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Showing 18 results for Function

Allahyar Arabmomeni, Marzieh Ramazani,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

 Rectal prolapse is a complication arising from internal sphincter dysfunction causing significant challenges. A primary factor in its development is pelvic floor muscle weakness. Accordingly, the present study aimed to compare the effects of core stabilization functional, EMS, and combined exercises on muscle strength and endurance of the pelvic floor in patients with rectal prolapse. In this semi-experimental study, with a design pre and post-test and a control group, 48 women with rectal prolapse in Isfahan with an average age=45.2 years and a BMI=26.2 kg/m2, were selected and divided into 4 groups(n= 12); Functional training, EMS training, Combined training and Control randomly. Functional training protocol consisted of 9 movements, 3 sessions per week and each session lasted for 30 minutes in the first week and gradually increased to 90 minutes in the 8 week. Also, EMS trainings were carried out for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week for 40 minutes, using EMS and Biofeedback devices. Furthermore, the combined training protocol was implemented for 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week (in each session, at first EMS training and then functional training) for 40 minutes according to the overload principle. Strength and endurance of pelvic floor muscles were measured before and after the exercise program. In order to analyze the data, multivariate covariance and post hoc Bonferroni tests were used using SPSS 26 software at a significant level (P≥0.05). The results of the study showed a significant increase in the strength and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles in EMS and combined exercise groups (P≥0.05). However, in the functional exercises group, although an increase in the strength of the pelvic floor muscles was observed, this increase was not significant (p≥0.05). Also, the changes caused by the combined group on the variables were significantly more than the groups of functional and EMS exercises alone (P≥0.05). These results show the effect of electrical stimulation along with functional training on increasing the endurance and strength of the pelvic floor muscles, which, as a result, improves rectal prolapse. Therefore, it is suggested that sports therapy centers, doctors, and therapists use these methods, especially combined exercises, to improve rectal prolapse.
Seyed Mohammad Hossini, Ali Keshtiaray, Mostafa Hossein Shahid,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

Introduction and purpose: Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. Since it is difficult for people with back pain to bear weight, a treatment that can strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region while bearing weight without pain is of great interest. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare the effect of eight weeks of traditional resistance training and TRX on the performance of people with non-specific chronic back pain.
Research method: 45 football players aged 20 to 30 years with chronic back pain were purposefully selected and placed in 3 groups, TRX exercises, traditional exercises and a control group of 15 people each. Before and after the training period, performance variable was evaluated by square test, and trunk endurance was evaluated by Magill tests. Further, the subjects of the experimental groups performed their respective exercises for 8 weeks and 3 sessions of 45 minutes each week, while the control group went through the research process without specialized back pain exercises. For the inferential analysis of the data, the statistical method of variance analysis of repeated measures was used.
Findings: In the intra-group comparison, a significant effect on performance was observed in both traditional and TRX training groups, but no significant difference was observed in the control group. The findings showed that, in the intergroup comparison between the intervention groups compared to the control and between the two intervention groups, a significant difference was observed in the performance and endurance variables of the trunk muscles, so that the TRX training group had a greater effect and effect size than the traditional training. .
Conclusion: In general, the results of this research showed that the TRX training program has a significant effect on improving performance compared to traditional resistance training.
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Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2011)

This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of 4 weeks swimming training with
chest wall restriction on aerobic power, cardio-respiratory functions and
swimming performance of elite female swimmers. 24 elite female swimmers
volunteered to participate in this study and were randomly divide into two
groups: Control (swimming training without chest wall restriction) and
experimental group (swimming training with chest wall restriction). Both groups
were in a monthly swimming program (they trained 3 times a week for a total of
4 weeks). They swam almost 3.5 to 4 km/d with 70 – 85% of HRmax. Aerobic
power, pulmonary parameters, time to exhaustion and swimming performance
were measured. To analyze data, student t test was used. The results showed
that Time to exhaustion increased in group training with chest wall restrictor
(P=0/012). T-20 test results showed improvements in experimental group. No
significant difference was observed in VO2max, MVV, FVC, and FEV1/FVC in
two groups. Also there was no significant difference between the groups.
Therefore, the results showed that using chest elastic band in order to impose
more stress on respiratory muscles during exercise leads to some adaptations
in these muscles and it is associated with some improvements in exercise

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Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2012)

After an ankle injury, residual symptoms can followed to recurrent sprain in
physical activity and 30% of its lead to functional ankle instability (FAI)
Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the isokinetic concentric and
eccentric torque measures of the ankle musculature to body weight in female
athletes with and without FAI.30 female athletes, who play in pro league of
Tehran, participated in this descriptive study. Participants were assessed using
questionnaire and clinical tests. Isokinetic measurement speed for inversion and
eversion was 60 and plantar flexion and dorsi flexion was 120 degree/
second.Data were analyzed by independent T- test.The results indicated a
significant difference in peak torque of concentric plantar flexor to body weight
in FAI and healthy groups (P<0.05).Therefore, concentric plantar flexion may be
an important contributing factor to FAI; this finding could also lead to more
effective protocols in the treatment and rehabilitation of FAI

Volume 12, Issue 8 (10-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of functional fatigue on the dynamic and static balance of male students aged 15 to 18 with different plantar arch. To measure the subjects' foot arch, the Navicular Drop Test was used. The subjects were then randomly divided into three groups of 22 members with different foot arches. Later on, SEBT test, Modified Stork Balance, Fatigue Protocol and Borg (RPE) scale were run. Using SPSS (version 18), the data were analyzed (p< .05); in particular, dependent t-tests, One-way ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc test were run. The results showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores of dynamic and static balance in all three groups. Scheffe's post hoc test revealed that there was a significant difference between the mean difference of pre-test and post-test scores of the dynamic and static balance group of normal foot arch, the flat foot arch group and the cavus foot arch group. Meanwhile, the difference between flat and cavus foot group was not statistically significant. Due to the significant reduction in the balance of subjects with abnormal arch, the correction of the abnormality of the foot arch as well as the use of appropriate training courses are recommended to improve their physical fitness.

Seyed Hossein Mirkarimpour, Mohammad Falah Mohamaddi, Dr Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 9 (4-2015)

One of the factors affecting jump-landing patterns is fatigue. Fatigue is an inevitable component of physical
activity, hence the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of functional fatigue on landing
mechanics through Landing Error Scoring System (LESS).Fourteen male college students with a mean age of
22±2 years, weight of 68.3±7.2 kg and height of 174±4 were randomly divided into two groups: experimental and
control. Effect of independent variable, fatigue, due to activities resembling athletic training or competition (6-
stations functional fatigue protocol) on dependent variable, landing mechanics, through pre test-post test was
investigated. The independent t-tests and non-parametric U-Mann Whitney test was used for statistical analysis
of data (P < 0.05). The results of the present study indicated the relationship between fatigue and attenuation of
landing mechanics (P=0.02), and therefore an increase in injury risk. Also it was shown that the effect of fatigue
on decreasing knee flexion angle at initial contact was significant (P=0.022). With regard to the results, it can be
concluded that functional fatigue induced by physical activities can alter landing mechanics, and increase loading
of lower extremity joints, particularly the knee. So the risk of injury in these joints may be increased.

Mr Saeid Eimani Zadeh, Dr Mansoor Sahebzamani, Dr Mohamad Taghi Amiri Khorasani,
Volume 13, Issue 10 (10-2015)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soccer specific functional fatigue on hip and knee
joints angles during landing in professional players.15 soccer players with at least 2 years experience in
Kerman soccer clubs were selected randomly. To evaluate the lower extremity kinematics following
jumping and soccer specific- heading, three cameras (with50Hz) were used. To cause fatigue in subjects,
specific functional protocol similar to specific bangsbo soccer was used and Quantic sport v21 soft ware
was administrated for kinematic analysis of the recorded films. To statistical analyzing of data, descriptive
statistical methods, and paired-t test were administrated at α=0.05.Finding revealed that hip and knee
angles in sagittal and frontal plane in landing is influenced by functional fatigue. This results has been
reducing knee and hip flexion angles and increased varus in knee joint. Results demonstrated a more
erect landing posture due to a decrease in hip and knee flexion angles in the post fatigue condition.
However, functional fatigue significantly decrease lower extremity control ability in male soccer player
during landing.

Mr Nemat Allah Behboodian, Mr Jamal Khajeh Ali, Dr Amir Letafat Kar,
Volume 15, Issue 14 (10-2017)

Due to the necessity of screening injury the aim of this study was to screen the scores of Functional movement screening tests in active and inactive subject . The study population consisted of University Students aged 18 to 25 years out of which 50 students (25 active and 25 inactive) were selected. Functional Movement Screen by Cook were used for functional screening. After the normality of the overall scores for FMS, Independed-Samples T-Test was used in SPSS (version 16) to analyze the data at significant level of 0/05. According to the findings, overall scores of FMS was significantly different between active and inactive subjects (P=0/001). Cut-off point of 17 was obtained for all subjects. There was no significant difference in shoulder mobility and straight leg raise test scores in the active and inactive people but there was significant difference among the scores of other five tests This prospective study shows that due to the overall score FMS inactive people than in active people are more prone to injury.
Elaheh Peymani, Gholam Ali Ghasemi, Mehdi Ghaderiyan,
Volume 16, Issue 16 (12-2018)

Meningomyelocele after cerebral palsy is the most common congenital defects of the nervous system that impairs the functioning of many body’s structures. This study aimed to assess the effect of six weeks selected physical training on balance, postural control and lower limb function in children with Meningomyelocele. In this quasi-experimental study, 10 boys aged 10-11 years with Meningomyelocele in L4-L5 levels that independently able to stand and take at least 5 steps were selected and after obtaining written consent from the parents, placed in an experimental group. Before and after 6 weeks (four 60-minute sessions per week) participation in a researcher-designed exercise protocol, Static and dynamic balance (Balance Scale PBS), postural sway (foot pressure device), neck craniovertebral angle and knee and hip range of motion (goniometer), thoracic arch angle (flexible ruler) and trunk and knee extensors strength (dynamometer) were measured. Data by t-test in SPSS 22 software was analyzed (p≤0/05). The results were showed significant difference between pre-test and post-test in all variables except the total index of postural control and trunk extensors strength (P≥0/05). Due to the effectiveness of the used exercise protocol, this protocol can be used to improve the postural control, balance and lower extremity function in rehabilitation of patients with Meningomyelocele and similar to those.

Mohammad Reza Mahmoudkhani, Hooman Minoonejad, Reza Rajabi, Amir Hossein Barati,
Volume 16, Issue 16 (12-2018)

Judo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Researchers reported a higher risk of injuries during training rather than the time of competition. So, the safe and effective training methods should be considered. As development and application of injury prevention approaches and athletic performance enhancement is necessary, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week Judo Specific Functional Training on the injury risk factors and athletic performance in non-elite male judokas. 46 non-elite judokas participated in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups of experimental (23:N) and control (23:N). For a period of 8 weeks, the experimental group attended a special judo functional training program designed by the researchers. At the same time, the control group participated in the usual judo training program presented by the coaches. The exercises were performed 3 sessions per week and 90 minutes per session. The subjects participated in pre- and post-tests. After data collection, in order to approve data normality and compare the variables, Shapiro-wilk, ANCOVA analysis was implemented at the significant level (p≤0.05) using SPSS version 21. The results showed that scores of functional movement screening (p=0.001), upper extremity Y balance test (p=0.001), vertical jump (p=0.001) and special judo fitness test (p=0.001) significantly increased among the experimental group in comparison to the Control group. This Judo specific functional training program simultaneously modifies or decreases the injury risk factors and improves the athletic performance and has more efficiency and effectiveness rather than the usual judo training program.    

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Volume 20, Issue 23 (9-2022)

Considering the prevalence of pain and disability in the knee joint, the present study investigated the effect of core stability training with improving knee joint proprioception on balance, pain and functional disability of women with chronic knee pain. 20 women aged 30 to 50 with chronic knee pain were placed in two experimental and control groups. To measure static and dynamic balance, pain and functional disability, the stork balance tests, Y, VAS and VOMACK questionnaire were used, respectively. Exercises were followed for eight weeks in the experimental group. To evaluate the research hypotheses, the analysis of variance test with repeated measurements was used in spss software version 24. The results showed that before the exercise protocol, there was no significant difference between the control and experimental groups in any of the measured variables. While the eight-week training protocol caused a significant difference in static and dynamic balance, functional disability and pain between the control and experimental groups. Therefore, core stability training with improving knee joint proprioception increase balance in people with chronic knee pain, which can reduce the risk of falling in these people and improve the quality of life by improving pain and functional disability.

Saeed Arsham, Tahereh Rahimi, Malihe Sarabandi,
Volume 20, Issue 23 (9-2022)

Introduction and aim: Physical activity and especially the motor proficiency of children have been studied from different aspects. The purpose of the present study was to determine the correlation among Functional Movement Screening scores with motor proficiency and physical activity levels of children aged 10 to 13 (Mean=11.72, SD=0.932) in Tehran province. Methods: In this descriptive study of correlation, all the children of primary schools in Tehran province were considered as the study population, from which 94 girls were selected by cluster random method. Their motor proficiency, physical activity levels, and functional movement were evaluated with Bruininks Oseretsky test-Short Form (BOT-2), International Physical Activity Questionnaire- Short Form (IPAQ-SF), and Functional Movement Screening test (FMS) respectively. Findings: The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient test showed that there is a significant relationship between the scores of the children's functional movement screening test and their BOT-2 total score (P=0.000), but the correlation between the total score of the functional movement screening test and the total score of the physical activity levels was not significant (P=0.267). Conclusion: In general, due to the existence of a significant relationship between functional movement and motor proficiency, the next step is to use early interventions and study their effect on improving children's performance and motor proficiency.

Ms Faezeh Gholami, Dr Manouchehr Haydari,
Volume 21, Issue 25 (9-2023)

Mental fatigue is usually caused by long-term cognitive activities; in a way that reduces cognitive performance and leads to changes in functional activities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a session of Swedish relaxation massage and meditation in controlling mental fatigue on reactive balance and Lower extremity function of amateur athletes. In this study, 16 female physical education athletes were purposefully selected as a sample based on the study entry criteria, and were subjected to mental fatigue protocol (45 minutes of cognitive activity (Stroop test)), Swedish relaxation massage (30 minutes) and meditation (30 minutes) with a time interval of 48 hours. Reactive balance was evaluated with Y test with automatic lights and, Lower extremity function was evaluated with single hop for distance, triple hop for distance, meter-6 and hop crossover-triple distance tests. Repeated analysis of variance test was used to check intra-group changes.The findings showed that there is a significant difference between the average scores of reactive balance and lower limb performance of the subjects when comparing the post-test of mental fatigue with the post-test of massage and meditation (P<0.05). Also, there is a significant difference between the subjects' scores comparing massage and meditation for reactive balance and body function (P<0.05).In order to prevent sports injuries in athletes, Swedish relaxation massage and meditation can be used as an intervention to speed up the recovery of mental fatigue and improve reactive balance and body function.

Zahra Ghahremani, Hassan Daneshmandi, Mehrdad Anbarian,
Volume 21, Issue 26 (12-2023)

The purpose of this study was to assess the acute effect of warm-up protocols (general and post-activation potentiation) on vertical jump performance and jump-landing technique in female handball players with trunk dysfunction. Twelve trained female handball players with trunk dysfunction participated voluntarily in this study. Subjects randomly performed three different warm-up protocols on separate days: 1- general warm-up protocol, 2- general warm-up with 2 repetitions of dynamic half-squat at %90 of one repetition maximum, 3- general warm-up with 2 repetitions of static half-squat at %90 of one repetition maximum. In the fifth minutes of recovery period after 3 protocols, subjects performed vertical jump and the Landing Error Scoring System tests, and Landing Error Scoring System scores, valgus and flexion angles, and vertical jump height was assessed. ANOVA with repeated measures was used for statistical data analysis. The jump height increased significantly after performing the second and third protocols related to general warm-up (p=0.039, p=0.047 respectively), but there weren’t a significant difference in Landing Error Scoring System score, valgus and flexion angles for three protocols. It seems that the special warm-up method by post-activation potentiation can improve vertical jump performance without influencing Anterior cruciate ligament injury risk.
Narmin Ghanizadeh Hesar, Behnam Moradi, Marzieh Musa Gholizadeh Fallah,
Volume 21, Issue 26 (12-2023)

 Upper-crossed syndrome is one of the most common disorders of the upper body, which is associated with 45-65% of shoulder pain. This study has been conducted to investigate the effect of corrective exercises focused on chain reactions, on scapular position, proprioception and shoulder functional stability of female students with UCS. 30 female students between 14 and 18 years of age in Urmia city who had the mentioned disorder were selected using the purposive sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental groups (15 people) and control (15 people). A tape measure was used to evaluate the distance between the median of the sternum to the coracoid ridge and the posterior-lateral distance of the acromion to the thoracic vertebra (scapular position), the Layton flexometer to measure proprioception, the Y Balance Test to evaluate the function of the upper limb, and the goniometer, tape measure and flexible ruler, respectively were used to measure head and shoulder forward angle and kyphosis. Independent and dependent t-tests were used to compare inter-group and intra-group means, respectively. The present study showed that the effect of corrective exercises on scapular position, proprioception and shoulder functional stability of female students with UCS was significant.
Shiva Rahnemaye Bahari, Narmin Ghani Zadeh Hesar, Ebrahim Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah,
Volume 22, Issue 27 (8-2024)

Purpose: Today, many new exercises are offered to strengthen central stability muscles, and CXWORX exercises are one of them. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of CXWORX exercises on postural and functional stability, proprioception, strength and specific skill in basketball players with trunk defects.
Methods: The current research was a semi-experimental and applied type of research. 30 female basketball players with trunk defects were selected by available sampling and randomly placed in two groups. Trunk defects were evaluated through the tuck jump test, lower limb stability through the Flamingo test, functional stability of the upper limb and dynamic balance through the Y test. CXWORX exercises were performed for six weeks by the training group. dependent t-tests and covariance analysis were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that six weeks CXWORX exercises have a significant effect on improving the stability of upper limb function (P<0.05), dynamic and static balance (P<0.05) and specific skill (P<0.05) in basketball players with trunk defects.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, it is recommended that health and corrective exercise professionals utilize CXWORX training to enhance the sports efficiency, sports performance, and sport-specific skill of basketball players.

Mahsa Asgari, Zahra Raeisi,
Volume 22, Issue 27 (8-2024)

Background and aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how eight weeks of general exercises (GEs) combined with cognitive functional therapy (CFT) affect women with chronic non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP) in terms of pain, quality of life (QoL), and muscle endurance.
Methods: 45 women with CNSLBP participated in this study for eight weeks in three groups: GEs, GEs with CFT, and control. Pain, QoL and muscle endurance were evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS), SF-36 questionnaire, and Biering-Sorensen test, respectively. Mixed-model repeated measure test with repeated measurement design was used for data analysis.
Results: The results revealed a significant difference in the investigated variables between the pre-test and post-test for the intervention groups, but no difference was seen in the control group.
Discussion and final conclusion: The group of GEs combined with CFT distinguished itself significantly from the group of GEs in the comparison of the factors of physical performance, emotional health, and general health from sub-sections of QoL, and also muscular endurance. According to the results, it is recommended that women with CNSLBP use GEs in combination with CFT to reduce pain, improve QoL, and increase muscle endurance.

Faeze Nemati, Mostafa Zareei, Morteza Barzegar Bafrouei,
Volume 22, Issue 28 (12-2024)

This study investigates the impact of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury prevention program on the performance of elite female kabaddi players. Given the debilitating consequences of ACL injuries, the primary aim is to evaluate the effects of an eight-week prevention program on improving the performance of these athletes. This quasi-experimental research was conducted on 27 elite female kabaddi players (aged 18 to 24 years), who were divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention group underwent an eight-week injury prevention training program. The tests included T-test, 20-meter run, Y-balance test, flexibility, hopping, and movement screening. Data analysis was performed using Levene's test and ANCOVA. The results of the ANCOVA indicated that the intervention group scored significantly better than the control group in the Y-balance test for both the right (p=0.002) and left (p=0.001) legs, single-leg hopping (right leg: p=0.004 and left leg: p=0.001), crossover hopping for the right leg (p=0.023), and the sit-and-reach flexibility test (p=0.003). However, no significant differences were observed in the speed, agility, triple hopping, and functional movement screening (FMS) tests. Results: The findings suggest that the eight-week PEP program has a significant impact on dynamic balance for both the right and left legs, hopping (single-leg and crossover hopping for the right leg), and hamstring and lower back flexibility in elite female kabaddi players. However, it did not have a significant effect on left leg hopping, speed, agility, or FMS scores.

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