Using appropriate devices and scientific methods can accelerate the process of sport talent identification and development to achieve championship level, and could also provide condition in which capable and talented athletes obtain highest level performance rapidly, so they will have long life championship. Former researches in scope of sport talent identification usually have been done in order to determine or normalize effective parameters. The purpose of this study was to design football talent identification algorithm based on fuzzy logic which classifies the football athletes. Due to expert opinion, essential parameters of football talent identification which also used in this software are; Cardio respiratory capacity (Physiology), Agility (Ability of motion), Dribble (technical skill) and Motivation (psychology). Norms of elite football player teenagers (14-16 yrs) are also used as index. Then with considering parameters and index, a fuzzy algorithm is designed which classifies football players in Unmatched, Semi-matched, Matched, Brilliant and Rare class. These results can help trainers and coaches in order to select talented and capable football players. In validation and reliability, records of elite junior Brazilian and Portuguese soccer have compared with norms of Iranian elite soccer.