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Showing 9 results for Self-Efficacy

Zohre Abareshi, Karineh Tahmasian, Mohamad Ali Mazaheri, Leili Panaghi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

One of the most effective factors on child psychosocial development is the relationship between mother and child which is affected by parental self-efficacy. The aim of study was to investigate whether Psychosocial Child Development training program can increase positive mother-child relationship and parental self-efficacy. The method of this study was semi-trail with control group. primary samples were 43 mothers of children under three that were selected voluntarily from Imam reza, Qa’em and Razavi Kindergartens in Mashhad, Iran.and then they were voluntarily  put in the experimental and control group. In the posttest stage, the samples of the study decreased to 30 subjects. Mothers filled out child-parent relationship and parental self-efficacy questionnaires in pretest, posttest and follow-up stages. Then the Data was analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. Results showed that Intervention increased parental self-efficacy significantly, but Positive mother-child relationship didn’t increase. In the domains of relationship, dependency increased but other domains such as conflict and closeness didn’t increase significantly. It seems that in spite of increasing of knowledge and parental self-efficacy, mother-child relationship was affected by other factors such as shortage of time for affecting, insufficient exercises, small sample and other uncontrolled factors.
Fereshte Haghighat, Ata Tehranchi, Parisa Dehkordian, Seyed Kazem Rasoolzade Tabatabaei,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2013)

Aim of present study was to study the role of psychological factors and pain-related variables in the prediction of the emotional distress in MS patients. Sample of the study was consisted of 249 patients with Multiple Sclerosis visiting M.S society of Isfahan and was selected through convenience sampling. Of this sample, 12 patients were not included because they didn’t meet the inclusion criteria. Participants answered to the questionnaires of pain-related self-efficacy, ego strength and multidimensional pain inventory. To analyze the data, Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis were used. Results indicated that ego strength and pain related self-efficacy could significantly and negatively predict the emotional distress in M.S patients. Social support also predicted the emotional distress significantly and positively. Findings of present research were consistent with the results of the previous studies that demonstrated the role of self-conceptions in predicting the emotional distress. Given the positive correlation between social support and emotional distress in this study that is consistent with some studies and that is different with some other studies, it is recommended to study the relationship between perceived and real social support and emotional distress in the future studies.
M Ahmadi Tahour Soltani, R, Kormi Neia, H, Ahadi, A. R, Moradi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of the this research was to present a causal model for explaining hope through using Structural Equation Modeling in a sample of Iranian University students. Therefore, a sample of 379 students were selected via multiple stage sampling method from Hamadan university and they responded to Sympson's Hope Scale, Sherer self-efficacy scale, adult attachment style scale, multidimensional perceived social support, life regard index (Meaningful life) and goal orientation questionnaire. Before fitting the basic model, psychometric properties of the tools were investigated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. In the designed model, attachment styles, Meaningful life and social support were considered as the exogenous latent variables (independent variables), self-efficacy and mastery goal orientation as the mediator latent variables, and hope as the endogenous latent variable (dependent variable). Results indicated that theoretical model was fit with the data. Also the results showed that the social support and Meaningful life were directly and indirectly, and secure attachment was directly in a significant relationship with the hope. Furthermore, avoidance attachment was directly in a significant relationship with the hope through self-efficacy mediator variable. All the variables proposed to explain the hope could explain 0.46 percent of its variance.
Karineh Tahmassian, Hajar Bahrami, Hajar Bahrami,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Depression is a common psychological disorder among the mothers of newborn children and it correlates with the social and psychological adjustment of children and parents. The aim of the present research was to examine the factors affecting the depression in the mothers with the children under the age of two. The sample of this descriptive-correlation study included 220 mothers having the children under the age of two of women of Tehran, who were at Tehran’s Parks, these subjects were selected by purposeful and accessible sampling method. Also, the tools used to collect the data included Beck Depression Inventory, Parenting Stress Index, Sources of Social Support Scale, Maternal efficacy Questionnaire, Maternal separation anxiety scale and Child temperament questionnaire. Stepwise regression analysis showed that parenting stress and parenting self- efficacy in two steps could explain 29% of variance in maternal depression. Therefore, educational programs relevant to the mentioned factors can reduce the maternal depression and can prevent from children’s psychological problems.
Aziz, Lachini, Leili, Amirsardari, Morteza, Mahdoodi Zaman,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

This research has been conducted in order to explore the effect of self- efficacy on HbA1c control in case of the type 2 diabetic patients. During an quasi-experimental design of patients suffering type 2 diabetic, whom went through a two month treatment under supervision of a physician a in Mahabad, a simple of 60 patents were selected using a random voluntarily available design and randomization and grouped into two groups of Experimented (n=28) and control (n=30). Experimental groups participated in a course of self-efficacy through cognitive behavioral group method for 9 sessions of 45 minutes. To evaluate the effects of intervention, HbA1c test was conducted before the course, after the course and 3 months after the end of intervention. Resulted data were analyzed using Mixed ANOVA with repeated measures. HbA1c of experimental group decreased significantly after intervention, while the decrease of blood sugar was not significant. These findings remain stable during 3 month at follow up investigation and measurement. Self-efficacy training for HbA1c control in type 2 diabetic patients proved to be effective. Providing this type of training is recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment of diabetes.
Javad Ejei, Masomeh Hatami,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

The purpose of this article is investigated the cause of procrastination according to Cognitive, emotional and behavioral approach. So the model in based on cognitive, emotional and behavioral and procrastination is tested. And the impact of rational beliefs, irrational beliefs, frustration discomfort beliefs, hope beliefs, academic self-efficacy, and self-regulation Procrastination is studied. A sample of 900 students (447 females and 453 males) selected with stratified random sampling and answered to procrastination scale, Rvsblvm and Solom (1984), frustration discomfort scale , Harrington (2005) to measure frustration discomfort beliefs, self-regulated learning questionnaire, Greene and Miller (2004), self-efficacy questionnaire, Mydltn and Midgley (1997), irrational Beliefs Inventory Kvpmnz et al (1994). Path analysis run in two models: one with exogenous variables irrational beliefs and the frustration discomfort beliefs, and other exogenous variables rational beliefs, hope beliefs. The results indicate a good fit of the model. The amount of variance explained by frustration discomfort beliefs, irrational beliefs, self-efficacy and self-regulation was 0.32 and the variance explained by frustration discomfort beliefs, irrational beliefs, and self efficacy was 0.27. The amount of variance explained by rational beliefs, hope beliefs, self-efficacy and self-regulation was 0.24 and the variance explained by rational beliefs, hope beliefs, and self efficacy was 0.18. According to the results of research Education practitioners can reduce student procrastination by increasing self-efficacy and self-regulation, rational beliefs and hopes and decrease irrational beliefs and the frustration discomfort beliefs.
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Volume 9, Issue 4 (2-2016)

This research has been developed with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy on the self-efficacy of lifestyle related to weight and weight loss .In order to achieve this goal, through a semi-experimental design with a pretest and a posttest , all female students of Bu Ali Sina university whose index of body mass was between 25 and 35 were interviewed ,and then 30 of them who had the criteria of participating in schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy sessions were chosen as the available samples and then were put randomly  into three groups (two experimental groups and a control group).The first group received schema therapy for 10 one-hour sessions, the second group received cognitive behavior therapy for 10 one-hour sessions and the third group as the control group received no intervention. The gathered data were analyzed through covariance analysis. The results showed that both schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy had a positive effect on the improvement of the self-efficacy of lifestyle related to weight gain and weight loss. However, the efficacy of the schema therapy was more than the efficacy of the cognitive behavior therapy. Furthermore, no change occurred in the control group during the process of assessment. Generally, both schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy had an effect on the increase of the sense of control over areas of lifestyle related to weight and weight control.

Seyed Sadegh Nabavi, Faramarz Sohrabi, Gholamali Afrooz, Ali Delavar, Simin Hosseinian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2017)

The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived social support and mental health among teachers.  Sample consisted of 447 teachers which selected by cluster random sampling. In order to collect research data from the General Health Questionnaire, general self-efficacy questionnaire and Social Support Questionnaire were used. The results of path analysis showed that social support can mediate the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers. There have significiant diffrences between genders in anxiety and insomnia symptoms. There were not significiant difrences between elementary school and secondary school teachers in outcome variableres. Path analysis showed that 15% of teacher’s mental health scores was explained through the perceived social support. It could be concluded that social support had a pivotal role in teacher self efficacy and mental health. 

Flora Jenabi, Narges Babakhani, Simin Bashardoust,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (3-2025)

The aim of this study is to identify and model the academic procrastination pattern based on the grounded theory. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and a sequential-exploratory design. In the qualitative phase, the grounded theory method was used for data analysis. The participants of the study were undergraduate students at the University of Tehran who, based on their self-reports, were experiencing academic procrastination. Participants were selected using theoretical sampling. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews.The results of the data analysis indicated that psychological factors, perfectionism, experiential avoidance, internet addiction, and cultural-social factors were identified as the main causes of academic procrastination according to the interviewees. Additionally, the most important core and peripheral factors affecting academic procrastination included delay, indifference, laziness, impulsivity, and lack of concentration. Regarding coping strategies, self-actualization and time management were identified as the main strategies for reducing academic procrastination by the interviewees. Contextual factors influencing the application of these strategies included emotion management and behavior modification. Furthermore, strategic and macro-level interventions were identified as significant intervening factors in the process of coping with academic procrastination. Ultimately, the outcomes of these coping strategies included increased academic self-efficacy and improved students’ mental health

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