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Showing 24 results for Taxonomy

Soheila Parsapanah, Shahryar Saeidi-Mehrvarz,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2014)

Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae) is a large hemiparasitic genus, distributed mostly over boreal and arctic-alpine regions of the northern hemisphere. In the present study 9 species of the genus that are reported in flora of Iran, were undertaken for stigma morphological study and numerical analysis. The stigmatic surface is even in P. pycnantha and P. wilhelmsiana, is expanded into a subspherical shape in P. cabulica, P. caucasica, P. rechingeri, P. sibthorpii, P. condensata and P. strausii and is conical form in P. rhinanthoides. To determine the relationship between species, numerical analysis was carried out using 45 quantitative and qualitative morphological, anatomical and palynological characters. UPGMA and PCA dendrograms were drawn. According to the results some characters such as the thickness of  pericarp, the thickness of  spongy parenchyma, the length of  stem, the thickness of bark, the thickness of  stem and the length of midrib are the most variable, and can be used for identification and determination of relationship between species.

Nastaran Bayat, Farideh Attar,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2015)

In this survey, anatomical characteristics of leaves in 35 populations belonging to 18 taxa of Scrophularia have been studied. Among 39 quantitative and qualitative anatomical characters, some have more suitable taxonomic value for differentiation of taxa, such as blade thickness, thickness of upper and lower cuticle of midrib, length of upper and lower palisade parenchyma of blade, thickness of lower epidermis wall of midrib, thickness of upper and lower epidermis of blade, rows of spongy parenchyma of blade, upper collenchyma type of midrib and the presence of idioblast. Finally, comparison of the results of the current study together with Grau’s (1981) results confirm the validity of 4 groups out of the 12 groups which he had introduced. As for the remaining groups, no noticeable concordance was found.

Farrokh Ghahremaninejad, Atiye Nejad Falatoury,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)

The increasing influence of APG classification system necessitates an update on taxa recorded in most regional floras including Iran. Many changes in circumscriptions of families and orders have occurred in APG in comparison with other classification systems. However, here we only attempt to emphasize on changes in the Iranian flora, especially in comparison with “Flora Iranica” and “Flora of Iran”. Of the overall 132 family names which have been mentioned here, 22 families are not found in Flora Iranica. Based on the APG IV system, 21 families which had been mentioned in Flora Iranica for Iran should be merged with other families. Accordingly, the angiosperms of Iran comprise 8012 species, approximately 1234 genera and 132 families placed in 39 orders. Gymnosperms (17 spp.), ferns (60 spp.) and mosses (534 spp.) included, the number of plant species of Iran exceeds approximately 8628 species. The largest angiosperms families of Iran are Fabaceae (1401 spp.) and Asteraceae (1234 spp.) in terms of number of species, and Asteraceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae and Fabaceae in terms of number of genera. The largest angiosperm order of Iran in terms of family number is Caryophyllales. The largest genera of Iran are Astragalus with about 830 species and Cousinia with about 280 species. In the two latest versions of APG a linear sequence of families is provided to be used by herbarium curators.

Maryam Khayati, Manijeh Pakravan, Ali Sonboli,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Tripleurospermum transcaucasicum (Manden.) Pobed (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) is newly recorded from East Azarbayejan Provice, NW Iran. It is morphologically similar to T. caucasicum (Willd.) Hayek and T. monticolum (Boiss. & A.Huet) Bornm. The morphological and anatomical diagnostic characters of new record are compared with closely related species. The geographical distribution of new records and related species in Iran are presented.

Zahra Tavakkoli,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

During the taxonomic revision of the genus Glaucium, G. contortuplicatum var. hirsutum is described as a new variety. This taxon differs from the type variety by having dense and appressed trichomes all along ovary (or junior silique). Leaf epidermis micro-characters of these two taxa are also compared. G. leiocarpum and G. elegans var. integerrima are reduced to synonymy of G. flavum and G. elegans var. elegans, respectively. Additionally, morphological characters and geographical distribution of the taxa studied in the world and in Iran are presented.


Nastaran Bayat, Farideh Attar,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The peduncle anatomy in 35 populations, which belonged to 18 taxa of Scrophularia L., were studied. Am-ong 37 quantitative and qualitative characters related to peduncle anatomy, several traits showed more taxonomic value for taxa delimitation, including presence of palisade parenchyma and the number of its layers, the presence of phloem fiber, the presence of bundle sheath, the presence of lamellar collenchyma at ridge location and the number of its layers, the dimensions of cross section, thickness of vascular bundle, the dimensions of pith parenchyma, thickness of xylem, thickness of parenchymatous part and thickness of lamellar collenchyma at ridge location. Finally, in comparison with the results obtained by Grau (1981), in which 12 groups have been introduced, the current study confirms the validity of 3 groups. However, for the remaining groups, no noticeable concordance was found.

Yasamin Nasseh, Mohammad Reza Joharchi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)

A revision was carried out on the genus Lappula Moench (Boraginaceae) in Khorassan provinces. A total of herbarium specimens collected from different parts of the studied area, including the three provinces of North, Razavi and South Khorassan, were studied. All specimens are deposited in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Herbarium, (FUMH). According to the results of the study, there are 6 Lappula species in the region: L. barbata, L. microcarpa, L. semiglabra, L. sessiliflora, L. sinaica and L. spinocarpos. In addition, by revising the annual specimens that had been previously misidentified as L. drobovii, a perennial species, these specimens were identified as L. sessiliflora. Identification key, distribution map and species pictures in this article have been presented.

Farrokh Ghahremaninejad, Najibe Ataei, Atiye Nejad Falatoury,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Considering fundamental changes in the classification of angiosperms, based on phylogenetic studies, makes revising and updating Floras inevitable. Hence, in this paper, changes in the flora of Afghanistan have been listed and compared with the flora of Iran. As the latest studies indicate, according to APG IV system, the flora of Afghanistan comp-rises 40 orders, 130 families, about 1030 genera and 5065 species of angiosperms. In comparison the flora of Iran comprises 42 orders, 139 families, nearly 1252 genera and 8090 species of angiosperms. Moreover, the two countries share 39 orders, 124 families, 844 genera and about 1800 species. In Afghanistan the largest number of families belongs to Lamiales and in Iran to Caryophyllales. Asteraceae contains the largest number of genera in both countries. As far as the number of species in concerned, the largest angiosperms family in Afghanistan is Asteraceae, but in Iran it is Fabaceae. The most diverse ge-nera of both countries are Astragalus and Cousinia respectively. Gymnosperms have two orders, four families, seven genera and 22 species in Afghanistan, while in Iran they have two orders, three families, five genera and 17 species. By adding 58 species of pteridophytes and 311 species of bryophytes to Afghanistan’s flora and 60 species of pteridophytes and 534 spec-ies of bryophytes to Iran’s flora, in total, Embryophyta have approximately 5460 species in Afghanistan and 8700 species in Iran.

Akram Rahimi, Asghar Kamrani, Farideh Attar, Rouhangiz Abbas Azimi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Lallemantia (Lamaceae; Nepetoideae) is a small genus species with a wide distribution area in Iran, is a traditionally used in folk medicine. In this study, we comparatively investigated Lallemantia species in terms of vegetative anatomy in order to evaluate usefulness of this characteristics for taxonomic porpuse. For anatomical examination, cross sections taken from stems and leaves of species were investigated using hand cutting method and bismak brown, carmin and metylenblue staining. Also, the anatomical characters were numerically analyzed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Athough general stem and leaf anatomical charactristics are very similar in the studied species, But, multivariate analysis indicated that some anatomical quantitative characters such as the thickness of lamina, palisade and spongy parenchyma provides valuable characters that would be taxonomically useful in this genus. Morphological similarity between L. baldshuanica and L. royleana have supported by stem and leaf anatomical data. 
Elmira Eyvazadeh Khosroshahi, Yasaman Salmaki,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Nutlets of 20 taxa of Phlomoides, representing most of the currently recognized sections were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The basic shape of nutlets in most taxa studied is broadly ovate, but ovate, triangular and oblong ones can also be found in few species. Regarding the sculpturing pattern of nutlet surface, four basic types can be distinguished: reticulate, scalariform, ruminate and rugose. The reticulate type is the most common among the studied species, but the variation in alignment, size and shape of its composing cells provide further evidence that are useful as diagnostic characteristics. However, the type of sculpturing is more useful for separating species within the sections, rather than correlating them to each other. For example, sect. Filipendula show four different types of sculpturing. Therefore, nutlet microsculpturing is not useful in separating large natural groups like sections in this genus. It seems also that contrary to other genera of Lamiaceae, nutlet characters are of low phylogenetic value in this genus.
Yasamin Nasseh, Mohammad Reza Joharchi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

During the study on the specimens of Astragalus sect. Ammodendron in the herbarium of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUMH), based on the last and most recent sources, two new species, i.e. A. microfoliolatus sp. nova and A. rashed-mohasseli sp. nova were found and described. Morphological evidence confirmed that the belonging of these taxa to Astragalus sect. Ammodendron. The most important differences between A. microfoliolatus and its closest relatives are leaflets with very small size and glabrescent legume. Also, the main distinctive characters ofA. rashed-mohasseli are the presence of hairs on the dorsal side of vexillum, oblong legume and short rachis. Hairy vexillum has been obseverd for the first time in this section. In addition, A. aiwadzhi is recorded as a new species for the flora of Iran. Taxonomic descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps are provided to expedite identification.
Mina Khorasani, Shahryar Saeidi Mehrvarz, Shahin Zarre,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Allium ampeloprasum (Amaryllidaceae) is recorded as a new taxon for the flora of Iran. It is morphologically most similar to Allium atroviolaceum and Allium iranicum. This species is compared with its two aforementioned relative species and some notes are given on its affinities. A full description, images and a distribution map are also provided. In addition, a lectotype is selected for A. atroviolaceum.
Soudeh Siadati, Shahryar Saeidi Mehrvarz, Yasaman Salmaki,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Nutlets of 20 taxa of the tribe Marrubieae were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and detailed descriptions of nutlet micromorphological features for all examined taxa are provided. The nutlets exhibited variation in size, shape, color and surface sculpturing. The nutlets shape of most species studied is ovate, but rounded, broad ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, triangular and oblong can also be found in a few species. Six basic types of the sculpturing pattern of nutlet surface can be distinguished: reticulate, foveolate, scalariform, ruminate, pusticulate and colliculate-granulate. The most common type of nutlet sculpturing among the studied species is reticulate, but the variation in size and shape of their composing cells provided useful diagnostic characters. Our investigation revealed that the type of sculpturing was more useful in taxon delimitation among Marrubium species and allies at the species rank.
Maryam Behroozian, Hamid Ejtehadi, Farshid Memariani, Mohammad Reza Joharchi, Mansour Mesdaghi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Stipa richteriana and Galium songaricum are newly recorded species for the flora of Iran, collected from Binalood and Hezar-Masjed Mountains in Razavi Khorassan Province. The geographical distribution of both species is mainly confined to the Middle Asia. Morphological characters of two newly recorded species are compared with their close relatives. Notes on taxonomy, ecology, phytogeography, and conservation status of both species are provided.

Seyed Reza Safavi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Scorzonera incisa, known as an endemic plant to Turkey, has been collected from West Azarbayejan Province, NW. Iran. The species is reported for the first time from the country; it is very similar to Scorzonera calyculata, which is distributed in the western half of Iran and east of Iraq. However, with regard to the particular shape of the achenes of Scorzonera incisa, this species could be separated from Scorzonera incisa. In this paper, the description, the image of the herbarium sample and the distribution map of this species are presented.
Sepideh Piroozi, Farideh Attar, Mohsen Falahati–anbaran, Kazem Mehdigholi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2020)

Pterocephalus (Caprifoliaceae) consists of 30 species worldwide, mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, of which 14 species were reported from Iran, including five endemic ones. In this study, 35 leaf-related traits and 30 peduncle-related traits were investigated by light microscopy of 15 samples from 11 Iranian species of Ptreocephalus. Our results showed that there were two types of midrib, six types of leaf indumentum and five types of peduncle indumentum. Crystalized calcium oxalate was observed in the leaves and peduncles of most species except in P. plumosus and P. brevis. The profiles of the peduncles were hexagonal, circular or elliptical. The vascular cylinder shape varied from circular to sinuate form. P. wendelboi, with a very different morphology as compared with other species, also exhibited different anatomical characters. The hexagonal sections of peduncle in P. ghahremanii and P. kurdicus and two samples of P. szovitsii were found to be very similar. However, the mentioned characters were found to be less informative or charachterisation of other species. In conclusion, the results showed that the anatomical characters of the leaves and peduncles might have some taxonomic importance in the identification of some species of the genus Pterocephalus.
Marzieh Beygom Faghir, Zahra Ghandharizadeh, Golnoush Shamshiri,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2020)

The present study was aimed to investigate foliar anatomy and flower, fruit and seed morphology of three subspecies of Agrimonia eupatoria (i.e. A. eupatoria subsp. eupatoria, A. eupatoria subsp. grandis and A. eupatoria subsp. asiatica) and the species of Aremonia agrimonioides, belonging to the subtribe Agrimoniiae (Rosaceae) in Iran. Firstly, plant specimens were collected and then identified on the basis of relevant references. For anatomical analysis, the cross sections of basal leaves of each taxon were prepared, studied by light microscopy and then photographed by means of a digital camera. For morphological analysis, the flower, achene and seed characters were carefully examined using digital microscopy. To determine the relationships among the taxa, 57 characters were included in the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results supported the classification proposed by Flora Iranica and showed the importance of leaf anatomical, flower, achene and seed morphological characters in separating inter-generic, intraspecific and interspecific relationships among the representatives of subtribe Agrimoniinea in Iran.
Jamileh Panahy Mirzahasanlou, Dr. Taher Nejadsattari, Zohreh Ramezanpour, Javid Imanpour Namin, Younes Asri,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Algae are the most important group of organisms which considerably affect the water quality. Although algae constitute one of the fundamental parts of the aquatic food chains, only few researches deal with the freshwater algae of Iran. Filamentous algae are important components of the river vegetation. The Balikhlou River is utilized as a source to obtain drinking water for the city of Ardabil, therefore, the algae flora of this river was studied and a total number of 18 taxa of filamentous algae were determined, of which nine species were belonged to the Cyanophyceae class of Cyanobacteriae, while five speciesof which were belonged to the Chlorophyta. In addition, four species were recorded for the first time from Iran, i.e., Audouinella eugenea, Arthrospira gigantea, Homoeothrix janthina and Tychonema bourrellyi.
Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Parsaii, Jamil Vaezi, Hamid Ejtehadi, Farshid Memariani, Mohammad Reza Joharchi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Phelipanche pouyanii is described here as a new species from South Khorassan Province, East of Iran. Its diagnostic morphological features are the calyx teeth being far longer than the calyx tube and staminal filaments being glabrous. These characters clearly differentiated the new species from its closely related taxa, i.e., P. mutelii, P. angustelaciniata and P. nana. Results obtained from the pollen and seed micromorphological characters showed no significant taxonomic value in the delimitation of the new species from its closely related species. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, however, showed sufficient differences to delineate the new species from its closely related species.

Mozhgan Veisi, Fahimeh Koohdar, Masoud Sheidai,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Tamarix is the largest genus in the family Tamaricaceae with about 54 species. T. tetragyna var. meyeri and T. tetragyna var. deserti were previously reported from Iran. Due to the presence of overlapping features in the previously designed identification keys for the separation of these two varieties, it could be helpful to use other characters and character states derived from other sources, such as anatomical and molecular studies, in addition to find more effective morphological features for the separation of the two varieties. Therefore, the present study aimed to differentiate these two presumed varieties by multiple approaches using morphological, anatomical and molecular data. For morphological study, 6 quantitative and qualitative characters were examined in 12 samples of the two varieties. ANOVA analysis showed a significant difference between the studied characters. For anatomical study, 10 traits were examined in 4 samples of the two varieties, which also showed a significant difference. AMOVA analysis based on molecular studies using Scot marker showed a significant difference between the two varieties. The PCA biplot show the most variable traits in morphological and anatomical studies. For varieties delimitation, different clustering methods were drawn in all three studies. The results of this study showed that the use of appropriate diagnostic traits in morphological and anatomical studies as well as the use of molecular markers can be effective in showing the separated boundaries of the two varieties studied.

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