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Showing 3 results for Hyrcanian

Hamid Gholizadeh, Shahryar Saeidi Mehrvarz, Alireza Naqinezhad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Hyrcanian forests in northern Iran have important tree and shrub elements of Euro-Siberian and rare forest communities, among them beech community widely covers the mountainous forests from Western to Eastern (Gorgan) Hyrcanian region. In order to identify the floristic characteristics and affecting factors on the species richness in pure beech stands in Eastern Guilan, using systematic-random method 54 plots were recorded. A total of 111 plant species belonging to 84 genera and 44 families were identified, with Orchidaceae having 9 species and genus Carex with 6 species being the largest family and genus, respectively. The highest frequency inter-species is Galium odoratum, an understory herb species forming communities in different areas of beech forests in Hyrcanian region. Since the studied region is forest and mountainous, hemicryptophytes and geophytes are the most life forms, respectively in these areas and Euro-Siberian elements (with 30.6 %) form the highest frequency from a chorological point of view. Also, the size of the microrelief and percentage of tree cover create different ecological conditions in plots such as moisture retention and change in the amount of incoming light into the plots, which are the most influential factors on species richness of these areas.
Sedighe Kelij, Zhila Mohammadjani, Alireza Naghinejad,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris is considered as a rare species in Europe and Iran and possesses restricted distribution due to threatening factors. Natural populations of wild grapevine in the north of Iran were evaluated in three wild areas of coastal and plains areas of Miankaleh, submontane areas of Amol and the forest patches of Kojour and a cultivated sample of crop grapevine, V. v. subsp. vinifera in Babolsar. A total of 41 anatomical traits and important ecological factors such as soil and climatic variables were investigated and included in further analyses. Anatomical characteristics of leaf blade and petiole had the most important impact on the separation of wild and the cultivated taxon. All the soil and climatic factors, particularly altitude and annual rainfall were significant between studied stations. Mean temperature of the warmest month along with soil clay and calcareous percentage had the highest effect and relationship with the anatomical traits. Based on the current result, anatomical characters can be used for separation between wild and cultivated populations. They are also effective in separation of different populations of wild grapevine. Quantitative anatomical changes in the studied populations are reflection of the different soil and climatic conditions of their habitat.

Ali Asghar Arjmandi, Hamid Ejtehadi, Farshid Memariani, Mansour Mesdaghi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2023)

Understanding the different patterns of plant diversity and distribution along the environmental gradients is essential for managing ecosystems, especially in fragmented habitats due to intensive human pressure. The Darkash area is located in the western Aladagh Mountains in Khorassan-Kopet Dagh Floristic Province. The easternmost patches of the Hyrcanian montane forests grow in this area. The three main vegetation types in the area are shrublands/scrub forests, oak forests (Quercus castaneifolia), and subalpine vegetation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the plant diversity in the understory of plant communities along the elevational gradient. We sampled 187 vegetation plots (2m x  2m) along a 1300m elevational gradient (in 100-m classes) using the stratified-random method and estimated the abundance and canopy cover of the species. Floristic characteristics and different diversity indices were measured. In total, 252 plant species belonging to 161 genera and 44 families were identified. Of these, 41 species were found to be endemic or semi-endemic. Hemicryptophytes and therophytes are the dominant life-forms in the study area. The Irano-Turanian elements (46.8%) make the major chorotype in the flora of the area, followed by Bi-regional (17.5%), Tri-regional (17.5%), Pluri-regional (11.5%), and Euro-Siberian (6.7%) elements. The shrubland understory has the highest Hill's and beta diversity indices, followed by the oak forest and the subalpine understory. The biodiversity changes sinusoidally along the elevation. In order to protect plant species, especially young oak seedlings, it is recommended to create a protective corridor along the elevational gradient in this area. This strategy is essential to protect plant diversity in these habitats.


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