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Hamdolah Sojassi Gheydari, Ahmad Rumiyani, Somayeh Sanei,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Industry is being considered as major economic element in any area. This in turn, is associated with prominent economic variables including production, employment and investment. It performs considerable role regarding environmental and social changes. More specifically, rural industries are responsible for provision of job-opportunities, prevention of rural-urban migrations, increase in economic productivity level, economic variation, and decentralization, and resource optimization. This means that rural industries are the major indicator of development level. It is argued that the assessment of rural industrial functions and consequences could assist the planners regarding the achievement of industrial sustainability in rural area. The major objective of this study is to assess and explain the rural industrial function taking into consideration sustainable development approach in Saein Ghaleh district located in Abhar. The nature of this study represents applied character. The research method is based on descriptiveanalytical one. It follows by field work and documentation survey. The sampling size using Cochran’s formula determined to be 104 households. This study suggests that there exist significant influences regarding rural industries and their corresponding economic, social, cultural and physical dimensions. Relative impacts of the industries upon rural development show high score regarding economic and environmental dimensions as opposed to physical dimension. Multiple regression analysis represents that economic dimension possess the highest score and value. Prioritizing of the rural area using victor model show that Chergar village possesses the highest score as opposed to SarveJahan.

Ali Ghasemi, Varaz Moradi Masihi,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Rural tourism and tourism economy are being considered as one of the major economic development indicators. Moreover, most of the planners and policy makers believe that tourism industry is the major element of sustainable development. As such, rural tourism through appropriate planning and identification of advantages and limitations could perform effective role regarding rural development as well as national development. The major objective of this study is to identify potentials and capabilities regarding sustainable tourism Alltapeh village located in Behshar in Mazandarn province. This village encompasses Abasabad tourism area which is among one of the recorded safaveeye’s tourism attractions. This study aims to explain the role of tourism regarding economic – social sustainable development in the study area. Research method is based on analytical – descriptive. Data gathering demands application of field work and documentation. Data analysis is based on SWOT matrix emphasizing weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities as well as proposing suggested strategies in order to achieve sustainable rural tourism. Statistical society composed of 1900 rural settlers located in the study area as well as tourists (500000 per year). Sample size was determined to be 218 which constitute of 78 of local community and 140 tourists. This study suggests that rural ecological vulnerability taking into account Abasabad tourist area is relatively high. This paper further believes that rural tourism requires more attention regarding tackling threats and limitations and relative comparative advantages as far as an appropriate policy making is concerned. It further concludes that tourism planning could lead to local economic variations and thriving organized economic activities and more importantly sustainable rural tourism.

Hojatollah Sadeghi, Mahmoud Falsoleyman, Sedigheh Hashemi, Masumeh Fadaee,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Iran’s border villages are encountering with service deficiencies regarding social, economic and cultural dimensions. However, these entities are facing with foreign propaganda for enlarging border ethnic groups delimits and ignorance of these area’s capabilities and potentials. This in turn, requires more attentions toward bordering village. The major objective of this study is to investigate the limitations as well as potentials and capabilities of bordering villages of Bandan District in Nehbandan. The research method is based on survey technique, field works and documentation. As such using Cochran formula 258 rural households were extracted out of 7577 pertaining to 17 villages of this district. The viability of this questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha (0.71) computation. It is further followed by application of T test, freedman, regression, and one way ANOVA. This study suggests that the economic, social status of these border villages are fairly is critical. This in turn is associated with environmental, management and security issues as well as ignorance of the region’s capabilities. It is argued that security and management variables possess the least averages as opposed to infrastructural indices. Moreover, there exists interrelationship among different indicators. That is improving one would enhance the others.

Mojtba Ghadiri Masoum, Mohammad Salmani, Seyed Ali Badri, Hassan Ali Faraji Sabokbar, Ali Ghanbari Nasab,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

Rural regions have experienced varied changes and social and economic reconstruction during last three decades. There exists great tendency toward functional integration between villages and cities due to increase in mobility, improvement in communication information as well as rural services. This in turn, resulted in the expansion of urban function including construction mass housing units, production, services, recreations and tourism activities in these regions. These functional changes case conversion in the nature of rural areas based on agricultural production, into consumption-orientation center. This new entities are non-homogeneous. This situation is influenced by many factors including physical conditions such as geographic location, isolation, and characteristics, climatic and sometimes human differences responsible for rural economic and social variations. Taking into account these variations and nonhomogeneities in rural area, efficient and optimum development plans are nonexistence. Increase in urban-ruralization around Tehran metropolitan has led to major physical, economic, social and cultural consequences. Lack of identification of the major relevant roots and sources has led to expansion of these negative consequences to other identical places. This in turn, demands the identification of the responsible factors and its change processes and mechanisms. Thus, the identification, explanations, exploration of those laws and frame works pertaining to urban ruralization as a major topical-spatial phenomenon is highly recommended. The first step in this regard is the determination, definition and assessment of ruralization and more specifically urbanruralization. The study area is Roobat Karim located in the vicinity of Tehran metropolitan. It is followed by determination of degree of ruralization as well as majorresponsible relevant factors.
Taking into account the nature and the objective of the study, descriptive-analytical method was chosen. Based on theoretical foundation of the study, there exist different methods and indices regarding the identification and classification of ruralization. This study concentrates on two dimensions including village’s functions and population and its growth during 1976-2011. It is followed by application of PROMETHEE multi indices decision making method in order to determine village’s functional status through emphasis on agricultural activities. This study further demands hierarchical clustering technique for classification of the villages. Finally, Clack ruralization indices as well as field survey were applied for determination of the village type in this regard. Furthermore, with respect to those villages which urban ruralization occurred, qualitative method of base theory that is Grounded theory was applied in order to identify the responsible factors. At first step interview with rural key official persons and with those with long history of residency (31) was implemented in order to find the casual conditions pertaining to formation and expansion of urban ruralization phenomena. In the second step, taking into account the methodology of the base theory, open coding was done. Regarding this step those relevant raw data were both labeled and conceptualized. Following, the second and third steps sub-classes are divided into broad concepts and those were divided into nodal concepts.
This study concludes that based on application of base theory in 8 villages, many factors including life desirability comparing with place of birth and adjacent settlements, lack of special costs, inexpensive business, lack of cultural barriers, variation in job opportunities, existence of different rents, economic and political structures are among some of the influential factors regarding urban-ruralization phenomena. It is furtherargued that income and saving level, the nature of center-periphery theory, capital accumulation system, discrimination with respect to poverty issue, imbalanced distribution of power, wealth, income and access to job opportunities are other determinant factors as well. Incapacity with respect to attraction of external capitals for creation of job opportunities, shortage of complementary jobs to combat seasoned unemployment, lack of potential for absorbing educated and well equipped social capital, lack of technical and vocational training related to appropriate agricultural technology, shortages of ample suitable agricultural lands and lack of knowledge of environmental conservation are among other responsible variables in this regard. Moreover, lack of appropriate and efficient agricultural market systems as well as cooperation’s and ware houses, need for government and other institutions supports, incapability in formation of industrial clusters, lack of tendency regarding economic background good for villages, management, the formation of two different construction types, land price and its relevant speculation, property rent, lack of effective control upon rural physical development, economic household participation and lack of social responsibility and self-reliance and easy accessibility to Tehran metropolitan all are responsible regarding degree of ruralization of Roobat Karim.

Behzad Adeli, Hamid Reza Moradi, Marzieh Keshavarz, Hamid Amirnejad,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

Draught is being considered as a climatic reality in arid and semi-arid regions such as Iran. Drought is capable of generating drastic impacts over water and soil resources, vegetation, animals and human beings. Water is a prominent factor as far as agricultural product is concerned specially in arid zones. Draught and its impact on water resources will bear unpleasant consequences namely for rural settlers whose livelihood depend on agricultural is argued that draught will lead to set of complicated environmental, economic and social impacts. Taking into account the frequency of its occurrence, extent and complexity it demands more attention regarding the identification of its impacts. There is not a rigid agreement regarding the definition of this phenomenon. This in turn will lead to some complexities with respect to the assessment of draught. There exist different measures for simulation of rainfalls, water surface run offs as well as other water resources. This helps to come up with clear images of climatic and hydrological draught. There exist different indices for measuring rainfall deviation from average including SPI and SDI. Lack of sufficient knowledge’s and understanding with respect to impacts is being considered as other complexity regarding the inter partition of draught. In spite of high occurrence and the great magnitude of draught, little attention paid to explanation of its impacts. According to the relevant statistics 22 % of economic damages resulted from natural hazard is associated with draught. 33 % of people are being affected by draught. In the countries based on agriculture economy, impact of draught could be evidenced by low surface water supply and underground waters. This in turn, is responsible for reduction in water supply as well as water quality, low level of crops production, productivity, and crisis regarding food an increase in livestock death. On the other hand, drought impacts could exemplify it in economic, social and environmental impacts including decrease in household incomes, reduction in substitute income resources, and increase in both hours and volume work, conflict regarding water utilization, food deficiencies, malnutrition, low level of health, and accessibility to sanitation services, low education possibilities, unequal access to financial supports. Moreover, increase in rural migration, lack of power, low life quality, destruction of natural habitats, low productivity of forests and pastures, increase in temperature as well as evaporation, low soil productivity, reduction in water resources, pollution, increase in fire incidence are among other impacts. Variation in spatial and temporal scale of its draught turns it into a very unique phenomenon. It is argued that draught impacts are result of natural interaction (low rainfall) and the way respondents respond. Most of draught studies predominantly are concentrated at national level. However, well documented information regarding draught impacts is nonexistence. This study aims to investigate draught impacts and its influential responsible factors at rural household level.
The research method is based on descriptive-analytical method. Needed data were obtained through survey in Dodangeh Behbahan. It is located in north-western part of Behbahan. Statistical society includes all of peasant households reside in village with 20 and over households (2865). Cochran formula was used in order to determine the sample size. This led to extraction of 339 peasants which were interviewed. Its viability was determined using relevant expert’s viewpoints. This study further demands application of standard rainfall indices in order to determine the magnitude and continuity of climatic and hydrologic draughts.
Current wide spread and server drought exerted considerable damage in Dodangeh rural economy. Efforts toward mitigation of economic impacts of draught require the identification of characteristics of this phenomenon. This study suggests that the assessment and evaluation of intensity and continuity of draught would well be done through application of standard rainfall and surface run offs. It further indicates that drought as a complex phenomenon is capable of increasing the vulnerability of the rural households. Certain economic impacts of draught are unexpected. Contrary to other draught studies results, agricultural lands have not been shirked. This has something to do with lack of due information regarding moisture status. The identification of draught risk is prerequisite for mitigation of farmer’s vulnerabilities. This in turn demands the application of sound and influential drought management based on information and relevant knowledge. In as much as agriculture is the most prominent livelihood in the region thus providing non-agricultural occupations help to reduce the level of vulnerability. Therefore, policies and measures for generating non-agricultural jobs in regions with high subjectivity to draught are highly recommended. According to the finding of this study, selling livestock’s and agricultural land are among some strategies for combating against draught taken by farmers. It is recommended that vulnerability of farmers, long run impacts and management issue all need to be considered. Moreover, improvement in extension services through provision of computable mechanism suited with draught condition assists mitigation of draught unpleasant impacts based on regression analysis, the amount of farmers debts, financial ability, age and households expenditure are the major variables as far as households vulnerability to draught is concerned. Furthermore, provision of financial and social support system is highly suggested.

Hossein Farahani, Zakia Rasouli Nia, Zahra Asdqy Sraskanrvd,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

Nowadays, low job offers, unemployment and rural poverty are being considered as a major driving force for rural- urban migration. This in turn may cause some problems both for rural and urban communities as well as some challenges with respect toachievement of sustainable rural communities.  Taking into account these challenges, entrepreneurs through their creative economic efforts could be helpful regarding economic improvement of rural areas. Even though the major motive behind this sort of activities is private benefit but they could provide proper atmosphere for entrepreneurial ship at local, regional and national level. Rural communities taking into account their physical, social and economic situations simultaneously could offer both opportunity and weakness regarding entrepreneurial ship. It is argued that the development of entrepreneurial activities in rural areas must be based on rural capabilities in order to be successful and head toward sustainability. Jaber Ansar district located in central part of Abdanan, taking into account its prominent characteristics including proximity to urban areas, possession of active handicraft, the existence of fertile agricultural lands and natural resource abundance, possess high entrepreneurial potentials at local and regionalnevel. The major objective of this study is to investigate sustainable rural development potential from entrepreneurial ship and employment aspect in the study area.
The type of study of this study is explorative. It is based on descriptive- analytical research method. It is further supported by documentation and field works including questionnaire, interviews and observation. The study area is Jaber Ansar district located in Abdanan. Statistical society is composed of head of households were selected through application of Cochran formula and random sampling technique. The questionnaires were composed of four components and 32 indicators related to entrepreneurial development and rural employment. The data analysis further demands application of descriptive statistics and principal component analysis and SPSS.
According to principle component analysis results in the study area, eight factors including infra-structure, economic, awareness, self-confidence, personal creativity,innovative capabilities, physical infra structures and access to different facilities have prominent impacts upon sustainable development from entrepreneur aspects. These factors are capable of explaining 75.25% of the variation. Infra structural and social factor with eigenvalue of 5.63% is the major factor and is capable of explaining 17.60% of the variation. This is followed by economic factor as the second major one with the eigenvalue of 4.48%. It is capable of explaining 14.01 % of the variation. The least important factor is access to economic. Facilities eigenvalue is % 44 and capable of explaining 4.51% of the variation. It may be concluded that the improvement of appropriate public infra–structures including provision of drinking water, electricity and fuel, proper communications as well as transportation facilities, post banks, well designed and equipped transportation systems for shipping commodities to markets, access to skilled and literate labor force are all being considered as influential factors for provision of needed potentials and pave the way for entrepreneurship. It is argued that economic development in rural areas requires new strategies. This in turn is associated with entrepreneurship and environmental policies. Thus economically speaking entrepreneur plans in the study areas would be fairly effective needed for creation of occupation, special credit facilities sufficient funds for small businesses, awarding low interest rate and non-paying back loans especially in deprived areas are among some of the recommended measures.

Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh, Afshin Jazini, Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

The formation of idea is being considered as a first step regarding the creation of new innovative thoughts in any organization. That is idea processing is an important phase regarding the development of new products as well as innovations. Idea about new products processes and markets create new opportunities which potentially is capable of new innovations. This in turn, accelerates and improves organizational functionality. The development of new idea provides organization with competence capabilities at global level. This is a prerequisite for any organization as far as the success issue is concerned. In fact, creativity of the workers associated with level of technology and market presence is a major asset of any organization. The high speed of information flow made some organizations incapable of appropriate competition. This could demand application of continuous flow of ideas to fuel the innovation those practitioners associated with technical and vocational organizations could be considered as major source of new ideas. However, the development as well as the practicalities of new ideas demands specific institutional and social backgrounds. People pertaining to different groups are better able to interchange ideas. The major objective of this paper is to identify the prominent factors responsible for functionality of entrepreneurial ideas regarding internship practitioners in rural educational base associated with Isfahan office of technical and vocational education.
This study is based on descriptive-analytical research method along with application of questionnaires. Statistical participation led society comprised of 2300 interns who in rural technical-vocational educational base in Isfahan during 2011-2014 training period. 322 questionnaires were determined to be appropriate for the analysis. This study further supported by application of Cochran formula and classified random sampling. The viability of  thequestionnaire first based on Isfahan technical vocational expert view points and through Kronbakh varied between 0.88 - 0.940. This study further demands application of principle component analysis, in other to deduct the number of influential variables into relevant factor. Eigenvalue more than 1 was determined as a base for extraction of significant factors. Varimax rotation was applied as well. This study further requires U Mann-Whitney & Kruskal Wallis in order to compare averages pertaining to extracted factors related to respondent groups.
In spite of positive altitude of the respondents to ward training activities, due to existence of certain circumstances in clouding lack of familiarity as well as accessibility regarding creation of entrepreneurial ideas, internets, social press media and newspapers, these ideas did not get a chance to be productive and practical. Moreover, external factors such as physical and financial resources and facilities had lower impacts regarding the conversion of ideas into opportunities. Finally, family supports and social capital components due to small rural settlements as well as the composition of the respondent groups (female as a major group), need to be considered as well.

Masoud Mahdavi, Parvin Abdi,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

The achievement of sustainable development is being considered as prominent objective of rural planners. Agriculture is very important sector in this regard. Its associated activities could encompass all pillar of sustainability that is economic, environmental, social and institutional. Jouzan in Hamadan is being known as one of the major area regarding raisin as well as grape production. This in turn, is associated with sustainable rural economic development. The research questions are as follow: To what extent nuts and dried fruits are responsible for employment opportunities and income generation? Are these products capable of attracting investment?
Needed data were obtained through both field works and documentation. Statistical society composed of all rural settlers of Jouzan district. According to 2011 census this district encompasses 12 villages, 2204 households and 7301 persons. Maniran upper Nowshar due to high acreage of vine vary yard were chosen as sample villages via random sampling technique and Cochran formula. Viability of this study through application of Kronbakh alpha turned out to be 0.821.
This study suggests that the household’s status from income stand point compare with the time that this village was not involved in dried fruit production, greatly improved, number of created job due to construction of raison processing companies. It further shows that the amount of saving and purchasing power of rural settlers greatly promoted. The degree of investment in both private and public sectors increased thanks, to positive economic impact of raison and dried fruit production.

Ali Akbar Anabestani, Syed Hadi Tayebnia, Hamid Shayan, Mohammad Reza Rezvani,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

Lack of variations existed in economic settings and a job opportunity is being considered as the most significant characteristics of the rural country’s economic structures. It is argued that occurrence of variations in rural economic activities as an approach, could be considered as an appropriate measure in which most of the development theoricians believe in regarding the mitigation of the negative impacts associated with this mal structure as well as the achievement of sustainable rural development. The major objective of this study deals with identification of main barriers regarding the occurrence of variations in rural economic activities of the bordering villages located in Marivan.
The research method based on the objectives of the study has applied nature. It has descriptive and analytical essence. The statistical society is associated with Marivan which is located in 10 km of Iraq international border. 18 villages were selected as a sample. The sample size based on application of Cochran formula amounted to be 334 households. This study further supports the application of SPSS software for analysis purposes.
This study suggests that barriers toward regional variations could be classified into social, physical, and managerial – institutional ones. However, there is not a drastic difference between all the selected villages from barriers stand points. Generally speaking the barriers are numerous. Based on step wise regression method, managerial institutional, physical, economic and social variables are capable of explaining 88% of the variation. It further suggests that the managerial- institutional structures compare with others are more responsible for lack of variations in rural economic activities.

Vahid Riahi, Azar Nouri,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

Stagnation with regard to rural traditional economic activities based on natural resources including agriculture and mining during last decades demand new strategies regarding strength and variations in economic activities and bases. However, concentration upon one type of economic activity of Iran’s rural settlements may waste energy and production resources as well as out migration. It is argued that instability in the country’s villages is resulted from lack of variations in economic activities associated in rural settlements. This study aims to create variation in economic activities and achievement of economic sustainability in rural settlements of Khoramdareh in Zanjan.
This study has applied nature. However, methodologically speaking is descriptiveanalytical. 28 measures were chosen in order to access the economic sustainability of rural settlements. Statistical society is composed of 1143 households out of which 287 were selected from 4 villages that are Rahmatabad, Baghdareh, Alvand and Sukahriz out of 17 villages. Cronbach’s alpha was applied for viability of the research. It turns out to be 0.765. VIKOR model was used for the analysis purpose.
This study suggests that those villages that possess job variation rank higher in terms of sustainability. According to classification of the villages based on number of jobs, Sukahriz with 32 jobs falls into the highest class with 2396 population. It follows by Rahmatabad with 22 jobs and 889 persons which fall into medium group. Alvand and Baghdareh with 14 and 11 jobs and 362 and 850 persons respectively fall into the lowest category. Based on application of VIKOR model regarding the assessment of studied villages from economic sustainability stand point, Sukahriz with 0.025 within range of 0.325 - 0.000 possesses higher sustainability.

Hamid Borghi, Roghaye Taziki, Ramezan Toosi,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

Variations in rural economy, prevention of the unprecedented rural-urban migration, and reduction in spatial imbalances between rural and urban areas via creation of industries namely industrial towns are being considered as the fundamental Iran’s policies regarding rural development. The major objective of this study is to identify and investigate the economic impact of Aghola industrial towns upon the adjacent rural areas located in Gorgan in Aghola.
This study from methodological stand point has descriptive- analytical nature. However based on its objective, possesses applied essence. The data gathering demands application of field works as well as documentation. The studied villages composed of 7 villages located in vicinity of this industrial town. 320 households were selected based on random sampling technique and Cochran formula. The credibility of the study was checked by rural studies experts. Viability determined to be 70 % based on Kronbakh Alpha. This study is further supported by principle component analysis as well as one way analysis of variance using SPSS.
This study suggests that the location of Aghola industrial town imposed a prominent economic impact upon the adjacent rural development. However, increase in welfare and purchasing power component compare with the other components possesses the highest significant difference.

Ali Akbar Najafi Kani, Mehdi Hesam, Hadiseh Ashor,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Nowadays, management and economy as science as well as entrepreneurship receive special attention. Strengthening entrepreneurship and creation of an appropriate setting for its development are being considered as a good tool for economic improvement namely in developing countries. Based on entrepreneurship world statement, there exist a high relationship between national economic growth and organizational and national entrepreneurship level. Generally speaking, entrepreneurs potentially exist in any country. However, one should put extra effort to increase their capabilities. Moreover, the existing structures should pave the way for proving themselves. As a matter of fact, entrepreneurs play a vital role regarding social and economic development and transformation. They act as a prime element for revitalization as well as continuation of development. That is why many governments in both developed and developing countries try to guide and encourage entrepreneurs and provide them relevant education .Iran experienced high rural-urban migration as a result of rural backwardness. This is associated with ghettoes, down grading of quality of life, low job opportunities, increase in crime and delinquency. The major objective of rural plan is the achievement of rural development. This in turn will lead to reduction of unemployment increase in job opportunities. These two phenomena are the resultant of Imbalanced labor force, demand and supply as well as decrease in agricultural growth sector in rural areas and decline in job opportunities (23.4%). It is argued that agricultural development by itself cannot guarantee rural economic development and irradiate poverty. Thus attention to other sectors is strongly suggested. Despite, the importance of entrepreneurial ship and its impact upon global economy, Iran has not paid an appropriate attention in this regard. High degree of youth population, lack of job opportunities, high unemployment rate demand more attention to this phenomenon. As such this paper predominantly aims to access entrepreneurship status in southern Astarabad in Gorgan.
Research method:
This study possesses descriptive- analytical nature. It is farther based on survey technique and questionnaire. As such 10 experts in the area were asked to give their opinions in order to weigh the relevant chosen criteria. Study area is composed of 16 villages which house 4805 households. Cochran formula was applied in order to determine the appropriate sample size with the significant level of 95%. Sample size turned out to be 356 which extracted via random sampling technique taking into consideration the number of households in every individual village. This study further followed by application of hierarchical weighing fuller triangle technique regarding the viewpoints of the experts. At the end, it demands ORESTE model in order to rank the villages.
Discussion and concluding:
This study suggests that entrepreneurship not only cause better utilization of the existing resources, but also paves the way for rural settlements sustainability. This is because entrepreneurship through providing job opportunities and resultant sufficient incomes make the settlers to remain in their village. It further could attract investment and draw outside labor force to the area. This in turn will strengthen the foundations of national regional development. However, all of the villages do not possess the same potential in terms of entrepreneurship. As such this study try to prioritize villages located in southern Astarabad in Gorgan from entrepreneurship aspect. According to experts view points, accessibility to education and training, consulting, experiences, knowledge and skill are being considered as main yardsticks in this regard. However, access to capital without needed education and training could not lead to entrepreneurship. According to ORESTE technique computation Naziabad, Sarnabad, and Maryamabad, based on the above mentioned criteria possess the highest ranks as opposed to lower shahkoh, Siyashlou and Qazagh-mahale. This study suggests education and training regarding entrepreneurship specifically in the area of tourism. It believes that lack of capital is being considered as a major obstacle in the study area. Providing low interest loans to rural settlers which could give them initial capital and motivation with respect to entrepreneurship is highly recommended.

Mousa Sadeghi, Hossein Rabiei,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Achievement of rural development as a way to maintain national security and identity requires extra efforts regarding deprivation issue in backward regions and makes them receive their development rights. Economic development paves the way for creation of optimum and thriving life space. It is argued that physical isolation, potential economic and physical incapability, and remoteness from political, economic and decision making focal points enhance their degree of under development and make the corresponding gap even wider. The authors believe that the creation of border markets in rural areas is being considered as one of the strategy regarding spatial economic development in border areas. This could lead to stabilization of population, creation of job opportunities, , reduction of goods smuggling activities, utilization of common resources between neighboring countries, sustainable economic development. It further decreases geopolitics tensions between two countries through increase in goods movement and better utilization of space economy. Golestan province and Gonbad Kuvoos city are located in dry climatic region. This is associated with potential physical and economic incapability namely with respect to agricultural sector. Lack of space economy invites planning. One of the most important plans regarding economic development taking into account its potential situation as well as its border location is development of border markets in which could facilitate the trade between two countries. This in turn would grantee security, employment and higher level of development. This study aims to emphasize spatial development and rural organization with respect to border villages. Taking into account its specific climatic conditions as well as geopolitics challenges resulted from having common border with Torkamanestan, development of border markets could be an appropriate option. They could enhance national security, stabilization of population as well as immigration.
Research Method:
This study has applied nature. Data gathered through documentary approach. After reviewing the relevant literatures and based on finding associated with previous studies conducted by Fajr development consulting engineers and existing information, indices and indicators were selected. This is followed by application of multi criteria decision making technique, TOPSIS, regarding data analysis.
Discussion and Conclusion:
Based on the application of TOPSIS technique and corresponding computation and more specifically measurement of similarity index, Dashli Brun would be an optimum location for creation of border market and considered to be target village. The corresponding indices regarding determination of Dashi Brun as target village are distance to Inche Brun border market, to Eshghabad, to provincial town, to border, concentration index, amenities indices and population growth rate. It is argued that distance to Inche Brun border market could lead to better distribution of economic activities in border region. Moreover, distance from capital of Torkamanestan, Eshghabad, could enhance trade along the border and subsequent economic prosperity in the bordering region. Distance to Golestan center and other populous cities increase both imports and exports activities in border market. Centrality index and population growth rate will lead to provision of needed labor force for border market as well as better population distribution in the region and the province. This in turn will improve rural space economy in pioneer area. In effect, development of Dashli Brun border market will have great impact upon rural economic development income level and other corresponding development indices .Space economy associated with rural area more specifically border regions demand more attention ,interactions and components resulted from government divergence and convergences, border line controls and preventing goods smuggling activities. It is argued that space economy play better role regarding border market. The development of border market could well be justified by the existence of physical and climatic barriers, unpleasant social, economic and entertaining conditions, lack of desire and motivation to leave in the area, political, economic and security challenges in the area This invites planning in order to fully utilize the regional potentials. 

Abdolreza Rokneddin Eftekhari, Samira Mahmoodi, Gholamreza Ghaffari, Mahdi Pourtaheri,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Social capital is being considered as way to achieve sustainable rural development as far asthe development experts are concerned. It is argued that social capital make the achievement of sustainable development possible taking into consideration provided opportunities and major societies constants at different levels including micro and macro level. In other word, social capital not only affects development process but also it is affected by as well. It is argued that social capital as a very important theoretical tool is capable of investigating the role of social variables regarding sustainable rural development. Lack of sufficient attention to rural settlers as social capital is a major challenge as far as sustainable rural development is concerned. This in turn could facilitate planning trend regarding rural sustainability through participation of rural settlers. Based on the relevant studies attention to social capital could enhance the achievement of sustainable rural development. Moreover, the relationship between social capital and level of rural development could well be justified by space economy and spatial dimension. Explanation of the phenomena and the spatial organization are affected by interaction of space and activities. Spatial dimension could exemplify itself in social processes and relationships. In effect, function of space is affected by space, time and social and economic mechanisms. As such this study aims to find out the relationship between social capital and rural development. It further tries to come up with social capital pattern.
Research method:
This study deals with analytical-descriptive research method based on both qualitative andquantitative methods. Sampling technique was random stratified sample. Based on physical location, distance, and number of households, six villages were selected from each class. Altogether, 18 villages were selected in the study area. Statistical society is composed of two groups that are local rural settlers (host community) and local authorities. Based on KMO test, social capital viability turned out to be 0:71. Moreover, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients used for evaluation of social capital in corresponding villages turned out to be 0.89. Social capital measures were selected through application of critical analysis over previous studies. In second phase, primary yardsticks and measures were screened in order to identify the prime social capital yardsticks with regard to sustainable development. Topsis technique was used for determination of social capital regarding level of development in sample villages.
Discussion and concluding:
Nowadays social capital is being considered as the most important development capital. As such, social capital with its spatial dimension is being known as a comprehensive strategy for achievement of social sustainability within sustainable development approach. It is because that the major objective of sustainable rural development based on social capital approach is promoting quality of life of local people, empowerment, capability formation, increase participation level as well as self-reliance, expanding rural communication network both in and outside of the villages and institutional development. This study suggests that there exist a relationship between social capital and level of rural development in the study area. It means that 63.5 percent of variation regarding level of development of the villages is explained by social capital. The magnitude of I index for determination of the corresponding spatial pattern based on social capital turned out to be 0.41. This figure compared with E (I) which is 0.03165 indicates that spatial pattern correspond with social capital of the studied villages incline toward multi pattern (concentrated and clustered). The highlight of this paper is first the endogenous nature of social capital and second confirmation of the past studies in this regard. Spatial pattern associated with social capital indicates that villages located in the center and in the proximity of large cities including Mashhad, Nishabur possess lower level of social capital. Heading toward the boundary of the province, the rate of rural social capital will increase.

Hamed Ghadermarzi,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Many scholars believe that the creation of job opportunities is being considered as an important prerequisite for development and growth namely in developing countries. Lack of attention to this make societies step in eroding phase rather than thriving one. This in turn will lead to expansion of poverty. It is argued that achievement of sustainable development could be done through creation of employment in different sectors more specifically industrial and service ones. Based on corresponding statistics Javanrood with unemployment rate of 42.8%, 49.3% and 46.9% in 1375, 1385 and 1390 respectively rank the highest compared with 14 cities located in Kermanshah. This study aims to identify deprived rural areas using combination of different criteria and yardsticks. The authors believe that taking into consideration economic, social and environmental capabilities of the study area; one could propose an appropriate and applied strategy with regard to employment.
Research method:
This study based on its nature and objectives possesses applied, descriptive and analytical characters. It deals with documentary as well as survey technique regarding data gathering. The study area is basically composed of 89 villages out of which 57 over 20 households were studied. At first, these villages were prioritized based on chosen indicators and yardsticks corresponding to employment, using TOPSIS technique. Weighing of seven indicators was done by Shannon entropy based on data reference computation. Second phase followed by clustering and grouping the villages into different levels from prosperous to very deprived ones. Clustering analysis and TOPSIS technique led to creation of four groups. Identification of villages based on the level of deprivation and consideration of their capabilities demand preparation of expert questionnaire. This was based on liker five spectrum with level very high (5), high (4), medium (3), low (2) and very low (1). As such 30 questionnaires were compiled. SWOT was applied for proposing appropriate strategy regarding creation of employment in deprived villages.
Discussion and Concluding:
Provision of appropriate job opportunities in accordance with active population’s interests and potentials is being considered as the prime element and component of development. However, many of this active group did not get a chance to have any job or appropriate one. There exists noticeable difference in terms of unemployment rate in the regions. According to the statistics ,Kermanshah ranks among top five in terms of unemployment rate between 1375 90 .Javanrood possesses the highest rate compared with 14 other cities in Kermanshah. This well justified the degree of discrimination level of Javanrood against job offers during past decades. This demands extra attention regarding employment status. This study suggests that there exist a drastic gap with respect to employment indicators among different villages. As such employment coefficient corresponding to Khil-Fataki-Kan village as the most prosperous village is 10 times bigger than Bita-shush village as the most deprived one. One could conclude that some of the villages compared with the others experience some degree of depravation in terms of employment. Based on clustering analysis, Chaman-zar Olya, Dehtout Sofla, Sarab Barhed Zanjir Olya, Guyleh, Chaman-zar Sofla, Bioleh, Kalash Hush, Kulese, Duleta, Ziran, Saroukhan, Kalash ghoo, Kani Gohar, Mazrae Kachal abad, Aliabad Kohne, Sarabs, Ghalaji, Bivand olya, Bivand Sofla, Mele rush, Zilan, Shurineh, Bani Lavan, Sarrood Sofla and Biashush are considered as very deprived villages in terms of employment coefficient. From job opportunities standpoint they are in critical stage. This study further suggests that despite of existence of 25 deprived villages, there exist some opportunities and strengths. These opportunities and strengths well override some existing threats and weaknesses. Based on SWOT analysis competitive – aggressive strategy (so) in which prime emphasis is on internal strengths as well as external threats would be considered as the most appropriate strategy regarding employment in deprived villages of Javanrood. In order to create Job opportunities taking into consideration geographic, economic, social and environmental conditions, the following suggestions are recommended:
- To maintain good relationship with Iraq as a prime destination for exporting food and livestock products.
- Expansion of border markets and makes them accessible for rural settlers.
- Developing ranching livestock activates in the region taking into account appropriate physical condition, ample water resources as well as rich pasture.
- The development of labor – oriented activities including processing and complementary industries and mining activates.
- Encouraging both private and government sectors to invest in rural areas more specifically those located next to border.
- Improvement of roads and routes conditions in order to increase the accessibility of rural settlers to border markets.
Mohammad Ilyas Karim, Somayeh Kouchakzadeh, Hajar Asna Ashari, Mohammad Karim,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Globalization, new pattern of global economy growth, weakness of welfare state along with cultural and thinking processes such as criticism regarding political economic system challenge prevailing economic development pattern, eradication of poverty and social welfare. This challenge resulted in proposing of rural social approach with emphasize on community based development plan. Low rate of physical investment in rural areas regarding growth domestic products, the existence of in appropriate economic, social and physical infrastructure in the area of transportation, communication, irrigation, education and medical care and hygiene are among some signs of under development. However, target free plans with respect to eradication of poverty, and lack of cause and effect approach could be considered as development barriers. It is argued that empowerment of the rural settlers and increase in their economic and social capabilities are prerequisite for any rural investigation. The development of financial sector could play prominent role regarding the achievement of accelerated and continuous economic growth. Countries which possess well developed system could better be able to pace along development course. Most countries economy during 1950s and 60s were affected by those economists who were in favor of financial suppression. Regulations are the major specification of financial suppression. This could deviate the prices in financial markets. These regulations include the top determination of upper limit of nominal interest rate regarding deposits as well as theone pertaining to mortgage rate, high legal bank financial reservoir and the allocation of command credits. These limitation and barriers make the financial flow low. Furthermore, financial resources are devoted to low efficient and non-prioritized plans. Thus financial suppression will lead to downsizing of fiscal sector and as a result decrease in economic growth.
Research Method:
Financial suppression as an important challenge demands some efforts with respect to the assessment of financial mediation in economic activities. Financial suppression was measured by different indices. Rubin & Martin (1992), Hang & Vang (2001), Coli (2001), measure the level of financial suppression by real interest rate and inflation rate, rate between government debt and cash flow, and the management of exchange rate respectively. This study aims to measure the impact of financial suppression over rural poverty by adding couple variable beside those offered by forgoing studies using 2SLS where Lpo Stands for logarithm of level of rural settlers poverty  are the indices for financial suppression which are associated with real interest rate, exchange rate gap (official and free market rate), the difference between domestic inflation rate as opposed to global rate, the ratio of government debt over cash flow ,existed capital in rural areas, the logarithm of rural unemployment rate and the logarithm of rural income respectively. This equation is capable of investigating the ration ship between exogenous and internal variables between 1370-91.
Discussion and Conclusion:
This study suggests that there exist a negative relationship between the financial suppression variables and poverty level. This could be justified by the existence of poor capital market and the degree of dependency of production firms on credits. Furthermore, lack of an appropriate investment mechanism increase the bank debt of small rural investors. Moreover, credit conditions are vulnerable. This study suggests that one percent increase in poverty level is associated with 0.11 decreases in rural investment. There exist a positive relationship between income and capital. Increase in production level means more income and this in turn cause increase in capital and level of investment. The existence of positive and important relationship between financial suppression and rural poverty, well justify development of plan for departing from suppression. It is argued that lack of financial suppression and financial development could pave the way for financial mediators to invest in rural areas. Doing so could create job opportunities and eradicate rural poverty. This study further suggests freeing the financial market in order to combat this kind of suppression.

Hossin Heydari, Qumars Zarafshani, Khadije Moradi,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Rural development requires special attention regarding human forces .Rural settlers as a prime human resources related to agriculture are a major leverage as far as rural development is concerned. Lack of social capital is being considered as missing chain with respect to economic growth and development in underdeveloped countries. It is agrued that social capital influences sustainable development from different aspact in developing countries including Iran. This is well justified by existance of their transient, unstable economy. Social capital is known world wide as a major determinent of rural development. However, this is not well experienced in Iran's rural geographical space. In other word, planners and policy makers overlooked this issue. This is being considered as the most prominent vacume as far as the rural development litriture is concerned. Both social capital and development possess complex nature. This in turn demands comprehensive and deep study. This could well be done via application of qualitative approach. This study aims to invastigate Farsinj rural development taken into account social capital in order to come up with associated development model.
Research method:
This paper applied qualitative approach using foundamental theory method. This theory is being considered as one of the qualitative research methods. It ia besed on inductive approach using real situation for determination of the components of a problem. Statistical society was comprised of key aware folks in Farsinj village located in songhor koliayee which were chosen through targeted snow ball sampling technique. The study area is center of parsineh which is located in cold mountainous climatic zone. Based on 1390 census, it houses over 2355 with 663 households. Data gathering were done via individual semi structured interview as well as concentrated groups and direct observation resulted in field notes. The application of multi data gathering techniques in qualitative research named trianglizaition increase the viability of the result. Compiling fifteen of those interviews, led to theoretical saturation at least after one hour. The resultant data in three stage that is open coding (conceptualizing and investigating), axis coding and selective coding, were analyzed. Open coding led to formation of 16 classes. The relationships between components were explored through application of axis coding. This led to formation of external social capital as a prime class or phenomena based on paradigm model. This model includes casual conditions and backgrounds, intervening conditions, as well as interaction, strategies and consequences.
Discussion and conclusion:
Farsinj village located in songhor koliayee is being known as one of the typical and pilot village in Kermanshah province. Based on the investigation, high level of education, number of existing occupations as well as the rural settler’s level of commitment, responsibility and the feeling of being served with regard to following the villages affairs are among the factors responsible for Farsinj being known as spectacular villages. It is argued that the feeling of being rival, high level of settler’s motivation and engagement of some of the folks in high ranking governmental possessions all would be important components formation of external social capital in the study area. Trust in outsiders, the existence of agriculture bank, high schools as well as getting married to the males outside their locality all led to formation of better opportunities for investment in the study area. All these factors have led to some positive outcomes including the provision of services to neighboring villages and being well known village in the area. Make it short; the level of development of the study area is highly associated with the formation of external social capital.

Mojtaba Ghadiri Masoum, Mohamadreza Rezvani, Mahmoud Jomepour, Hamidreza Baghiani,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (9-2015)

Poverty is one of the greatest challenges confronting humanity. It is said that poverty is almost related to natural resources, while it is also because of some other factors like natural and human capitals. Villagers are considered among the poorest and most vulnerable within human societies, especially in the countries of the third world. If the purpose of development is obviously that of poverty alleviation and eradication through employment generation for the rural and urban poor, supplying the minimum of basic requirements acceptable to everyone, increase of productivity, causing more balance between geographic areas and socio-economic classes, decentralization and people involvement in the process of decision-making, having emphasis on collective and national self-confidence, finding balance and the recovery of living conditions, then we can consider the rural communities as one of the most significant factors causing the above objectives come true. So, rural development plays a vital role in achieving the overall objectives of development at the national level. Approaches and paradigms are always provided by scientists and theorists to assist us achieving the above objectives. In 1980s, sustainable livelihoods (LS) and sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) was proposed to be used a new approach in poverty eradication. The main emphasis of this approach was based on a comprehensive and integrated thought for poverty eradication and rural development. In a short time, this approach could attract the attention of many researches. Since, livelihood capitals is an important aspect of sustainable livelihoods approach and because of the important role of these assets in the livelihood of families, especially rural ones whose condition is influenced by tourism activities, in this research we decided to investigate the impact of tourism activities on livelihood capitals in mountain tourism villages of Bala-Taloqan in Taloqan County so we can find out the answer to the question that which villages are better in the case of this kind of capitals.
As a city of Alborz Province, Taloqan County is located at a distance of 90 km from the center of the province and within the northwest of it. In 2012, the city had 2 parts of central and Bala-Taloqan. It was also consisted of 8212 households and a population of 23765. Bala-Taloqan as the study case of this research consists of two rural districts: Kenar-rood and Joestan (central district) with 48 residential villages. In this paper, we have selected 10 mountain villages which have been affected by tourism. The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of prioritization of capitals resulting from tourism activities in mountain tourism villages of the district of top Talogan, among inhabited households using analytical- descriptive method with an emphasis on library work, field studies and completing the questionnaires. Meanwhile, hierarchical Filler Triangle was used as a model to weighting each indicator along with Oreste method for ranking and prioritization of the mountain tourism villages in terms of investigating the condition of tourism assets and capitals.
Discussion and Conclusion
Considering livelihood capitals, Galird has the best and the village of Manglan has the worst condition. Galirad village, according to its proper position relative to the connecting roads and its distinctive tourist attractions, i.e. the old house of Ayatollah Taleqani, enjoys a certain reputation that has caused more tourists go there. Moreover, Guidance plan has been already implemented in the village that is important in the improvement of connecting roads quality and making easy-access roads. After Galird, Karkbud village is located in the second place. Its famous waterfall is the most important attraction of the village which has given it a national reputation. Although, it has located at an altitude of 2200 meters and it is difficult to access it, the attractive waterfall has compensated for this limitation and attracted tourists. Additionally, the village is very rich in terms of natural capital, but tourism has not developed enough and has failed to make the promotion of other capitals. The results of interviews conducted with residents indicate that they are dissatisfied with tourists there and think of them as a contributing factor to environmental degradation and the rise of social abnormalities. Joestan has also dedicated to the third place of this ranking. Vicinity to Shahrood River and the presence of tomb shrine of Haron the son of Muses, are the most important attractions of this village. Although it is the center of Top Talogan district, it has failed to accomplish its central role. So, many people have left the village over time as even the tomb shrine as a strong religious attraction with lodging facilities has not been able to properly accomplish its role of attracting tourists. For this reason, it is only social capitals, and partially, financial capitals, which have perfect situations here. Other villages have similar status and in spite of having human and natural attractions they have not been successful enough in collecting capitals. Of course, it must be mentioned that in this district tourism is mostly found in the form of Daily tourism and second home tourism by a more percentage of Daily tourists than the second-home ones. Because in the mountain villages studied, due to the lack of access to adequate lands with sufficient slopes in order to construct housing units, there have always been lots of limitations for constructing second houses for the non-native. Additionally, in some villages such as Karkbood, native people refuse to sell lands to the non-native and this could affect the status of financial capital of the village.

Saleh Shahrokhi Sardou, Mehdi Nooripoor,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (9-2015)

The concept of quality of life has been emerged in theoretical literature and press in early 1960s, it has turned to be one of the interested issues in social science and in recent years, it has been a base for modern differentiation and classification of countries. Improving quality of life in a special place or for special people or groups is always the focusing concern to plan makers. Improving quality of life could be followed by other dimensions of development such as social, economic and physical ones. In this way, rural areas need some studies related to quality of life. These studies should include related aspects to quality of life in the village, reduction of geographical exclusion and accessibility to basic needs of life. Moreover, the results of studies on quality of life could be helpful in assessment of policies, ranking the locations, codification of management strategies and urban and rural planning which can facilitate understanding and prioritization of socio-economic issues for plan makers and managers to improve people's quality of life. Considering that urban growth and urbanization are the most obvious social, economic changes in recent times, urbanization rapidly spread so that this phenomenon has limited most of the opportunities which can improve quality of life for the villages. However, in many rural areas in Iran, despite of different changes in case of improving quality of life, we are still far from the ideal situation. This condition is more obvious in the areas that most of the population lives in the villages; Jiroft County located in Kerman Province is an example. Therefore, this study aims to assess factors affecting quality of life in villages located in Jiroft.
According to its aim, this study is a practical one and regarding its data collection method, it is a survey which uses questionnaires as the tool of data collection; The face validity is confirmed by faculty members in Yasouj University and Shiraz University; to examine its validity, Pilot study is conducted as the pre-test outside the study population, on the residents in Ali-Abad village, Jiroft; Calculation of Cronbach's alfa for different factors (from 0.71 to 0.89) is estimated that suggests the reliability of this assessment tool. In this study, the unit of analysis includes the householder. Furthermore, according to government census, the population was 4243 households among them 350 households have been chosen using Krejcie & Morgan random sampling table as the population of this study; samples have been chosen according to each village population and geographical region according to the classes. Data analysis was performed using SPSS.
Discussion and Conclusion
This study is the assessment of each factors of quality of life in studied villages from householders' point of view. According to the obtained average value of 2.75, analytical results in the case of social factor are assessed which is under the average. According to the obtained average value of 3.43, in the case of social security, the studied households' condition has been estimated more than the average and findings related to average comparison in this factor shows that Delfard village has the worst condition and Sarbijan village has the best condition. According to the average value of 0.74 in the case of housing factor, the housing status in the studied villages was estimated more than the average. The results of average comparison showed that Halil village is on the highest level and Esfandegheh village is on the lowest level in the case of average factor. According to the average value of 20.38 which is related to the third group that means most of the studied population, income factor showed that most of studied population have average income and among them, comparing other studied villages, residents of Khaton-abad village have the highest level in the case of average income and it is different from other studied villages. Next factor is wealth which is assessed by five subset. According to the average value of 0.41 in this factor, it can be said that the level of wealth in studied villages is lower than average level and among them, Delfard and Ganj-abad villages are at the lowest level and Esfandegheh and Sarbijan villages are at the highest level. Next factor is per capita household expenditure on clothing; the result of analyzing this factor shows that given the frequency of 192 people (54.9%), per capita expenditure on clothing for each person is between 200 to 300 hundred Tomans in a year and comparing to other villages, Delfard village has a better condition regarding the average level of this factor. The results in the nutrition factor shows that villages located in this region are divided to four grades regarding the average calories intake per gram in food by households. Among them, Delfard village is completely different from other villages and in terms of calories amount that its residents consume, this village has a better condition. The last studied factor is people's satisfaction of objective dimensions of quality of life. According to the obtained average value of 3.15 which is higher than theoretical average (number 3), considering this factor, the status of studied households is assessed higher than the average level. The results of average comparison in this factor show that all the villages are divided to four classes regarding the average value of the considered factor. Among them Dolat-abad and Ganj-abad villages have the worst and Esfandegheh and Delfard villages have the best condition.

Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari, Hamid Shayan, Zahra Nurbakhsh Razmi,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (9-2015)

Rural areas face various challenges in Iran; one of the most important challenges isb economic weakness. Since entrepreneurship can remove many major challenges (such as unemployment, low level of income, lack of economic diversification) in rural areas and it can affect other aspects of rural life positively, entrepreneurship and job creation are the most important plans and strategies for rural improvement to resolve economic challenges. Entrepreneurship in village leads to job creation, increase in income, wealth creation, improvement of quality of life and it is also helpful for local people participating in economic activities. The agriculture section in most third world countries cannot provide enough job opportunities and income to meet the needs of rural areas with high population density as a result of low level of productivity of land and labor, so non-farm entrepreneurship is considered as the suitable strategy to improve job creation and increase rural income. Promoting diversification of economic activities in rural areas especially in non-farm section leads to a profound impact on the creation of entrepreneurial thinking in rural areas; Since for landless people or those who own a small size of land, earning farming income and this amount of income does not meet their needs, non-farm entrepreneurship and as a result diversification of non-farm economy (or related to farm economy) can create job and income for them. Undoubtedly, job creation in non-farm section prevents labor force as the major economic capital from exiting the villages which is the main reason of rural-to-urban migration growth and many socio-economic problems. Based on this fact, this study aims to analyze the importance of non-farm entrepreneurshipb in improving the quality of life in villages of Shandiz area and also to determine that in which dimensions and aspects of rural life considered by entrepreneurs in their plans, the farm based entrepreneurship activities have the most impacts. The research questions include "how much farm based entrepreneurship activities could improve the quality of life in the villages in economic, social and environmental dimensions?" and "in which dimensions do entrepreneurship activities have the most impacts?"
According to its aim, this is a practical and developmental study and regarding its methodology it is descriptive-analytic one. For theoretical modeling, descriptive and documentary methods have been used by reviewing theoretical literature related to rural development, quality of life, entrepreneurship and non-farm entrepreneurship studies. So, the criteria and indicators have been chosen according to theoretical frameworks and works done by other researches and also on the basis of its aim. The analytic unit in this study is the non-farmer householder who participates in creative non-farming activities in studied villages. Residents of villages in Shandiz area, Binaloud County, including Shandiz and Abardeh villages with population of 19667 in 1390 are the study population. According to the conducted field study, among 18 villages which their populations are more than 20 households, 6 villages with the population of 13217 are considered as study samples and in these villages non-farm entrepreneurship activities have been done more than other villages. To study the impacts of non-farm entrepreneurship activities in the studied area, samples should be chosen according to the number of households in the region; regarding the total number of households, sample households in the sample villages are 3776 households and as a result, according to Cochran Formula (using 0.06 margin of error) 249 households have been chosen to complete the questionnaires regarding the householder's point of view. The first level of sample selection among householders in the studied area is according to an analogy between villages and the second level is random selection. Eventually, information extracted from the questionnaires has been analyzed using statistical methods (Pearson, Spearman and Chi-square correlation tests to the case with independent group and step by step regression analysis) performed in SPSS.
Discussion and Conclusion
It was found that, non-farm activities have various impacts on economic, social and environmental dimensions. Chi-square test to the case with independent group was performed to analyze villager's point of view regarding non-farm entrepreneurship activities; for most indicators, a meaningful level of significance less than 0.05 and the relationship has been proven. For assessment of economic impacts of entrepreneurship on quality of life, indicators such as income, employment status and economic justice have been used. The relative distribution for answering question suggests that the average value of economic changes is 3.46. This average is defined in the range from 1 to 5 and it shows that the economic status is higher than the average level. For assessment of social impacts, indicators such as social capital, social participation, population stability, satisfaction of access and personal welfare have been used. The average of social changes is 3.06 and it shows that social status is higher than the average level. The average value of environmental changes is 3.38 and it shows that the environmental status is higher than the average level. It has to be mentioned that for assessment of non-farm entrepreneurship activities, some indicators have been used including good job opportunities, government investment, product quality, education, availability and changeability of land use. The average value of non-farm entrepreneurship activities is 3.41 which show this status is higher than the average. In conclusion, it can be said that non-farm entrepreneurship activities improve the quality of life in economic, social and environmental dimensions.

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