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Maryam ٍebrahimi, Khadijeh Kiarostami, Zahra Nazem Bokaee,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Melissa officinalis is a medicinal plant belong to  lamiacea family.  This plant has been cultivated in many parts of the world due to its therapeutic effects. This study was conducted to improve antioxidant activities of proliferated shoots from tissue culture. The seeds of plant   were cultured in MS hormone free medium in order to obtain   seedlings. Then the  shoots were transfer to MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/ L  BAP.After 45 days salicylic acid (SA) was added to the medium at concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 µM. The antioxidant activity and phenolics, flavonoids and rosmarinic acid content in proliferated shoots were evaluated 4,7,10 and 14 days after treatment. As a result the highest free radical scavenging and reducing power activity, as well as the highest value of total phenolic   and rosmarinic acid were observed in shoots   after 14 days of treatment with 100 µM salicylic acid. The elevated level of superoxide anion scavenging activity      and total flavonoids        were obtained from the shoots treated with 50 µM salicylic acid for 14 days. Over all treatment with100 µM salicylic acid for 14 days was better in order to antioxidant activity and compounds with recognized antioxidant activity.

Mansour Afshar Mohammadian, Shirin Kordi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Nowadays, the use of a wide range of medicinal herbs such as saffron and its aromatic compounds is increasingly being regarded as natural sources of antioxidant properties. In addition to saffron stigma, saffron petal is a rich herbal source of antioxidant compounds. The present study was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications to study some of the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants of two species of wild saffron in Guilan Province compared with agronomic saffron (C. sativus). The results of this study showed that total phenol, flavonoids and anthocyanins in agronomic saffron were significantly higher than those in the other two species. The amount of flavonel in C. speciosus and the level of antioxidant activity (DPPH) in C. caspius were significantly higher than other species. The level of PPO activity in C. sativus and C. speciosus was significantly higher than that in C. caspius. However, there was no significant difference in the level of POD activity among the three studied species. Therefore, according to the results of this study, petals of different species of saffron are good sources of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants and can be used as an available natural antioxidant in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Ensieh Salehghamari, Marzieh Hosseini, Fatemeh Taheri,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Saline soils are widely spread in Iran. These intact soils are a great source for the isolation of new bacteria with highly functional metabolites in biotechnology. Actinomycete strains were isolated on starch casein agar and ISP2 with different concentrations of sodium chloride (0, 5 and 10%) from treated soil samples. Pure colonies were cultured on a casein glycerol medium. After complete growth, the plates were covered with a thin layer of Muller Hinton Agar (1%) containing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Active metabolites of selected strains were extracted and their antibacterial activities analyzed by agar well diffusion method. 38% of isolates produced antibiotics against the pathogen. The metabolites produced by act-2 and act-5 isolates, which had a more effective inhibition zone against MRSA, were extracted and anti MRSA activity of act-5 extract was shown. The antimicrobial activity of act-5 against other bacteria was also investigated and the bacterium was identified. In this study halophilic actinomycetes producing bioactive compounds were isolated from the saline soils of Qom and the anti-MRSA potential of their metabolites was investigated for the first time. The results of this study show the potential of saline soil actinomycetes for the production of useful metabolites.

Razieh Sadat Solouki Nezhad, Hanieh Asaadi, Yaser Eshaghi Milasi, Sajjad Yazdansetad,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2019)

The production of pigments from bacteria is significant due to the low cost, high yield and ease of extract compared with other sources. Carotenoids are one of the most important pigments with antioxidant properties which are the precursor of vitamin A synthesis and have antibody overproduction ability, anti-tumor activity and inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular disease. The present study aimed to isolate and identify carotenoid-producing bacteria by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of their carotenoid pigments. Twenty soil samples were collected from different regions of Tehran. After serial dilution each sample was cultured on BHI agar medium and incubated at 37°C. The pigment-producing bacteria were selected for further identification and their pigments were extracted by methanol. The screening was carried out at two levels: i) selection of the strains by visual color inspection, ii) analysis of the pigment extracts by UV-VIS spectroscopy and HPLC. The isolates were identified by phenotypic methods and their 16S rDNA gene was amplified by PCR method and sequenced. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus aloeverae, Citricoccus alkalitolerans, Rhodococcus zopfii, Arthrobacter agilis, Dietzia natronolimnaea and Rhodococcus ruber were identified as carotenoid-producing strains. The highest rate of absorption was observed using UV-VIS analysis in Staphylococcus epidermidis and Dietzia natronolimnaea. The comparison of HPLC analysis with the standard β-carotene curve showed that the carotenoids were beta-carotene. Micro-organisms are a potential source in the production of pigments. In this study we introduced two genera of bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis and Dietzia natronolimnaea) with carotenoid-producing ability.

Solmaz Khosravi, Parisa Koobaz, Davood Naderi, Narges Mojtahedi, Akram Sadeghi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2019)

The availability of iron for roots has been demonstrated as a critical factor in plant production. The addition of synthetic iron chelates to soil is a common practice in agriculture, which is not economically beneficial. Besides, chemical iron fertilizers cause many problems such as food contamination and environmental pollution. Development of natural Ferrioxamine B as an efficient and safe iron source may be the best strategy to overcome plant iron deficiency and prevention of synthetic agent pollution. The present study investigates the ability of a hydroxamate type siderophores (Ferrioxamine B) as a substitute Fe source during tissue culture of chickpea plants. For this purpose, embryo axes from chickpea seeds were surface sterilized and cultured in 1/2MS and MS culture media including 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar with Ferrioxamine B or Fe–EDTA. The root and shoot length, shoot and root dry weight, total fresh and dry weight, as well as chlorophylls a and b were analysed. Results indicated that Ferrioxamine B did not increase chlorophylls a and b in comparison with Fe-EDTA. However, rooting (22%), total dry weight (38%) and root (75%) and shoot (22%) dry weight significantly (p≤0.05) increased in MS containing Ferrioxamine B in comparison with Fe-EDTA. Consequently, Ferrioxamine B is introduced as a cost-effective and applicable Fe source to favour iron deficiency in vitro.

Seyed Mousa Mousavi Kouhi, Maryam Moudi, Esmael Soltani Moghadam, Hedyieh Sarchahi Moghadam,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2019)

The identification of the characteristics of native halophytic species is very important for their practical application. The present study was carried out to identify the halophytic species of a desert and highly saline region around the city of Khosf, southern Khorasan Province, and to detect their general tolerance mechanisms (i.e. salt exclusion or inclusion). Sodium accumulation in the roots and shoots of seven species, including Launaea arborescens, Peganum harmala, Pteropyrum olivieri, Artemisia santolina, Zygophyllum eurypterum Boiss, Aerva javanica, Pulicaria gnaphalode, and their rhizosphere soil were determined. The bioconcentration of sodium from soil to roots (BCF), its translocation from roots to shoots (TF), and its accumulation in the shoots (AF) were then calculated. Results showed that the soil of the studied area was clay loam with a high EC of 65 ds/m, indicating its high salinity level. According to the values of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and regarding EC, the soil of studied region can be regarded as a saline-sodic soil. The value of TF in some species was higher than 1. However, none of the species had BCF and AF greater than 1, thus, none of them could be considered to be salt accumulator. Instead, it could be assumed that all of the studied species were salt, or at least, sodium excluders.
Mojtaba Mortazavi, Nasrin Parvaresh, Masoud Torkzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Cutin is a polymer that is constructed in plants by the condensation and oxidation of fatty acids and plays a key role in the protection of plants against pathogens. Cutinase is a hydrolase enzyme that breaks down the cutin. The purpose of this study was to extract cutin from red apples with oxalate buffer, cutinase enzyme activity assay in LB culture, and bioinformatic analysis. To attain these purposes the cutinase-producing strains that had previously been isolated were inoculated in culture medium containing cutin. After initial culture, the bacteria were cultured in LB medium and cutinase activity was measured using the p-Nitrophenyl butyrate. In order to execute bioinformatic analysis, the isolated sequences of six cutinase-producing bacteria were analyzed based on computational data bases and their phylogenetic trees were prepared. Then, the similarities in the sequences of a large number of cutinase-producing samples were analyzed by drawing the phylogenetic tree. The results showed the separation of cutinase-producing prokaryotes from cutinase-producing eukaryotes. Then, the sequence of 16S rDNA of these cutinase-producing samples as well as the samples we had prepared were evaluated and their phylogenetic relationships were determined. This analysis showed that the new sequence stood alongside the bacterial samples. Thus, our cutinases may be similar with these bacterial cutinases in structure and function.


Zahra Salari, Maryam Malekloo,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)

In this research, the antimicrobial effects of ethanolic, methanolic and aqueous extracts obtained from aerial parts, leaves and bulbs of six species of Fessia were investigated on the growth of some of micro-organisms, including Staphyloccocus aureus, Bacillus anthracis, Kelebsiella pneumonia and Candida albicans. Plant samples were collected from natural habitats and were then identified. The evaluation diameter of inhibitory zone, well and MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) methods were used for the assessment. Aqueous and methanolic extracts obtained from the leaves and bulbs did not affect any of the studied micro-organisms. The results showed that ethanolic extract of the species Fessia khorassanica, had stronger inhibitory effect on the Candida albicans in comparison with the control group.

Fatemeh Rabizadeh, Hassan Zare-Maivan, Shahrokh Kazempour,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Astragalus semnanensis Bornm. & Rech. belongs to sect. Semnanensis, of thorny astragali and A. fridae, of non-thorny astragali, belongs to sect. Incani are the only endemic gypsophyllic species in western Semnan. The morphological and systematical studies available on these two species are scarce. Nor have the anatomical, distribution and adaptive capabilities in relation to soil and elevation of these species been investigated yet. Therefore, this study is aimed to comparatively investigate these features. The effect of soil and elevation on the anatomy, morphology and micro-morphology of the leaves of both species, as well as associated plant species, were analyzed using RDA and CCA analytical methods, Canoco 4.5 software. Comparison of RDA analysis of both species indicated that gypsum had the highest effect on the abundance of both species, while elevation had a strongly positive correlation with A. fridae and a negative correlation with A. semnanensis. Both species adsorb gypsum on their epidermis and part of the gypsum absorbed is accumulated in leaf parenchyma cells as calcium sulfate crystals. Adaptability of leaf surface is in the form of long and dense hairs which, in A. semnanensis, are longer and basifixed and, in A. fridae, thicker and medifixed. Increase in soil Ec and Na, K and Mg content and content of CaCO3 reduce both species abundances. Species such as Acantholimon cymosum and Prunus lycioides were found to be associated with A. semnanensis and species such as Moltkia gypsaceae and Euphorbia gypsicola with A. fridae.

Moazameh Kordjazi, Seyed Hojat Mirsadeghi, Omid Asadi Farsani,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Nowadays, brown macroalgae are considered to be a source of various nutritional and pharmaceutical compounds. In addition, fish roe is very susceptible to spoilage due to its high amount of protein and unsaturated fatty acids. In order to postpone the deterioration of roe-related products, salt and preservatives are utilized. Natural preservatives are recommended because of the adverse effects of chemical additives. Thus, different concentrations of pure alginate (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%) were chose and then the 0.2% alginate was selected on the basis of the sensory evaluation of the results. Moreover, the treatments including control (salt-alginate-free), A1 (containing 2.5% salt) A2 (containing 0.2% alginate), A3 (containing 2.5% salt and 0.2% alginate) were used to investigate their preservative effects on fish roe. The quality of rainbow trout roe was assessed within 0, 15, 30, 45 days at refrigerated storage. The treatment A3 showed significant differences in microbial, chemical and sensory results compared with other treatments (p≤0.05). According to the results, salting 2.5% and alginate 0.2% method gave good flavor and increased shelf life to the roe.

Hernán Cucho, Yolvi López, Carina Caldeira, Anthony Valverde, César Ordóñez, Carles Soler,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Sperm morphometry is a part of the semen analysis based on CASA technology and has shown a big role in the prediction of male fertility. This analysis implies the use of stain techniques, although it has been shown that staining can make dramatic changes in the cell morphometry in different species. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the differences in sperm morphometry in Alpaca, introduced by the use of different stain techniques. Single ejaculates from five adult alpacas were used. Samples were recovered by deferent duct deviation surgery technique. Three stain techniques (i.e. Hemacolor, Harri’s Henatoxylin and Diff-Quik) were evaluated. Morphometric analysis was done using ISAS® v1 CASA-Morph system, at 100x bright field objective magnification and a digital video camera with a final resolution of 0.08 µm/pixel. Almost 200 randomly selected cells were automatically analysed per sample and stain technique, considering several sperm-head and midpiece parameters regarding size and shape. Almost all of the parameters showed different levels of difference among the employed techniques. In general, the largest cell heads were the ones stained with Harri’s Hematoxylin and the smallest ones were the ones stained with Diff-Quik. The discriminant parameters used to differentiate between animals better were the head width, area and acrosome percentage. In conclusion, like in other species, alpaca sperm morphometry results were found to be sensitive to the applied stain technique. This implies the necessity of referring clearly the stain technique used in each case to perform comparisons between different works on the same species. None of the employed techniques was superior to the others. In addition, the method used to obtain the samples showed its usefulness and simplicity for repeated samplings.

Leila Karami, Mohammad Modarresi, Mohammad Amin Kohanmoo, Ms Fatemeh Zahabi Ahmadi, Dr Saeed Irian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Polyploidy induction in German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) by herbicide trifluralin
Leila Karami1, Mohammad Modarresi2, Mohammad Amin Kohanmoo2, Fatemeh Zahabi Ahmadi2 & Saeed Irian3
1Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, 7516913817, Iran; 2Department of Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, 7516913817, Iran; 3Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Correspondent author: Leila Karami,
Abstract. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) is a medicinal herb belonging to Asteraceae family. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of trifluralin on the induction of polyploidy in chamomile. Two independent full factorial experiments on seedlings and 2-leaf stage apical buds were performed.  Following morphological, biochemical and cytogenetic analysis, chromosome numbers of 18 and 36 were detected for diploid and tetraploid types, respectively. Morphological and biochemical examinations revealed that an increase in the number of full chromosome set results in a reduction in stomata number per unit area as well as an increase in stomata size, chloroplast number, and chlorophyll content. Induction of ploidy level increments also reduced plant height and increased the number of lateral branches, leaf size, and diameters of stems, flowers and receptacles. It is concluded that a concentration of 22.5 µM trifluralin in both methods is optimum for the production of tetraploid chamomile with the highest rate of polyploidy induction and the lowest percentage of abnormality.
Yasamin Nasseh, Mohammad Reza Joharchi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

In this paper, the new taxa Lepidium ferganense (Brassicaceae) was recorded for the flora of Iran for the first time. This taxon belongs to Irano-Turanian region. It was compared with the closest taxa in the present study. In addition, a morphological description, several Illustrations, and a distribution map were presented.
Maryam Behroozian, Hamid Ejtehadi, Farshid Memariani, Mohammad Reza Joharchi, Mansour Mesdaghi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Stipa richteriana and Galium songaricum are newly recorded species for the flora of Iran, collected from Binalood and Hezar-Masjed Mountains in Razavi Khorassan Province. The geographical distribution of both species is mainly confined to the Middle Asia. Morphological characters of two newly recorded species are compared with their close relatives. Notes on taxonomy, ecology, phytogeography, and conservation status of both species are provided.

Ali Bagheri, Mohammad Mahmoodi, Ali Asghar Maassoumi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

The distribution patterns of taxa belonging to the section Hypoglottidei DC. were investigated using DIVA-GIS software. Based on Zohary classification, five global patterns, with the exception of widely distributed species, include 1. Centro-Asiatic province, 2. Irano-Anatolian province, 3. Pontic province, 4. East Mediterranean subregion and 5. West Mediterranean subregion, were identified. In addition, the Iranian species of this section were classified in three patterns: 1. Central Zagros 2. Khorasan-Kopet Dagh 3. Central and Eastern Alborz. The maps and distribution patterns of the species were also presented.
Mehrnoush Daneshvar, Mahmood Maleki, Shahryar Shakeri, Amin Baghizadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Phosphorus, the most essential nutrient for plants, becomes quickly unavailable for the plants in the soil. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB( can play an important role in providing Phosphorus for plants. In this study, the PSBs were screened from plant rhizosphere by Pikovskaya method. Then, the growth rate and phosphate solubilizing ability of 9 superior strains were measured at different temperatures and levels of salinity and pH. The best strain was identified by 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Finally, the genetic diversity of phosphate solubilizing strains were examined by RAPD markers. Results showed that 25 strains were capable of solubilizing insoluble phosphates among the 57 isolates studied. Of the nine superior strains, Cke1 had the highest solubilizing index with the average growth rate under all conditions and was introduced as the best PSB strain identified in the present study. 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis showed that this strain belonged to the Enterobacter genus. The results of genetic variation showed that all stains were divided into six groups and three strains that had the lowest similarity with other strains were placed in three separate groups. Given that Cke1 strain has the ability of solubilizing the insoluble phosphate in different stresses, it can be a good candidate for providing phosphorus at temperatures of 30 and 35 °C, 1.2% and 1.8% salinity levels and pH levels of 6 and 8 for the crops.

Manoochehr Nasri, Fariborz Ghojoghi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2020)

In order to investigate the differences in the shape of the big-head and two morphotypes of Phytophagous fish by geometric morphometric technique, 30 samples of each group, with a mean standard length of 25 ± 3 cm, were prepared. After fish were anesthetized by 1% Clove powder extract and stabilized in formalin buffer 4%, 6-megapixel digital images of the left profile of the specimens were prepared. A total of 17 morphological landmarks were digitized by tpsDig2 software and the tps files were prepared. All non-shaped data were removed from landmark coordinates by generalized procrustes analysis. After the approval of regression between shape space and tangent space, data were analyzed using Principal Component (PCA), Canonical Variation (CVA) and Cluster Analyzes (CA) methods in PAST and TPS series. According to the results, the head length and height, the size of dorsal fin, the length of pre ventral distance, the height of caudal peduncle and the degree of posterior position of the pectoral fin in bighead carp, are some of the distinctive morphological features among species, mainly related to their ecological niche (specially feeding strategies). In the case of silver carp variants, the posterior position of pectoral fin base in silver carp-R that is close to bighead carp, may be due to hybridization between bighead carp and silver carps.

Elaheh Zadeh-Hosseingholi, Nader Chaparzadeh, Samira Mahmudi Aghdam,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Some rhizobacteria have positive effects on plants growth. Syrian bean-caper (Zygophyllum fabago) is a weed plant with medicinal value. This study was conducted to isolate and identify bacteria from Syrian bean-caper rhizosphere. Characteristics associated with plant growth stimulation, such as phosphate and zinc dissolution, production of Indole acetic acid and antifungal activity, were investigated. The isolates were separately inoculated to the plant and after plant root establishment was ensured, their effectiveness in increasing plant growth in greenhouse conditions was measured. Biochemical and molecular identification results showed that five isolates belonged to the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Pantoea, and Brevibacterium. All five isolates showed some degree of plant growth promotion capabilities. Among the isolates, only the genus Bacillus increased the dry weights of plants significantly. The amount of phosphate solubilization for this isolate was 440 μg ml-1 and its acid production in the culture medium was higher than that in other isolates. The isolate had zinc solubilisation capability and produced 3.89 mg ml-1 indole acetic acid. However, this isolate did not show antifungal activity against two fungal pathogens of Aspergillus niger and Botrytis cinerea.  
Faezeh Asheqian, Sedigheh Kelij, Naser Jafari,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2020)

The purpose of this research was to identify the structural adaptations in three populations of Convolvulus persicus L. on coastal areas in Mazandaran Province, whose populations of which are severely reducing due to the intense environmental stresses of the coastal zone. In general, annular collenchyma, isobilateral mesophyll, amphiphloic siphonostele, abundant presence of laticiferous tubes, numerous druse crystals and the presence of periderm in rhizome can be introduced as the most important morpho-anatomical strategies utilized against harsh environmental conditions. Sari population was foud to have the most various structural toleration mechanisms in comparison with Babolsar and Nour populations. Few differences were observed in anatomical characteristics in the three populations of Convolvulus persicus as the evidence for high intra-specific phenotypic variability, leading to local adaptation and increase of the tolerability of plants against environmental changes.
Mehrshid Riahi, Sima Dastbarjan, Negin Jahani Seghaleh,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2020)

The phylogenetic relationships among 39 species belonging to 12 sections of Astragalus from Iran were studied on the basis of 29 morphological characters. The cladistics analysis of the morphological data was performed using PAUP* 4.0b10 program. The obtained data were compared with the molecular systematics data obtained from nuclear DNA ITS. In contrast with previous molecular systematic studies, the morphological data placed the sect. Caraganella as paraphyletic clade to the sects. Cenantrum, Nuculiella, and Eremophysa. Our results were similar to those obtained by previous molecular systematic studies which specified sects. Astragalus, Alopecuroidei and Laxiflori as paraphyletic clades. In accordance with data presented in previous molecular systematic studies, the species of the sect. Caprini showed close relationship with those in sects. Pelta and Pendulina. The present analysis, consistent with molecular systematic studies, rejected the monophyly of most sections studied. Therefore, although the circumscription of those sections needs to be carried out on the basis of the results of widely accepted molecular and morphological phylogenetic studies, future studies are needed to clarify and resolve some remaining ambiguities.

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