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Showing 7 results for salehi

Sadegh Taghiloo, Mahdie Salehi, Omid Shokri,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2010)

This study aimed at predicting subjective well-being by using variables including extroversion, neuroticism, constructive problem solving, and dysfunctional problem solving. To do this, 528 students of Tehran’s Islamic Azad Universities were selected through multistage sampling, and then they completed five factor personality inventory, social problem -solving inventories, and subjective well – being scales. Data analysis, using structural equation modeling (SEM), showed that in general 47 percent of variance in subjective well – being could be explained by extroversion, neuroticism, constructive problem solving, and dysfunctional problem solving. The results indicated that extroversion positively and neuroticism and dysfunctional problem solving negatively predicted the subjective well – being, and neuroticism predicted dysfunctional problem solving positively and constructive social problem solving negatively. Extroversion didn’t not predict the constructive problem solving significantly, even though it predicted dysfunctional problem solving negatively. Moreover, the relation between constructive problem solving and subjective well- being wasn’t significant. Based on the results of this research, extroversion, neuroticism, constructive problem solving and dysfunctional problem solving had significant and determinant role in explaining subjective well – being.
Jafar . Hasani, Samerand Salehi, Morad Rasoli Azad,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The aim of the present study was to develop a Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire and to assess its reliability and validity in the Iranian society.Following the preparation of the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire through using double translation technique, it was administrated on 308 subjects (174 males and 134 females). The reliability of questionnaire was assessed via internal consistency, item-rest correlations and test-retest methods. In addition, the validity of the scale was investigated using factor analysis, correlations between subscales and criterion validity methods. Cronbach’s alphas range (0.72 to 0.88), test-retest coefficients (0.64 to 0.78)) and test-retest correlations (0.28 to 0.68) suggested good reliability of the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire. Confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis supported the original five factor model of questionnaire. The internal relations between the subscales were appropriate (0.11 to 0.53). Finally, existence of special correlation patterns between subscales of the questionnaire and positive affect, negative affect, behavior inhibition / activation systems scale, Eysenck’s personality dimensions and Barrett’s impulsivity dimensions indicated good validity of the scale.The results of this research showed that the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire had suitable factor structure, reliability and validity in the Iranian society.
M, Akbarzadeh, J, Hatami, R, Rostami, Z, Salehi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The aim of this research was to investigate the executive functions in two groups of individuals with opioid-dependent, amphetamine- dependent and to compare them with the executive functions in the individuals of the control group. Executive functions were investigated in 4 sub-scales including working memory sustain attention, inhibitory control and planning. To do so, 90 participants were selected via simple nonrandom or convenience sampling. Of these participants, 30 individuals were opioid-dependent, 30 individuals were amphetamine dependent and 30 individuals were healthy. Subjects of the study were evaluated using color-word Stroop, Wisconsin card sorting, continuous performance and digit span sub-scale test. The results of one way analysis of variance indicated significant deficits in amphetamine dependent group in 4 sub-scales of executive functions, but opioid dependent individuals had deficits in inhibitory control and planning compared to the control group. As a result, there were more deficits in the executive functions of amphetamine group in comparison to the opioid-dependent and control group. There were fewer deficits in the opioid-dependent group in comparison to the Amphetamine- dependent group.
Narges, Parhizkar, Ali, Mashhadi, Javad, Salehi Fadardi, Mohammad Reza, Fayyzi Bordbar,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The aim of the current study was to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy based on executive functions in improving the executive functions in students with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study was carried out in 2011-2012 academic year using pre­-­post- test design with a control group. Students of Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University who were previously diagnosed with ADHD or who were showing the symptoms of ADHD at the time of the study were invited to participate in this study. Primary diagnosis was based on the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale—IV (BAARS-IV) and final diagnosis of the disorder was done through psychiatric interview. Finally, 32 students were selected as the subjects of the study and were randomly divided into a control and an experimental group. The experimental group received EF based cognitive-behavioral group therapy. In addition to BAARS-IV all participants completed Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS) at pre­-­post-test assessments. Results of MANCOVA & ANCOVA tests showed that participants in the experimental group improved their executive functions including time management, planning, organization, self-motivation, and emotional self-regulation. Results of the study demonstrated that EF based cognitive-behavioral group therapy was effective in improving the executive functions in student with ADHD. Therefore, along with other treatments this treatment can be used as a modern approach for improving the executive functions of students with ADHD.
Omid Shokri, Raheme Salehi, Maryam Safaie, Masomeh Abdalkhaleghi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

This study examined the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. On a sample consisting of 155 cancer patients were administrated the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Pargament, Koenig & Perez, 2000), the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) and the positive affect and negative affect schedule (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. Results indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive affect and a significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative affect. Results also indicated that the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being by positive and negative religious coping strategies is mediated. All of the regression weights in the proposed model were statistically significant and model' predictors accounted for 80 and 60% of the variance in positive and negative affect, respectively. These findings show that in cancer patients when encountering to stressful experiences, difference in scores of positive and negative affect among patients, accounted for by difference in degree of positive and negative religious coping strategies.
Raheme Salehi, Gholamreza Dehshiri,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (volume12, Issue 2 2018)

The role of post-traumatic growth has been approved in cancer patients, which can have a positive psychological effect in cancer patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between post-traumatic growth with spiritual well-being, subjective well-being, psychological well-being, and hope in cancer patients. Methods: The sample of this research consisted of 225 patients with cancer who were selected by convenience sampling method. The assessment tools have been including the silver lining questionnaire, spiritual well-being scale, well-being index WHO-5 Satisfaction with Life Scale and positive affect and negative affect schedule and hope scale. The results showed that post-traumatic growth has a positive and significant relationship with the variables of psychological well-being, spiritual well-being, subjective well-being and hope. The variables of psychological well-being and existential well-being and the pathway component of hope have a significant role in predicting post-traumatic growth. In general, the results of this study indicate the importance of the post-traumatic growth dimensions in improving the mental status of cancer patients.
Mr Salar Seyyed Majidi, Dr Keyvan Salehi, Dr Yaser Madani, Dr Somaye Shahmoradi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (Volume17, Issue 1 2023)

Self-differentiation is a contextual phenomenon and dependent on social conditions that is formed and experienced in a dynamic process under the influence of various conditions. Considering this issue, the question was raised, what are the basic components in the formation of self-differentiation? For this purpose, the qualitative approach, the systematic design of grounded theory at the level of conceptual ordering has been used. Through theoretical sampling and according to theoretical saturation, 17 people were interviewed. Data analysis was done using the first stage of theoratical coding method. After data analysis, 112 primary codes were identified, then 28 subcategories and 3 categories were formed. The findings show that self-differentiation emerges and flows in the form of independent thoughts, behaviors and attitudes along with identity seeking and social dignity. As a result, in the formation of self-differentiation, the basic components are mainly experienced as intellectual independence, but identity seeking and social dignity are another part of these components that are experienced. The findings of this study, guidance for future researches and provided a deeper understanding of this psychological characteristic in the cultural context, which can also have practical consequences in family therapy with regard to multicultural issues.

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