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Showing 6 results for Riahi

Vahid Riahi, Loghman Zamani,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (6-2013)

This paper aims to identify secure, risk free domains and extents in Sarvabad with particular emphasis upon disaster management considerations. This study has both analytical and applied nature. Data analysis demands the application of Gis and AHP. This leads to creation of corresponding layers and final combined overlay risk maps for the evaluation of the relevant factors. consequently; spatial analysis was done upon synthesis maps in order to identify the secure, risk free domains in the study area. This study suggests that around 50 % of the county’s area that accommodates 45 villages and houses more than 53.5 %of the population located in high-risk zones. Moreover, 38% of the county’s area with 25 villages and 32.3% of the population is associated with medium level of seismic risk. However, 13% of the area along with 14.2% of the population pertaining to seven villages is situated in risk free zone. This zone is associated with high population density. This supports this hypothesis that there exists a significant relationship between population density and seismic risk.

Vahid Riahi, Azar Nouri,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

Stagnation with regard to rural traditional economic activities based on natural resources including agriculture and mining during last decades demand new strategies regarding strength and variations in economic activities and bases. However, concentration upon one type of economic activity of Iran’s rural settlements may waste energy and production resources as well as out migration. It is argued that instability in the country’s villages is resulted from lack of variations in economic activities associated in rural settlements. This study aims to create variation in economic activities and achievement of economic sustainability in rural settlements of Khoramdareh in Zanjan.
This study has applied nature. However, methodologically speaking is descriptiveanalytical. 28 measures were chosen in order to access the economic sustainability of rural settlements. Statistical society is composed of 1143 households out of which 287 were selected from 4 villages that are Rahmatabad, Baghdareh, Alvand and Sukahriz out of 17 villages. Cronbach’s alpha was applied for viability of the research. It turns out to be 0.765. VIKOR model was used for the analysis purpose.
This study suggests that those villages that possess job variation rank higher in terms of sustainability. According to classification of the villages based on number of jobs, Sukahriz with 32 jobs falls into the highest class with 2396 population. It follows by Rahmatabad with 22 jobs and 889 persons which fall into medium group. Alvand and Baghdareh with 14 and 11 jobs and 362 and 850 persons respectively fall into the lowest category. Based on application of VIKOR model regarding the assessment of studied villages from economic sustainability stand point, Sukahriz with 0.025 within range of 0.325 - 0.000 possesses higher sustainability.

Vahid Riahi, Hassan Momeni,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (11-2015)

Water resources are maybe the most important and the most necessary available resource for human and agriculture section. Agriculture section with almost 11 percent of gross domestic production, 23 percent of employment, and more than 80 percent of feeding the people of the country has a vital role in Iran's economy. Water as the most important factor in agriculture section, has a significant effect on agriculture production. Special climate conditions in Iran such as dry weather, inappropriate spatial and temporal rainfalls are inevitable realities which limit the production and sustainable agriculture management to use water resources of the country correctly and reasonably. In modern management theories that are related to water resources limitation, water is considered as a socioeconomic item and the first human need for different usages including agricultural use. It seems that there are many water resources, but, in fact, available water resources are limited. So, attention to type and method of supplying water resources for agriculture use and suitable usage of them for valuable productions can be helpful in the way of correct management and usage of water resources. This study aims to consider effective indicators in the method of water resources usage for agriculture development and management of water resources. So the aim of the study is to answer these questions: In the studied villages, how are basic water resources supplied? Which villages are more capable of supplying water?
This study is a descriptive-analytic one, which aims to assess the capability of water resources in agriculture section. Data collection has been done by using official and written documents; firstly through literature review and secondly by field study. In collecting official documents we used statistical documents of Iran's Statistic Center, Agriculture Organization of the province, Dehyari, health centers of the county, Rural Water Organization; and for field study we used the researcher's self-designed questionnaire. For these propose, water resources indicators, climates, geomorphology, economic, social and environmental factors are classified to 33 items which are related to this study. The study population includes Buin and Miandasht County, located in the west of Isfahan province. The population of this county has been more than 26000 people in 2011. This county has 46 residential villages and for sample population, 5 villages in different rural districts have been chosen according to parameters like dispersion, population and distance from the county's center. The county's center is Buin which means "warehouse"; it is located 250 km far from Isfahan and its elevation is 2450 meter above sea level. This county includes five districts: Yeelagh, Gorji, North Grachembo, South Grachembo, Sardsiri and five rural districts.
Discussion and Conclusion
Because of water resource limitation, water saving methods and reform of irrigation system should be focused and these activities play an important role in raising water resource capability. Even though there are many water resources, water stress is happening in some rural districts and studies show that more than two-thirds of the provinces in the country are facing with this phenomena. The study results showed that firstly new policies in exploiting water resources and land are necessary regarding to water resource capability in agriculture section, in rural districts. Secondly, correct management of water resources and increasing the efficiency of productivity, job creation and diversification of rural activities without considering capabilities of water resources in rural districts is impossible; and finally, low level of education has negative impacts on efficiency of productivity and also on modern methods of utilizing irrigation systems in the villages. Moreover, there is a direct relation between rainfall and the amount of production in rural districts; fluctuations of production are related to fluctuations in rainfall with an almost regular process and this indicates the lack of modern irrigation systems and dominance of traditional agriculture in the studied area. Considering the water resources of rural settlements in four different types, it was found that Dareh-hovz village is on the top and Masumabad village is on the down low and this ranking is related to environmental diversity. Regarding these issues and according to field studies and observations, it seems that focusing on infrastructures and tourism boom in Dareh-hovz village and development of agriculture in accordance with changes in cropping pattern and consumption pattern in the studied villages especially in Masumabad is necessary. In Dareh-hovz village, variety of economic activities including tourism, in one hand can play an important role in population stability of the village and in the other hand in decreasing the use of water resources in agriculture section. Finally, it can be said that separation of water resources in some villages around and catchment basins like Dashkesen and Aznaveleh villages need economic diversification.

Tahereh Sadeghloo, Hamdollah Sojasi Ghidari, Vahid Riahi,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (5-2016)

Rural industrialization has been greatly discussed by researchers in recent studies of rural planning and development. It is due to its positive effects of economic, social and infrastructural factors. Moreover, researches are looking for ways to analyzed approaches to reduce harmful environmental impacts of industrial projects, as destructive life factors of geographical territory, in rural areas. For example, according to Misra and Chyvta (1990); rural industrialization and the prevalence of non-agricultural activities can seriously affect the increase of social welfare and providing essential goods and services for rural households. Experiences by several countries prove the fact that every structural change that happens because of industrialization, not only has an important economic role in rural areas, but also led to self-repulsive economy, as well. In addition to studying positive economic, social and physical aspects, it is needed to do some preparatory studies on negative eco-environmental effects of rural industrialization for proper siting of such industries to reduce its harmful eco-environmental and human effects and improve spatial planning.
In this study, we have used a new approach to investigate rural industrialization and the
establishment of large mining – extractive industries in rural areas. Todays, thanks to villages forming a wide range of local-spatial area of the country, they have rich mineral resources in their geographical territory which their extraction may cause economic-infrastructure effects as well as other negative eco-environmental effects such as the changing use of agricultural land, soil and water pollution, vegetation loss, and landscape change over time. Two main questions of the research are 1) In terms of sustainability, how is the economic, social and environmental status of surrounding villages of Zanjan cement plant? 2) How is the current situation of ecoenvironmental effects of minning- extractive industry of Zanjan cement factory on surrounding rural areas, according to ICOLD,and Prometea techniques.
This study is an analytical explanation using library and field study. Field data have been collected by questionnaires after the identification of variables. Then, the required data have been collected in the intended study area. Samples have been managed in two different social levels: 36 people from local experts (Council and village head assistants) using census method for ICOLD matrices, and 295 individuals from the head of the households selected among local people of villages to assess eco-environmental effects of using Prometea multivariate technique in villages by the use of Cochran formula of Alpha= 0.05. The already designed questionnaires have been modified in ICOLD matrices covering several factors of physio-chemical, biological, socio-economic, and cultural infrastructure environments that include 41sub criteria, totally. Collected data have been finally analyzed by ICOLD environmental assessment method and Promote multivariate techniques.
Discussion and conclusion
One of the new challenges facing rural planning when it is getting applied, is the presence of two viewpoints: environmentalism, and rural industrialization. Villages are accumulation points of environmental resources that, according to the theory of Sustainable Development, it is essential to protect them. In addition, we aim at diversifying economic sector by supporting rural industrial projects. Integration of the two approaches needs the evaluation of environmental effects of industrial activities to help moderate the intensity of environmental effects of industrial projects in rural areas. In this research, we are intended to study industrial mining extractive project of Zanjan cement factory, located and operated in a rural district, to analyze its eco-environmental effects on rural areas. Results from ICOLD demonstrates that its eco-environmental effects vary by distance, i.e., the nearer the villages are, the more they will be threatened by these effects, or vice versa.
Results from promote technic confirm the same. Since, villages in disturbed areas within the distance of less than 5 kilometers from the factory or less than 1 kilometer from the communication route to raw stone mining site, show the highest level of eco-environmental instability. These villages include; Majid Abad (rated at 81%), Zarand (rated as 73%) and Mazidabad (rated at 67%), respectively. These villages are close to the factory and to the passage of vehicles carrying raw stone. Much of the physical area of the factory is located in agricultural land of two villages of Majid Abad and Mazidabad. Moreover, wind direction of the area mostly causes much of the pollution from factory dust distributes in other agricultural areas of MajidAbad. Another village which its eco-environment has been recently affected is Zarand, located in a foothill area near to the raw stone mining site. Dust from loading raw stones, noise pollution caused by the breakage of the rock, animals and wildlife breaking out of the area, and destruction of crops and plants are among the major environmental damage in this area. Thus, we suggest to reduce environmental pollution from factories in rural areas by reviewing some ways of factory activities such as transportation of raw materials, methods used for the extraction of raw stones, development of appropriate transport infrastructures, installation of air pollution controlling systems, increase in the plantation of more green spaces within the margins of the factory, good management of wastewater and their disposal system.

Hamid Jalalian, Faramarz Barimani, Vahid Riahi, Morteza Mehralitabar Firouzjaie,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (summer 2016 2016)

After land reform, some actions have been done for rural finance by creating financial institutions such as credit cooperatives, Agriculture Bank and interest-free loan funds which were not successful in improving poor people livelihood. The studied area in this study includes a forest-mountain area that have small and sporadic villages and they are far from rural-urban continuum. In fact, these areas face with basic shortcomings because of their location in geographical isolation, lack of development of market, scattered villages, low population density and unavailability of services (including financial services). Researchers' preliminary studies in this area showed that in financial markets of the forest-mountain villages in Bandpey part of Babol county, for rural finance to meet their needs in micro level, include just officialpublic institutions and semipublic ones (agriculture Bank, credit cooperatives and Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation) that were not operating as rural financial institutions, so in the studied area this question is raised that in spite of the availability of financial institutions, why the level of financing services is low for villagers? Or in other words, why the available financial institutions could not be successful in attracting villagers? Therefore, the question is that what are the characteristics of financial institution for being successful in presenting financial services? This study aims to recognize optimality criteria in institutions that offer financial services in rural districts and tries to present a framework in rural financial institutionalization to help rural managers and development planners in rural financial domain such as Agriculture Bank, rural financial cooperatives, Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and rural interest-free loan funds.
Ito consider the subject, a qualitative approach has been chosen in this study. So, 25 villagers that are residents of forest-mountain villages of eastern Bandpey in the county have been selected in a purposeful way; data collection has been done through in-depth semi-structured interviews to the theoretical saturation point. Following that, for more clarification and conducting in-depth interview, some follow-up and exploratory questions have been used. After each interview, all the statements were written on the paper. The obtained data from interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis method (by the framework of an inductive approach). To increase the creditability and acceptability of data, these methods have been used: simultaneous data analysis, continuous observation, review by supervisors and selecting the main informants; accuracy and authenticity of data (stability) have been considered too, regarding these indicators: maximum number of participants, desirable relation with participants, accuracy in recording data, using external researchers and supervisors, long time engagement with research and obtained data.
Discussion and Conclusion
On the major subject that is extracted is "flexibility". On the major subject that is extracted is "flexibility". Flexibility of rural financial institution means the flexibility in time duration for loan repayment that does not interfere with planting season and the time that farmers and ranchers should spend money for their works. The results show that when the time of loan repayment interfere with the time that small farmers do not have cash money, this leads to excluding some people from taking credits and more than that those who were able to take the credit, could not gain enough profit. Availability is a criterion in rural space that have low level of livelihood, in faraway geographical location is of great importance. In one hand, availability means physical availability. This criterion can be understandable when rural forest-mountain area is understandable. These areas face with problems because of dispersion of villages and their distance from urban area to receive services including financial services. In another way, lack of finance leads to irresponsibility. Considering the findings showed that if rural financial institutions were dependent to government subsidies, offering credits to meet villagers' needs would be uncertain all the time. Another criterion, a sub-dimension of availability, is "having responsibility regarding to the conditions that farmers face with a social-economic problem". In one hand, small farmers and ranchers' livelihood is always exposed to natural, social and economic crisis (especially in forest-mountain regions), and in another hand, their week financial support make villagers vulnerable to these kind of dangers. The obtained results showed that optimality of a rural financial institution is related to offering services in all dimensions of financial services especially loan, saving and insurance. Therefore, one the most important issues for optimality of the rural financial institutions is the capacity of saving for small farmers and ranchers; they have high desire for saving. Official financial institutions and semi-official ones could not support this dimension of villagers' need with a commercial approach. According to the findings, villagers do not consider financial institutions as merely a monetary institution; they expect an appropriate financial institution not only offer monetary services, but also they expect them offer social services that need investment, or assignment of subsidies on their necessary products for their agriculture. The study findings showed that the assigned small loan is a loan for agriculture not for the farmer, and it rarely considers the need of the villagers for consumption. It is suggested that researchers on institutional issues and service institution in rural districts consider these issues in the time of occurrence and with direct observations and interviews; they should familiarize with their challenges and by a topdown and bottom-up approach, they can present a suitable strategy for the same areas to overcome their problems.

Saeid Nasiri Zare, Vahid Riahi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (Spring 2023 2023)

Publishing scientific papers is one of the most significant ways of sharing research outcomes. Experts and academics regularly publish their original studies and research in related fields through scientific publications. Scientific publications are now published in various fields worldwide, and their development requires meticulous and expert investigations. Scientometric studies are used as one of the scientific methods to examine the performance of scientific journals. Nowadays, scientific journals incorporate scientometrics in their daily decisions to investigate the influencing factors. Research with this approach to analyze The network of scientific cooperations and draw the topic of interesting articles in the scientific journal "Space Economy & Rural Development." Knowing the scientific collaborations and the topic of the articles can provide a comprehensive picture of the type of scientific activities of the journal authors and identify the research's strengths and weaknesses.

This research is a quantitative study using scientometric research methods. Theoretical literature was studied using library research methods to gather information for the study's applied purpose. All articles published in the Journal Space Economy & Rural Development are examined in the research. Therefore, the statistical population includes all the articles published in the Journal, compiled by the authors, and accepted by the reviewers between 2011 and 2019. To analyze the scientific cooperation of the authors, the "Network Density," "Degree Centrality," "Betweenness Centrality," "Eigenvector Centrality," and "Clustering Coefficient" have been used. In order to facilitate comprehension of the magazine articles and establish connections between them, a keyword system was employed. The authors of said articles crafted a comprehensive list of keywords in the initial phase. Subsequently, these keywords were subjected to scrutiny, editing, and culling of duplicates. This yielded a set of distinct keywords for use in lexical analysis. At this stage, keywords such as the names of provinces - cities, Theories - models, and general expressions that did not express a specific topic were removed. In the end, 40 keywords remained, which were used for the final analysis. In order to analyze and interpret the results, Ravar Matrix was used to prepare the self-interaction matrix and the co-occurrence of crucial words, the Ucinet program was used to analyze the studied indicators, and according to the limitations of this program, the Gephi program was used to draw graphs and networks.

Discussion and conclusion
Examining and evaluating scientific literature have long been viewed as important for shaping future policies of scientific journals, research planning, and informed decision-making. One effective approach to achieving this goal is by utilizing scientometric analysis methods. In the Journal of space economy and rural development, 364 articles have been published in 9 periods and 36 issues, and the authorship pattern of the authors has been the collaboration of three authors. Most of the journal "Space Economy & Rural Development " articles focus on "Economic Development." "Tourism" and "agriculture" are two central issues in this field, and researchers have investigated the dimensions and fields of development of these businesses in rural areas. However, the subject of interest is to do these articles in a coherent scientific network between authors and researchers. In such a way, more scientific cooperation among authors helps productivity, innovation, and exchange of information. In the Journal of Space Economy & Rural Development, the complete scientific cooperation network has not been formed because the authors are in different scientific fields. This issue has shown the primary attention of the magazine to the subject of the articles without paying attention to the authors. However, among the authors, Ghadiri Masom, Motiee Langroudi, and Riyahi have had the highest number of connections in the Journal's scientific cooperation network. These authors and Rezvani are the most crucial mediators in controlling and transmitting information in the Journal's scientific network.
On the other hand, most authors were from the University of Tehran, Kharazmi and Payam Noor of Tehran, who have less desire to cooperate in the scientific network of the magazine with other authors. However, in order to realize the scientific development of the Journal, the planners of the Journal can encourage the scientific perspective of the Journal by presenting clear goals and accepting novel topics that have been given less attention in the field of rural development. The use of editorial boards with different scientific fields (according to the scientific network of the Journal, which represents various scientific expertise in this field) can also contribute to the quality of presenting and publishing articles in the Journal.


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