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Farib Noedoost, Somaye Dehdari, Damon Razmjoei, Rahele Ahmadpour, Parvaneh Shoukat,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Ferula stenocarpa from Apiaceae family is a perennial plant with about 2 meters height, which grows in the high temperature of sudanian regions. This research was aimed to investigate the autecology of an endemic plant to Iran, Ferula stenocarpa, in Khuzestan province. Initially, the habitat map was prepared and characteristics of the species habitat including topography, climate, soil properties, companion species, palynology, anatomical studies were determined. In addition, the phenology stage and root system was investigated. The results show that this species is distributed in the altitudes ranging from 159 to 850 m.a.s.l., with the mean annual precipitation of 112.4 to 482.9 millimeters and mean annual temperature of 24.47 to 25.93 ºC. This plant species is found in habitats with different topographic aspects and no slope limitations with slopes 40-60% as preferred slopes. Soil texture was loam, clay loam and silty loam, weak alkaline, and poor in phosphorus and nitrogen. Electrical Conductivity is 1-0.72 ds/m and soil pH of 7.47-7.85. The vegetative growth of this species starts from mid-March. The flowers appear in April and seeds ripen in late on May. The plant propagates only by seeds. Pollen is prolate, elliptic and tricolporate. The destruction of natural habitats of this plant due to overgrazing causes that we find this plant as individual and scattered spots in their natural habitat.
Khadijeh Bagheri, Samira Shahbazi, Hamed Askari, Shide Mojerlou, Farangis Amirlou,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Trichoderma species have been famous for production of cellulases with relatively high enzymatic activity. However, attempts to use their cellulolytic enzymes in the bioconversion of cellulosic wastes have not been successful because of high cost of production and low enzymatic yields. This study aimed to obtain gamma-induced mutants of T. viride with enhanced extracellular cellulase production. Spore suspensions were exposed to γ-rays at 250 Gy as optimum dose. After irradiation, all germinated spores were grown onto PDA plates and mutant strains with better sporulation were selected and subcultured five times to test their stability. Cellulase activity was tested using Whatman No. 1 filter paper, carboxymethyl cellulose, avicel, bacterial cellulose and walseth cellulose according to the IUPAC recommendation. Extracellular proteins profiles of mutant strains were studied via SDS-PAGE. The maximum activity of total cellulase and avicelase were observed in the isolate of M21 (92.43 and 74.40 U/mg, respectively) and maximum endo-glucanase activity was observed in M18 mutant. The results of this study showed that the application of gamma ray led to a significant increase in Cellulose activity of 38 percent of mutant strains. Thus, this method could be used as a simple and efficient way to achieve strains with the ability to produce high levels of enzymes and other biological metabolites.
Ghazanfar Vaisi, Ahmad Mohtadi, Ali Moradi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

In order to investigate different treatment effects on germination in Gundelia tournefortii, three factorial experiments were carried out in the completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was stratification at 4oC in three levels including 0, 3 and 6 weeks, the second factor was mechanical scarification in two levels including seeds with/without scarification and the third factor was chemical treatments of seed dormancy breaking in three levels including distilled water and gibberellic acid at concentrations of 1000 and 1500 mg/l and Thiourea 0.1%. The results showed that the effects of stratification, scarification and chemical treatments of dormancy breaking and their interactions were significant on all studied parameters (p<0.01). Mean comparison values were significant for the effects of spate treatments together with mechanical scarification for the improvement of all traits. The results also revealed that treatment of mechanical scarification treatment together with gibberellic acid 1000 mg/l in six weeks stratification, due to maximum germination speed, seedling dry weight, seedling length, large-scale germination percentage and seedling vigor index and modest average germination period, was the most influential treatment for seed dormancy breaking of this plant. Correlation between germination percentage with germination rate, dry weight and seedling length was significant. It seems that seed dormancy type in Gundelia tournefortii is physiological and physical, as eliminating physiological and physical factors leads to its germination improvement.
Farhad Valizadegan, Maryam Rahimi Tesyie,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The Basolateral Amygdala (BLA) has modulatory effects on working and reference memory. The aim of this study was the evaluation of effects of dopaminergic system in the BLA of rats on working and reference memory behaviors. The number of working and reference errors and time spent in the arms by rats were measured in the radial arm maze according to DSWS protocol. The animals were cannulated in the BLA bilaterally. The microinjection of low dose (0.005µg/rat) and high dose (0.5 µg/rat) of apomorphine have indicated a significant decrease in number of working memory error. But, there was not any change in the numberof reference memory error that showing the improvement of working memory. While the injection of moderate dose apomorphine (0.05 µg/rat) increased these parameters and also enhanced the spent time in working arm that presenting both memories damage. The chlorpromazine injection (2 µg/rat) decreased the number of working and reference memory errors representing the improvement of these memories. Microinjection of chlorpromazine (2 µg/rat) with different doses of apomorphine had no significant change on the both number of errors and the time spent in comparison with control groups. These findings show that BLA dopaminergic system modulates the working and reference memory through that both of (D1/D2) receptors. Also, the effect of this system in BLA is the resultant function of the both receptor families.
Masoud Nazarizadeh, Mohammad Kaboli, Hamidreza Rezai, Jalil Imani, Alireza Mohammadi, Saeid Khaki,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Abstract. Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea), with 18 subspecies, has a wide distribution in deciduous forests of Eurasia. The subspecies S.e.persica is a resident bird in the Zagros Mountains, from north-west to south-west of Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluate the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of this subspecies to European, Asian, as well as Caucasian clades. For this purpose, 10 individuals of two populations from Zagros forests in Kermansha and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces were captured and blood samples were collected. Furthermore, we used ND2 sequence data (1041 bp) for 136 sequnces from GenBank. were used from Then genetic variations and Genealogical analysis was calculated using complete ND2 gene sequence (1041bp) and TRN+G model, Bayesian trees and maximum likelihood, respectively. Also, median joining algorithm showed the relationships among haplotypes. We found four new haplotypes for the Zagros populations. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that the genetic distance between Zagros population and Caucasian clade was significantly small, demonstrating Zagros populations are part of the Caucasian clade. FST statistical values, resulted from Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), represented significant variations in genetic structure among Eurasian Nuthatch populations. Moreover, FCT revealed significant variation among European, Asian, and Caucasian clades. Overall our result suggests that Eurasian Nuthatch populations in Eurasia comprise three phylogenetic species, and likely biological species. Hoewever, the previous nomenclatured subspecies, S.e.caucasian and S.e.persica, can be considered as a common phylogenetic species.

Hakimeh Oloumi, Fatemeh Nasibi, Hossein Mozaffari,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Medicinal plants are rich sources of secondary metabolites. Lepidium sativum possess active compounds and secondary metabolites, including polyphenol, anthocyanin, flavonoid compounds, which are of special pharmaceutical and economic importance. Melatonin as bio-stimulator compound has a regulatory role on the amount of secondary metabolites and plant tolerance to environmental stresses. In this study, the effect of exogenous melatonin on secondary metabolites production on Lepidium sativum plants was carried out in a completely randomized design with 5 melatonin treatments (0, 5, 10, 50 and 100 μM) and 3 replications. After applying the treatment, the growth rate and content of the photosynthetic pigments, the leaf water content, as well as the content of flavonoids, anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds were investigated. Seed treatment with melatonin, especially at concentrations of 50 and 100 μM, improved the growth parameters and content of photosynthetic pigments. High levels of melatonin also increased the plant's secondary metabolites, including anthocyanins, carotenoids, and plant phenolic compounds. These effects can confirm the role of melatonin as a growth regulator and its impact on plant growth and resistance.

Ata Mouludi-Saleh, Yazdan Keivany,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

. In this study, morphological variation of three species of Squalius in Iranian basins was studied. For this purpose, 709 specimens were captured from the Caspian Sea, the Urmia Lake, the Namak Lake and the Tigris basin. After anesthetizing in clove oil solution and fixing in 10% neutralized formalin, specimens were transferred to the Isfahan University of Technology Ichthyology Museum (IUT-IM) for further studies. In the laboratory, some 14 meristic characters were counted under a streomicroscope. Also, images were analyzed with ImageJ software and 19 morphometric characteristics were measured. In addition, 13 landmarks were defined and digitized on images taken in tpsDig2 software in order to extract geometric morphometric data. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA, Duncan test, PCA, CVA and cluster analysis methods were used to analyze the differences among the populations. The results of PCA and CVA meristic and morphometric analyses showed no significant differences among the studied populations. The populations of the species studied were significantly different in 11 meristic and 15 morphometric characteristics. Also, the major differences observed in the results of geometric morphometric analysis were related to the position of the pectoral fin, body and head depth. In general, the studied populations highly overlapped, and we suggest that the populations of genus Squalius should be further studied by molecular methods.
Mahboobe Mohebi Bijarpas, Teymuor Rostami Shahraji, Habiboala Samizadeh Lahiji,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

To understand the Eco physiological adaptation mechanisms of Fagus orientalis Lipesk to altitude changes, the activities of Peroxidase (POD), Catalase (CAT), and Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in leaves of Fagus orientalis in different altitudes (A1: 700 m, A2: 1200 m, A3: 1700 m above sea level)  Was studied in the forests of Guilan. The sampling of leaves was collected from southern and northern parts of the crown of healthy and mature trees. The results of analysis variance showed that there was a significant difference between and within the population for the activity of catalase and peroxidase enzymes at the probability level of 0.05 and with increasing altitude, the activity of catalase and peroxidase were increased but the activity of Ascorbate peroxidase enzyme was initially increased and its level of activity decreased from the middle altitude with increasing altitude. Also, the results showed that the enzymatic activity of peroxidase and catalase in the northern leaves was more than the southern leaves that collected in crown of the trees.
Seyedeh Mahdieh Sadadt, Zahra Hajihassan, Mohammad Barshan-Tashnizi, Mehri Abdi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophic factor that is functional in the survival, maintenance and differentiation of nervous system cells. This protein has three subunits, of which the beta subunit has the main activity. Its structure consists of a cysteine knot motif made up of beta strands linked by disulfide bonds. It can be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of many diseases. As NGF extracted from natural sources is unsuitable for therapeutic goals, many studies have attempted to produce recombinant β-NGF. In this study, Trigger Factor (TF) chaperone was expressed simultaneously with β-NGF in E. coli in order to obtain increased yield of soluble recombinant human β-NGF.  For this purpose, pET39b (+)::β-NGF and chaperone plasmid pTf16 were transferred to E.coli (DE3 strain). After the induction of each promoter, the total proteins and periplasmic proteins were extracted. To confirm the effects of TF on total protein and soluble β-NGF expression level, Bradford and Dot blot techniques and ImageJ software were used. Then, β-NGF was purified using affinity chromatography column (Ni+2-NTA). Also, the PC12 cells were treated with the protein for one week in order to study the function of purified NGF. Our data indicated that co-expression of TF could increase the soluble and periplasmic production of β-NGF but not total proteins. Also, the treatment of PC12 cell line with purified β-NGF, co-expressed with TF chaperone, showed differentiation of these cells to nerve cells. This indicated that the purified NGF is fully functional. Our data suggest that the co-expression of cytoplasmic chaperone (TF) with recombinant nerve growth factor might be an efficient approach to produce a proper quantity of soluble and active rhNGF.

Esmat Khaleqsefat, Mohammad Khalaj-Kondori, Morteza Jabbarpour Bonyadi, Hamid Soraya, Behnam Askari,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Warfarin is a commonly-prescribed anticoagulant used to treat and prevent thromboembolic events. The requirement for varying doses of warfarin depends on genetic and environmental components. In this study, the frequency of two single-nucleotide polymorphic variants of the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) gene (1173 C>T (rs9934438) and 3730 G>A (rs7294)) and its correlation with warfarin maintenance doses were investigated in patients with heart valve replacement from West Azarbayejan, Iran. Blood samples were obtained from 185 patients; their genomic DNA was extracted and samples were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay. To assess if the blood warfarin level is different among genotypes, we used a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a Tukey’s post-hoc comparison. The minor allele frequency was determined to be 54% for 1173T and 53.7% for 3730A. Patients who carried the G allele at position 3730 and T allele at position 1173 required a significantly lower daily mean warfarin dosage (P <0.001). Consideration of the VKORC1 gene polymorphism, especially at the initial stages of the therapy, can be helpful in pre-treatment dosing of warfarin, which, in turn, reduces the adverse effects resulting from inappropriate drug prescription.                                                                                                                                                           

Khadijeh Mahmoodi, Maneezheh Pakravan, Valiollah Mozaffarian,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

The genus Zoegea L. belongs to Asteraceae family and has about 10 species in the world. This genus is considered to be an Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean element and is distributed in south-western and central Asia and in the central, southern, north-western and south-western parts of Iran as well. The subspecies classification of the genus is not consensus and various classifications could be found in different taxonomy resources. In this study various specimens from different regions of Iran were studied. In addition, anatomical and palynological characters were used to perform a cluster analysis in order to determine species groups. In the end, our results confirmed that Z. baldschuanica and Z. glabricaulis were distinct species.

Mohammad Sadegh Amiri, Shahryar Saeidi Mehrvarz, Farshid Memariani,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Plantago lagocephala is recorded as a new species for the flora of Iran from Razavi Khorassan Province. It is compared with the closely related species including P. lachnantha, P. ciliata and P. psammophila. Moreover, the diagnostic morphological characters and a distribution map are provided. The conservation status of the new record is evaluated based on the IUCN red list categories and criteria.
Atiye Nejad Falatoury, Mostafa Assadi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Gypsophila hispida, sect. Hispidae, is reported for the first time from NW Iran. Illustrations, morphological and palynological descriptions and distribution are provided in detail, along with a key for the six taxa of subgen. Hagenia from Iran.
Yasamin Nasseh, Mohammad Reza Joharchi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

During the study on the specimens of Astragalus sect. Ammodendron in the herbarium of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUMH), based on the last and most recent sources, two new species, i.e. A. microfoliolatus sp. nova and A. rashed-mohasseli sp. nova were found and described. Morphological evidence confirmed that the belonging of these taxa to Astragalus sect. Ammodendron. The most important differences between A. microfoliolatus and its closest relatives are leaflets with very small size and glabrescent legume. Also, the main distinctive characters ofA. rashed-mohasseli are the presence of hairs on the dorsal side of vexillum, oblong legume and short rachis. Hairy vexillum has been obseverd for the first time in this section. In addition, A. aiwadzhi is recorded as a new species for the flora of Iran. Taxonomic descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps are provided to expedite identification.
Fateme Sadeghipour, Navaz Kharazian, Saeid Afsharzadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

The Palang Galoun protected region, comprising 34935 hectares, is located 75 km northwest of Najaf Abad, and 102 km northwest of Isfahan city. The aim of this research was to assess the floristic spectrum, life form varieties, chorological analysis, determination of protected status and identification of medicinal, threatened species criteria and poisonous plants of this natural heritage. Plant samples were collected during different vegetative seasons at several stages. Life forms of samples were determined and chorological analysis was performed. On the basis of the obtained results, a total of 166 species belonging to 126 genera and 39 families were identified. Six families, 23 genera and 26 species belonged to monocotyledons, whereas 33 families, 103 genera and 140 species belonged to dicotyledons. In terms of chorological analysis, 58% of plant species were distributed in the Irano-Turanian region. It is noteworthy that 44 endemic species, 97 medicinal species, 48 pasture species and 23 poisonous species were present in the studied area. Life forms were found to comprise 54% hemicryptophytes, 24% therophytes, 10% geophytes, 7% chamaephytes and 5% phanerophytes. Based on IUCN red list categories and criteria, there were 22 species in the lower risk category and seven species categorized as vulnerable case.
Azadeh Niknejad,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Molecular farming technology offers a unique advantage that almost any protein can be produced economically and safely under very controlled conditions. Besides traditional production systems, such as bacteria, yeasts, insects and mammal cell lines, plants can now be used to produce eukaryotic recombinant proteins, especially therapeutic ones. Their advantages as hosts for protein production include correct post-translational modifications, low-cost maintenance and no risk of contamination by human pathogens. The system is widely applied in agriculture and industry, especially in life science and pharmaceutical industry. The application of transgenic plants in the production of vaccines, antibodies and pharmaceutical proteins has been playing a key role in plant genetic engineering in recent years. The production of recombinant proteins plays a critical role in the production of high amounts of high-quality proteins. In this review, common problems in the production of recombinant proteins and antimicrobial peptides in plant-based expression systems are discussed and strategies for their solution are suggested. Viral vector-mediated transient gene expression in plants enables rapid production of pharmaceutical proteins such as vaccine antigens and antibodies. To conclude, plant-based systems have the potential to bring unique efficacy-enhancing features to increase the utility and effectiveness of vaccines and therapeutics.

Mansour Mirtadzadini , Firouzeh Bordbar, Mohammad Reza Parishani, Ernst Vitek, Mohammad Reza Rahiminejad,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

The current investigations suggest the segregation of Jurinea cartilaginea from Jurinea, and its placement among Centaureinae. Molecular studies, based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (nrITS), chromosome number data and pollen morphology, support the morphological results. Based on these results, J. cartilaginea is related to and, therefore, transferred to the genus Karvandarina. Due to the morphological characters differing from Karvanderina aphylla, a new subgenus, Pseudojurinea, is described. Molecular study also supports the monophyly of Jurinea.
Mahboubeh Sheikhbahaei, Farkhondeh Rezanejad, Hossein-Ali Sasan,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

The flowering process in plants proceeds through the induction of an inflorescence meristem triggered by several pathways. Many of the genes associated with these pathways encode transcription factors of the MADS domain family. The MADS-domain transcription factor APETALA1 (AP1) is a key regulator of flower development. The first step to understand the molecular mechanisms under the function of each gene in a plant is identification, sequencing and phylogeny analysis of that gene. For this purpose, total RNA was isolated from flower bud of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) and was used for cDNA synthesis. The specific primers were designed based on nucleotide sequence alignment of AP1 homologus genes from plants of the same family Brassicaceae and were used in RT-PCR. After observing its electrophoretic pattern and ensuring the quality of PCR product, the amplicon was sent for sequencing. After receiving the results of sequencing, the sequence examined with BLAST, MUSCLE, Gene Runner and MEGA6 softwares. The results indicated amplification of 787 nucleotides fragment that named LsAP1 and was recorded by accession number KP070728 in NCBI database. The studies show high similarity and overlapping of gene bank sequences with LsAP1 illative protein. According to these results, LsAP1 may play a similar role as AP1 in flower induction and could act as a flower meristem identity gene in Lepidium sativum L.

Azra Saboora, Maryam Amiri Rad, Ezat Asgarani, Tayebeh Radjabian,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

DNA extraction from plant tissues often causes most problems. For example, unsuccessful removal secondary metabolites during extraction, such as phenolic compounds in aromatic and medicinal plants, cause to some mistakes in result of molecular experiments by using of the extracted DNA. Achillea wilhelmsii is a medicinal plant belong to Asteraceae family and native to Iran, there is little information about genomic data in this plant. Therefore, optimizing of the DNA extraction methods for obtaining suitable quality and quantity yield is necessary. In this study, two traditional DNA extraction methods (using fresh and herbarium leaf samples) and commercial DNA kit MAGNANTM in Yarrow have been compared. Results showed that DNA extracted from fresh leaves of yarrow according to Khanuja et al. (1999) was better than the other methods which mentioned in this research, because of the increased amount of extracted DNA and reduced harmful compounds such as RNA, polysaccharides, protein and secondary metabolites. To evaluate the quality of extracted DNA from herbarium specimens showed that, in spite of the high yielding DNA (10-50 fold ratio to the other methods), quality of this extract was low on agarose gel because of smear and broken down the molecules. It can be considered as a limitation of the extract in molecular experiments. Procedure of MAGNANTM DNA kit was appropriate for reducing time and cost of the extraction as well as low contamination to protein and RNA, but the process needs some modifications for yarrow to increase the amount of extracted DNA.
Mitra Mohammadi Bazargani,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Epilobium minutiflorum belongs to the genus Epilobium with important medicinal properties. In this study, the natural variation of phytochemical compounds of E. minutiflorum at different altitudes has been investigated. Aerial parts of plants were collected at flowering stage from natural habitats at different altitudes of 2387, 2569 and 2813 masl. The plant extracts were obtained with 80% methanol and several phytochemical properties were measured. The properties included the total flavonoid content (TFL), total phenol (TPH), antioxidant capacity (AOX) and anthocyanin content (ACY) measured by the AlCl3, the Folin-Ciocalteu, the Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and the differential PH methods, respectively. In addition, phytochemical components were identified by the GC/MS method. The results of photometric analysis indicated that the population of Shemshak, located at the highest altitude showed the highest content of TFL, TPH and AOX with 30.39 mg/gr DW, 938.91 mg/gr DW and 77.77 mM/gr DW, respectively. The TFL, TPH and AOX values showed a positive correlation with altitude. The results of GC/MS analysis revealed the presence of 41 compounds in E. minutiflorum, which were separated into flavonoids, phenolic acid and its derivatives, steroids and terpenes groups. Shemshak population showed the highest value in all identified compounds. A positive correlation was also observed between altitude and 30 compounds identified by the GC/MS method including mainly flavonoids and phenolics. The results of this study indicated that environmental factors at higher altitudes may influence the elevation of the flavenols and phenol content in E. minutiflorum. The identification of these influential factors on phytochemical content at higher altitudes requires further studies.


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