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Showing 188 results for Rural

Shah-Bakhti Rostami, Mohammad Mirza-Ali,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Rural conducted plan is being imposed to accomplish rural development. In fact, these plans are regarded as a document for social – economic development at village level. These plans aim to meet all of residential, services and entertainment needs within their time period taking into account village settings as well as the relevant ultra-plans. However, the implementations of these plans face some problems. This world be intensified taking into account unplanned rural development and shortage in corresponding allocated credits. These plans are ordered by Islamic housing institute. However, there exists some regional differences among geographical spaces. This in turn reduces the degree of accuracy of these plans and demand them some modification. The study area is villages of GonbadKavuoos. It further aims to investigate the locational criteria for different land uses pertaining to rural conducted plans. The research method is based on descriptive – analytical approach and it has applied nature as well. It is based on survey technique. This study suggests that locational criterion for these types of plans have been proposed. However, the lack of monitoring during implementation has diverted these plans from their predetermined goals.

Hamid Barghi, Yousef Ghanbari, Mohammad Saeedi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Nowadays, rural councils are performing prominent role on rural development. It is argued that the creation of these bodies is among the major measures for organization of community participation regarding rural development. This study aims to investigate the role of rural Islamic council’s as well as the level of community participation upon rural development of Hossainabad in Najafabad. The research method is based on field work as well as questionnaire. It possesses descriptive-analytical nature. Statistical community is composed of two groups including households and member of rural councils. The sample size turns out to be 255 which were extracted by random sampling technique. As such 15 council members were interviewed. This study followed by application of Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in order to assure the normality of average score distribution. This is followed by application of T test in order to evaluate the council function. Comparison between the view points of the households and council members demands application of Mean Whitney U and non-dependent T. This study suggests that there is not a significant variation in rural council performance from economic aspect. However, social rural council performance is more appropriate comparing with their economic status. With respect to cultural aspect, the significance level is less than average. Moreover, the degree of rural community participation is amounted to be little over than average.

Hossein Farahani, Zahra Asdaghi-Saraskanrood, Mehrshad Tulabi-Nejad,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Nowadays, empowerment is being considered as one of the most applicable ways regarding development achievement. This is more applied to vulnerable rural peasants. It is argued that development without empowerment considerations in general namely as far as the rural settlers are concerned is an incomplete concept. Targeted subsidy could be very influential regarding empowerment of the rural settlers which is the main contribution of this paper. The research method has applied as well as analytical and descriptive nature. Data gathering was done through both survey and documentation procedure. It is followed by distributing questionnaire and conduction of personal interviews of household heads. As such, 10 villages (35%) out of 28 villages located in Jaider district of Poldokhtar were selected. Furthermore, 80 households were interviews via random stratified sampling technique. This is followed by application of SPSS and Wilcoxon non-parametric statistical test. This study suggests that there exists positive relationship between the received targeted subsidy and economic empowerment level of the rural settlers. That is one could observe relativity high purchasing power, increase in saving, reduction of poverty and increase in household welfare. However, the reductions in arable land, as well as decrease in agricultural investment level, high inflation and mortgages are among the main important negative impacts.

Mahdi Pour-Taheri, Abdol-Reza Roknoddin-Eftkhari, Mahnaz Rahbari,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Hidden properties and potentials of agricultural product provide grounds for this sector to play a prominent role in development process in general and rural development in particular. Special capabilities of each region in terms of growing particular crops and their subsequent role in provision of job opportunities as well as rural infrastructures and development could not be underestimated. Taking intoconsideration the role of pistachio in Damghanthis study aims to focus on the social and economic impacts of this crop upon farmers’life. The research method has descriptive - analytical nature which in turn demands application of SPSS.Sample size composed of 318 pistachio growers which was determined viaKokrans. This study suggests that economic impact of pistachios cultivation in terms of economic well-being, economic security and quality of employment compared with social impacts associated with level of participation and social capital is higher. moreover,there exists significant relationships between history crop practice, level of education,familiarity with market, level of mechanization as well as changes and as independent variables and with economic and social impacts each as dependent variable transformation in arable land. Moreover, access to banking credits,consultation services,household dependency rate,area of croplands, yield per acre, the application of new cropping methods and ownership are being considered as additional dependent variables which have relations.

Ali Shams-Aldini, Javad Etaat, Human Shahrivar,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Rural tendency toward continual participation of rural settlers in social, economic and political activities is being considered as one of the most prominent factor in rural development .However, it is being argued that political participation of people namely rural settlers does not necessarily lead to high level of awareness and overall and comprehensive social and economic development of subsistence communities.Rather,it may provide the ground for demanding their economic and service share and subsequent struggles and internal disputes. In Mamasani region located in Fars province,criteria with regard to peoples participation is not based on an open society rather, political participation principle follows the tribal expectation. This study aims to analyze the political participation trend of the rural settlers taking into account their tribal identity, in provision of economic and social services in rural communities. As such, 90 rural households extracted out of 4 villages with population over 1000 as sample. This paper considered the level of rural participation in national election as well as the determination of relationship between tribal identities of the house of representative with level of provided services in their rural communities. This study suggests that people who took part in election voted for nominees who have high tribal identity. Moreover, provision of services and welfare in villages is highly associated with representative’s identity and his tribal affiliation.

Kumars Zar-Afshani, Lida Sharafi, Shahpar Garavandi, Parastoo Ghobadi,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

It is being argued that rural tourism is considered as a prominent activity with respect to rural development. This industry is known as invisible export by economists. Tourism as a broad activity is associated with some major economic, social and environmental. It further argues that tourism planning demands identification of these impacts as far as the host community is concerned. This in turn accentuates sustainable tourism development. This study aims to investigate the impact of tourism upon Rijab resort of Kermanshah as a host community. Sample siege amounted to be 270. As such 200 questionnaires were gathered using random sampling technique. Principle component results indicate the tourism development bears four major consequences including income generation, environmental problems, cultural development, and reduction of social capital. The result of this study provides some recommendation for tourism bodies. These related organizations could strengthen positive impacts and mitigate negative consequences.

Hassan-Ali Faraji-Sabokbar,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Unemployment is being considered as one of the prominent challenges as far as planner’s world over is concerned. This phenomenon has been the main concern of the Iranian planners as well. The relevant indices indicate changes in unemployment pattern. This study aims to explore and explain the spatial changes pertaining to rural unemployment. The nature of the research method demands the application of t student test. It is based on 1385 and 1390 national survey statistics. As for as the nature of study is concerned, some data combination for extracting needed ratios and indices were done. This study suggests that there exist some spatial inequalities regarding employment and unemployment in rural communities. It further suggests that some corrective measures were done regarding the provision of job opportunities. However, prominent discrepancies still exist. Moreover, there exists some spatial - gender discrepancies in rural areas as far as job opportunities is concerned.

Behrooz Mohammadi-Yeganeh,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Accessibility of rural settlers to financial credit facilities is being considered as one of the important factor for development of entrepreneurship in ruralareas. As such, provision of micro credits could be a secured way for absorption of financial capital needed for development of entrepreneurship in rural areas. The allocation of this credit into agricultural sector could facilitate this process. This study aims to investigate the role of economic space needed for entrepreneurship in the analysis of allocation of group as well as individual credit in agricultural sector. The research method has applied as well as descriptive nature. It further deals with documentation; field works (questionnaire and interview) as well as application of descriptive and infernal statistics including K2, Freedman test, and correlation regression. Statistical society is composed of farmer of Ghanibeyghloo (Zanjan) and Khararood (Khodabandeh). This study suggests that an economic space needed for entrepreneurship pertaining to farmer is not in an appropriate state. However, this space pertaining to the receivers of these credits possesses on appropriate situation. Further suggests that those farmers who possess be her economic space for entrepreneurship is less likely to deviate from proper allocation of their provided credits.

Hamid Jalalian, Hossein Dadgar,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Environmental protection is being considered as one of the main dimensions of sustainable development. It is argued that other aspects of development directly and indirectly are associated with this issue. The major domains of Iran’s resources are located in rural areas. Thus preservation of these resources is the prime responsibility of rural settlements. Appropriate management and location of analysis regarding rural waste sanitation fields are being considered as prominent measures as far as rural environmental issue is concerned. Many methods and techniques are available for this type of location of analysis. Flexibility and evolutionary nature of ordering weighing average technique (OWA), led to application of this method. Moreover, Fuzzy as well as GIS techniques were used for this type of locational analysis in Vill of Qaleh Dareh-C in Makoo County. This in turn demands selection of 11 indices. The results using different models of OWA were classified in seven classes. This study suggests that taking into account low risk, balance and accuracy issues shown in different maps, OWA is a very good option and is capable of determining 21.5 km2 domains as a prime location for installing west sanitation in the study area.

Maryam Hadizadeh Bazaz, Hamid Shayan, Khadijeh Bouzarjomehry, Mohsen Noghani Dokht Bahmani,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Khorasan Razavi Province is among provinces that has established several rural production corporations in recent decades. One of their main tasks of these corporations is to eliminate traditional filed structures and solving problems using new and modern agricultural tools. This paper studies the activities of RPC in Khorasan Razavi Province to achieve this goal. In this regard, performance of RPC in the covered villages of 24 counties has been studied based on 11 of infrastructural services and using variables TOPSIS technique and variable have been compared and ranked. Studies on RPC in Khorasan Razavi Province shows performance level of corporations in giving services to their members is not suitable. Among different counties, Nayshaboor, Torbat-Heydariyeh and Torbat-Jam counties have best performances and Kashmar, Kalat and Zaveh counties have worst performances in giving service to coverall villages. In addition, in this research effective factors on improvement of corporation performances(based on views of experts and corporation managers) in the form of 7 indexes’, have been studied using anthropic method. Based on expert views, state financed supports are the most important functions in exacting infrastructural activities. After that, management aspects, motivation and cooperation of members are effectives.

Abdullah Abdullahi, Mohammad Velaee, Arezoo Anvari,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Poverty as a socio-economic issue has unsuitable out ones in rural societies. It is said to be an abstract in the way to rural sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of social capital on rural poverty reduction in rural areas of Ghobchagh village in Miyandoab County. The method of this research is analytical-description. Data collection has performed through documentation and field survey. In doing data analysis, descriptive situational measures (mean, variance, standard deviation) inferential statistics (Spearman correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis) has been used. Study area is Ghobchagh village in Miyandoab County with 163 sample of household in Cochran’s modified formula. Results shows, a meaning full relationship between rise of social capital elements and reduction of economic poverty of villages. In such a way that all the elements of social capital (trust, participation, unity and social communication) has negative effect on economic poverty reduction of villages. In this between, social unity’s elements value of with 0.598 has the highest effect and trust element (factor) with a value of 0.197 has the lowest effect on reduction in economic poverty in the study area.

Mojtaba Ghadirimasoum, Mehdi Cheraghi, Nasrin Kazemi, Zohreh Zaree,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Entrepreneurial activities in rural areas in spite of existence of appropriate and varied situation have not been institutionalized yet. It is argued that varied restrictions and barriers forced entrepreneurs to leave the rural areas. This paper aims to investigate the most important barriers regarding entrepreneurial activities in rural areas of Zanjan. From purpose stand point the research method has applied nature. It is followed by field work as well as descriptive-analytical method. The statistical society composed of rural households of Ghani Baglo district. According to ١٣٩٠ census it is associated with ٣٣ villages, ٢٣٣٠ households and population of ٩٨٤٣. ١٩٥ households out of ١٢ villages were drawn. Data gathering technique is based on documentary as well as questionnaire. Data analysis is supported by principle component analysis. This study suggests that economic, individual, structural factors are capable of explaining ١٣.٦٤ % of the variations and are considered as the most prominent barriers regarding rural entrepreneurial activities. However, low place adherence, lack of job opportunities, insufficient capital, low job risk and change in jobs are among other rural entrepreneurial restrictions.

Seyyad Ali Hosyni,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

The major objective of this paper is to identify and determine the factors responsible for increase in rural incomes and job offers in Gilan province. The research method is based on descriptive-analytical as well as applied approach. Statistical society composed of rural settlers in Gilan. At the beginning of process ٤٥ villages were extracted using stratified sampling technique for extracting ٣٨٠ farmers. ٧٤ variables were used as main factors responsible for farmer’s income and jobs. This demands application of linear regression model. Principle component analysis led to identification of five factors including economic, social, managerial physical and geographical ones. These were capable of explaining ٦١.٠٨ % of the variation. According to linear regression analysis out of ٧٤ dependent variables, ١٣ have high correlation. It is argued that fix price crop policy, the provision of technical improvement, government employment initiatives variables with regression coefficient of ٠.٣٩٤, ٠.٢٧٢ and ٠.٢٣٩ respectively are the most important variables in this regard. It further suggests that a managerial factor is the most influential ones regarding increase in income and employment.

Aliakbar Anbestani, Mehdi Javanshirii,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Locational analysis of landuse is being considered as relatively final step regarding landuse Planning. It is being argued that the locational analysis is being influenced by many varied factors. However, optimum location is associated with great accessibility. This study tries to identify major factors responsible for proposed rural settlements guiding plan in Iran. Different involved criteria and measures with regard to optimum locational analysis of rural landuses demand application of multi decision making approach. This study applied AHP. As such, different indices regarding the optimum location of rural landuses proposed by rural guiding plan were identified. This is followed by construction of comparative binomial matrix in order to weigh these variables. These in turn were distributed among ٣٠ experts extracted from university faculty members, high specialized official Islamic housing institution, and consulting engineers involved in preparation of guiding rural plan. Relationship between objectives, criteria, sub-criteria and indicators led to formation of hierarchical structure. It is followed by determination of magnitude, weight and scoring of criteria, sub-criteria and indicators which were done through expert choice. This study suggests that out of three important factors that are quantitative, qualitative and society’s needs, proposed by rural guiding plan, rural community’s need with weighing score of ٠.٤١٣ is the most influential one. This criterion in turn possesses couple sub-criteria. This study suggests that comfort and justice with weighing score of ٠.١٦٦ and ٠.١٢٢ respectively represent the most prominent ones in this regard.

Jamshid Eynali, Ahmad Roumiani,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Urban-rural linkages play a prominent role with regard to rural development. It is being argued that city considers as an engine of rural development thus urban-rural linkages and their nature and intensity demand thorough and comprehensive investigation. Provision of monetary and financial transaction the flow of capital including governmental construction budgets’, commodity transfers and individual as well as households based investments are the most valuable outcomes of urban-rural linkages. This study aims to investigate urban-rural linkages with particular emphasis upon individual investment with regard to tourism in the area. The nature of study is based on descriptive-analytical approach. Data were gathered via questionnaire and interviews. Statistical society is composed of all of the permanent rural residents. Data analysis requires application of Wilcoxon statistic as well as multi-variable regression. This study suggests that there exists significant difference regarding all of the variables prior and after of tourism development in the study area. Most of the variation is being explained by physical quality of rural dwellings as opposed to rural settler’s participation in general rural development especially regarding tourism activity. It further suggests that according to regression analysis, people satisfaction with respect of individual investment in rural development with regression coefficient of ٠.٦٨ has the greatest positive impacts.

Alireza Bostani, Khadijeh Javani,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Rural migration is being considered as an important phenomenon as far as the economic planners in developing counties are concerned. One type of this migration heading toward Arab neighboring countries located in Persian Golf Basin. The major objective of this study is to compare income level and standard of living of the rural migrants as opposed to non-migrant ones in Larestan County. Data were obtained via documentary as well as questionnaire. The study area is composed of ١٨ villages and ٤٠٠ rural households with both migrants and non-migrants members. Data analysis demands application of excel and SPSS as well as frequency table and chi square for confirming or rejecting the hypothesis. This study suggests remittance generated in Arab countries will lead to higher income as well as welfare for rural settlers. However, this study argues that this type of migration even though is associated with positive economic outcomes but at the same time to some extent possess some negative social impacts regarding rural settlers. This needs to be considered in the study of rural migration process.

Kiyoumars Zarafshani, Marziyrh Keshavarz, Tahereh Malaki,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Different countries have been affected harmfully by drought as a natural hazard affected by harmfully. Iran has been subjected by consequences of harmful drought consequences. It is argued that rural households due to their high level of dependency on agricultural economy are not well equipped to deal with this multi-dementia phenomenon. This study aims to evaluate the degree of the rural household’s potential regarding adopting drought. Statistical society composed of ٣٣٢٩ farmer households resided in Drudframan in Kermanshah County out of which ١٧٢ assigned as our sample. This study suggests that households are classified into low-median and high regarding their level of adoption to drought. It further suggests that out of ١٤ studied villages, the residents of Moradabad, Bozorgdar sofla, possess the highest level of adoption with respect to drought. This in turn demands the involvement of drought planners of the province in mitigation plans of the phenomena taking into consideration its causes and consequences, farmers and their vulnerability potential regarding adoption to droughtlevel.

Sadegh Hadizadeh Zargar, Behrang Sakhaee,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

The increasing rate of unemployment and young age bracket migration from relatively rural settlement are being considered as one of the most prominent threats in rural communities during past decades. It is argued that tourism provides high potential settling in this regard. It is capable of generating job opportunities and counter stream migration. Taking into consideration the existing potentials and purposed investment, regarding rural tourism could help rural development. The major objective of this paper is to determine the most appropriate option available to rural tourism taking into account their capabilities as well as threats associated with northern Roodpay in Sari. The research method based on objectives has applied nature and methodologically speaking is descriptive – analytical. It is followed by application of SWOT as well as T2 FS-AHP. This study suggests that eco-tourism is known as a good alternative regarding tourism in northern Roodpay. It is further followed by cultural tourism, sport tourism and agricultural tourism respectively.

Mohammad Vallaee, Behruz Mohammadi Yeganeh,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

The more varied the system is, the more dynamic and sustainable would by both in time and space. This in turn, would maintain both internal and external tensions. Variation regarding rural economy is being considered as one of the approaches for achievement of sustainable rural development. The major objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between variation in rural economy and the degree of its sustainability approach. The nature of this study represents applicability. The research method is based on descriptive-analytical. It further demands field works and documentation. The study area is northern Marhamat Abad in Miandoab. The sample size based on modified Cochran was 264 extracted from 2800 households. It further utilized both descriptive as well as in feral statistic that is clustering spearman regression coefficient and VIKOR model. This study suggests that there exist a significant variation between variation of rural economy and the degree of their sustainability at 0.05 significant level. That is greater the variation in rural economy, the greater would be the degree of rural sustainability.

Aaij Azmi, Hadi Almasi,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

New rural management and Islamic Councils are being considered as people-oriented institutions during last years with regard to rural economic development. This in turn, demands extra efforts for improvement of this institution status. The major objective of this study is to analyze the influential factors upon strengthening the economic role of these councils in rural area of Harsin (Kermanshah). The research method of this study is descriptive – analytical using questionnaire survey. The sample size is determined to be 50. The sampling techniques were based on simple random sample out of which 32 villages were selected. This is followed by application of Cronbach's for determination of research viability of the research data. K.M.O coefficient (o.7 and 0.71) as well as Bartlett’s test were used. Data analyses were done via utilization of descriptive methods including median, frequency, principle component analysis and Wilcoxon. This study suggests that there exist significant variation regarding economic service provision prior and after the foundation of these rural councils. Moreover, 6 preventive components with respect to economic rural development were identified. They include the legal deficiencies of the councils, their in capabilities related to passing economic rules, peoples cooperation with the councils, the community’s lack of familiarity with the council’s rules, the people’s lack of confidence regarding the council’s performance and their low financial and administrative authorization level. This is followed by identification of four other corresponding factor including community participation, better council membership selection procedure, high acquaintance of council’s members regarding rural economic problems, drawing governmental, public and private financial supports regarding rural projects and high intimacy of council members performance.

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