old boys of country provinces in martial sports.
Methodology: present investigation is descriptive and field study. Population is
9-13 years old boys who participated in Basij Sport Organization leisure time
programs. Sample includes 1726 boys in that age rang. Anthropometric
characteristics were measured using ISAK instruction and somatotpye was
assessed using Heath-Carter method.
Findings: results showed that Ectomorphic component of Iranian boys was 3.1,
Mesomorphy was 4.1 and Endomorphic was 3.1. also revealed that the Iranian
9-13 years old boys have balanced mesomorph somatotype.
Discussion: based on previous researches, elite Karateka in worldwide top
teams like Germany have Ectomorph-Mesomorph type, also somatotype of elite
taekwondo ka is Ectomorph-Mesomorph too and in Judo somatotype of elite
athletes is Balanced Mesomorphy. Based on the finding of present study the
boys of Ilam, Fars, Qazvin, Qom, Lorestan, Khorasan Razavi and Yazd have
Ectomorph-Mesomorph somatotype and, boys in Mazandaran, Kerman,
Kemanshah, Kurdestan, Markazi, Azarbayjan Sharghi, Khouzestan and
Bousher provinces have balanced mesomorph somatotye.

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