Volume 10, Issue 36 (summer 2021 2021)                   serd 2021, 10(36): 235-256 | Back to browse issues page

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Enteghami A, Estalaji A, Tavakolan A. Evaluation of nanotechnology products applications for rural development based on the experts’ point of view. serd 2021; 10 (36) :235-256
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3704-en.html
1- PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran. Iran
2- Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Shahr Rey. Iran , Ali.estelaji@iauctb.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3676 Views)
 Nanotechnology is one of the new scientific topics that has led to economic growth in the world. We need a well-designed plan to apply this technology in rural areas and agricultural products, and creating the right policies for the growth and development of villages.  According to the 1404 horizon planning document on the development of nanotechnology, this technology is intended to generate wealth and improve the quality of life of people because it is one of the most important technological developments that can change the structure of production and economic processes in society, especially rural areas. This science is the most important key to economic potential in the 21st century. Therefore, this study aims to identify planning indicators and categorize them based on content analysis while evaluating the advantages and limitations of developing nanotechnology products based on the appropriate strategy model in the development of rural communities.
 This research is applied and and in terms of method is a quantitative, descriptive and explanatory type. Data was collected using library and field methods.  In the field study, a questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.77 was used to interview the experts of the Nanotechnology headquarters, the Organization of Rural and Urban Municipalities, and the professors in the department of geography and rural planning, as well as the agricultural extension and education in Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, which are considered as the statistical population. Since the responsibility of recognizing the strategy is considered to be on senior managers and experts, and they must have a systemic view about the objectives and missions of the organization, 122 individuals as a sample size using a snowball sampling method was considered for this study. The applied research model is SWOT strategic analysis and the quantitative strategic planning model is QSPM. Consequently, implementing the QSPM quantitative model matrix, social, economic, infrastructural and political-managerial factors was prioritized.
Discussion and conclusion
 Matrix scoring of external factors shows that the total final score in this matrix is 2.28, which is less than 2.5, so the development of nano-products in rural communities is in threat in terms of external factors. It will also be ahead of its opportunities. In addition, the result of scoring the matrix of internal factors shows the sum of the total final score is 1.68, which is less than 2.5, so the development of nano-products is weak in terms of internal factors. This issue confirms the weakness of the development of nano-products over their strength. Therefore, it seems that there are noticeable number of weaknesses for the development of nano-products in rural development, and by examining and targeting them can increase the development of these products in rural communities. According to the loading of social, economic, infrastructure and political-managerial indicators in the SWOT planning quality matrix and specifically evaluation scores of 2.28 for external factors and 1.16 for internal factors, a defensive strategy for the development of nanotechnology products in rural communities is determined, which ultimately develops four defensive strategies to achieve long-term goals. Including: (WT1): implementing knowledge workers in the field of nano to evaluate and assess the need to reduce the errors of economic development planning of rural communities. (WT2): determining the monitoring mechanisms in order to measure the risks of implementing the policy program related to the Nanotechnology development program on 1404 horizon.  (WT3): establishment of a risk assessment office regarding the use of nano-products in the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad and the country's rural development organization. (WT4): establishment of incubator in cooperation with rural ICT offices to raise the knowledge about use of nano-products in rural industries. In the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad and the rural municipality organization over the country. The fourth priority with a score of 4.09 shows the use of specialized labor in the field of nanotechnology to assess the need to reduce errors in the economic development planning of rural communities. Since relatively few chance will be available to address the weaknesses, according to the defensive strategy, we must adopt strategies for risk assessment, awareness and the use of specialized labor while being cautious and conservative. This requires inspecting the predictors for the future in plans and policies to maximize opportunities.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/08/21 | Accepted: 2021/08/1

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