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Showing 3 results for Validity

, , ,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Technology can provide safety in physical practices and improving the
performance of these activities, so manufacturing of equipments for these
purposes has been considered widely. The aim of the present paper was design
and fabrication of three-axis accelerometer. hree acceleration sensors, three
gyroscopes for angular velocity measurement, a microcontroller for converting
analog data to digital, a semiconductor memory for storing the sampled data, a
rechargeable battery and a spreadsheet in MATLAB environment have been
used. In order to examine the validity of fabricated instrument, the earth gravity
acceleration in three perpendicular axes have been measured and compared
with 9.8m/S2. In order to examine the reliability of the fabricated accelerometer
the ICC and test-re-test method have been used. The results showed that the
accelerometer has both reliability and validity. Due to its special features, it
enables us to sample in the offline mode and wireless manner. Such system
may be used for

Rasol Rezaei, , , ,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (10-2013)

The aim of this study was designing a specific upper body anaerobic power test for wrestlers and determining validity, reliability and objectivity of the designed test. In order to assess the anaerobic power of wrestlers on the basis of upper body Wingate test, Twenty two wrestlers (age=23/40±3/20 year, height=173/13±6/97 cm, weight=74/55±3/88 kg) of Tehran wrestling team (most of them were Asian champion) were participated in this study. Mean, maximum and minimum of anaerobic power and fatigue indices assessed by both tests. In order to analysis the correlation between power indices and physiological indices (blood lactate and heart rate), Pearson correlation has been used, and the differences between blood lactate after 2 min in both tests assessed. The result indicated that there was significant correlation between maximum (p=0/001 r=0/739), mean (p=0/001 r=0/670) and minimum (p=0/01 r=0/650) of power and fatigue indices (p=0/003 r=0/610) obtained by designed test and Wingate test. The result showed that there was significant correlation between heart rate immediately after doing both tests (p=0/001, r=0/705) and also the result show that there was not significant correlation between blood lactate after 2 min. of doing both tests (p=0/07 r=0/353). Statistical analyses also showed no difference between the blood lactate after 2 min of doing both tests. Analyzing the validity of designed test, revealed that there was significant correlation between max (p=0/000 r=0/840), mean (p=0/000 r=0/861) and minimum (p=0/000 r=0/830) power and fatigue indices (p=0/000 r=772) after performing twice of designed test. In analysis objectively of the designed test, the result revealed that there was significant correlation between max (p=0/000 r=0/832), mean (p=0/000 r=0/858) and minimum (p=0/000 r=0/805) power and fatigue indices (p=0/000 r=0/832) which was done by two different tester. It can be concluded that in respect to Wingate upper body test, the designed test in this study is valid and reliable test to measure the anaerobic power of wrestlers.

S K Mousavi Sadati,
Volume 17, Issue 18 (12-2019)

The most commonly used empirical approach to address issues of attention constraint is evaluate the degree of interference in dual or multiple tasks. The purpose of this study was designing software to estimate the relative interference between multiple tasks and determine its validity in performance prediction of simultaneous multiple tasks. in order to assess the validity of software, 46 students with a driving certificate from East Tehran branch of Islamic Azad University were selected by available sampling method, the response time to the visual and auditory stimulus of participants during driving in different conditions was measured by using software and hardware installed on their cars, and then relative interference in the above mentioned conditions was estimated by using relative interference software. The result of pearson correlation analysis showed that there is a high, meaningful and direct correlation between the amount of estimated relative interference with the software and measured participants' response time in different driving conditions (r=0.95, p≤0.01). Therefore, the designed software can be used to predict the amount of interference between two or more simultaneous tasks.

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