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Showing 5 results for abbasi

Mahdieh Jafariparizi, Saeed Afsharzadeh, Hamid Reza Akkafi, Shabnam Abbasi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

To investigate the Artemisia vegetation in Isfahan Province, two rangelands of Khorous Galu in the southwest and Ashan in the west of Isfahan were selected. These rangelands are mountainous with semiarid climate. In Khorous galu, 68 species belonging to 50 genera and 24 families were identified. Life forms included hemicryptophytes (39%), therophytes (27.5%), chamaephytes (19%), geophytes (13%) and phanerophytes (2%). Chrotypes existent in Khorous Galu were composed of 56 Irano-Turanian species, 3 Euro-Siberian-Irano-Turanian species, 4 Euro-Siberian-Irano-Turanian-Mediterranean species, 2 Irano-Turanian-Mediterranean species, 1 Irano-Turanian-Saharo-Sindian species and 1 cosmopolitan species. In Ashan area, 88 species belonging to 67 genera and 29 families were identified. Hemicryptophytes (39%), therophytes (28%), geophytes (17%), chamaephytes (15%) and phanerophytes (1%) were the life form composition of the region flora. 73 Irano-Turanian species, 7 Euro-Siberian-Irano-Turanian species, 4 Irano-Turanian-Mediterranean species, 1 Irano-Turanian-Mediterranean-Euro-Siberian species and 1 cosmopolitan species were identified. 2 species were recorded from Isfahan Province for the first time. With regard to the similarity of flora in both regions, that is due to effective similar environmental factors, a uniform management plan for A. aucheri rangelands in Isfahan Province could be selected.
Maryam Abbasi, Nader Shabanipour,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2018)

In this study, the morphology and organization of the retina of Caspian kutum and fish response to ambient light as retinomotor reaction was investigated. The Rutilus frisii subsp. kutum is an anadromous fish and important native fish specimen of Caspian Sea. The specimens were obtained from Shahid Ansari Teleost Reproduction and Culture center (Guilan province, Iran). For light and dark adaptation fish were left in dark and light at least 30 minute prior to death. The eye retina were dissected out and processed for histological and SEM studies. The eye retina of Caspian kutum like most vertebrates, was composed of ten layers. Two types of photoreceptor cells including rod and short single cone were identified. Sagittal and transverse retinal sections did not show any particular patterns of cone arrangement. The retinomotor response observed in adapted retina to light and dark conditions revealed that Caspian kutum strongly reacts to changing light conditions. A remarkable pigment index indicated kutum relied mostly on rod rather than cone vision. The movement of pigment granules and slight change of cone myoid showed that the fish could recognize colors.

Elham Seidmohammadi, Saeed Abbasi, Mohammadreza Asef, Samad Jamali,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Through a survey of macrofungi in Ghalajeh heights and its surrounding plains, conducted from 2014- 2017, twelve specimens of macroascomycota were collected. The specimens were identified on the basis of macro- and micro-morphological characteristics. The internal transcribed spacer sequences of the selected specimens were analyzed to confirm the morphological identification. Based on the results, five species, including Terfezia claveryi, Tirmania pinoyi, Helvella acetabulum, Picoa juniperi and Picoa lefebvrei were identified. T. claveryi and T.pinoyi species had been previously reported from Kermanshah Province, but H. acetabulum, P. juniperi and P. lefebvrei species were reported for the first time.

Atta Mouludi-Saleh, Dr Soheil Eagderi, Keyvan Abbasi, Manochehr Nasri,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Atta Mouludi-Saleh1, Soheil Eagderi1, Keyvan Abbasi2 & Manoochehr Nasri3
1Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran; 2Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Bandar Anzali, Iran; 3Department of Fisheries Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Correspondent author: Soheil Eagderi,
Abstract: Due to the presence of taxonomic ambiguity regarding Petroleuciscus ulanus and Alburnus atropatenae and the tendency to treat them as synonyms of each other, this study was conducted to validate these two species by comparing their morphometric and meristic characters in the Mahabad-Chai River, Urmia Lake basin. A total of 64 specimens of P. ulanus and 68 specimens of A. atropatenae were sampled and were then investigated for 17 morphometric and 7 meristic characters. Measurements were standardized to eliminate the effects of size due to allometric growth pattern, then their normality and abnormality were examined. Standardized data were analyzed using t-test, Mann-Whitney, principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminative function analysis based on P-value of Hotelling's t-test (DFA/Hotelling's T-test) methods. The results showed that the two species were significantly different in 11 morphometric and 2 meristic traits (P<0.05). DFA analysis also showed significance differences between the two studied species. Our results refute the synonymy hypothesis of Petroleuciscus ulanus and Alburnus atropatenae on the basis of morphometric and meristic traits. Therefore, based on the results of this study, the taxonomic identities of these two species are valid.

Dr Azam Salimi, Ali Abbasi, Dr Maryam Chavoushi Rizi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (2-2025)

 Camelina (Cruciferae), is an oilseed. Chitosan is a natural biopolymer, non-toxic, and biocompatible which favors potentially broad application in biotic and abiotic stress. Iron is an essential micronutrient for almost all living organisms because it plays a critical role in metabolic processes respiration, and photosynthesis. In this research, examined the salinity (0, 8, 12, ds/m), (0, 5/12, 7/6 g/l) chitosan (0, 0.2, 0.4, g/l) and iron (0, 3, 6, g/l) based on a randomized block design with three replications. The sodium, root growth increased significantly in salinity. The irons and growth parameters decreased because the ionic ratio has been changed. Root increased to provide water. Due to the destructive effects of salinity, the increase of sodium has also affected other parameters and caused the decrease of iron and calcium. Stress has been reduced the shoot growth by affecting the growth of the plant. In this study, the interaction of salinity, chitosan, and iron, it was observed that the stem length, biomass, RWC, ions, carbohydrates increased and the root growth decreased. It has effect on RWC, regulating ions and compatible solutes, have been able to maintain the plant's conditions like stress-free conditions reduce the effects of salinity, and help plant growth.

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