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Mir Sattar Sadrmousavi , Mohsen Aghayarihir , Mohammad Valaei,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (winter 2021 2021)

Reduction of inequality and poverty has always been one of the topics discussed by scholars and has been considered as part of the main aims of rural development. It has increasingly become one of the important topics in development literature.   Different strategies to reduce poverty by different scholars such as; funding micro-credit and increasing the quality of life and empowerment of women, small-scale agricultural development as an essential component of food security, strengthening social capital in the form of local organizations, global economic integration and globalization, increasing public participation and creating grassroots organizations including rural cooperatives, diversification of economic activities, etc.,  has been proposed. However, due to the dependence of the villagers on the agricultural sector, not compatibility with the culture of the villagers, none of these solutions has not completely succeeded in reducing poverty and eradicating it from rural communities. Similarly, in Miandoab County, the agricultural sector, due to limited water resources, reduced productivity, job creation, mechanization, etc., has undergone a declining trend and is not able to attract the available labor. Furthermore, given that the study area has been severely affected by the Lake Urmia drying up in recent years, leading to a decrease in income, employment, investment, labor productivity and agricultural land, and hence, an increase in the number of underprivileged people in rural areas and migration of youth and depopulation of a number of villages in the area. Therefore, seeking solutions to reduce rural poverty are crucial such as, reviving the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors according to the strengths and obstacles of the region, increasing labor productivity in all economic sectors and enhancing rural population sustainability and stability, employment, income and food security.  The main issue of the present study is to investigate rural poverty reduction strategies, emphasizing the rural economic diversification approach and the effects of economic diversification in reducing rural poverty in Miandoab County. 

The purpose of this study is to investigate poverty reduction strategies with an emphasis on rural economic diversification in Miandoab County. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method.  Field and documentary methods were used to collect data and information. This study includes two parts: quantitative and qualitative. In the qualitative part, theoretical saturation was achieved by conducting 24 semi-structured interviews, and in the quantitative part, 120 local informants, rural managers and staff of Miandoab County were selected as a sample. The reliability level of the research questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha method of 0.701.  Purposeful sampling (snowball and sequential method) was used.  Grounded theory, regression, path analysis and influence diagram were used to analyze the information.

Discussion and conclusion
The most important strategies identified to reduce rural poverty in Miandoab are: Funding micro-credit to villagers and farmers, crops insurance and government support, economic diversification in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors (changing the pattern of cultivation with water-resistant species such as saffron, Damask rose, pistachio, livestock development, developing industries), construction product processing factories, industrial town establishment, handicraft, tourism development and expansion, creation small businesses, creation of local markets and services, etc., enhancing educational quality of villagers, using indigenous knowledge, increasing social capacities, improving infrastructure, increase research, change government support policies, reform rural management and belief system.  Among these, one of the most important strategies to reduce rural poverty in this area according to the study is to pay attention to the "rural economic diversification" approach. Accordingly, the diversification of the rural economy has positive effects on increasing income, employment, production, investment and hence reducing rural poverty in Miandoab County.  The index of non-agricultural (non-agricultural) diversification and the creation of jobs that require less water, such as development of rural industries (manufacturing units for processing livestock, agricultural, horticultural products, etc., handicrafts, carpet weaving units, metal industries, wood industries, food industries, etc.), development of service sector in most villages and expansion of rural tourism (religious, sport, nomadic) is of great importance in reducing rural poverty in the study area. Thus, long-term diversification alters the income opportunities for rural households and reduces their income vulnerability to economic and environmental changes. In general, diversification of jobs can be considered as an indirect insurance for the security of income of villagers who have low productivity or have been damaged due to unexpected natural disasters.

Abolfazl Ghanbari, Mohammad Valaei,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (winter 2022 2022)

One of the emerging infectious diseases in recent years is Coronavirus 2019. For the first time in late December 2019, cases of pneumonia or pneumonia were reported to the World Health Organization in Wuhan, China (the primary source of the disease). The cause of the disease was unknown and the available treatments were not very effective. The disease spread rapidly and affected all the people of the world, and the coronavirus epidemic caused the greatest shock to the world economy and led to the implementation of control policies to control it by governments such as; Social distancing, temporary closures of businesses, quarantine, etc., whose negative effects are greater in rural areas for various reasons and has become an influential factor in the transformation of rural poverty. As in all parts of the world, the rural settlements of East Azerbaijan Province are grappling with the widespread outbreak of the coronavirus, and the number of cases and deaths in this province is increasing every day, and some health experts, not observing social distancing. And non-observance of hygienic protocols is considered as the reason for this increase in patients, but some people consider the use of masks to be more important than distance, and the lack of disinfection of hands and hand washing are other factors that start the upward trend of patients. Therefore, due to the spread of coronavirus and the increase in the number of infected people, many businesses in the province, especially in rural areas, were closed and people who did not have employment insurance, access to health services and care systems, people in They work in the informal sector, or work as workers in private, semi-private, etc. companies, and are more at risk of poverty and deprivation. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the factors affecting rural poverty developments during the outbreak of coronavirus in rural areas of East Azerbaijan province and tries to provide an appropriate answer to the research question: Factors and driving forces affecting rural poverty changes What are the corona times in East Azerbaijan province?

Research Methods
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting rural poverty developments in East Azerbaijan province during the corona outbreak and therefore in terms of purpose of exploratory type and in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical method and its philosophical basis is a combination that in the study The Q (Q) forum has a qualitative approach and a quantitative aspect in the Q-factor analysis phase. The research area is the rural settlements of East Azerbaijan province. The discourse community also includes; There are 24 managers and experts (governorate, health, government departments, districts, villages, etc.), local experts and experts in the field of poverty and rural areas. To select the statistical sample, the snowball method and the theoretical sequence were used. Exploratory factor analysis (Stanfson) was used to analyze the data of Q matrices.

Discussion and conclusion
The results of this study using Q research showed that the most important factors and driving forces affecting the development of rural poverty during the outbreak of Corona virus in rural areas of East Azerbaijan province are; 1) Failure to comply with legal restrictions, reduced literacy and access to communication services (first factor). 2) Business closures, rising costs and economic and psychological pressures (second factor). 3) Decreased income, production capital and inefficient management (third factor). 4) Increasing financial problems and reducing spatial flows (fourth factor). 5) Decreased public trust and poor health services (fifth factor). 6) The problem of marketing, access to services and communication channels (factor six). 7) Uncertainty of macro-plans and policies, reduction of production and increase of social anomalies (seventh factor). 8) Political and the application of transportation restrictions (factor eight). Among these, the first factor (non-compliance with legal restrictions, reduced literacy and access to communication services) with a specific value of 3.13 and a percentage of variance of 13.04 has the greatest impact on rural poverty developments during the outbreak of coronavirus in the study area had. In addition, the results of the present study with the results of Sadr Mousavi et al. (1399), Tajeri Moghadam et al. (1399), Taherinia and Hassanvand (1399), Rahnama and Bazargan (1399), Adjunun et al. (2021), Vas and Katino ( 2020), Arno et al. (2021), Vivad et al. (2021), Barjin and Aminguno (2021), Liu et al. (2020), Flipson et al. (2020), etc. on the factors affecting poverty and the effects of prevalence The corona virus is in the same direction in rural areas and its developments.

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