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Showing 3 results for Kord

Bagher Kord,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

All governments through different policies, laws, and regulations try to deal with distribution issue and demand distinct distribution . Every community encounters with its own laws .Distributive justice notion tries to offer strategy regarding relevant alternatives. The proponents of “discrependency principle” contend changing policies and laws toward the betterment of low income groups. The major research questions are as follows: Does distribute justice exist in the essential goods consumption of rural settlers of Iran’s province? How is the consumption pattern of different income groups in Iran? How is the price and income sensitivity associated with this group? Spatial distributive analysis regarding the consumption of essential goods and systematic demand function were applied for this purpose.
The needed data is associated with bread, rice, meat, and both granulated and cub sugar costs obtained from 1974-2011 statistics. They were extracted from statistical hand book of rural households incomes and costs using prime price indices of central bank. Moreover, differential demand functions were applied for the measurement of price sensitivity coefficient. E views software were used for the estimation of the statistical model.
This study suggests that the price sensitivity regarding rice, sugar, bread and meat associated with poor rural settlers during 1974-2011 time period were 1.660- 0.289, 0.471 and -0.861 respectively. These figure pertaining to rural middle class determined to be 1.972, 0.332, 0.449 and 0.840 respectively. Associated figures for rural well-off settlerswere 1.381, 0.486, 0.448 and 0.884.

Bagher Kord,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (summer 2016 2016)

The quality of individual life of each person depends on external objective factors of his life and his mental and internal perceptions of it. Improving the quality of life in a particular place or for specific individuals and groups is one of those issues that have always been focused by planners. Improving the quality of life is an important issue that was firstly noted by scholars through widespread development of technology and the process of industrialization in Western countries. According to scientific studies, the connection of economic development and life quality is not a linear one. Rather, these two will be remained aligned just as long as the minimum of favorable material conditions will be provided for human life. Otherwise, we cannot expect that eliminating economic needs help improve the quality of life. Since human beings are multifaceted and complex, economic logic cannot explain lots of their behaviors. Noting the importance of life quality and humanitarian issues of South East geographical environment, in this study, we have tried to investigate economic and physical aspects of rural areas in Chabahar, as well as analyzing the quality of rural life there.
The present study has been conducted using documents and field studies .Information required for field studies have been collected through the questionnaires. Then the data obtained have been processed using the indicators of descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS software. Statistical population of the research consists of the villagers inhabited in the villages of Chabahar County. Required samples for the research have been selected by multistage cluster sampling method. The selected sample size has been a number of 350 people as the head of the households. The number of sample villages and households in each village was selected based on the proportional allocation of the number of inhabited villages in each district.
Discussion and conclusion
Given the importance of strategic, geopolitical and geo-economic region of South East Iran and because of the great tendency of most inhabitants of this region to rural life, in this study, we have tried to examine some of the most important economic and structural indicators of rural areas in Chabahar County in order to help policy and planning systems and analyze the quality of life in rural area of Chabahar, the Province of Sistan and Baluchestan. Final results indicate lack of villagers' satisfaction with the quality of their lives in the studied area. Because, based on economic indicators, the coefficient for the enjoyment of income, subsistence, annual savings and employment situation in the village is in an unfavorable condition. The quality of infrastructures, electriCounty, telephone, radio and television coverage are in good conditions but some other indicators like access to communication routes, public transport, safe drinking water, fuel-distribution and access to financial services and credits do not have any acceptable condition.
In terms of residential environment quality, the residential unit was perfect only in terms of size and infrastructure while there was no favorable condition for other features like its resistance against natural disasters, use of resistant materials, the beauty of shape and form, separation of the whereabouts of animals, methods of collecting waste, landfill sites and sewage networks. The following suggestions, derived from management and research experiences, are recommended to upgrade the quality of rural life in Chabahar area.
Since agriculture has a dominant economic role in this region and because of the fact that the development in this area requires developing of ancillary services, it is essential to establish agricultural machinery repair centers, veterinary centers, and banking services in each rural district.

- Motivating people to progress, and making them hopeful of a bright future in the village through the creation of new business opportunities in the field of agro-based industries, tourism, and development of processing industry;
- Take necessary measures to create dynamic and sustainable financial resources, especially for small farmers, in order to expand the coverage of special insurance to protect villagers' lives and their property.
- Trying to develop rural social welfare institutions by transferring of these activities to rural municipalities and focusing on the activities of all institutions and rganizations that are responsible for welfare services to the villagers;
- Strengthening infrastructural facilities and equipment including water, electriCounty, telecommunication and communication offices.
- Increasing the number of cooperative stores and fuel stations by public participation and technical and financial support of the government through the relevant agencies.

Mehdi Karami Dehkordi, Abdulmatin Miani,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (Spring 2021 2021)

The world’s population has been growing rapidly in recent decades, and statistics show that most of the added population belongs to development countries. The majority of this population live in rural areas which has an unfavorable standard of living and livelihood compared to international standard. The basis of human and economic development is based on livelihood; livelihoods include all the things that people do to make a living. In addition, livelihoods are sustainable when they can adapt to pressures and shocks, improve and strengthen or maintain capabilities and assets in the present and future, while not destroying natural resources. Sustainable livelihood is a way to think about rural development, which for rural people it leads to higher incomes, increased welfare, reduced vulnerability, improved food security and more sustainable use of basic natural resources. According to statistics, 71% of Afghanistan’s population lives in rural areas and the livelihood of rural households in this country depends on agriculture, livestock and handicrafts. A large part of the country’s economy depends on rural products, and the products of farmers and ranchers make up most of the country’s export. It is worth noting that in rural areas of Afghanistan, few studies have been conducted on sustainable rural livelihoods, and accordingly the present study is one of the most innovative and leading researchers for this area.
Research Methodology
This is a qualitative study of the grounded theory type with the approach of Strauss and Corbin. The grounded theory method is commonly used to achieve theory, but it also has the ability to use its techniques in the form of other qualitative methods. Methods used to collect data include observation, Interviews, field notes and written and audio recordings made during the interviews. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to collect data. The current research integrated purposive and snowball samplings were used to collect data. Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Snowball sampling method, initial subjects with the desired characteristics are identified using purposeful sampling technique. In this study, data analysis was performed simultaneously with data collection and the researcher reached the theoretical saturation stage with 23 interviews.
Results and discussion
Based on the analysis, 220 codes were extracted from 23 interviews in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Code analysis led to the identification of 27 subcategories. Finally, 19 main categories were extracted from their classification. Showed relationships between categories formed in the data that the pattern formed corresponds to the original shape of the paradigm pattern (Pattern or model) of Strauss and Corbin, that is the core category (access to sustainable livelihood) is affected by causal conditions and it influences the strategies themselves. Strategies in turn shape the consequences of the phenomenon under the influence of contextual and interventionist condition.
The causal categories of the paradigm are more dependent on agriculture, war and security challenges and the poor performance of the livestock and poultry sectors. According to the causal categories of the paradigm designed in the studied area, rural industries, rural services, livestock and poultry are very backward compared to the agriculture sector. This does not mean that the agriculture of the northern villages of Andar district is in a good condition. Rather, the monoculture of the rural economy (the majority of vineyards) with low productivity and efficiency in a traditional way has led the villages to an unfavorable living situation. In addition, due to various natural factors the risk of agricultural products is very high and has forced families to multiply their sources of incomes. But unfortunately, the increase in income depends on a particular sector (traditional agriculture). Therefore, in order to meet the economic needs of rural residents through the diversification of activities and income-generating methods, and to provide various job opportunities in this area, further encouragement should be provided.
The war and security challenges in Afghanistan have overshadowed every manufacturing and service sector and prevent any progress and it has caused the villagers to have no connection with the government and rural development department and to live in more deprivation. Rural areas have been severely damaged by war and security challenges, which have weakened the agricultural sector, demolished homes, disabled rural people and lacked investment. The population of the villages has multiplied compared to previous years, but no attention is paid to creating new job opportunities, which has led to rising unemployment, poverty and many livelihood challenges. One of the way to create new job opportunities in the studied villages is the multi-functional approach and abandoning single-function approach.

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