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Showing 4 results for Vertical Jump

Mr Ramin Rafiei, Dr Sadegh Amani-Shalamzari, Mr Ali Shahhosseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

Aim: One of the methods used to improve sports performance is the use of carbohydrate mouth rinse. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on the specific performance of trained soccer players.
Methods: Eighteen professional football players (22 ± 2 years) were randomized into two groups of carbohydrate mouth rinse (CMR) and placebo (P) in a fasted state after eight hours of sleep. During the two main test sessions, players were provided with either a color- and flavor-matched carbohydrate drink or a no-calorie drink (placebo) for a mouth rinse in a double-blind randomized crossover design. Players were asked to rinse the carbohydrate solution in their mouth for 10-15 seconds and then return it to the plastic cup. Sprint performance, maximum height jump, and 30-15 intermittent fitness test (30-15 IFT) were taken from the subjects.
Findings: Carbohydrate mouth rinse increased running distance in 15-30 IFT test. While there was no significant difference between the two groups in the performance of the 30-meter speed test and the maximum vertical jump.
Conclusion: Therefore, those soccer players who are unable to drink carbohydrate solutions due to digestive problems are advised to use the carbohydrate mouth rinse way to improve their performance during the game.

Mehdi Soltani Ichi, Pezhman Motamedi, Hamid Rajabi,
Volume 17, Issue 17 (4-2019)

The purpose of this research was to determine the acute effects of plyometric training with changing of height landing on the electromyographic activity during preparatory phase land-jump in male students. The population of this research were 10 physical education male students of Kharazmi University, which selected as sample. (21/10±1/286yrs, 173±6/467 height, 68/2±7/42 weight). In four different days subjects Performed as single leg one of four protocols plyometric training and land - jump from a height of 40 and 60 cm. EMG activity of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle group 150 milliseconds before foot contact with the ground was recorded. Analysis of variance with repeated measures and Bonferroni post hoc test was used. The results of this study showed that muscle activity after changing of height landing in preparatory phase (from 40 to 60 cm) has increased significantly (P=0/002, P=0/001, P=0/001) respectively. Activity of muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris) during landing after performing plyometric and changing of height landing in preparatory phase has increased significantly (P=0/039, P=0/001) (P=0/006, P=0/000) (P=0/001, P=0/014) respectively. Jump height has increased significantly (P=0/007, P=0/002) respectively. The results showed that acute perform plyometric training with changing of height landing result in significant changes in the electrical activity of muscles and also the height of the jump in the preparatory phase.

S.f Qeysari, Sh Tahmasebi Broujeni, M Shahbazi,
Volume 18, Issue 19 (7-2020)

Various studies have shown that the external focus of attention is better than the internal focus of attention. But, so far no study has been investigated the level of electrical activity of the rectus abdominus muscle as a trunk stabilizer muscle. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of focus of attention on electromyography activity of the rectus abdominus muscle during Different phases of vertical jump.Twelve male elite volleyball players from university of Tehran Participated in this research voluntary. They performed a vertical jump on the force plate in both internal and external focus of attention condition. Rectus abdominus Surface electromyography (SEMG) signals recorded by electromyography apparatus during vertical jump and The electrical activity of this muscle was calculated in the different phases of vertical jump motion.  Paired t-test results showed that height of jump under the external focus was higher than the internal focus. In addition, this  results showed that internal focus caused significant increasing in Rectus abdominus EMG in comparison to external focus during concentric phase. But, there was no significant difference in the eccentric phase between the external and internal focus of attention conditions. These results suggest that the external focus of attention effectively increases the efficiency of vertical jump. Therefor; we recommend using the external focus of attention instructions when executing vertical jump movement.


Mr Hamid Mahmodi, Dr Hamid Rajabi, Mr Mohsen Bapiran, Dr Pezhman Motamedi,
Volume 19, Issue 21 (9-2021)

The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of plyometric training pre and post maturation period with soccer training on electromyographical index and soccer players performance. 30 students of soccer player's pre maturation period (weight 32.38±6.59 kg, age 10.35±0.59 years, and height 141±0.06cm) and post maturation period (weight 43.79±10.96 kg, age 15.43±0.72 years, and height 156.84±0.09 cm) were selected. Subjects in the experimental group were 15 students before and after maturity period. To evaluate the age of the indices such as height, age, dental and bone age (radiographic method) was used. Then, for homogeneous groups of index of biological age radiography was used by radiologists. Before and after 4 weeks of training,, functional tests of two 20 meter speed, agility, vertical jump and also Amplitude  for vastus lateralis muscle Were taken. The result by using  Paired t-test showed that in pre maturation group in the vertical jump, agility and 20 meters there was a significant difference (P=0.002,P=0.006,P=0.001) and the other variables there was no significant difference. In variations between the groups, independent t-test showed that only significant differences was found in the test 20 meter speed (P = 0.007) and in the other variables not significantly different. The results showed that plyometric training in the Pre maturation group compared to post maturation group were more effect and these results can help in the design training for premature age groups

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