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Zohreh Atashgahi, Farshid Memariani, Mohammad Reza Joharchi, Vahid Jafari Polgerd,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Halimocnemis commixta is recorded as a new species for the flora of Iran from Pistacia vera woodland remnants in NE Iran. It grows on open salty soils with several typical halophytic plants. The new species record is illustrated and compared with the closely related species. It can be distinguished from H. gamocarpa by its clustered flowers and irregularly horned fruits and differs from H. pilosa by its entirely short and adpressed hairs. We provide some additional notes on the distribution, ecology, and conservation status of the newly recorded species.

Farideh Attar, Hossein Maroofi, Mansour Mirtadzadini, Arash Sotoodeh,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Two new species of Cousinia are described from Iran. Cousinia bornmulleriana from the west that can be placed in sect. Haussknechtii based on some key characters such as flower numbers, phyllary numbers and the inflorescence form traits. This species can be also compared with its closest relative C. haussknechtii. and C. karkasensis. The second new species, C. semnanensis, from North East of Iran, belongs to the sect. Stenocephalae for its flower numbers, winged stem, and phyllaries shape, and is compared to C. alexeenkoana and C. glaucopsis as its close relative. Natural photos and distribution maps are presented.

Lida Jalali Roudsary, Azarnoosh Jafari, Jamil Vaezi, Ehsan Karimi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

High-quality DNA extraction plays an important role to make sharp bands in the gel electrophoresis and also produces clean chromatograms. Usually, DNA extract is delivered using the modified CTAB method but this method cannot obtain high-quality DNA for molecular analysis from old dried leaves of Bellevalia due to having different chemical compounds which inhibit to obtain a clear DNA extraction. To solve the problem, in different phases of a modified CTAB protocol, activated carbon, phenol, potassium acetate, RNase and deionized water (instead of TE) were applied to eliminate contaminants and improve obtained high-quality DNA. The DNA absorption data from the modified method were compared with CTAB method in 260 and 280 nm wavelengths. The results showed a 15-80-fold change in the DNA concentration. This study suggests the modified method of extraction is more efficient in the quality of DNA obtained from the little amount of herbarium old leaves of Bellevalia than that of the CTAB method.

Nasrin Farasat, Masoud Sheidai, Hossein Riahi, Fahimeh Koohdar,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

The genus Ulva L. (Sea lettuce), one of the most valuable marine macroalgae, is found in shallow coastal areas and in brackish and fresh water around the world. Ulva species have nutritional and medicinal values in addition to other applications, and contain various compounds such as lipids, proteins and carotenoids. These species have high phenotypic plasticity and varied in response to different environmental conditions. In this study, 38 populations of 10 species of Ulva from the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, from different areas of Bushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces, were studied and identified on the basis of morphological and anatomical traits. Different populations showed variations in characteristics such as height, shape and color of thallus, number of pyrenoids and cell dimensions. Metabolites such as total protein, total oil, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids contents were measured and compared among the different populations. The results should that the percentage of protein was highest in U. prolifera of Shif Island from Bushehr province as compared with the Ulva species studied, with about 26.5% of dry weight, and the percentage of total oil was lowest in U. flexuosa of Hakhamanesh region from Hormozgan province as compared with the species studied, with about 4.8% of dry weight. These results show that different environmental conditions affect the morphological and anatomical structure of species and the content of their metabolites. Due to the high-protein and low-calorie content of the Ulva genus and the importance of finding new and sustainable resources for food and pharmaceutical industries, the species of this genus have valuable potentials.
Atefeh Shahraki, Mrs Maryam Mohammadi-Sichani, Mrs Monireh Ranjbar,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Rhizospheric bacteria are among the beneficial soil microorganisms that improve plant growth. These bacteria increase plant growth through various mechanisms such as the production of various phytohormones and the ability to solubilize phosphate. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of rhizosphere bacteria on the growth of Carthamus tinctorius to improve its physiological and biochemical indicators. Carthamus tinctorius seeds were inoculated with five isolates of rhizosphere bacteria and were then planted the seeds in pots. Subsequently, the physiological and biochemical parameters of the plants, including the rates of auxin production, phosphate dissolving, photosynthetic pigments and the contents of proline and malondialdehyde were measured. For this purpose, a factorial experiment were conducted using a completely randomized design with three replications. The ANOVA was performed and a comparison of the means was carried out using Duncan’s multiple range test. The results indicated that the largest stem fresh weight, root fresh and dry weights observed in the treatments of using Pseudomonas fluorescens (auxin concentration of 23.55 μg/mL) and Bacillus muralis (auxin concentration of 22.27 μg/mL). In addition, all bacterial species increased the safflower seed germination rate compared to the control group. The largest malondialdehyde content was recorded in the treatment with Bacillus albus, and MDA content decreased in the treatments that produced larger amounts of auxin. In general, the finding of this research suggested that bacterial inoculation was capable to significantly affect the growth of safflower and improve its qualitative and quantitative growth parameters.
Ensieh Salehghamari,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Saline rhizospheric areas are untouched environments for isolating actinomycetes with the potential of valuable salt tolerant enzyme production. In this study, we isolated and evaluated a total number of of 26 actinomycete strains from plant rhizosphere of the periphery of Dasht-e-Kavir desert. Isolated actinomycetes produced different enzymes. Among them 50, 46, 39, 27, 10 and 7 % of the isolates produced amylase, lipase, protease, gelatinase, lecithinase and urease, respectively. The most frequently produced enzymes among the isolates were amylase, lipase and protease. Combined hydrolytic activity was also detected in some actinomycete strains. Among the isolates, strains Q1, Q4 and Q11 with the most diverse enzymes production, were identified and their 16s rRNA analysis showed that they are mostly similar to the Streptomyces scopiformis, Streptomyces argenteolus and Streptomyces manipurensis, respectively. Finally, due to the enzymatic diversity obtained and the valubility of the halophilic bacterial enzymes in industry, it seems that actinomycetes isolated from this saline habitat are potentially suitable for biotechnological applications.

Fatemeh Khakdan, Athar Sadat Javanmard,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Basil is an important medicinal plant, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Basil is used for the treatment of different diseases such as stomachache, headache, constipation, fever and infections, as well as to reduce and regulate the blood sugar. Moreover, Basil is known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. In this study, the impact of drought stress on phenols and flavonoids concentrations, as well as the antioxidant activities of leaf extract of three basil cultivars were investigated. Seeds of basil cultivars (mikhak, green, purple) were cultivated in sand-loamy soil and drought stresses (75%, 50% and 25% of the field capacity) were applied on six-leave plants. Experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design and three repeats. Total phenols, total flavonoids and flavonols concentrations of basil leaf extracts and their antioxidant activities were measured. The maximum values (with significant differences) of three groups of non-enzymatic antioxidants and the highest levels of antioxidant activities were observed for green cultivars under mild stresses (75% of the field capacity). It was observed that antioxidant activities were elevated by the increase of the concentration of the plant extract. Drought stress results in oxidative stress in basil plants. Phenols, flavonoids and flavonols are well-known as strong antioxidants have a role in the plant’s protection against the oxidative stress. In thrice cultivars of basil which were investigated, concentrations and abilities of these compounds to inhibit free radicals were decreased by the increase of the levels of drought stresses. It seems that both basil genotypes and drought stress levels affected the production of antioxidants studied and, consequently, have impacts on the plant inhibitory abilities against the oxidative stress.

Neda Rezazadeh, Javad Baharara, Khadijeh Nejad Shahrokhabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Cisplatin, as a chemotherapy drug, causes serious side effects in the advanced stages of the cancer. Recently, Artemisia has been considered for its bioactive compounds, anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-cancer and anti-metastatic effects of the methanolic extract of aerial organs of Artemisia and cisplatin, either alone or in combination, in human ovarian cancer cell line A2780. The viability of A2780 cells after treatment with Artemisia extract, cisplatin and their combination was evaluated by MTT assay and the alterations in the morphology of the cell nuclei were examined by DAPI staining. The induction of apoptosis was assessed by Annexin V test, cell migration and changes in expression levels of apoptotic genes (Bax and P53) and metastasis (MMP2 and MMP9) using real-time PCR. MTT test data showed that Artemisia extract, cisplatin and their combination decreased the viability of ovarian cancer cells. DAPI and Annexin V indicated the DNA fragmentation and increased percentage of cellular apoptosis in comparison with the control group. The migration and real-time PCR data showed a decline in thr cell invasion and expression of genes involved in metastasis (MMP2 and MMP9) in cancer cells while the expression of apoptotic genes (Bax and P53) was increased in the treated groups. The results of this study showed that while both Artemisia extract and cisplatin posses anti-proliferative effect, apoptotic and suitable anti-metastatic effects on their own in A2780 cell line, their combination have synergic effects and posses those desired properties in lower concentration of cisplatin, which can reduce the side effects of cisplatin in cancer treatment.

Mahdi Alijanianzadeh, Alireza Jalalvand, Rasoul Khalilzadeh, Maryam Abdolirad,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

S-layer proteins of Deinococcus radiodurans are the best self-assemble systems among other proteins that have an essential role in the fabrication of nanowires. Therefore, the purification of these proteins is necessary. The purpose of this research was to optimize the purification of s-layer protein from D. radiodurans with the response surface method. The three factors of SDS concentration, incubation time and mass percent in five levels were considered, and 20 runs were designed by Design-Expert software with a central composite method. Each run includes microbe culture, mass cell preparation, microbe incubation in specific SDS concentration and time and mass percent, separation of the bacteria from detergent with a centrifuge at 5000g, sedimentation of s-layer proteins from detergent solution with a centrifuge at 20000g, determination of protein concentration, and protein purity by Bradford and SDS-PAGE methods, respectively. Finally, the data obtained were analyzed.  Analysis of the results demonstrated that at the 95% confidence level, the effect of the detergent concentration factor on the purified protein percent was more than other factors. The optimization results of factors are 5.64% SDS concentration, 7.33% mass percent, and 3 hours incubation time. At optimized conditions the protein concentration and purity percent were obtained 0.584 mg/ml and 47.61% respectively.

Shiva Tabatabaie Roodsati, Alireza Iranbakhsh, . Mansoureh Shamili, Zahra Oraghi Ardabili,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Selenium, a non-essential element for plants, is essential for animals as well as human beings. Although the role of selenium in plants is yet to be properly understood, previous researches have shown that this element can affect plant growth and metabolism. In this study, the effect of foliar application of selenium nanoparticles (0, 5, 10, and 20 mg/L) and sodium selenate (0, 5, 10, and 20 mg/L) on the physiological and biochemical responses of bell pepper (Capsicum anumm L.) was investigated. The potential changes in various growth and biochemical indices were evaluated in response to the treatments. According to the results, selenium treatments at concentrations of 10 and 20 mg/L reduced the biomass accumulation in both roots and shoots. These treatments also increased the content of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde. The foliar application of selenium led to the increase of the concentrations of soluble phenols, proline and thiols. The activity of antioxidant enzymes including catalase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase were increased in response to the selenium treatments. The protease activity displayed a similar upward trend following the selenium treatments.

Sarehi Ebrahimi, Seyed Mehdi Razavi, Mansour Afshar Mohammmadian,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2023)

The increase of the entry of industrial effluents containing various types of heavy metals into water and soil leads to the ever-increasing spread of environmental problems. Therefore, it is necessary to find less expensive solutions to reduce the pollution. In this regard, in order to compare the effect of the removal of heavy elements on some of the morphological and physiological characteristics of C. alternifolius, Ch. zizanioides and Aloe vera plants, an experiment was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications for 14 months at the University of Guilan. The results showed that under the treatment of industrial wastewater, the metal accumulation indices (MAI) of zinc, chromium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel, magnesium were higher in Ch. zizanioides and Aloe vera than those in C. alternifolius. In all three studied plants, the indices of root length, shoot length, total biomass and tolerance index (TI) had a significant decrease compared with those in the control plants, and Ch. zizanioides and A. vera plants had the lowest percentage of decrease. In addition, other investigated components including absorption index (UI), total soluble sugar, total phenol content, total flavonoid, total anthocyanin, total tannin, and DPPH free radical inhibition percentage increased in all three plants under industrial wastewater treatment. The highest percentage of increase in all investigated components, except DPPH free radical inhibition percentage, was observed in Ch. zizanioides. In general, it can be said that in terms of MAI and morphological and physiological characteristics, Ch. zizanioides and A. vera were more successful than the C. alternifolius. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the studied plants in the order of priority (Ch. zizanioides ˃ A. vera ˃ C. alternifolius) in soils contaminated with industrial effluents, in order to remediate the soil.

Mina Azhary, Elham Ahmadi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Molluscs are important pests of natural and agricultural ecosystems, by feeding on different parts of leaves, stems, flowers, buds, fruits and roots of different plant hosts, reducing the marketability of annual agricultural products and damage plant species in different habitats in the country. Moreover, they are intermediate hosts of human and cattle parasites, and therefore are of medicinal and veterinary importance. In this study, snails and slugs were sampled from nine designated stations located in the south and west regions of Tehran province, considering their natural condition, vegetation, location of gardens and fields, soil or subsoil types, from the beneath of rocks and trunks, water bodies and other areas related to the habitat of snails and slugs. Samples were made using sampling nets or gathered directly by hand from plants, shrubs and river banks. Overally, 17 species belonging to 12 genera from nine families were collected and identified. Identification was done according to morphometric characters including shape, size of shell, dextral and sinistral position of the shell, operculum, aperture, radula, mucus colour, respiratory pore, keel, renal ridge and reproduction system. The highest and lowest mollusc species diversity among the stations studied were turned to be 16 and 6 species belong to station 9 (west of Tehran province) and station 2 (south of Tehran province), respectively. The most commonly diversed family was Hellicidae with 5 species, i.e., Monacha cantiana, Euomphalia pisiformis, Helicella krynickii, Helicella derbentina, Caucasotachea atrolabiata. Also, Lymnaea truncatula is identified as the most frequent species, which has medical importance. Monacha cantiana was identified in the present study and reported for the first time from Iran. All the samples and their respective spatial and temporal information were made available in the museum of the Agricultural Zoology Research Department in Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection.

Yasaman Salmaki, Mahya Khakpash,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Stachys sect. Satureoides includes four species characterized by being annual herbs having oblanceolate leaves, urceolate calyx in fruit and dense hairs at mouth and are distributed from Eastern and Southern Turkey, Syria, Northern Iraq to Western Iran. The main aim of present study is to determine the phylogenetic placement of S. sect. Satureoides based on Stachys melampyroides, as the only representative of this section in Iran. The present molecular study was conducted based on nuclear ribosomal ITS marker, using Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Inference analyses. In total, 86 accessions (including nine outgroups and 77 ingroups) were included. Our results demonstrated that sect. Satureoides was placed in Olisia clade which is one of the most heterogenous and taxonomically challenging clades of Stachys as a paraphyletic genus. Moreover, not only sect. Satureoides was not found to be phylogenetically close to sect. Neurocalyx, as had been suggested by previous morphological studies, but also it was placed as a sister group of sect Fragilicaulis which was characterized by chasmophilus species with fragile stems and yellow flowers. Our results revealed that sect. Neurocalyx could be the closest group to the Satureoides+Fragilicaulis clade. In addition, based on the nrITS phylogenetic tree, annual species of Stachys showed affinity to perennial Stachys species. Hence, it seems that “Annual habit” have been evolved among their perennial ancestors, independently.
Elmira Shokoohi, Omid Sofalian, Ali Asghari, Saeid Khomari, Behrooz Esmaielpour, Hamed Aflatooni,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Chickpea is one of the most important plants of the legume family and is very important in the diet. In order to investigate the genetic diversity of chickpea, an experiment was conducted with 18 chickpea genotypes in the form of a completely to investigate the genetic diversity of chickpea, an experiment was conducted with 18 chickpea genotypes in the form of a completely randomized block design. After acclimatization of plants to cold, freezing treatment was applied at temperatures of -6, -8 and -10 and their 50% lethality temperature (LT50) was determined by probit transformation. Before and after the habituation stage, a leaf sample was taken and the relative content of leaf water, photosynthetic pigments, proline, soluble sugar, protein percentage, catalase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and greenness index were measured. Genotype number 5 with the lowest LT50 (-8.86) and the highest survival percentage (80%) was the most resistant genotype and genotype 10 with the highest LT50 (-3.57) and the lowest survival percentage along with genotype 15 were recognized as the most sensitive genotypes. In order to evaluate genetic diversity, DNA extraction was utilized and 21 different ISSR primers were used in the investigation. The results showed the presence of polymorphism among the cultivars studied. A total of 101 clear bands were produced, of which 94 were polymorphic bands. Polymorphic information content (PIC) was in the range of 0.332 (initiator 7) to 0.049 (initiator 16). The amount of gene diversity was between 0.126 and 0.977 changes. Cluster analysis of genotypes was done using Jaccard similarity coefficient and UPGMA method 

Ali Jahangiri Zarkani, Mousa Keshavarz, Adnan Shahdadi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Barnacles are bottom-dwelling crustaceans that live on a variety of substrates, including rocks, mollusk shells, corals, sponges, mangrove roots and leaves, and the body surface of turtles and whales. The present study deals with the species Microeuraphia permitini on the shores of Bandar Abbas in two stations of mangrove forest and rocky beach in a period of two months, and has investigated the morphometrics of the specimens, while considering the effect of the lunar cycle on reproduction, temperature and wind speed of the environment. Five longitudinal parameters (height, basal length and width, opercular length and width) were recorded. The results showed that 90% and 70% of the samples of both stations had eggs in the second day (new moon) and eighth days of lunar months, respectively, and in the twelfth day of the lunar month (full moon) all samples contained eggs. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the height and base length of the barnacle, but the difference between the opercular length, opercular width and base width is not significant. In addition, in both of mangrove and rocky stations, there was the highest correlation coefficient between opercular length and width (r=0.84 and r=0.78, respectively). The lowest correlation coefficient in mangrove station was between base length and opercular width (r=0.5) and in rocky station between height and base width (r=0.2). The wind pattern was variable during this period and the approximate decrease of the north wind was seen during the sampling period. Air temperature changes were seen between minimum 30 °C and maximum 39 °C. In addition to the tidal cycle, wind and temperature can affect the spawning of the species as an environmental stress factor.

Narjes Rezazadeh Moghadam, Asghar Zamani,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The family Verbenaceae, currently consists of Verbena and Phyla genera in different parts of Iran, especially northern provinces. The frame of this family has undergone significant changes in comparison with the previous references. For example, Vitex and Clerodendrum have been defined as the genera of this family in previous references. Accordingly, in this study, the relationship among these four genera has been evaluated using morphological and leaf anatomical characters of 20 samples. For this purpose, 67 qualitative and quantitative morphological and anatomical traits were used. The analysis of data was performed using R software ver. 4.3.1. For simultaneous analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) method was applied. The results of this study indicate the high value of some quantitative traits such as main vein xylem length, seed width, style length and blade width and some qualitative traits such as blade epidermal cells shape, stomata position, two arms of blade position in relation to each other, indumentum type, main vein epidermal cells shape, petal color, blade vascular bundles number, density of indumentum, leaf margin shape and stem branches length in the clustering of the genera. Totally, Analysis of data led to the separation of these genera. In accordance with the phylogenetic studies, Vitex and Clerodendrum show more affinity to each other and are separated from the currently native members of Verbenaceae in Iran, i.e. Verbena and Phyla.
Saeideh Khamushi, Fatemeh Nejadhabibvash,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2024)

     The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the essential oil chemical composition of Satureja bachtiarica Bunge were inoculated by spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation Glomus caledonium and foliar application of zinc chelate levels (0, 2, 4 and 8 g/L) in 2019, at Zarrin Giah greenhouse of Urmia city in West Azerbaijan Province, in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Plants were harvested at full flowering stage. Essential oils were obtained by Clevenger apparatus and were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Comparison of means by Duncan's multiple range test showed that inoculation with Glomus caldonium had no significant effect on the essential oil yield of Satureja bachtiarica flowering shoots, but the foliar application of zinc chelate had statistically significant effect. However, there was no difference among different concentrations of zinc chelate in terms of effect on essential oil yield. The treatments also changed the essential oil composition compared to the essential oil of the control group. These changes included the reduction of beta-caryophyllene, sabinen hydrate, borneol and carvacryl acetate compounds and the increase of citral and octyl phthalate in the plant inoculated with mycorrhiza, as well as the increase of carvacrol in the essential oil of plants treated with zinc chelate.  Also, inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi and zinc chelate foliar application increased the amount of sesquiterpene & diterpene and monoterpene compounds, respectively. 
Dr. Atta Mouludi-Saleh, Dr. Soheil Eagderi, Dr. Hadi Poorbagher, Dr. Hamid Reza Esmaeili,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2024)

This study was conducted to investigate the ecological niche overlap of two sympatric species, Paracapoeta trutta and Capoeta damascina in the Iranian part of the Sirvan River, Persian Gulf basin. For this purpose, during the winter of 2021, sampling was done from eight stations (each with three repetitions). After identification, samples were released into the same sampling sites. Then some 10 environmental factors including depth, water velocity, river width, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Altitude, slope, and dissolved oxygen were measured and recorded. Investigating the habitat suitability indices of P. trutta  were recorded as pH 7.5-8, temperature about 10°C, TDS 150mg/liter, EC 400μS/cm, altitude 1150 m, depth 15cm, river width about 9m, velocity 1 m/s, slope 2% and dissolved oxygen 9mg/l and for C. damascina as pH 6-6.5, temperature about 10°C, TDS 180 to 200mg/l, EC 300μS/cm, altitude 1150m, depth 25cm, river width about 6m, velocity 0.5 m/s, the slope is 2% and the dissolved oxygen 8mg. The results of the ecological niche overlap showed that two species based on studied environmental factors had the highest overlap value for dissolved oxygen (0.646) and the  value for temperature (0.293). The average ecological niche overlap was 0.432 for the two species.
Mina Rabie, Younes Asri, Fatemeh Sefidkon,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Abstract. Seseli olivieri (Apiaceae) is an exclusive species of the Alborz Mountains, Iran. In this research, the effect of environmental conditions on the vegetative traits and essential oil compounds of this species was investigated. For this purpose, three habitats with different heights were selected and the vegetative characteristics of this species were measured. In each habitat, soil samples and flowering branches of this species were collected and analyzed in the laboratory. The relationship between the functional traits of this species and environmental factors was determined using CA and PCA. Variance analysis of functional traits and soil parameters showed a significant difference between the three habitats. The highest values of vegetative traits were related to Tuyeh habitat. In Tange Kavard habitat, the main effective substances were Apiol and cis-Cadina-1(6),4-diene; in Enzo habitat, Apiol and Bornyl acetate; and in the Tuyeh habitat, Bornyl acetate and α-Pinene. Among the environmental factors, altitude, annual precipitation, annual temperature, minimum temperature of the coldest month, minimum absolute temperature, lime and nitrogen had the most significant correlation with the functional traits of this plant. Based on the IUCN criteria, the conservation status of this species was determined in the critically endangered.
Dr. Ebrahim Fani, Dr. Mojtaba Mokari,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

In recent years, the use of machine learning methods in various fields of agriculture is increasing, and these methods provide us with very good information for predicting and checking different levels of performance in plants. In the current research, according to the results of the preliminary experiment carried out previously with specific levels of salinity stress and fertilization (salinity stress levels of zero, 75 and 150 mM sodium chloride and fertilization levels of zero and 3 grams per liter of silica) which were previously carried out and using the nonlinear regression model (NLR) and Python programming language, the morphological and physiological traits of the fenugreek medicinal plant at the newly defined levels of salinity stress and silica fertilization (salinity of up to 300 mM level and silica fertilization in two levels of 1 and 2 grams per liter) were predicted without conducting practical tests and based on the levels of salinity and initial fertilization. The non-linear regression model is a widely used algorithm in data analysis where the relationship between variables is non-linear and can create meaningful relationships between variables using non-linear functions. The results showed that the positive effect of silica on the amount of chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) can be seen from zero to 180 mM salinity level and the amount of greenness index (SPAD) from zero to 100 mM salinity level. It seems that according to the results of the present research, it is possible to use machine learning to investigate and analyze the morphological and physiological characteristics of the fenugreek medicinal plant at other defined levels of salinity stress and other defined silica fertilization with no need conduct a practical experiment.

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