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Mojgan Ghalami Cheragh Tapeh, Alireza Darban Astaneh, Mohammad Amin Khorasani,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

Rural tourism is a sustainable form of rural development that utilizes the resources available in rural areas. However, due to geographical isolation and lack of benefits, these areas often have untapped potential. This lack of development prevents strengthening of social and economic foundations within local communities. Regarding tourism planning in certain areas, previous research has focused on identifying important factors and drivers. However, there is a lack of certainty surrounding regional development in the planning process. To address this, planners and scenario writers can use these factors as a control mechanism to map and manage the desired future.

The purpose of this research is to create scenarios that will help determine the factors that impact the growth of rural tourism in Urmia County. The study will use the Wizard scenario to identify key variables that contribute to sustainable tourism in the villages within the county. Ultimately, the goal is to develop scenarios that will enhance the feasibility of sustainable rural tourism development. The purpose, application, and type of research method used in this study are descriptive-analytical. The nature of the data collected is qualitative, and the method of data collection is through field research. The questionnaire tool was implemented in two stages, and data analysis was conducted using future research techniques and the Mick Mac software, along with interaction analysis. In general, the working method has been done in two main stages in this research. Twenty professionals with expertise in the subject were selected for a statistical sample. They were provided with a questionnaire to complete. After careful consideration of the experts' opinions and research, it was determined that there are 36 significant indicators in 5 different components: economic (9 indicators), socio-cultural (8 indicators), managerial (7 indicators), natural (8 indicators), and infrastructure (4 indicators). During this study, it was found that out of the 36 indicators examined, several key factors drive tourism development in the rural regions of Urmia County.

Discussion and Conclusion
In this study, we created scenarios by considering critical uncertainties, predetermined drivers, and the impact of key obstacles. The result of this process was three scenarios. One scenario depicts a promising and favorable situation, another is static and intermediate, and the third portrays a critical and undesirable situation. Out of the three scenarios, scenario number two has the most favorable conditions for tourism in the villages of Urmia County. This scenario is considered the best because all possible situations are desirable. Out of the 36 possible situations, 16.6% are critical, 11.11% are relatively critical or on the brink of a crisis, 13.88% are relatively favorable, and 58.33% are very good. 27.77% faced unfavorable circumstances, while 72.23% had favorable ones. The second scenario is the most optimal, as all the crucial factors are at their best. This scenario comprises seven highly desirable situations, two moderately desirable ones, one on the brink of crisis, and two critical situations. In Scenario No. 1, there are several possible states. Seven of these states are ideal, one is good, one is risky, and two are critical. The factors in this scenario are stable. Five situations are entirely positive, three that are somewhat positive, one that is risky, and three that are critical. In these critical situations, the key factors are likely unfavorable compared to their desired state.
After analyzing the potential outcomes in three categories - favorable, static, and undesirable -, it is clear that the strong research scenarios lead to more favorable conditions than any other category. These scenarios provide a promising future for tourism in the villages of Urmia. By acknowledging the strengths and limitations present, better planning for rural tourism in Urmia can be achieved. Improving this trend will have a direct and indirect positive impact on the future development of tourism in the region

Morteza Khazaipol, Banafshe Farahani, Masoume Izadinia,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

According to the World Tourism Organization, all activities a person does while traveling and in a place outside his product environment, provided that his trip does not last more than one year and its purpose is recreation, business, or other activities, are considered tourism. The third generation of tourism, creative tourism, emerged after the first two stages of coastal and historical-cultural tourism. Creative tourism offers a more sustainable option that allows tourists to discover their potential by taking part in courses and experiences unique to the region they visit.
For a more immersive experience in rural tourism, it is recommended that tourists stay in local rural houses rather than hotels. This allows them to become fully immersed in the area's culture and way of life and to interact with the people who have built it over time. By doing so, they can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the values and traditions that make this place unique. This study investigates how creative tourism can boost tourism and development in an overlooked region. Despite having many attractions, this area has not been thoroughly explored. This research aims to promote this unexplored region as a desirable tourist spot for both domestic and foreign visitors. It emphasizes the need to implement creative tourism initiatives to highlight the potential of this region.

In terms of the purpose of this research, it is practical. In terms of data collection, this research is descriptive-survey type. The theoretical basis of the research was collected from books, dissertations, publications, and academic articles in Persian and English. For this study, the target group is people over 20 years old and living in the researched area. The study was conducted during the summer of 2021 and only included those who lived in the village. A questionnaire was completed by individuals over 20 years old and present in the community during the data collection period. The sampling method used was the available method. In this way, in the morning and afternoon of non-holiday days, during three consecutive weeks of July 2021, by visiting homes and explaining the research, questionnaires were presented to people over 20 years old and collected after filling. Two hundred and five questionnaires were distributed and collected. In compiling the questionnaire, we tried to include all the variables needed for the research. The number of inquiries was kept to a minimum, and the responses were uncomplicated to ensure that the villagers could provide prompt answers.

Results and conclusion
In order to conclude from the topics investigated in this research, what can be mentioned in this part is the impact and importance of creative tourism on the development and attraction of tourists in rural areas. The residents accepted all five components of creative tourism with an impact percentage of over 90%, which indicates the significant influence of creative tourism on the development and attraction of tourists. All the respondents agreed with the category of creative tourism in the village and considered the historical, cultural, and artistic background as the reasons for this agreement. They are interested in the development of tourism in this sector and stated that the framework of tourism in this sector is fundamental and insignificant. Expanding tourism and attracting more visitors can benefit the locals and help promote their culture. However, to support the growth of tourism, it is important to have the necessary infrastructure, such as communication networks, water, and electricity. Planning for tourism has facilitated the development of rural settlements, providing access to these essential amenities. This has also led to part-time and seasonal employment opportunities for the villagers, which can lead to a boom in production and economic activities in the village and, ultimately, the development of tourism in the village. Essentially, this approach can promote rural communities' financial and population consistency through thoughtful planning that considers local conditions. It is recommended that government officials prioritize this industry by establishing the appropriate infrastructure to encourage investment and appointing skilled and effective leaders who can foster creativity and attract tourism development. In rural areas, people strongly emphasize balancing work and family commitments. We can support both cultural and economic prosperity by promoting family and group businesses and encouraging entrepreneurship among women. This can also attract more tourists to the village. It is also possible to provide a suitable platform to attract tourists by holding cultural and artistic exhibitions in the village, taking care of the appearance and landscape, advertising, and creating local markets to offer products and handicrafts.


Zahra Torkashvand, Amir Heidarian, Hasan Ali Faraji Sabokbar,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

Migration is a behavior driven by various motives, including education, job search, welfare, and escape from war. In recent decades, there has been an increase in the international migration of Afghan people to neighboring countries, particularly Iran. The impact of migration on a country's development is significant, and skilled and unskilled migration significantly impacts the economy of countries.
Many villages in Iran are currently experiencing slow development and require a strong driving force to bridge the gap. Entrepreneurship is a valuable tool for innovation, changing the primary force behind economic growth and development and a solution for the economic and social advancement of villages in numerous countries. Additionally, Afghan immigrants have been an integral part of the workforce in rural areas for years, whether willingly or unwillingly. They typically reside in regions where labor demand is relatively high and have been able to take advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities in villages near the country's capital. This study addresses the factors that Afghan immigrants consider when identifying entrepreneurial opportunities.
Varamin County is located in Tehran Province. In the past two decades, due to the creation of various jobs in the agricultural and service sectors, it has become one of the most suitable places for Afghan immigrants to immigrate. This research examines rural entrepreneurship opportunities from Afghan immigrants' perspective.

For this study, we utilized an applied and developmental approach with a descriptive-analytical methodology and conducted a survey. To gather data, we administered a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula, resulting in 374 Afghan immigrants residing in rural areas. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation statistics for description and inferential statistics for analysis. In order to check if the data was normal, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was utilized.
Additionally, to examine the correlation between the research variables, the one-sample t-test was implemented. The study focused on identifying opportunities for rural entrepreneurship as perceived by Afghan immigrants. The evaluation was conducted from four dimensions: economic-financial, cultural-social, personality-individual, and political-administrative. Each dimension was assessed based on multiple indicators.
The study is performed in Varamin County with eight sections, four towns, and 216 villages. It is one of Tehran province's industrial and agricultural hubs, with rural and urban populations of 14130 and 34062 people, respectively. In addition, 48192 Afghan immigrants live in this county.

Discussion and conclusion
According to the Afghan women immigrants' viewpoint, the total direct effects amount to 1.931. Regarding indirect communications, the indicators with the highest and lowest levels of influence are personality-individual (1.951) and political-administrative (0.371), respectively. As for the direct relationship intensity, the indicators with the highest and lowest values are personality-individual (0.622) and political-administrative (0.371).
According to Afghan male immigrants, the total direct effect is 1.394. Regarding indirect communication, personality-individual indicators have the highest impact at 1.887, while economic-financial indicators have the lowest impact at 0.424. Based on Figure 4, the highest and lowest impact intensities of direct relationships are caused by personality-individual indicators at 0.682 and economic-financial indicators at 0.424, respectively.


Gholamreza Amininejad, Yasser Zendehboudi, Masoumeh Norouzi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

The beginning of settlements can be traced back to the practice of agriculture. The earliest civilizations in history were established in regions where agriculture was feasible due to favorable geographical and environmental factors. After the service sector, the agricultural sector in Iran is the largest economic sector. Focusing on agriculture can contribute to sustainable rural development, as well as help to mitigate social issues such as unemployment and migration. The agricultural sector is vital for achieving independence and sustainable development in Iran's national economy. Agricultural activities make up approximately 11.2% of the country's size. The majority of our villages are focused on agriculture and nearly half of the workers in rural areas are involved in this industry.The poverty in rural areas is due to the inefficiency of the rural economy, particularly in agriculture. This results in a lack of employment opportunities, income, and poor living standards. Therefore, there is an increasing need to focus on agriculture and rural development simultaneously. Agricultural and rural development are crucial for sustainable industrial growth. Without them, industrial growth will either fail or create serious internal imbalances in the economy, leading to issues such as widespread poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Tangestan County boasts great potential in agriculture, despite a shortage of potable and agricultural water. The fertile soil creates a conducive environment for agricultural activities, leading many locals to engage in farming. As a result, the county is regarded as a significant hub for agriculture. Regrettably, the agricultural sector in this city has received minimal attention in the development plans and economic policies. Consequently, farmers, particularly those in rural areas, are encountering significant challenges. This research aims to examine the role of the agricultural sector in the sustainable development of the villages of Mahmoud Ahmadi region and provide solutions to improve the agricultural situation by emphasizing tobacco production and increasing the amount of production per unit area, increasing their income and improving their standard of living. 

This study is descriptive and analytical, with a survey as its primary purpose. The library research method established the theoretical basis and identified existing components. The research approach used is a cross-sectional survey. For this research, the study area was the Ahram Rural District of Tangestan County, with a statistical population of 8,612 rural residents. Using Cochran's formula, a sample size of 330 people was determined and selected randomly. Because the questionnaires were research-made, the questions were matched with the research hypotheses and presented to professors and experts. After checking and confirming, 35 questions were selected for the implementation of the research and its validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was controlled and evaluated using Cronbach's alpha method (0.79). SPSS software was used to analyze data and information. According to the measurement level of variables, appropriate tests such as Pearson's correlation coefficient test have been used to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables.

Discussion and conclusion
Based on the Pearson correlation coefficient test conducted in rural areas, it was found that there is a significant relationship (at p<0.05 level) between several factors: 1) agricultural development and sustainable rural development (coefficient of 0.451); 2) increased agricultural production and longer life expectancy (coefficient of 0.369); 3) the contribution of women to sustainable rural development (coefficient of 0.394); and 4) agricultural prosperity and social development (coefficient of 0.298). These findings were significant at a p-value of less than 0.05. In this study, it was determined that agriculture played an influential role in the development of the villages of the Mahmoud Ahmadi region, and the cultivation of tobacco as a strategic product was influential in creating employment for families and eliminating unemployment in the region. Additionally, it facilitated opportunities for women to enter the workforce. On the other hand, the results showed that with the prosperity of agriculture in the Mahmoud Ahmadi region, social problems and harms are reduced, and social development takes place, which seems that the results of this study can be used in other regions of the country. Tobacco is a popular product among Iranians, and it has been cultivated in Bushehr province, particularly in this region, for a considerable period. This could be a factor in persuading villagers to stay put and avoid migration to urban areas. If there is more planting and harvesting, employment will increase, and young people will have a greater desire to persevere. In general, agriculture in the Mahmoud Ahmadi region can be effective in the development and prosperity of villages in the region due to its favorable characteristics. These findings confirm that the planning and managing of rural development components is a trans-sectoral activity that requires a comprehensive approach and the coordination of different related sectors. Agriculture improves livelihoods, reduces unemployment, and promotes social development. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested to implement the following measures: 1) Offer incentive packages like guaranteed product purchase and identification of tobacco export markets, 2) Allocate funds and provide necessary facilities to launch irrigation methods and new agricultural techniques for enhancing production, 3) Encourage women's influential involvement in the economy through media and virtual space, 4) Identify economic activities carried out by rural women and organize them, 5) Establish a training and empowerment center in Ahram village to utilize their potential for rural development, and 6) Create processing and transformation industries for packaging of manufactured goods.

Nahid Isa Nejad, Ali Akbar Najafi Kani , Alireza Khajeh Shakooei,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

Today, one of the country's tourism patterns is second homes tourism, often common in mountainous regions with mild regions. The second homes are primarily located in spectacular areas, recreational places, and on the outskirts of large and medium-sized cities. Rural tourism is a reliable source of income in many countries and has an increasing impact on improving rural households' economic and physical situation. The current study investigates the consequences of second homes tourism in mountainous villages near the metropolis of Tehran.
Researchers believe that households living elsewhere buy or rent second homes. Such homes are usually located in rural areas and are used for recreational purposes and are also called weekend homes and holiday homes.
Second homes usually have four characteristics:
- A private home that family and guests often use on weekends and holidays.
 -A private home that is alternately used as a holiday home.
- It is often purchased for retirement periods but is also used as a commercial property.
- Used as holiday homes, commercially as an investment, and usually by an agency. 

This study is applied with a descriptive and field descriptive method. According to the 1395 census, the statistical population of the current study is rural households living in 9 villages, totaling 5554 persons. 310 villages were chosen as the sample community using the Cochran algorithm, and data were analyzed using correlation analysis, Friedman, Kruskalvalis, and Linear regression in SPSS software.
Shemiranat is one of the counties of Tehran Province, considered an excellent tourism region of Iran, and consists of two districts: Lavasanat and Rudbar-e Qasran. According to the census of 2016, Rudbar-e Qasran District has a population of 17419. The Qasran Bastani region includes Oushan, Fasham, Darbandsar, Gajereh, and the villages at the foothill of Tochal to the western areas of the Jajrud River. Contrary to many peoples’ beliefs, the language of the people of Rudbar-e Qasran District in most neighborhoods, especially Meygun, Shahrestanak, Lalan, Zayegan, Ruteh, Garmabdar, Shemshak, and Darbandsar, is Mazandarani. 

Discussion and conclusion
The results of Chi-square, Spearman, and Kendall correlation analysis demonstrate that the construction of second homes has a substantial association with a 99 percent confidence level with physical changes in villages and improved economic indicators. Friedman's findings also rank the most effective elements in recruiting tourists and increasing second houses. Kruskal-Wallis's findings reveal that second-home tourism affects all communities analyzed in terms of physical and economic characteristics and that they are all similar. The results of the linear regression test reveal that, depending on the variables evaluated, the investigated components are acceptable and significant. The coefficient of determination indicates that around 95% of the development is determined by the variables analyzed, with only about 5% depending on variables not discovered in this study.
The second homes are part of the tourism industry, which aims to use and introduce natural, cultural, historical, and other resources in the region to tourists to create opportunities for tourism development, which creates business in rural areas. Second homes can also be considered a potential product that elevates the level of society and puts the country in the tourism industry. 
In this regard, sustainable tourism emerged as the only solution to save nature and human beings. From this perspective, the paradigm of sustainable tourism examines tourism across borders. The tourism industry creates a triangular relationship between the host community, their territory, and the guest community (tourists). The goal is to alleviate any pressure or crises that may arise and achieve a long-term balance between all three parties.
Aliakbar Anabestani, Sirous Ghanbari, Habib Lotfi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2023)

Iran has successfully leveraged knowledge and technology with the Islamic economic system to cultivate a prosperous rural economy. This economy encompasses a wide range of activities at the village level, all aimed at supporting rural residents' livelihoods and material well-being. It encompasses both individual and social activities within the rural environment and has yielded impressive results. The rural economy is interdependent with agriculture and is a component of the national economy. Any changes in the national economy will affect the rural economy. This economy level depends on environmental and economic resources, which aligns with the principles of resilient economic policies.
In this regard, Jiroft Plain, located in the western region of Jazmourian, with Halil-Rood passing through its center, encompasses more than 1400 villages. The rural economy in Jiroft and Anbarabad counties primarily relies on livestock farming and agriculture. Economic reconstruction and transformation are taking place in all sectors of the world, and the villages of Jiroft Plain also need to manage and update their economic activities to keep up with global and national developments. Traditional activities are not sufficient to meet the needs of the younger generation. Therefore, the present research aims to analyze the economic situation of villages in terms of resilient economic indicators within the study area and seeks to answer the following question: How is the economic situation of villages in Jiroft Plain in terms of resilient economic indicators? Moreover, what effects do resilient economic indicators have on the rural economy?

The present study employed a descriptive-analytical method to provide a concrete, realistic, and systematic description of the characteristics and features of the studied villages in the Halil-Rud geographical-cultural area and Jiroft plain. Both library research methods and field research methods were utilized to gather information. The geographical scope of this research includes the cities of Jiroft and Anbarabad in Kerman Province. Considering the large number of villages in these two cities, as recognized by experts and professionals in this field, the sample villages were selected as the centers of rural districts. Therefore, the statistical population consists of household heads in the central villages of the rural districts, which according to the 2016 census conducted by the Statistical Center of Iran, have a population of approximately 41,289 individuals and 12,165 households, encompassing around 21 villages. Based on Cochran's formula, a sample size of 314 households was selected for the research and used for data collection. A systematic sampling method was employed to select households in each village.
Furthermore, a questionnaire was developed to examine the rural economy in detail from the perspective of resilience indicators, covering 11 different indicators and components. This questionnaire was administered to the sample population, and after completing 30 questionnaires, the reliability of the questionnaire was determined with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.780, indicating high reliability. Additionally, data analysis was conducted using Kruskal-Wallis, one-sample t-test, and regression analysis.

Discussion and conclusion
The research results regarding the status of resilience indicators with a rural economic approach revealed that the economic mobility and dynamism indicators scored 12.01, while social justice scored 3.31, indicating a moderate to high level. Other resilience indicators in the study area were estimated to be below the desirable numerical value of 3, indicating a moderate to low status. Furthermore, among the sample villages, Aliabad ranked first with an average rank of 253, followed by Dovlatabad with an average rank of 210, Hossainabad Dehdar with an average rank of 205, and Ismaili Sofla with an average rank of 179. This finding indicates that villages with a larger population and diverse economies tend to have higher resilience indicators. Based on this, over 52% of the villages in the study area do not have a desirable status in terms of the examined indicators, while only over 16% are in a desirable state.
The rural community's ability to withstand and recover from challenges has been achieved through various means. These include economic growth, increased production in agriculture, industry, and services, ensuring fair distribution of services to rural residents, creating more job opportunities, controlling inflation, improving welfare, supporting a knowledge-based economy, paying attention to scientific aspects of rural economics, engaging educated individuals in rural affairs, encouraging participation in village-related matters and meetings, providing a platform for criticism and suggestions to Islamic councils, cooperating with officials, improving access to basic services for all residents, increasing migration rates, and more. All these measures contribute to the sustainability of the rural economy, including employment, investment, productivity, income, and other production factors in the study area.

Miss Seyed Hadi Tayebnia, Miss Sdighe Barniani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Objective: The rural settlement's spatial system comprises two primary elements of structures and functions. Furthermore, the discourse also delves into contemporary factors and forces influencing the settlement system's capabilities and constraints. These factors and forces play a role in the establishment and alteration of the settlement system, encompassing both internal and external influences. The study endeavors to assess the repercussions of unfavorable and erratic structural-functional alterations on the underdevelopment of rural settlements in the central district of Manujan Township.
Methods: This research is applied in nature and adopts a descriptive-analytical approach. The study's statistical population consists of 66 settlements in the villages of central Manujan district, with a total population of 49428. Utilizing the Cochran formula, 379 individuals were selected through simple random sampling and proportional representation for questionnaire completion. Statistical tests were conducted using SPSS software.
Results: Findings reveal a lack of significant correlation between the structural-functional approach to the settlement system and rural development in central district of Manujan Township. Most rural settlements lack basic services and amenities, leading to instability as identified by Pearson correlation analysis. Significant associations exist between structural-functional changes and developmental deficiencies. Multiple regression results highlight the impact of structural-functional components (independent variable) on residential development levels (dependent variable) within Manujan's Township villages.
Conclusions: These components elucidate the residential landscape of central district of Manujan Township. Consequently, research findings indicate the unstable, irregular, and underserved nature of rural settlements in central district of Manujan Township.

Sajad Amiri, Amirhossein Garakani, Adel Soleimani, Firoozeh Moghiminejad,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Objective: Integrated rural development planning is the result of a series of different developments in planning, economy, politics and sociology in the last decade, which has become necessary due to globalization and decentralization on a local or regional scale. This type of thinking mechanism planning It is based and problem-oriented and seeks to answer the three basic questions of what, why and how in a people-oriented and place-oriented framework and deals with this issue with integrated rationality. Planning issues and problems have emerged at the national level. The examination and evaluation of the ecosystem within the realm of global studies pertaining to integrated development planning hold significant importance, specifically in light of institutional pluralism, aimed at mitigating disparities in rural areas. Numerous insights can be gleaned from research outcomes and strategies in the realm of development and rural progress. Hence, the primary objective of the present study is to methodically scrutinize the knowledge network concerning integrated development planning by scrutinizing the co-occurrence network of terminologies and collaborative authorship within this domain, in order to uncover patterns of knowledge, origins, and their limitations.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of type, which uses the scientometric approach to review scientific documents. In the current research, the social network analysis method has been used to analyze and explain both vocabulary and authorship of related studies in the entire network. In the initial phase of the methodology, data was retrieved from the Scopus database, followed by stages of refining concepts, and ultimately, the conclusive data was scrutinized utilizing algorithms grounded in social network analysis through VOSviewer software.
Results: The findings revealed that among 93 scholarly works and 191 authors, countries like South Africa, England, and the United States exhibited the highest number of publications, with scholars such as Madziohendila, Van Niekerk, Asha, and Banda receiving notable references. Furthermore, the intellectual cluster associated with Chakwizera demonstrated the highest density within the network. Also, the results of this study showed that researches on integrated development planning have been carried out from different dimensions and in diverse and related ecosystems in such a way that it covers different levels and links from urban to rural spaces. Analysis of word co-occurrence also brought to light 6 distinct research clusters within the scope of integrated development planning studies, focusing on aspects like comprehensiveness, urban planning, local governance, participation, sustainable development, and spatial justice.
Conclusions: The insights garnered from scrutinizing the knowledge network and visualizing its structure in this study could potentially yield significant advancements in adopting a comprehensive, rational, and expert-driven approach to socio-political planning, thereby opening up new avenues for further study and implementation.

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