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Showing 17 results for Rahimi

Maryam Abdoli Nasab, Mehdi Rahimi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Thirty eight ecotypes of watermelon were collected from different parts of Iran. After the preparation of the field, these eotypes were cultivated in a completely randomized block design with three replications. In order to invest-igate genetic diversity, genomic DNA samples were extracted from leaves and Polymerase chain reactions were optimized using 14 SRAP primer pairs. One hundred thirty six polymorphic bands were detected, of which the EM10-Me4 was the most abundant primer pair with 19 bands and EM16-Me4 and EM16-Me14 were the least primer pairs with 7 bands. PIC index varied from 0.20 to 0.32 and genetic diversity was 0.17 to 0.28 on the basis of Nei index. Fisher's Linear Detection Analysis showed that the UPGMA method and the grouping accuracy of about 90% are more appropriate than other cluster analysis methods. Cluster analysis, using Jakard method, was performed and the ecotypes studied were classified into five distinct groups. Based on the PCA, the first and second components included 92.5% of the variation, which represents the proper distribution of the markers on the whole genome.
Mehdi Rahimi, Mehdi Ramezani,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Thyme plants are considered to be one of the most widely consumed herbs well-known for their essential oils and secondary metabolites. In order to evaluate the effects of temperature on antioxidant activity, total phenolics, agronomic traits and essential oil of two thyme species (i.e. Thymus vulgaris and Thymus caramanicus), a greenhouse experiment was conducted in 2015 with split plot in a completely randomized design with three replications. The results of this experiment showed significant differences between the two species and different temperatures in terms of the tr-aits measured. The essential oil percentage, antioxidant activity, total phenolics and plant height of Thymus carama-nicus proved to be more than those in Thymus vulgaris. The comparison of mean interaction effect for essential oil pe-rcentage showed that the value of this trait in Thymus caramanicus specimens treated with a temperature of 30°C was more than other treatments. The IC50 rates of Thymus vulgaris and Thymus caramanicus ranged from 24.37 to 54.43 µg/ml in different conditions and total phenolics ranged from 36.63 to 89.37 mg GAEg-1. In addition, the highest anti-oxidant activity, essential oil percentage and phenolic compounds were observed at a temperature of 30°C for both species.
Farhad Valizadegan, Maryam Rahimi Tesyie,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The Basolateral Amygdala (BLA) has modulatory effects on working and reference memory. The aim of this study was the evaluation of effects of dopaminergic system in the BLA of rats on working and reference memory behaviors. The number of working and reference errors and time spent in the arms by rats were measured in the radial arm maze according to DSWS protocol. The animals were cannulated in the BLA bilaterally. The microinjection of low dose (0.005µg/rat) and high dose (0.5 µg/rat) of apomorphine have indicated a significant decrease in number of working memory error. But, there was not any change in the numberof reference memory error that showing the improvement of working memory. While the injection of moderate dose apomorphine (0.05 µg/rat) increased these parameters and also enhanced the spent time in working arm that presenting both memories damage. The chlorpromazine injection (2 µg/rat) decreased the number of working and reference memory errors representing the improvement of these memories. Microinjection of chlorpromazine (2 µg/rat) with different doses of apomorphine had no significant change on the both number of errors and the time spent in comparison with control groups. These findings show that BLA dopaminergic system modulates the working and reference memory through that both of (D1/D2) receptors. Also, the effect of this system in BLA is the resultant function of the both receptor families.
Akram Rahimi, Asghar Kamrani, Farideh Attar, Rouhangiz Abbas Azimi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Lallemantia (Lamaceae; Nepetoideae) is a small genus species with a wide distribution area in Iran, is a traditionally used in folk medicine. In this study, we comparatively investigated Lallemantia species in terms of vegetative anatomy in order to evaluate usefulness of this characteristics for taxonomic porpuse. For anatomical examination, cross sections taken from stems and leaves of species were investigated using hand cutting method and bismak brown, carmin and metylenblue staining. Also, the anatomical characters were numerically analyzed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Athough general stem and leaf anatomical charactristics are very similar in the studied species, But, multivariate analysis indicated that some anatomical quantitative characters such as the thickness of lamina, palisade and spongy parenchyma provides valuable characters that would be taxonomically useful in this genus. Morphological similarity between L. baldshuanica and L. royleana have supported by stem and leaf anatomical data. 
Mehdi Rahimi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

In this study, the associations between ISSR markers with some agronomic traits in 22 ispaghula ecotypes were used by stepwise regression analysis. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed a significant association between traits and some of loci markers positions. For some traits was detected more than one informative marker. Totally 90 informative ISSR markers were revealed that due to the associated of some markers in control of several traits, finally, the 48 markers were significantly associated with traits. The UBC816-2, UBC826-2 and UBC826-3 markers showed a significant correlation with grain yield and controlled 53.5% of the phenotypic variation. Among the ISSR primers, special attention should be drawn to primer UBC811 and UBC813-11 marker, because of the highest associated had exist between this primer and this marker with the studied traits. Some of these markers were associated with more than one trait that these traits had very close linkage together or possibly were controlled by pleiotropic effects. These primers have been found useful for improved Ispaghula.

Mansour Mirtadzadini , Firouzeh Bordbar, Mohammad Reza Parishani, Ernst Vitek, Mohammad Reza Rahiminejad,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

The current investigations suggest the segregation of Jurinea cartilaginea from Jurinea, and its placement among Centaureinae. Molecular studies, based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (nrITS), chromosome number data and pollen morphology, support the morphological results. Based on these results, J. cartilaginea is related to and, therefore, transferred to the genus Karvandarina. Due to the morphological characters differing from Karvanderina aphylla, a new subgenus, Pseudojurinea, is described. Molecular study also supports the monophyly of Jurinea.
Maryam ٍebrahimi, Khadijeh Kiarostami, Zahra Nazem Bokaee,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Melissa officinalis is a medicinal plant belong to  lamiacea family.  This plant has been cultivated in many parts of the world due to its therapeutic effects. This study was conducted to improve antioxidant activities of proliferated shoots from tissue culture. The seeds of plant   were cultured in MS hormone free medium in order to obtain   seedlings. Then the  shoots were transfer to MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/ L  BAP.After 45 days salicylic acid (SA) was added to the medium at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 µM. The antioxidant activity and phenolics, flavonoids and rosmarinic acid content in proliferated shoots were evaluated 4,7,10 and 14 days after treatment. As a result the highest free radical scavenging and reducing power activity, as well as the highest value of total phenolic   and rosmarinic acid were observed in shoots   after 14 days of treatment with 100 µM salicylic acid. The elevated level of superoxide anion scavenging activity      and total flavonoids        were obtained from the shoots treated with 50 µM salicylic acid for 14 days. Over all treatment with100 µM salicylic acid for 14 days was better in order to antioxidant activity and compounds with recognized antioxidant activity.

Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam, Behrooz Abtahi, Gholamhossein Ebrahimipour,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Organisms in different environmental conditions express different genes, which result in different protein expressions. These changes result from the adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions such as the presence of toxic substances. This study aimed to investigate the changes in protein expression in Celeribacter persicus SBU1 isolated from Nayband Bay mangrove forests, cultured in the medium containing phenanthrene as the sole source of carbon and energy. For this purpose, C. persicus SBU1 was cultured on mineral salt medium containing phenanthrene and sodium acetate as treatment and control, respectively. After the extraction of total protein, changes in protein expression were evaluated by SDS-PAGE. Proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF MS. After evaluating changes in protein content, two bands which showed greater variation in comparison with the control treatment (increased protein expression) were detected. The identified proteins included one ligand-gated channel protein and one unknown protein. In general, the results of this study showed significant changes in the protein content of C. persicus SBU1 after using phenanthrene. The up-regulation of ligand-gated channel protein signified the role of this protein in phenanthrene molecules transport in and out of the cells.

Mahnaz Nasre Taheri, Gholamhossein Ebrahimipour, Hossein Sadeghi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Proteases are important industrial enzymes used in different areas of industry, mainly detergent, food and leather industries. In this study, novel alkaline protease-producing bacterium was isolated from Geinarje hot spring and examined for maximum protease activity to be utilized in washing-powder. The isolated bacterium was cultured in mineral salt medium including 2% Skim Milk. Proteolytic activity of supernatant was measured by caseinolytic method. The effects of pH, temperature, SDS, Tween 80 and EDTA on protease stability and activity were investigated. The detergent compatibility of protease was assayed. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis and morphological as well as biochemical tests, the isolate was identified as a new strain of Brevibacillus borstelensis capable of generating extracellular alkaline protease. The generated protease was determined as alkaline metallo-protease having high activity at 60 oC and pH 9. Moreover, the alkaline protease was stable in the presence of SDS, Tween 80 and H2O2. It is compatible with commercial detergents. Finding proteases capable of degrading proteins in extreme environment (i.e. alkaline pH, high temperature and presence of surfactants) is valuable in biotechnological and industrial practices. Therefore, it can be utilized in detergent formulation in the future.


Mozhghan Pas, Hadis Shahbazi, Leila Ebrahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2020)

Charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is one of the most important soil borne diseases with a broad host range including bean, which annually brings a significant damage to this plant. Biological control of charcoal rot is very important because its chemical control harms the environment, microflora and soil fertility. Chemical control of charcoal rot is also difficult and sometimes ineffective. Fluorescent Pseudomonads are able to increase plant growth and inhibit the development of plant pathogens by producing and secreting antibiotics, enzymes, siderophores, and plant hormones. In this study, infected bean plants by M. phaseolina were collected from infected bean fields of Khorramabad (Lorestan Province, Iran) in the summer of 2015. Virulence of fungal isolates was evaluated in a greenhouse and one isolate with the highest pathogenicity was chosen for further experiments. The biocontrol potential of eight Pseudomonas fluorescens strains, whose biocontrol abilities were proved in previous studies, was examined against M. phaseolina in vitro. The growth inhibition of M. phaseolina was examined by dual culture test and the antifungal activity of bacterial volatile and nonvolatile metabolites. P. fluorescens UTPf125, which showed the highest inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth, was selected for greenhouse tests. UTPf125 strain led to a significant reduction (%50) of disease severity and increased fresh and dry weight significantly. Phenol compounds were evaluated 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days after inoculation by pathogen. The results showed that the highest value of total phenol content was obtained on the third and fifth days after inoculation, decreasing on the seventh and ninth days.
Zeinab Ghaedi, Reyhaneh Saberipirouz, Elham Ebrahimi, Sahar Badri, Faraham Ahmadzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2020)

There are different methods to investigate the effects of climatic fluctuations on the biota, two of which, molecular phylogeography and SDM, are the most useful tools to trace the past climate induced modifications on species’ geographic distributions. In this study, seven samples were collected from the species distribution range in Iran for the purpose of measuring the genetic variation within the Iranian spiny-tailed lizards, using cytochrome b. SDM was carried out by 41 presence points and bioclimatic variables for the present and future climatic conditions (by the year 2050), employing the statistical package ‘sdm’ in order to implement the ensemble model. The results of genetic analyses revealed that the specimens from Bastak in Hormozgan Province are distinguishable from all other specimens. Haplotype diversity was calculated as 0.8. The haplotype network illustrated that the central haplotype is located in the central Iranian Plateau. Moreover, the ensemble model predicted that, while the suitable habitats of this species were found to be in the south of Iran and the Iranian Central Plateau in the present climatic conditions, there will be a decrease in the extent of these patches and Baluchistan will be added as a suitable habitat in 2050. Generally, both genetic studies and modeling predictions suggested that the western and southern specimens (Bastak in Hormozgan) were divided according to the separation of their habitats. In addition, based on modeling scenarios in the future, the optimal habitat for the species is located in the central haplotype area.
Tahereh Sadat Mirahmadi, Farhad Valizadegan, Maryam Rahimi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Hippocampus is a key structure in anxiety processing and memory storage. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interaction between GABAergic systems in CA1 area of hippocampus with morphinergic system in modulating of these behaviors. In this study, male wistar rats were cannulated with stereotaxic surgery in CA1 site. After a recovery period, morphine (µ opioid receptor agonist) was injected intraperitoneal, muscimol and bicuculline (GABAA receptor agonist and antagonist) were injected into the CA1. Parameters such as percentage of Open arms time (%OAT) and entries (%OAE) were calculated by means of an EPM apparatus. One-way ANOVA analysis showed that intraperitoneal administration of morphine increased %OAT and %OAE, indicating the anxiolytic effect of morphine. Based on paired sample T-test, the rate of memory formation improved. Pre-test intra-CA1 infusion of muscimol and bicuculline induced anxiolytic-like and anxiogenic-like behaviors, respectively; meanwhile, both drugs improved memory. Systemic injections of an effective dose of morphine combined with triple doses of muscimol showed a synergistic effect on memory formation and anxiety reduction. Simultaneous injection of morphine and bicuculline altered the negative effects of the latter on anxiety and increased the memory formation. This finding showed that GABAergic and opioidergic systems have similar effects on memory and anxiety in CA1 area.
Mohsen Alizadeh, Nezam Armand, Maryam Rahimi, Shokoufeh Haji Hashemi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Seaweed extract can improve the physicochemical properties of the soil and has a favorable effect on the plant growth and development due to having high nutrient content, high water holding capacity, plant growth regulators and beneficial microorganisms. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of Ascophyllum nodosum extract, a brown alga, on the morphophysiological characteristics of bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) under water stress. The experiment was performed in a Completely Randomized Factorial Design with three replications. Experimental treatments included 4 concentrations of foliar application of seaweed extract (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%) and 3 levels of water stress including no stress, mild stress and severe stress (irrigation at 75, 50 and 25% of field capacity, respectively). The results showed that the interaction effects of stress and algal extract on the evaluated traits were not significant. However, the seaweed extract significantly increased the leaf area, number of the leaves, leaf length, surface and length of the roots, root dry weight, the content of chlorophyll a and b and the total chlorophyll content. Application of algal extract at levels of 0.2 and 0.4% caused a significant increase in the evaluated parameters as compared with the control plants. The evaluation of water scarcity stress effects showed a significant reduction in the all studied characteristics in accordance with increasing water stress level from 75% to 25% of field capacity. The results of this study showed that foliar application of seaweed extract significantly increased some morphological and photosynthetic properties, while water stress significantly reduced the investigated parameters.

Elham Ebrahimi, Faraham Ahmadzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Climate change is currently considered a serious threat for many species and recognized as one of the most important factors in the global biodiversity loss. Among animal groups, amphibians are known to be among the most sensitive groups of vertebrates to climate change due to their inability to travel long distances, and mountain habitat species are more exposed to climate change pressures than other species. Therefore, in this study, the current distribution potential of five species of amphibians living in the Zagros Mountains was assesed and their response to climate change in 2070 was predicted. To do so, a group approach for modeling the distribution of species (SDMs) was utilized to estimate the risks of losing the desired habitat potential in the event of climate change. Also, to estimate the desired habitat area in the context of climate change, calculations related to habitat area changes for each species were performed. Predictions showed that two out of five species studied, i.e., Azarbaijan Mountain Newt (Neurergus crocatus) and Yellow Spotted Newt (Neurergus derjugini) negatively reaction to climate change and their distribution range was predicted to be decreased and contracted. Habitat displacement behavior in the face of new changes is predictable for two species, i.e., Lorestan Toad (Bufotes luristanicus) and Fire Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata semenovi). Considering the speed of climate change in the Zagros Mountains, the present study is a step towards identifying the dynamics of habitat changes affecting amphibians of Zasgros region to cope with the impacts of climate change.

Sarehi Ebrahimi, Seyed Mehdi Razavi, Mansour Afshar Mohammmadian,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2023)

The increase of the entry of industrial effluents containing various types of heavy metals into water and soil leads to the ever-increasing spread of environmental problems. Therefore, it is necessary to find less expensive solutions to reduce the pollution. In this regard, in order to compare the effect of the removal of heavy elements on some of the morphological and physiological characteristics of C. alternifolius, Ch. zizanioides and Aloe vera plants, an experiment was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications for 14 months at the University of Guilan. The results showed that under the treatment of industrial wastewater, the metal accumulation indices (MAI) of zinc, chromium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel, magnesium were higher in Ch. zizanioides and Aloe vera than those in C. alternifolius. In all three studied plants, the indices of root length, shoot length, total biomass and tolerance index (TI) had a significant decrease compared with those in the control plants, and Ch. zizanioides and A. vera plants had the lowest percentage of decrease. In addition, other investigated components including absorption index (UI), total soluble sugar, total phenol content, total flavonoid, total anthocyanin, total tannin, and DPPH free radical inhibition percentage increased in all three plants under industrial wastewater treatment. The highest percentage of increase in all investigated components, except DPPH free radical inhibition percentage, was observed in Ch. zizanioides. In general, it can be said that in terms of MAI and morphological and physiological characteristics, Ch. zizanioides and A. vera were more successful than the C. alternifolius. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the studied plants in the order of priority (Ch. zizanioides ˃ A. vera ˃ C. alternifolius) in soils contaminated with industrial effluents, in order to remediate the soil.

Fereshteh Mohamadhasani Javar, Mehdi Rahimi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Heavy metal contamination (HMs) of water and soil is the most serious problem caused by industrial and mining processes and other human activities. Mycoremediation is a biotechnological method that employs fungi to remove toxic contaminants from the environment in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Pleurotus species are considered to be the most popular and widely cultivated species worldwide, and this may be due to their low production cost and high yield. It has been indicated that Pleurotus species may improve plant growth in metal-contaminated soils through enhancing nutrition uptake or by alleviating toxicity of the metals. In this experiment, the fungus was grown in vitro in liquid and solid media for 3 weeks on five different concentrations (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 ppm) of five heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Ni, Pb, Mn) as sulphate and the effect of these metal on radial growth, biomass production and metal content of fungal biomass were determined. Based on the results, this fungus showed a great variety of tolerance against the metals, as that growth parameters were increased in the case of two metals contamination (Zn and Mn) and inhibition of growth was observed even at the low concentrations of nickel, cadmium and lead (15 mg/liter). The amount of metal accumulation in the fungal mycelium also increased with the increase of the metal concentration in the culture medium. In this research, for the first time, the growth parameters and the amount of accumulation of heavy metals in axenic conditions have been investigated and described.

Dr Seyed Mehdi Razavi, Mrs Neda Delir, Dr Sareh Abrahimi, Dr Mansour Afshar Mohammadian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Using the allelopathic property of some plant species is one of the proposed methods to reduce the use of chemical poisons. Anthriscus nemorosa is an aromatic plant belonging to the Apiaceae that grows naturally in the western and northern parts of in this study. Considering that so far the biochemical and allelopathic properties of this plant have not been investigated in Iran, in this study, the roots of this plant were collected from Khalkhal county and after drying in the shade, the essential oil was extracted by hydro-distillation. The essential oil was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. 52 compounds were identified from the essential oil, representing 80.21% of the total oil. The main constituents were Myristicin (16.92%), Heptane (12.98%), Elemicin (12.54%), Gamma-Terpinene (12.50%), Decane (3.08%), Beta-Eudesmol (2.95%) and Beta-phellandrene (2.52%) and these compounds were remarkably different with that of A. nemorosa native to Serbia. To investigate the allelopathic effects of this plant, an experimental design was factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with four replications. The results of examining the effects of n-hexane, dichloromethane and methanolic extracts (with concentrations of 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg/ml) of the root of this plant on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var.capitata) showed that all three extracts had an inhibitory effect on the germination percentage (%), shootlet growth and rootlet growth of lettuce. However, the hexane extract in all treated concentrations had a more inhibitory effect on the germination and shootlet growth of lettuce seed.

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