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The impact of sheep testis extract on hair follicle growth and skin healing of Wistar rats (11692 Views)
An update on the flora of Iran: Iranian angiosperm orders and families in accordance with APG IV (11474 Views)
Impact of Spirulina sp. on growth and food intake in Danio rerio Hamilton, 1822 (10237 Views)
Histological effects of the smoke of Verbascum speciosum leaves on the healing of rats wounds (10219 Views)
The effect of different levels of Fe (So4)2 (7H2O) and probiotics (BioPlus-2B) on some blood parameters of Rutilus frisii kutum fry (10085 Views)
A comparative study on the effects of rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid on the cell viability, ceramide metabolism and antioxidant enzyme responses in the Hep-G2 cancer cell line (9684 Views)
The study of factors affecting the vegetation in aquatic and wet habitats of Boujagh National Park, Kiashahr, Guilan Province, Iran (9569 Views)
A review on plant peroxidases (9534 Views)
The effect of the interaction between water stress and potassium nitrate on some of the physiological responses of Nicotiana tabacum L. (8998 Views)
Antibacterial and antifungal effects of evening primrose "Oenothera biennis L." and Borage "Echium amoenum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. oils (8846 Views)
Taxonomic significance of indumentum in the genus Gypsophila L. (Caryophyllaceae) (8533 Views)
The investigation of flora in Roodbar Alamut region, Ghazvin, Iran (8446 Views)
Investigation of some medicinal secondary metabolites and antioxidants of Dittrichia graveolens L. Greuter (8348 Views)
Quantity and quality of secondary metabolites in lavender plant under the influence of ecological factors (8344 Views)
Investigation the structure of vegetative organs and development of reproductive organs of Pimpinella anisum L. (8330 Views)
An anatomical study of Rhamnus cathartica L. and Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. (Rhamnaceae) in north of Iran (8262 Views)
A structural study on the interaction of the anti-cancer compound of Platinum complex with human serum albumin (8210 Views)
Comparison of angiosperm flora of Afghanistan and Iran in accordance with APG IV system (8181 Views)
The effect of cold temperature on oxidative damage and activity of oxidative enzymes in tea leaves from northern Iran (8132 Views)
The effect of some soil parameters on the total alkaloid levels of tubers of Bongardia chrysogonum in three regions of Iran (7840 Views)
Comparison of three different staining methods for the morphometric characterization of Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) sperm, using ISAS® CASA-Morph system (7837 Views)
Improving the growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedling by methyl jasmonate under drought stres (7818 Views)
The bacterial evaluation of maize root (Zea mays L.) in oil-polluted soil (7693 Views)
Isolation and identification of cutinase enzyme producing bacteria (7665 Views)
Autecology of Ferula stenocarpa boiss. & Hausskn in Khuzestan Province, Iran (7620 Views)
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The impact of sheep testis extract on hair follicle growth and skin healing of Wistar rats (171224 Downloads)
An update on the flora of Iran: Iranian angiosperm orders and families in accordance with APG IV (10162 Downloads)
Investigation of some medicinal secondary metabolites and antioxidants of Dittrichia graveolens L. Greuter (7385 Downloads)
Effect of drought stress on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and soluble sugars content of Pe-nnyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) (5863 Downloads)
Assessments of phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant activity of aqueous, alcoholic, methanol and acetone extracts of thirteen medicinal plants (5037 Downloads)
Geometric analysis of the scale shape to discriminate different populations of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 (4955 Downloads)
The investigation of flora in Roodbar Alamut region, Ghazvin, Iran (4925 Downloads)
Thermodynamic and kinetic investigation of citric acid adsorption by rice bran (4901 Downloads)
Impact of Spirulina sp. on growth and food intake in Danio rerio Hamilton, 1822 (4881 Downloads)
Histological effects of the smoke of Verbascum speciosum leaves on the healing of rats wounds (4854 Downloads)
Detection of Escherichia coli and Enteroccocus faecalis indices in groundwater sources (4762 Downloads)
Effects of salinity on some morphological and physiological parameters in four canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars (4644 Downloads)
Quantity and quality of secondary metabolites in lavender plant under the influence of ecological factors (4432 Downloads)
Investigation the structure of vegetative organs and development of reproductive organs of Pimpinella anisum L. (4231 Downloads)
The study of saponin content in the aerial parts and roots of three Silene L. species (Caryophyllaceae) (4149 Downloads)
The role of cholestasis in brain hippocampus trauma in male Wistar rat (4142 Downloads)
The innovative engineered photobioreactor to optimize the amount of microalgae Spirulina biomass (4134 Downloads)
Isolation and molecular identification of carotenoid-producing bacteria (3974 Downloads)
Comparison study of three methods for genomic DNA extraction from fresh and herbarium leaf specimens of Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch (3926 Downloads)
Effect of acid rain on growth and physiological responses of wheat (3890 Downloads)
Interaction of salinity and ascorbic acid with some biochemical features in Satureja khuzestanica (3851 Downloads)
Autecology of Ferula stenocarpa boiss. & Hausskn in Khuzestan Province, Iran (3698 Downloads)
Isolation and identification of Bacillus producing thermophilic alpha amylase: production optimization and investigation of the activity and stability of enzyme. (3604 Downloads)
Developmental stages of ovule and embryo sac in Consolida orientalis Schrödinger (Ranunculaceae) (3472 Downloads)
A structural study on the interaction of the anti-cancer compound of Platinum complex with human serum albumin (3355 Downloads)
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​REVIEWERS OF MANUSCRIPTS 2018-2019 ( 802 print)
Indexing Databases ( 799 print)
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​REVIEWERS OF MANUSCRIPTS 2019-2020 ( 734 print)
​REVIEWERS OF MANUSCRIPTS 2020-2021 ( 592 print)
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