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The effects of creatine and L-carnitine supplementation on anaerobic performance in athletes (17953 Views)
The effect of twelve weeks endurance training on liver enzymes levels in Iranian obese women (10073 Views)
Compaison the effect of resistance exercise with active and passive rest on aerobic and anaerobic fitness in soccer players (9519 Views)
Effect of Soccer Specific Functional Fatigue On hip and knee Joints Kinematics In professional players during Landing (9253 Views)
Designing a specific upper body anaerobic power test for wrestling (9049 Views)
The effect of eight weeks comprehensive corrective exercises on upper crossed syndrome (8995 Views)
اثر مکمل پروتئین-کربوهیدرات پس از تخلیه گلیکوژن بر پاسخ انسولین و گلوکز پلاسما و عملکرد استقامتی دانشجویان فعال (8727 Views)
Reliability Assessment of Functional Balance Tests in Endomorph Healthy Women 24-34 years old (8081 Views)
Evaluating the effact of eight weeks strength and plyometric trainings on knee joint position sense (7759 Views)
Strength ratio between agonist and antagonist muscles and range of motion of the shoulder in female volleyball players and non-athletes (7712 Views)
The Effect of 6 weeks of strength exercise with Traband on some of the variables anaerobic power in young basketball players (7675 Views)
Effect of Functional Fatigue on Landing Mechanics using Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) (7545 Views)
The epidemiological study of sport injuries in male kabaddi premier league (7521 Views)
Effect of 8 weeks of circuit training on serum Irisin levels and Insulin Resistance Index in overweight girls (7409 Views)
Effect of Aquatic and Land–base Plyometric Exercise on Selected Biomechanical Parameters of Butterfly Swimming in Elite Male Adolescent Swimmers10-14 years (7376 Views)
The effect of basketball specific and general training on physical and physiological fitness in male basketball players trained (7315 Views)
The response of blood buffering capacity and H+ regulation to three types of recovery during repeated high-intensity endurance training (7282 Views)
The effect of glucose and glutamine supplementation on serum HSP72 in non-athlete men during four weeks exhausting endurance-intermittent training (7275 Views)
اثر ترکیب تمرین مقاومتی ویژه و تمرین معمول شنا بر عملکرد شنای قورباغه (7249 Views)
The relationship between selected biomechanical and technical factors and success criteria in long jump take-off performed by elite athletes (7104 Views)
The effect of functional fatigue on dynamic and static balance in boy students with different plantar arch (7096 Views)
The effect of progressive endurance-strengthening training and electrical stimulation on muscle strength and surface electromyography parameters in volleyball players with Infraspinatus syndrome (7090 Views)
Relationship between balance and maximum strength in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing closed kinetic chain exercises (7064 Views)
The Effect of Low Volume High Intensity Interval Training on Sarcolemmal Content of Fatty Acid Transport Proteins (FAT/CD36 and FABPpm) in Young Men (7035 Views)
valence of low Back Pain and Its Association with Anxiety and Depression in Male and Female Nurses (7003 Views)
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:: Most Downloaded Articles
The effect of basketball specific and general training on physical and physiological fitness in male basketball players trained (21091 Downloads)
Compaison the effect of resistance exercise with active and passive rest on aerobic and anaerobic fitness in soccer players (15019 Downloads)
The effect of eight weeks comprehensive corrective exercises on upper crossed syndrome (10020 Downloads)
The effect and maintenance of 8 weeks corrective exercise on increased lumbar lordosis of pre and post pubertal school girls (9782 Downloads)
Reliability Assessment of Functional Balance Tests in Endomorph Healthy Women 24-34 years old (9083 Downloads)
اثر ترکیب تمرین مقاومتی ویژه و تمرین معمول شنا بر عملکرد شنای قورباغه (7484 Downloads)
The Relationship between Range of the ankle motion, Q angle and back stroke kicking on male Swimmers (7414 Downloads)
The effects of creatine and L-carnitine supplementation on anaerobic performance in athletes (6303 Downloads)
Designing a specific upper body anaerobic power test for wrestling (5687 Downloads)
Effect of Functional Fatigue on Landing Mechanics using Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) (5259 Downloads)
The norm of bioenergetics characteristics of elite and advanced male and female Iranian Badminton players (4888 Downloads)
Comparison the effects of two pedaling methods on lower limb muscles activity and fatigue index in road cyclists (4794 Downloads)
Predicting sprint performance of front-crawl swimming in young swimmers with an emphasis on biomechanical, muscle architectural and anthropometrical factors (4783 Downloads)
Design and fabrication of three axes accelerometer (4726 Downloads)
The comparison of sport injuries in 2 premier leagues of taekwondo and the study of the protective equipments effectiveness in it: seasons 2006-2007 and 2011- 2012 (4701 Downloads)
The effect of "Tai Chi" exercise on depression, quality of sleep and some of physiological factors in elderly, living in Nursing Home (4565 Downloads)
Effect of aerobic and strength training on serum PTH, calcium, albumin and alkaline phosphatase in postmenopausal women (4485 Downloads)
Relationship between anthropometric characteristics with the performance velocity of Gyaku-zuki technique in elite female Karatekas (4417 Downloads)
Compare sequence of joint motion and muscle electromyography between low drive and high drive soccer instep kick (4417 Downloads)
The study of relationship between physical fitness and success of female climbers to ascend Mera Peak (6654 m) (4415 Downloads)
Correlation between lower body stiffness and agility in racket-sports athlete (4412 Downloads)
Comparison the Effect of Kinesiotaping with Stretching of Upper Trapezius Muscle in Neck Pain due to Forward Head Posture (4394 Downloads)
Effect of different walking speed on the gait kinematics of individuals with knee varus (4275 Downloads)
Relationship between sprint performance of front-crawl swimming and muscle fascicle length in young swimmers (4236 Downloads)
Relationship between balance and maximum strength in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing closed kinetic chain exercises (4160 Downloads)
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Ethical Guideline ( 4689 view)
New Journal website launched ( 4170 view)
Editorial Board ( 2132 view)
Contact Information ( 1992 view)
About the Journal ( 1985 view)
Peer Review Process ( 1789 view)
Author Guidelines ( 1753 view)
Aim & Scopes ( 1695 view)
Indexing Databases ( 1570 view)
Peer Review Process ( 1398 view)
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Welcome ( 1 send)
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Ethical Guideline ( 3592 print)
New Journal website launched ( 889 print)
About the Journal ( 515 print)
Editorial Board ( 455 print)
Aim & Scopes ( 453 print)
Contact Information ( 425 print)
Indexing Databases ( 419 print)
Peer Review Process ( 403 print)
Author Guidelines ( 380 print)
Peer Review Process ( 350 print)
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