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Showing 6 results for Rostami

Ghasim Nabizadeh Chianeh, Shahram Vahedi, Mohammad Rostami, Mohammad Ali Nazari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2012)

This study investigated psychometric properties of the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) for measuring emotion in Iran. Data came from the undergraduate students of Tabriz University. This study was designed and carried out in two stages. Via cluster sampling, 128 students participated in the study to provide a measure of reliability of the 9 items researcher-made test in order to evaluate pleasure and arousal. In the second study, 92 students were chosen to determine the validity and reliability of SAM. Validity qualities were obtained through Pearson correlation and repeated measurements ANOVA. Reliability was evaluated by using test-retest (done at two weeks apart) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Cronbach's alpha for the researcher-made test was 0.89 and 0.83 for the pleasure and arousal dimensions, respectively. Test-retest reliability coefficient for SAM and researcher-made test was in the range of 0.55-0.78. Concurrent validity ranged from 0.56 to 0.87 and the criterion validity was acceptabl. The results of the present study demonstrated that Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) has promising validity and reliability and could be applicable to clinical practice and future researches in Iran.
M, Akbarzadeh, J, Hatami, R, Rostami, Z, Salehi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The aim of this research was to investigate the executive functions in two groups of individuals with opioid-dependent, amphetamine- dependent and to compare them with the executive functions in the individuals of the control group. Executive functions were investigated in 4 sub-scales including working memory sustain attention, inhibitory control and planning. To do so, 90 participants were selected via simple nonrandom or convenience sampling. Of these participants, 30 individuals were opioid-dependent, 30 individuals were amphetamine dependent and 30 individuals were healthy. Subjects of the study were evaluated using color-word Stroop, Wisconsin card sorting, continuous performance and digit span sub-scale test. The results of one way analysis of variance indicated significant deficits in amphetamine dependent group in 4 sub-scales of executive functions, but opioid dependent individuals had deficits in inhibitory control and planning compared to the control group. As a result, there were more deficits in the executive functions of amphetamine group in comparison to the opioid-dependent and control group. There were fewer deficits in the opioid-dependent group in comparison to the Amphetamine- dependent group.
Farzad, Farhoodi, Reza, Rostami, Abas, Rrahiminezad, Mohsen, Amiri,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in reducing the of Substance Users’ impulsivity who were under the Methadone Treatment. In a semi-experimental study, 40 methadone users of one of the addiction treatment centers in Yazd city were selected through availability sampling method and were then divided into two experimental and control group of twenty. In both groups two variables, age and economic satisfaction, were under control. In this research Barrat Impulsivity Scale was used to obtain the data. The experimental group underwent seven 90 minute sessions of motivational interviewing. Following the intervention, the two groups completed the above-mentioned scale as the post test. The post test revealed that motivational interviewing had an effect in reducing cognitive, motor impulsivity and non-planning in the subjects of the experimental group. Results of the study showed that motivational interviewing could significantly decrease cognitive, motor impulsivity and non-planning in experimental group in comparison to the control group.
Mehdi, Rostami, Mansour, Abdi, Hassan, Heydari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the types of abuse in childhood and forgiveness, mental health and coping strategies of married individuals residing in Tehran. It is a Cross-sectional study. As for the Population of the study, married individuals of 5 regions of Tehran city, who were selected through cluster sampling, were considered. Of this population who were a member of entertainment, health and cultural centers, 337 subjects were selected. To collect the data, self-report questionnaires, family forgiveness scale, General Health Questionnaire and Billings and Moos Coping Strategies Questionnaire were used. As for the analysis of the data, Pearson correlation, simple regression, multiple regression and independent t-test were used. Research findings indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the experience of abuse and the mental health and that there was a negative relationship between the experience of abuse and forgiveness. Furthermore, there was no relationship between the total score of the experience of abuse and the total score of the coping strategies however, between the subscales there was a positive significant relationship. Also, a significant difference was found between the male and female subjects. Results of the study showed that the experience of abuse in childhood could have an effect on the mental health and the amount of forgiveness in the adulthood and it could have a deep effect on the life and personality of the person in copying with the stress and pressures of the daily life.
Samira Rostami, Baharam Jokar,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (March 2018, Volume 11, Issue 4 2018)

Feelings of shame and guilt are the most important moral emotions that play an important role in the regulation of social and moral behaviors. Therefore, identifying the antecedent factors of these emotions is essential. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between the components of attachment and feelings of guilt and shame in a causal model. In this regard, the components of attachment to parents and peers were considered as independent variable and feelings of guilt and shame as dependent variable. Participants of the study included 398 (218 female and180 male) fourth year high school students of Shiraz city who were selected through multistage cluster sampling method. Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (Armsden and Greenberg) and Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale (Cohen et al) were used to measure the research variables. Factor analysis was used to determine the validity of the measurement tools and their reliability was examined by Cronbach alpha coefficient.  Validity and reliability of the scales were acceptable. Results revealed that components of attachment (to parents and peers) predicted feeling of shame negatively and feeling of guilt positively. Moreover, results of diagram comparing boys and girls confirmed the moderating role of gender. Results showed that in the group of girls, in contrast to total results, attachment to peers predicted feeling of shame positively. Overall, findings provided a good evidence in support of the role of emotional relationships in the formation of moral and social emotions in children. 

Mrs Mahnoosh Kamranvand, Dr Fateme Dehghani-Arani, Dr Reza Rostami, Dr Khosro Sadeghniat, Dr Hojjatollah Farahani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between beliefs about stress and quantitative pattern of brain waves with post-traumatic growth dimensions in patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 disease. Post-traumatic growth is the mental experience of positive psychological changes caused by a person as a result of coping with challenging situations. In this study, 66 people with Covid-19 who were admitted to Baharloo Hospital in Tehran as an experience of stressful events were selected by convenience sampling and completed questionnaires beliefs about stress and post-traumatic growth and brain waves were recorded at rest. The results showed that brain components are a better predictor of post-traumatic growth components than beliefs about stress. According to the results, it can be said that more objective instruments such as EEG have good predictive power in complex psychological and multidimensional cases such as post-traumatic growth.

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