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Tahereh Sadeghloo, Hamdollah Sojasi Ghidari, Vahid Riahi,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (5-2016)

Rural industrialization has been greatly discussed by researchers in recent studies of rural planning and development. It is due to its positive effects of economic, social and infrastructural factors. Moreover, researches are looking for ways to analyzed approaches to reduce harmful environmental impacts of industrial projects, as destructive life factors of geographical territory, in rural areas. For example, according to Misra and Chyvta (1990); rural industrialization and the prevalence of non-agricultural activities can seriously affect the increase of social welfare and providing essential goods and services for rural households. Experiences by several countries prove the fact that every structural change that happens because of industrialization, not only has an important economic role in rural areas, but also led to self-repulsive economy, as well. In addition to studying positive economic, social and physical aspects, it is needed to do some preparatory studies on negative eco-environmental effects of rural industrialization for proper siting of such industries to reduce its harmful eco-environmental and human effects and improve spatial planning.
In this study, we have used a new approach to investigate rural industrialization and the
establishment of large mining – extractive industries in rural areas. Todays, thanks to villages forming a wide range of local-spatial area of the country, they have rich mineral resources in their geographical territory which their extraction may cause economic-infrastructure effects as well as other negative eco-environmental effects such as the changing use of agricultural land, soil and water pollution, vegetation loss, and landscape change over time. Two main questions of the research are 1) In terms of sustainability, how is the economic, social and environmental status of surrounding villages of Zanjan cement plant? 2) How is the current situation of ecoenvironmental effects of minning- extractive industry of Zanjan cement factory on surrounding rural areas, according to ICOLD,and Prometea techniques.
This study is an analytical explanation using library and field study. Field data have been collected by questionnaires after the identification of variables. Then, the required data have been collected in the intended study area. Samples have been managed in two different social levels: 36 people from local experts (Council and village head assistants) using census method for ICOLD matrices, and 295 individuals from the head of the households selected among local people of villages to assess eco-environmental effects of using Prometea multivariate technique in villages by the use of Cochran formula of Alpha= 0.05. The already designed questionnaires have been modified in ICOLD matrices covering several factors of physio-chemical, biological, socio-economic, and cultural infrastructure environments that include 41sub criteria, totally. Collected data have been finally analyzed by ICOLD environmental assessment method and Promote multivariate techniques.
Discussion and conclusion
One of the new challenges facing rural planning when it is getting applied, is the presence of two viewpoints: environmentalism, and rural industrialization. Villages are accumulation points of environmental resources that, according to the theory of Sustainable Development, it is essential to protect them. In addition, we aim at diversifying economic sector by supporting rural industrial projects. Integration of the two approaches needs the evaluation of environmental effects of industrial activities to help moderate the intensity of environmental effects of industrial projects in rural areas. In this research, we are intended to study industrial mining extractive project of Zanjan cement factory, located and operated in a rural district, to analyze its eco-environmental effects on rural areas. Results from ICOLD demonstrates that its eco-environmental effects vary by distance, i.e., the nearer the villages are, the more they will be threatened by these effects, or vice versa.
Results from promote technic confirm the same. Since, villages in disturbed areas within the distance of less than 5 kilometers from the factory or less than 1 kilometer from the communication route to raw stone mining site, show the highest level of eco-environmental instability. These villages include; Majid Abad (rated at 81%), Zarand (rated as 73%) and Mazidabad (rated at 67%), respectively. These villages are close to the factory and to the passage of vehicles carrying raw stone. Much of the physical area of the factory is located in agricultural land of two villages of Majid Abad and Mazidabad. Moreover, wind direction of the area mostly causes much of the pollution from factory dust distributes in other agricultural areas of MajidAbad. Another village which its eco-environment has been recently affected is Zarand, located in a foothill area near to the raw stone mining site. Dust from loading raw stones, noise pollution caused by the breakage of the rock, animals and wildlife breaking out of the area, and destruction of crops and plants are among the major environmental damage in this area. Thus, we suggest to reduce environmental pollution from factories in rural areas by reviewing some ways of factory activities such as transportation of raw materials, methods used for the extraction of raw stones, development of appropriate transport infrastructures, installation of air pollution controlling systems, increase in the plantation of more green spaces within the margins of the factory, good management of wastewater and their disposal system.

Ali Shamsoddini,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (5-2016)

In Iran, management system of rural areas was kind of non-governmental before the Constitutional Revolution. In such a system, Khans and masters; the village chief and elders were responsible for the village and its affairs. In 1354, by the progress of land reform programs and the elimination of feudal serf system from social communication system, the village chief was removed from the Rural Management System and rural councils were replaced by. After Islamic Revolution, important measures done in the field of construction, especially, rural management. Some examples of such measures are; the amendment of Islamic Councils, the foundation of the House of companion, and the construction of rural development office. Rural Islamic councils play important roles in the process of people's participation in promoting rural developments. Rural councils and municipalities, as cooperative and public institutions, are considered to be communication bonding between people and institutions with administration staff of the government. So, they carry a key role in the process of rural development.
Thus, people's satisfaction with the performance of rural municipalities plays a decisive role in the success of such institutions and achieving their goals. The more satisfied villages are with the performance of rural municipalities, the more confident they will do their citizen responsibilities in the process of implementation and monitoring of civil public programs. In this research, the socio-economic performance of Fahlian rural municipality, of the central part of Mamasani County, has been analyzed based on surveys of villagers through questionnaires. The present research aims at appraising villagers' satisfaction with the performance of Fahlian rural municipality applying Kano model to make three categories of the villagers' basic needs come true. The intended needs are; economic, functional and emotional ones. We are going to use the results from the research to obtain an accurate picture of the satisfaction of rural population with the performance of rural municipalities to help us improve rural services and enhance villagers' satisfaction.
This study is a combination of analytical survey method based on questionnaires, in which the most important areas associated with villagers' satisfaction of the village municipality in Fahlian is being tested. Considering the goals of the research, it is an applied one. The statistical society of the research includes all the rural residents in Fahlian. In order to determine the sample size, we have first used Cochran-Sharp methods. Using this formula, the sample size was calculated140 people from the entire 2177 inhabitants of the village. Then, questionnaires were completed using simple random sampling method.
Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated 0.809 for the whole questionnaire. Totally, the validity and reliability of the statements and questionnaire have been in a good level. They have also reported to be reliable for research fields and obtaining the views of the sample. For preparing questionnaires like those in the Kano model, two questions are needed to design for each feature. The questionnaires are classified in two categories. The first category questionnaires are functional and the second ones are non-functional ones. To design this section a five-point Likert- type scale was used. Although there are different models for evaluating the quality of services, it is hard to compromise on the ways to identify factors affecting this. Some of these models involve hysteresis, Kano, Seroquel, QFC, and etc. In this study, Kano model was used as a measuring tool of people satisfaction.
Discussion and conclusion
In Iran, contemporary rural management was affected by major changes. Each of these changes have had a significant impact on the fate and success of Iran Rural Development. Creation of rural municipalities in villages is the last link in the chain. Of course, it does not include all the villages, yet. Objectives and responsibilities outlined in the by-law of rural municipalities, whose most prominent characteristic is their mediating role among local communities and state institutions, seems to be greater than their power and human, financial and material capacities available to them. According to the data collected from Surveys of Fahlian residents to know if they are satisfied with socio-economic performance of their rural municipality using Kano model, it was realized that based on villagers perspectives asphalt and table investment streets are among their most prominent needs while Fahlian rural municipality was doing its best for waste collection and disposal. Also, they were largely making efforts to pave the way for the formation of cooperatives of production and consumption.
Thus, the maximum level of villagers' satisfaction and their dissatisfaction with the performance of the rural municipality was reported to be 0.413 and -0.747, respectively. Results from the questionnaires and their analysis using Kano model indicate that villagers' emotional needs have been better provided than their other needs. The coefficient for their emotional needs was 0.611 which is more than the coefficient obtained for the two other needs of basic and functional ones by the coefficient of 0.425 and 0.523, respectively. Consequently, the village staff and authorities, especially those in rural municipality, must largely focus on providing villagers with their basic and functional needs. In this way, they are needed to improve and mobilize transporting system as well as the improvement of communicating systems like telephone and internet to help them attract more tourists and investors.
For functional needs, they have partly acted successfully in making security measures for the attraction of tourists and investors. Studies demonstrate that rural municipalities will be able to eliminate a great part of villagers' dissatisfaction and make them satisfied if they apply the results from this study in making decisions for rural development and improvement.

Mirsatar Sadr Mousavi, Hossein Karimzadeh, Aghil Khaleghi,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

The idea of "ignoring economic labor" of rural women and their role in providing households' financial and non-financial resources is deeply ingrained in cultural fabric of our society that is hardly possible to change the notion of "men being sole breadwinners". The rate of women participation in the employment and labor market is much less than men. This is due to the presence of social, legal, and economic barriers and cultural and traditional restrictions. In Iran, the main activities of rural women can be summarized in three sectors; agriculture, rural industries and rural services. Currently, according to the information contained in the (2011-2012) 1390 Statistical Yearbook, 14987out of 37 958 people, as the population of 10 years and more in the County of Varzeghan, constitute the employed active population. It makes a portion of 13098 for rural areas. The share of female population employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing in the province has reported to be 26116 people within which the overall share of the total population of Varzeghan has been 8280.
Although rural women are not counted in agriculture sector, many women of the County are participating in this sector. While rural women try alongside men in agriculture, because of certain traditional beliefs and public imagination there are always barriers for rural women's participation in the labor market. Considering the importance of this issue, this article aims at answering the questions that "what is the main obstacle facing the employment of rural women in Varzeghan County?" and "What is the impact of other effective barriers on the employment?"
We have used mixed method approaches in the article. Since the sequence of qualitative and quantitative research methods is known as one of the features of mixed research, we have used first the qualitative and then the quantitative ones. In the first stage, in order to identify different causal conditions, as factors affecting the low participation of rural women in the workforce, a qualitative method was used in which we have interviewed with literate women. Then, to achieve the desired result in the second stage, qualitative research findings were used in developing the questionnaire, whereas obtained quantitative data were used to provide a structural model. The questionnaires were completed by literate girls and women livelihood in rural district of Sina. Using Cochran formula, sample size was calculated to be 300 people, with the confidence interval of 0.95. A simple random sampling method was used and the questionnaires were formulated by a number of 15 closing questions that their options were assessed based on rating Likert scale. Its validity was estimated based on its formal validity and its reliability was calculated 0.919 by Cronbach's alpha which indicates that the questionnaires are highly reliable. Table 3 shows the output of SPSS software.
Discussion and conclusion
Considering the development of different societies and urban areas along with the development of rural societies, rural girls and women are no longer interested in participating in agricultural sector. Instead, they are getting to the employment of nonagricultural manufacturing jobs as well as government and service ones. Casual barriers affecting the employment of rural women in the area under study can be classified in four groups of individual, family, socio-cultural, and management-structural barriers. These are multiple-effect barriers which are related to each other. Being remote as a variable for villages and individual and family factors are of the highest importance. Given the casual barriers of the phenomenon, lifestyle changes are evident in the rural community.
The main reason of most villagers' migration is to find appropriate non-agricultural jobs. Among them, there are some migrant girls that not only have they achieve their goals of employment in urban communities but also there is not enough attraction in their ancestral home of insufficient facilities to make them return. Variables such as education, marital status and income level are commonly considered as intervening obstacles facing the employment of rural women. It is certain that changes in social customs, values and traditions as well as lifestyle changes can make rural women have less or no tendency to live in rural areas and move to cities. Changes in lifestyle, family system, and social customs and values are all strategies taken by rural community to minimize the effect of barriers affecting the employment of girls and women. Of course, these strategies have their special consequences. They may cause late marriage or the rise of average marriage age which are effective in the creation of social and moral corruption in the society.
Rural to urban migration can lead to economic poverty which is by itself one of the most important factors causing corruption in the society. Changes in social customs and values can also lead to reluctance to agricultural activities which is due to familiarity with urban life. A combination of factors like these cause inappropriate behaviors b rural girls and women.

Aliakbar Najafi Kani, Esmaeil Shahkooei, Masomeh Molaei,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

Todays, the importance of agricultural development and putting more value on it, unlike past days, is concluded from the fact that in the process of economic development program, an increasing attention is given to social welfare goals in addition to other goals of increasing revenue. In every society, at times of population increase, the increase of agricultural products, which is in direct relation with the rate of population increase, requires an increase of the productivity in existing lands relying on the improvement of farming techniques and irrigation systems. Basically, agricultural development means a transition of traditional techniques to modern industrial ways of production which includes top modern agricultural techniques like planting and harvest methods and the use of agricultural machinery. Agricultural mechanization is a new approach of providing the situation of promoting from traditional to modern agriculture. Additionally, it is considered as the most useful factor to help us achieve our goals of rural development. Machinery technology development is a matter of great importance in rural development strategies. Using technology in the process of rural development can lead to the elimination of barriers to production. As mechanization causes less difficulties and more money from agricultural activities, it makes farming more fascinating for villagers and stimulate them to continue their farming activities and prevent them continuously move to the cities. In this research, we are investigating possible consequences of mechanization and its effect on rural development of south Astarābāto find answers to the following questions:
1) Is there any connection between agricultural mechanization with productivity and improvement of agricultural economy?
2) To what extent has agricultural mechanization affected promoting of social components such as reducing immigration and increasing farmers' tendency to stay in rural districts?
3) Is there any relation between official policies or responsible organization and agricultural mechanization?
This is an applied research which has been done using descriptive- analytical approach in a field study. For data analysis and interpretation, independent T test, Mann Whitney test, and the process of correlation analysis have been applied in SPSS software. Statistical population of the research consists of two types of agricultural households, a group of more mechanized households and another group of less mechanized ones, from 22 villages located in rural district of South Astarābād. A number of 10 villages (including 6 plain villages and 9 mountain villages) were chosen as sample society based on the total number of 6423 households and homogeneity of the villages in terms of geographical features. Using Cochran formula, the sample size of the society (190 households) was determined. Considering the population of each village, their participation in answering the questionnaires was determined. Questionnaires were delivered among different households in a simple random sampling way.
Discussion and conclusion
By its effect on timely agricultural operations and reducing production costs, agricultural mechanization plays an effective role in increasing revenues and consequently improving economic level and quality of life for agricultural uses. According to the results from the questionnaires a significant relation of a top confidence level (95 or 99%) is confirmed between agricultural mechanization with productivity and improvement of economic and social components. In this regard, the government plays a key role in the development of mechanization infrastructures such as integration, leveling, land drainage, giving low-interest loans and making decisions for agricultural institutions. Considering the fact that lower participation and self-help of operators and lack of education and awareness of the benefits of mechanization are the most important factors affecting the failure of the government and people in promoting mechanization, an overall management and programming by the government is inevitable to help us achieve our goals. The followings are suggested for the improvement of mechanization.
- Strong support of the government for infrastructure development of agricultural mechanization such as land consolidation, irrigation channels, land leveling and drainage, irrigation development, and construction of roads between farms;
- Reducing official bureaucracy and granting low-interest loans by banks to promote agricultural mechanization;
- Holding training and educational coursed for the introduction of proper use of machineries and their technology to the farmers.

Hamid Jalalian, Faramarz Barimani, Vahid Riahi, Morteza Mehralitabar Firouzjaie,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

After land reform, some actions have been done for rural finance by creating financial institutions such as credit cooperatives, Agriculture Bank and interest-free loan funds which were not successful in improving poor people livelihood. The studied area in this study includes a forest-mountain area that have small and sporadic villages and they are far from rural-urban continuum. In fact, these areas face with basic shortcomings because of their location in geographical isolation, lack of development of market, scattered villages, low population density and unavailability of services (including financial services). Researchers' preliminary studies in this area showed that in financial markets of the forest-mountain villages in Bandpey part of Babol county, for rural finance to meet their needs in micro level, include just officialpublic institutions and semipublic ones (agriculture Bank, credit cooperatives and Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation) that were not operating as rural financial institutions, so in the studied area this question is raised that in spite of the availability of financial institutions, why the level of financing services is low for villagers? Or in other words, why the available financial institutions could not be successful in attracting villagers? Therefore, the question is that what are the characteristics of financial institution for being successful in presenting financial services? This study aims to recognize optimality criteria in institutions that offer financial services in rural districts and tries to present a framework in rural financial institutionalization to help rural managers and development planners in rural financial domain such as Agriculture Bank, rural financial cooperatives, Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and rural interest-free loan funds.
Ito consider the subject, a qualitative approach has been chosen in this study. So, 25 villagers that are residents of forest-mountain villages of eastern Bandpey in the county have been selected in a purposeful way; data collection has been done through in-depth semi-structured interviews to the theoretical saturation point. Following that, for more clarification and conducting in-depth interview, some follow-up and exploratory questions have been used. After each interview, all the statements were written on the paper. The obtained data from interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis method (by the framework of an inductive approach). To increase the creditability and acceptability of data, these methods have been used: simultaneous data analysis, continuous observation, review by supervisors and selecting the main informants; accuracy and authenticity of data (stability) have been considered too, regarding these indicators: maximum number of participants, desirable relation with participants, accuracy in recording data, using external researchers and supervisors, long time engagement with research and obtained data.
Discussion and Conclusion
On the major subject that is extracted is "flexibility". On the major subject that is extracted is "flexibility". Flexibility of rural financial institution means the flexibility in time duration for loan repayment that does not interfere with planting season and the time that farmers and ranchers should spend money for their works. The results show that when the time of loan repayment interfere with the time that small farmers do not have cash money, this leads to excluding some people from taking credits and more than that those who were able to take the credit, could not gain enough profit. Availability is a criterion in rural space that have low level of livelihood, in faraway geographical location is of great importance. In one hand, availability means physical availability. This criterion can be understandable when rural forest-mountain area is understandable. These areas face with problems because of dispersion of villages and their distance from urban area to receive services including financial services. In another way, lack of finance leads to irresponsibility. Considering the findings showed that if rural financial institutions were dependent to government subsidies, offering credits to meet villagers' needs would be uncertain all the time. Another criterion, a sub-dimension of availability, is "having responsibility regarding to the conditions that farmers face with a social-economic problem". In one hand, small farmers and ranchers' livelihood is always exposed to natural, social and economic crisis (especially in forest-mountain regions), and in another hand, their week financial support make villagers vulnerable to these kind of dangers. The obtained results showed that optimality of a rural financial institution is related to offering services in all dimensions of financial services especially loan, saving and insurance. Therefore, one the most important issues for optimality of the rural financial institutions is the capacity of saving for small farmers and ranchers; they have high desire for saving. Official financial institutions and semi-official ones could not support this dimension of villagers' need with a commercial approach. According to the findings, villagers do not consider financial institutions as merely a monetary institution; they expect an appropriate financial institution not only offer monetary services, but also they expect them offer social services that need investment, or assignment of subsidies on their necessary products for their agriculture. The study findings showed that the assigned small loan is a loan for agriculture not for the farmer, and it rarely considers the need of the villagers for consumption. It is suggested that researchers on institutional issues and service institution in rural districts consider these issues in the time of occurrence and with direct observations and interviews; they should familiarize with their challenges and by a topdown and bottom-up approach, they can present a suitable strategy for the same areas to overcome their problems.

Asadollah Divsalar,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

In this world, villages have turned to a be a place for those people who escape from urban life and machinated life and so people travel to villages to rest. Regarding to the range of demands and necessities of rural environments in these days, rural tourism is developing and its importance and appealing is increasing. In the process of regional planning, rural tourism can be considered as a tool for increasing the local occupation and improving the quality of life and as a result increasing the level of economic welfare and social facilities. Handicrafts in rural regions is a complement factor for agricultural economy. Because of potential job creation opportunities and also earning money, while handicrafts can fill villagers' free time and eliminate unemployment, it can prevent seasonal or permanent migrations that is considered as one of the social harms. This study tries to answer two questions about foothill villages in Behshar County which are very potential at creating and producing handicrafts: First of all, what is the role of growing and developing handicrafts in rural tourism economy? And secondly, regarding the role of handicrafts in tourism economy what villages are at the top respectively?
Methodology used in this study is descriptive and analytic-survey. Data collection has been done by documentary and field study using Likert Scale questionnaires. Data collection has been done by documentary and field study using Likert Scale questionnaires. Statistical population includes 18 foothill villages of Behshahr County; their geographical location and demographic features are shown in figure 2 and table 1. Handicraft products in these villages include wood craving, sculptor, felting, wrapper weaving, carpet weaving, basket weaving, and based on Cochran Formula, 249 householders were chosen as sample size and they were classified randomly. For data analysis, One Sample T Test, Chi- Square, and deviation from optimum have been used. To evaluate validity and stability of the questionnaires by Cronbach's Coefficient Alfa, the results of 25 questionnaires have been tested; the calculated Alfa is 0.89. To obtain validity of the 249 questionnaires, KMO Test and Bartlett's Test have been used; the obtained number is 0.8 that suggests a desirable validity.
Discussion and Conclusion
Tourism and tourism economy have turned to one of the major business principle of world. Beside tourism that has an effective role in national development and diversification of national and regional economy, handicrafts can be a complement for some historical and tourism attractions. Tourism is one of the most important activities; in recent decades tourism has a special place in economic development in some countries. This industry creates income, foreign exchange, job and also it exchanges culture, and more than that it has assigned a share in economic activities of the world including exports. Results show that handicrafts have a role in development of rural tourism economy in Behshahr that is more than the average level. In foothill villages of  Behshahr county, among all the villages, Koa village with number 2.59 has the least impact regarding the following indicators: attracting native and non-native tourists, improving the level of earning income for tourism activists, developing the sustainable capacities, attracting cultural tourists, developing and improving tourism attractions and setting up exhibitions for developing handicrafts. Kiasar village with the number 4.76, and having the first grade, has the most impact regarding the mentioned indicators.

Leila Mafakheri, Mohammad Soleimani Mehrnjani, Ahmad Zanganeh,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Poverty is a multi-factorial and complex phenomenon. The complexity of this phenomenon is due to the various dimensions and the multiplicity of its causes. Thereby, different social sciences have approached this phenomenon with different approaches. It has been tried to eliminate this unwanted phenomenon so far, but it has not yet been able to eradicate this problem from society. Since the late 1970s, and especially the early 1980s, poverty and support the vulnerable groups have received growing attention due to the adoption of structural reform, liberalization, and privatization programs by many countries. Attention to the issue of poverty alleviation was a global issue and Iran as well. The issue of poverty is one of the most important issues and internal problems of all societies, both rich and poor. Poverty can spatially be observed and studied in urban and rural areas.  Poverty in rural areas is broader than poverty in cities.
According to the new definitions of regionalism, poverty reduction depends on the activation and promotion of local human and natural capacities in order to improve sustainable livelihoods and reduce rural and urban poverty. One of the deprived and poor places of the country is Kuhdasht County in Lorestan Province. according to the latest census of the Statistics Center, the population of Kuhdasht County is 166,658, 64,373 of which live in rural areas and 102,285 in urban areas. Considering unemployment as one of the indicators of poverty, its rate in Kuhdasht County in 2016 was 16 percent, which is higher than the national average. This unemployment rate is visible in urban and rural areas of the county.  Also, the net migration rate of this county is more than 600 people. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting poverty reduction with emphasis on new indicators of regionalism in Kuhdasht. This study seeks to identify and analyze the impact of factors affecting poverty reduction in Kuhdasht County, for which statistical and structural analysis is used.
This research is applied in terms of purpose and based on a descriptive-analytical research design. Field and documentary methods are used to collect the required data. The statistical sample of the research is to complete the questionnaire of all people over 18 years old living in Kuhdasht County. Cochran's formula has been used for sampling. According to this method, based on 116,254 over 18-year-old population in 2016 (census results of the Statistics Center of the country in 2016), the calculated sample number is equal to 383 people. The tools used in this research to analyze the data are: SPSS, GIS and Excel software.
Discussion and conclusion
The first way to reduce poverty from a Neo-regionalism perspective is neighborhoodism, which causes problems to be rooted out of the smallest units to larger dimensions. When problems are addressed on a small scale, it increases social trust and a sense of belonging to the residents. This type of planning, which is a bottom-up type of planning, uses small dimensions of political issues to solve problems effectively. These will increase the efficiency of planning because even the smallest issues are considered in planning and it is planned properly, on the other hand, neighborhoodism and planning, makes the local community last and creates a sense of responsibility for residents.
The results show that changing the Regionalism approach to Neo-Regionalism in dealing with local economic development and disadvantaged areas can lead to the emancipation of social and human capacities and will lead to social and local action. Based on the data analysis, the results indicate that the city of Kuhdasht in terms of Neo-Regionalism indicators is in a good position that can be strengthened and by directing social capital in the form of social partnerships and production cooperatives in urban and rural areas.  Thus, in order to improve the economic situation and deprivation in urban and rural areas of Kuhdasht County, it is necessary to pay attention to the relevant indicators. This can be done by enhancing entrepreneurial capacity. In fact, the process of converting social, economic, physical, natural, financial and infrastructural capital through entrepreneurship is possible by implementing strategies of industrial clusters, sustainable rural systems, completing the supply chain and value. In general, in order to reduce poverty in rural areas with a Neo-Regionalism approach, the following is suggested:
  • Development of rural and urban small business environment;
  • Creation of rural micro-funds;
  • Development of local participatory projects based on the advantages of the area;
  • Strengthening production and marketing cooperatives in urban and rural areas;
  • Establishment of knowledge-based companies in the county to improve production and processing processes.

Hamed Aramesh, Atefeh Ras, Soheila Keshavarz,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Today, the rise of the global economic system, which has created great wealth and the spread of economic contradictions such as the gap between rich and poor, has brought about wide-ranging social changes and has led to the introduction of entrepreneurial ideas in the field of social issues. In recent years, social entrepreneurship has been identified as an important source of social, economic, cultural and environmental wealth. Due to lack of resources and facilities and remarkable population growth, communities, nowadays, are facing many problems, among which is the problem of unemployment. Because the employment situation of women in Iran, like in many developing countries, is not favorable, women always have fewer job opportunities and often work in the informal sector with low wages.
Given that half of people in any society are women, women's participation in various jobs and entrepreneurship is necessary for the growth and development of society. Women's participation in various economic, social and other fields is one of the indicators of the country's production. One of the main issues in development is the proper use of the capabilities and talents of human resources in society.
In the suburban area of ​​Chabahar, there is a traditional view and disbelief in the abilities of women. Most of the women in this area are divorced or heads of households and do not have a good economic situation. Since the situation of women in each region is reflecting the social and economic improvement of the regions, and also, due to the appropriate commercial and economic situation of Chabahar region, there are many opportunities for job creation and empowerment of women in this region. It seems that one of the ways to discover these opportunities and empower women in this region is to regard and implement social entrepreneurship. So far, domestic research with a social entrepreneurship approach has not examined the empowering factors of rural women. Therefore, this study aims to provide a model of social entrepreneurship in order to empower women in the suburban region of Chabahar in a comprehensive way, to extract effective indicators and answer the research questions.
1. What factors affect the empowerment of women in Chabahar suburbs?
2. What is the impact of each of these factors on the empowerment of women in Chabahar suburbs?
3. What is the framework to implement the drivers of empowerment for women in Chabahar suburbs?
This research is mixed in terms of purpose, application and in terms of data type. The qualitative part uses the Meta synthesis method. For data analysis, the software used in the quantitative section was SmartPLS2 for the first questionnaire and Expert choice software for the second questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is all Baluch women living in Chabahar.
Discussion and conclusion
Calculation of final weight and prioritization of effective indicators on women's empowerment in Chabahar suburban areas based on AHP method shows that among the identified indicators, women's self-confidence with a final weight of 0.457 has been identified as the most important effective indicator on women's empowerment, and motivational indicators, job creation and education with the final weight of 0.423 and 0.387, are, respectively, in the second and third place. Existence of social support for female heads of households and quality of life with a final weight of 0.030 has been identified as the least effective indicator among the indicators.
By meta-synthesis method, 21 indicators, 4 components and 2 dimensions were identified. The results showed that all variables except the variable of having sufficient skills, lead to empowerment of women in the suburban area of Chabahar. Also, all environmental variables lead to the empowerment of women in this area.
The most important indicators of women's empowerment in the Chabahar suburbs is self-confidence. Furthermore, the indicators of job creation motivations, level of education, elimination of labor market discrimination, and government support policies are ranked second to fifth, respectively, with regard to the importance of empowering women in this region.

Horieh Moradi, Farhad Javan, Sepideh Amraei, Maryam Beiranvandrad,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Rural Entrepreneurship is a process of emerging actions and value creation in geographical places. If planned and rationally managed, it can be an investment in the development of social and geographical space in rural areas. Rural entrepreneurial streams, the formation of micro-enterprises and the reflectivity and role-playing of entrepreneurs in the development of areas around large cities, can cause spatial-local changes in development. Accordingly, the present article was designed with the aim of analyzing the effects of rural entrepreneurship in the development of suburban spaces in Kermanshah based on the process method of multidimensional entrepreneurial attitude.

Research Methods
The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population is those rural settlements that have a history of agricultural activities and water and land capacities and under the demand pressure and condition went through changes such as replacing the cultivation of new crops instead of traditional ones, patterns of cultivation and more intensive cultivation. A total number of 21 entrepreneur villages of urban peripheral spaces located in Baladarband and Miyandarband Rural Districts in the central district of Kermanshah city in the period of (2016-2017) was included 38 active entrepreneurs less than 20 km away from Kermanshah metropolis. Since the number of rural entrepreneurs in the city was limited, in order to increase the accuracy of the research, a complete enumeration was used. A process approach to entrepreneurship in suburban areas is a multidimensional approach. In this view, entrepreneurship is a multidimensional and complex framework that emphasizes the individual, the environment, the organization, and the process of the economic project. According to Kuratko and Hodgest 2004, this type of process shifts entrepreneurship from a fragmented school of thought to a dynamic and interactive process approach that constitutes the variables and items measured in this study. The method of data collection was field method (questionnaire); its face validity was confirmed and its validity and reliability were obtained by using Cronbach's alpha test for the variables of external and internal environment of entrepreneurship in the suburban area of ​​0.72, which indicated the appropriateness of the research tool. For this purpose, first the dimensions and concepts of identifying the suburban areas of the central district of Kermanshah city are inferred and determined according to the typology of the suburban areas. Then, correlation and multiple regression tests in SPSS20 software were used to analyze the effects.

Discussion and Conclusion
Findings indicate that entrepreneurship in the central district of Kermanshah, from a spatial perspective, is the space of functions such as some agricultural and industrial activities (such as production sites) organic fertilizers, cut flowers, production of new crops instead of traditional crops, etc.), tourism and recreation that cannot be placed in Kermanshah due to lack of sufficient space. Conceptually, it has been associated with rapid social and economic growth. From an institutional point of view, it is very complex and sometimes confusing in the field of management due to the presence of formal and informal stakeholders, and this complexity has often led to the failure of economic activities in this region. In other words, from the perspective of the urban peripheral entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial areas of the central district of Kermanshah city are structurally-physically in the category of rural urban peripheral spaces (rural places with urban awareness and thinking), which are not close to the city center and distance from the city (maximum 20 km). However, due to the presence of entrepreneurs and the spatial connection with the metropolis of Kermanshah, they have caused changes and are experiencing a kind of urban life. The results also showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables of entrepreneurial spirit of individuals, economic and environmental process in rural areas and the development of suburban spaces at the level of one percent error. The results of regression analysis showed that the variables of rural entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial spirit of individuals, economic process and environment (external and internal) governing the village), have a significant effect on the development of suburban spaces and have the ability to explain 96% of changes in suburban spaces. The most important influential variable was the environmental variable. In this study, among the multiple dimensions of entrepreneurship, the most important variable in the development of suburban spaces was identified as the internal and external environment of rural space, Entrepreneurs' role in the environment includes the currents and peripheral spaces that govern entrepreneurship, such as people, experiences, social, economic, political, technology and related constructive interactions between the entrepreneur and the environment, can be concluded external elements affect the entrepreneur and his personality and in some cases create ideal conditions in which the entrepreneur can discover opportunities and take advantage of them. Therefore, it is proposed to control the flows and forces (economic, social, technological and political) that impact the entrepreneurs and their businesses from the external environment of the villages over time.

Mir Sattar Sadrmousavi , Mohsen Aghayarihir , Mohammad Valaei,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Reduction of inequality and poverty has always been one of the topics discussed by scholars and has been considered as part of the main aims of rural development. It has increasingly become one of the important topics in development literature.   Different strategies to reduce poverty by different scholars such as; funding micro-credit and increasing the quality of life and empowerment of women, small-scale agricultural development as an essential component of food security, strengthening social capital in the form of local organizations, global economic integration and globalization, increasing public participation and creating grassroots organizations including rural cooperatives, diversification of economic activities, etc.,  has been proposed. However, due to the dependence of the villagers on the agricultural sector, not compatibility with the culture of the villagers, none of these solutions has not completely succeeded in reducing poverty and eradicating it from rural communities. Similarly, in Miandoab County, the agricultural sector, due to limited water resources, reduced productivity, job creation, mechanization, etc., has undergone a declining trend and is not able to attract the available labor. Furthermore, given that the study area has been severely affected by the Lake Urmia drying up in recent years, leading to a decrease in income, employment, investment, labor productivity and agricultural land, and hence, an increase in the number of underprivileged people in rural areas and migration of youth and depopulation of a number of villages in the area. Therefore, seeking solutions to reduce rural poverty are crucial such as, reviving the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors according to the strengths and obstacles of the region, increasing labor productivity in all economic sectors and enhancing rural population sustainability and stability, employment, income and food security.  The main issue of the present study is to investigate rural poverty reduction strategies, emphasizing the rural economic diversification approach and the effects of economic diversification in reducing rural poverty in Miandoab County. 

The purpose of this study is to investigate poverty reduction strategies with an emphasis on rural economic diversification in Miandoab County. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method.  Field and documentary methods were used to collect data and information. This study includes two parts: quantitative and qualitative. In the qualitative part, theoretical saturation was achieved by conducting 24 semi-structured interviews, and in the quantitative part, 120 local informants, rural managers and staff of Miandoab County were selected as a sample. The reliability level of the research questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha method of 0.701.  Purposeful sampling (snowball and sequential method) was used.  Grounded theory, regression, path analysis and influence diagram were used to analyze the information.

Discussion and conclusion
The most important strategies identified to reduce rural poverty in Miandoab are: Funding micro-credit to villagers and farmers, crops insurance and government support, economic diversification in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors (changing the pattern of cultivation with water-resistant species such as saffron, Damask rose, pistachio, livestock development, developing industries), construction product processing factories, industrial town establishment, handicraft, tourism development and expansion, creation small businesses, creation of local markets and services, etc., enhancing educational quality of villagers, using indigenous knowledge, increasing social capacities, improving infrastructure, increase research, change government support policies, reform rural management and belief system.  Among these, one of the most important strategies to reduce rural poverty in this area according to the study is to pay attention to the "rural economic diversification" approach. Accordingly, the diversification of the rural economy has positive effects on increasing income, employment, production, investment and hence reducing rural poverty in Miandoab County.  The index of non-agricultural (non-agricultural) diversification and the creation of jobs that require less water, such as development of rural industries (manufacturing units for processing livestock, agricultural, horticultural products, etc., handicrafts, carpet weaving units, metal industries, wood industries, food industries, etc.), development of service sector in most villages and expansion of rural tourism (religious, sport, nomadic) is of great importance in reducing rural poverty in the study area. Thus, long-term diversification alters the income opportunities for rural households and reduces their income vulnerability to economic and environmental changes. In general, diversification of jobs can be considered as an indirect insurance for the security of income of villagers who have low productivity or have been damaged due to unexpected natural disasters.

Marzieh Keshavarz,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

For decades, various policy initiatives have been planned to achieve food security. However, the number of malnourished people is growing, especially in rural areas of developing countries. Due to the increase of extreme weather events, such as droughts, and significant depletion of water resources, achieving food security is not an easy task. Therefore, an investigation of rural households’ food security in drought prone areas is of great concern. On the other hand, it has been estimated that at least one third of the produced food would be wasted and half of the food waste originates at household level. However, considerable gaps exist in our understanding of how drought incidents affect the food waste management behaviors of farm families. Thus, addressing the factors influencing household’ food waste reduction efforts is crucial.
In order to investigate food security and food waste control pattern of the farm families under drought a survey study was implemented on eastern regions of Fars province (i.e.
Kherameh County). Kherameh has suffered from 9 continuous years of meteorological and hydrological droughts. Farm families of Kherameh County were the target population. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of families who suffered from drought. The formula of Scheaffer et al. (2012) was used to determine the sample size (n= 219). Food security questionnaire which was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture was applied to investigate food security of farm families under drought. Also, household-level food waste questionnaire (van Harpen et al., 2016) was used to assess food waste behaviors of farm families during drought. Moreover, a questionnaire was developed to explore the main determinants of food security and food waste control under drought. Its face validity was confirmed by panel of experts. A pilot study was also conducted to evaluate the instrument.
Result and discussion
The findings revealed four different food security groups including 1) food secure (24.6%), 2) food insecure without hunger (22.9%), 3) food insecure with moderate hunger (23.7%) and 4) food insecure with extreme hunger (28.8%). The regression analysis was conducted to determine drivers of food security under drought. The results indicated that the specified variables explained 62% of the total variance in food security. The standardized regression coefficients illustrated that income was the main predictor of farm families’ food security. Families with higher income loss had more problems ensuring food security than the smaller ones. The results indicated that crop yield played an important role in determining food security. It suggested that farm families who experienced crop yield loss consumed lower amounts of food than usual. On the basis of the findings, food prices had a significant effect on food security of farm families. This implies that the cost of food was the major constraint and the majority of food insecure families had to lessen their food quantity and quality at a survival level. The results revealed that employment ratio, water scarcity and financial capital had important influences on food security, too.
The findings illustrated that drought stimulated food waste control. So that, food insecure families with moderate and extreme hunger had significantly reduced their food wastes. Moreover, food waste was significantly related to bread, rice, fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. This is while dairy and meat products’ waste were negligible. Analysis of the Bayesian network and partial least squares (PLS) path model illustrated that attitude exerted the maximum influence on the food waste control. Previous studies confirmed a positive effect of attitude on the food waste control behavior. The results revealed that income was negatively associated with food waste control behavior. Farm families who attempted to develop off-farm income sources and those who earned more money from agriculture were less likely to reduce food waste. Moreover, food waste control of farm families was significantly influenced by perceived food accessibility. This implies that higher access to food supply centers reduces the probability of food waste management. Also, findings illustrated that perceived food quality was associated with food waste control behavior. This shows that food quality was believed to be effective in reducing the food wastes. The results revealed that water scarcity, food prices and knowledge were associated with food waste control behavior, too. Overall, the model explained 34% of the variance in food waste control.
To ensure food security and minimize food waste under drought conditions, development of climate smart agriculture that allow increasing food production while using fewer water resources, promoting drought-risk reduction solutions and knowledge and information systems, and enhancing social, financial and human capitals are imperative. 

Esmaeil Najafi, Yaqub Abdali, Maryam Beyranvandzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

One of the major and fundamental issues in the field of spatial planning is balanced development, which can be raised in the form of balanced development of sectors or regions. In line with the social justice policy, as the central aim of the country's development plans, it is necessary to study the situation of different regions in terms of distribution and the extent of having different environmental indicators and consider the shortcomings and inadequacies for future development plans. Such studies can show the situation of different geographical areas from a comparative point of view and classify them in terms of development facilities and bottlenecks, also, determine their development priorities. In this way, by assessing the potential level of the regions, their facilities and capabilities can be presented from different perspectives and the necessary tools can be provided to ascertain the decision for allocation of different resources in the territory. The aim of this study is to level, classify and spatial zoning of rural poverty in Hormozgan Province using environmental indicators and combined indicators. These indicators have been used to rank the rural areas of Hormozgan Province based on the level of environmental potential. The results of this study can be effective for decision-making officials and ultimately, the development of social justice.
Research Methods
The present research applied-developmental in terms of purpose. In respect of the type of methods it is a combination of descriptive-analytical and correlational methods. The data used were collected through statistics and information published from the identification of settlements and statistical yearbook published in 2016, meteorological data, topographic maps, geology and faults, etc. For data analysis, McGranhan method or correlation coefficient method was used. Furthurmore, calculating the sum of points has been used to weight the indicators. The fuzzy scaling method is one of the most common and important methods for normalizing stability indices, which is the basis of many other methods and is also mentioned in the sources with titles such as deprivation coefficient. Indicators with a positive aspect (ascending) and indicators with a negative aspect (descending) have different computational bases. This method has also been used to determine deprivation coefficients and the Combined Human Development Index in the UN Human Development Report. This method also uses Spearman correlation coefficient. Kramer correlation coefficient has been used to express the degree of correlation between the two variables studied independent variables (environmental factors) and dependent variables (economic development).
Discussion and Conclusion
Based on the calculated combined environmental index score, 92 villages of Hormozgan province are located in 5 classes and zones. In 13.04% of the rural areas, the combined index score is less than 0.913 and in these rural areas, the environmental potential for development is very low. In 9.78% of the rural areas, the combined index score is between 0.914 to 1.095 and in these rural areas, the environmental potential for development is low. 38.04% of the rural areas in terms of environmental potential are in the range of 1.096 to 1.279, which is at an average level. Combined environmental index score in 28.26% of rural areas is between 1.280 to 1.462 and these rural areas have great potential in terms of environmental indicators. In 10.87% of the rural areas, the score of the combined environmental index is 1.463 and more. These rural areas have a great environmental potential. Among the rural districts of Hormozgan Province, Koukherd and Fatoueh Rural Districts are from Koukherd and central district of Bastak County, Gafer, Darabsar, Jakdan and Sardasht Rural Districts of Gaofroparmon, Gohran and central district in Bashagard County; Bandar Charak Rural District of Shibkuh District in Bandar Lengeh County; Rovidar Rural District of Rovidar District in Khamir County; Faryab Rural District of the central district in Rudan County and Cheragabad, Karian and Gorband Rural District of Tokhoor and central districts of Minab County are among the rural districts that are in a low situation of environmental capabilities and potentials. As the results suggest, the highest percentage of frequency is related to the level of moderate and low environmental poverty and the lowest percentage is related to rural areas with high environmental poverty and very low environmental poverty. That is, out of 92 rural areas in Hormozgan Province, 12 villages are very high in poverty, 9 villages are very poor, 35 villages are moderately poor, 26 villages are low in poverty and 10 villages are very low in poverty.
The results suggest that there is a direct and significant relationship between environmental variables and rural economic development. The significant level (0.000) indicates the relationship between independent variables (environmental factors) and dependent (economic development). Rainfall, water resources, climate, land potential and natural hazards (earthquake and flood) are the most important environmental indicators that can play a role in limiting the economic development of rural areas in Hormozgan Province.
The main natural environmental limitations for rural economic development in Hormozgan Province are the following:
  • Low precipitation with unfavorable time and space distribution, hence lack of water resources, as a result, it is difficult to regenerate the natural forests and pastures and return to normal balance.
  • Extension and multiplicity of saline formation along with alkalinity, which has made a large part of the province's water and soil resources saline and inutile.  
  • Risks caused by natural disasters, the influx of dunes and desertification with a negative inclination in pasture production and lack of investment to protect forests and pastures, water and soil and rural fuel supply.
  • Continuation of drought and its negative consequences in agriculture, urban and rural development.
  • Existence of unfavorable weather conditions that cause severe depreciation of material capital and machinery compared to other regions of the country. Also, the biggest problem in rural employment is the inadequacy of income from economic activities (mainly agriculture and maritime). One of the most important strategies in the field of agriculture is the development of greenhouse cultivation due to the conditions of water resources and shortages in this sector.

Hossein Mikhak, Fereshteh Hafezi, Tahereh Sadeghloo,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Animal husbandry and livestock raising as the most important agricultural sub-sector reduces poorest people's vulnerability all over the world by providing them a "food safety network". In this regard, ranchers are facing key challenges such as low yields of cattle, lack and fragmentation of pasture, water shortage and need to irrigate pastures and meadows, competition for land due to growing demanding for farming lands. The rural cattle farming units have the least competition for global food supply, and production in these types of units is being done on small and limited farms in terms of resources. The other characteristics of rural cattle farming units are dependence on pastures, grazing, mixed production and individual ownership. In modern and industrial farms, by continuous monitoring and control the production, welfare and health of animals and environmental conditions are improved and they are able to detect heat stress, infection, or air quality problems and take immediate action in response to them. Given the future global demand for food supply, undoubtedly, traditional systems will not be able to meet these needs; and one of the logical solutions to solve this problem is to accelerate the conversion of traditional husbandry systems to semi-industrial and industrial systems. Undoubtedly, this conversion can increase the amount of food in the country and the province in the future. Therefore, for development of rural cattle farming units, it is necessary to identify the development factors of these units so that by awareness of these factors, decision makers in the husbandry and agriculture sectors would provide appropriate and efficient strategies to achieve the important and fundamental goal of increasing livestock production through principled planning.
Research Method
This research is practical, done in descriptive-analytical methodology and field survey method is used for data collection. The statistical population of this study consists all of beneficiaries of rural cattle farming units in Khorramabad in 2018 (N = 4762). From 4762 ranchers, 185 were selected using the Cochran formula as sample size in this studied community. Then, ranchers were selected by multi-stage sampling method and the required data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. The visual and conceptual narrative validity of the research instrument was confirmed by surveying faculty members of the Department of Rural Economics and Development of Lorestan University. To assess the reliability, pre-test and calculation of Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient were used. In descriptive statistics section, statistics such as frequency, mean, standard deviation and minimum and maximum were used to describe the characteristics of ranchers. In the statistical inference section, the correlation coefficient, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used to compare the average views of traditional ranchers and managers of semi-industrial farms in the development of rural cattle farming units. Also, the classification of factors affecting the development of rural cattle farming units was done through exploratory factor analysis. The above cases were done using SPSS software.
Discussion and conclusion
According to the obtained results, the tendency of rural cattle farming units to development, among more than half of the ranchers, is in low and relatively low level (72.2%). There is also a positive and significant relationship at 1% level between variables of number of cows, income and land area in rural areas with tendency to development of rural cattle farms. According to the results of exploratory factor analysis, the factors that affect development of farm dairy units in Khorramabad were categorized into six factors: 1) price-credits, 2) services-supportive, 3) infrastructure, 4) veterinary and breeding services, 5) educational-promotional and 6) supportive. These factors were able to explain 76.93% of the total variance. According to the results of the research, these suggestions are provided: government support through the payment of low-interest facilities, needs assessment, holding special meetings for rural ranchers, improving ranchers' attitudes toward livestock insurance and increasing their satisfaction with insurance services.

Dadollah Behmand,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Failure to recognize the state and bottlenecks of agriculture is a serious obstacle to the balanced distribution of resources and the comprehensive planning to address less developed areas. Understanding these issues and developing appropriate programs to eliminate or reduce them include: improving agriculture, optimizing the potential of the agricultural sector, increasing production, increasing farmers' incomes, consolidating rural populations, and promoting the agricultural development of the region. This requires determining the developmental levels of the studied area in terms of agricultural development indicators in order to analyze the agricultural situation in the region. Therefore, in order to be more precise in planning and achieve sustainable agriculture development, it is necessary to identify agricultural areas regarding development and inadequacy. Hence, measuring the level of agricultural development in different areas, with regard to natural capacities and institutional constraints and management conditions, is of particular importance in recognizing the regional differences in development, special talents, deprivations and inequalities. In this way, agricultural development planning is orientated appropriately in terms of area urgency, volume of investments, types of programs and actions, thus, balanced management and planning of agricultural development requires recognition.
Materials and methods
The type of research is applied and developmental and its method is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population is 8 counties in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces based on the census of 2016. The required information is collected from the Statistical Yearbook (2016), the organization of Agriculture-Jahad, the Agricultural Census and the Organization of Statistics. The studied indicator is agricultural in this research which consists of 34 variables. Also, the selection of variables in a way that emphasizes all aspects of the agricultural index (manpower, infrastructure, mechanization, health, etc.) are emphasized. The weight of each of the variables is determined by the AHP method (Pair-wise copmarison). In this research, SPSS, Excel and quantitative programming models (VIKOR, TOPSIS and SAW) were used to analyze the data of agricultural development in the provinces of the region. Given the fact that the results of these three models were not consistent in some cases, a general consensus was used for the Copeland method. Finally, in order to proper understanding of the development situation in the county, development maps are drawn using the GIS software.
Results and discussion
The results of this study indicate that in the TOPSIS model there is no county in the province with a very high development status. Bahmei and Boyerahmad counties are in relatively agricultural developed condition, Kohgiluyeh, Cheram and Dena in the situation and finally 37/5 percent of the counties, namely, Basht, Gachsaran and Landie counties are relatively deprived and undeveloped in terms of the agricultural index. The analysis of the results of the Vikor model showed that Boyerahmad with a value of 0/091 is in the first rank of agricultural development and in a fully developed state, Kohgiluyeh and Bahmei counties ranked second and third with respectively 0/245 and 0.296 scores and their situation is relatively developed. The most of the counties Charm, Dena and Lange, are numerically equal to 0/409, 0/487 and 0/584 respectively, ranked fourth to sixth, Gachsaran county with the score of 0/712 is ranked seventh and the development status is relatively deprived, and eventually the county of Basht with a numerical value of 1 is ranked 8th and a very unfavorable condition (completely deprived). Also, the results of the SAW model indicate that Boyerahmad County (rank 1) is in a very high development status.
The present study was carried out using agricultural index in the form of 34 variables that were not included in any of the researches done in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province, while presenting realistic findings on the state of development of the agriculture, rational realism for planners - urban and regional, both at provincial level and at country level. A review of the research background and research findings suggest that the results of the study are credible and confirm the results of previous surveys. The findings of the research indicate the agricultural development gap among counties of the province. The results of this study homogeneous with other researches of Fotros & Baheshti Far (2009), Kohnalsal and Rafiee (2010), Jamshidi (2011), Tavakoli (2012 and 2014), BabaeiAgdam et al (2016).
The study of the development condition of agricultural areas of the county using the integrated model showed that in the counties of the province, there is no one with a very high agricultural development status. The county of Boyer Ahmad has a score of 0/797 in the first rank (relatively developed) and the county of Basht with a difference of 0/653 and a combined index of 0/44 in the eighth place (the state is totally deprived of development). Also, 37.5% of the counties (Boyerahmad, Bahmei and Kohgiluyeh) were relatively developed, 25% of the counties (Dena and Chram Counties) were in moderate development, 25 percent (Gachsaran and Lande Counties) were relatively deprived, and, finally, 12.5% ​​of the them (Basht) are totally deprived.

Bahman Khosravi Pour, Maryam Tahmasebi, Maryam Ameri,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

The experience of pursuing development goals in many countries show that achieving the objectives depend on considering the position and role of women as part of the active labor force of society especially in rural areas, which will ultimately lead to economic and political development. In addition, due to the large number of unemployed population especially women in rural areas, small home businesses have been created by using their individual creativity and the capacities of rural communities, exploiting new opportunities, dissemination and strengthening of sustainable innovations. This is one of the important priorities of development strategies that can play a significant role in empowering local people, reducing poverty and improving the livelihood of rural households.
In the meantime, supporting local financial investments and guiding women in order to set up micro-credit funds, seems to be a fundamental and appropriate solution for business development and economic prosperity of local communities. This will create economic, social and institutional equality, and provide training and business opportunities.
Given the importance of women's participation in economic activities to accelerate and facilitate the process of rural development, this study aims to identify the factors affecting entrepreneurship development from the of members’ perspective of rural micro-credit funds, i.e. rural entrepreneurs in Abadan County. Businesses such as alfalfa and various vegetables cultivation, production and supply of indigenous chicken, etc., which are agricultural-oriented and form the basis of women's economic activities.

The present study seeks to identify the underlying factors affecting the development of rural women entrepreneurship, hence it is considered an applied research. The research design and data collection method is based on the non-experimental survey approach.  The statistical population of the study included 100 rural women members of micro-funds in Abadan who has started, managed and developed their businesses. A sample of 80 people was randomly selected for the query using Morgan table.   The research measurement tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The content validity of the measurement tool was verified by practitioners and leading women entrepreneurs in the region. The reliability of the measurement tool was also evaluated and confirmed by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient regarding the current and optimal status of the effective factors.
Discussion and conclusion
According to the findings of the study, the average age of sample was 34.3 years. More than half of them had primary and secondary education, and one tenth had university education. 2.5% were heads of households and their average economic activity was reported to be 4.5 years. The results showed that preparing households and citizens to encourage women to produce and work by government agencies has the highest score in the current situation. Also, the provision of inputs needed by women to produce goods and services, the land devotion for business development and the provision of insurance services to women entrepreneurs were at the lowest level. Also in the desired situation, the first three priorities were the establishment of entrepreneurship incubators in rural areas, providing financial assistance in the form of subsidies and easy access of entrepreneurs to the required information, knowledge and technology. These can be combined to the three priorities mentioned above. It is concluded that if specialized centers for entrepreneurship consulting and business development are established in rural areas in order to educate and empower women and identify their and train them in the mentioned centers. As a result, entrepreneurship development can use practical advice and credit and facility support, improve the business of rural women with a more appropriate approach.  Also, the factors affecting the business development of rural women were classified into 5 categories: technical, institutional-infrastructural, educational, cultural and social factors. Based on them it is suggested that in order to promote sustainable production activities in rural communities, a working group consisting of provincial and local managers , executive administration, CEOs of credit funds, financial institutions such as Omid Entrepreneurship Fund along with other business environment development actors (representative of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Security, representative of the development of deprived areas from presidential office, etc.).  Furthermore, it is needed to establish a city and provincial business office, and facilitate women’s progress while carefully analyzing their obstacles and problems. In addition, designing, and implementing a comprehensive business and entrepreneurship development projects that plans an activity to its development and stability is suggested. Establishment of entrepreneurship incubators in rural areas and arranging various educational-promotional programs by attracting the active participation and dynamism of rural women will increase the knowledge and experience of women entrepreneurship. Also, in order to increase the success rate of credit funds and present successful business plans among rural women, it is necessary to seriously pursue and implement entrepreneurial training and design programs with emphasis on regional potentials and based on creativity and innovation. So, courses on how to start a business and improve your business seems to be effective.

Zohreh Maryanaji, Ali Vejdani Nozar,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Agriculture is the main axis of economy and development of rural areas of Azna County, which has an important role in the performance of the village and the rural environment. Regarding to natural environment and climatic factors, performance evaluation of agricultural products is one of the important pillars of sustainability of food supply and rural economy. Climatic hazards such as frost cause damage to agricultural products and the economy of rural areas. Freezing and lowering the temperature in mountainous areas is very important. Because precipitation in these agricultural areas plays a key role in the region's economy.
Azna is one of the counties of Lorestan Province, whose rural areas, like most villages in the country, have an economy based on agricultural activities. In the villages of this city, in addition to the cultivation of conventional crops such as wheat, the cultivation of crops such as beans is common, as this city is the center of bean production in the province and the country. The climate of this region, which is partly affected by the geographical location of Azna County, has positive and negative effects on agricultural products such as beans. The occurrence of spring frosts has caused damage to this crop in recent years. In this regard, this study seeks to investigate the relationship between spring frost and bean crop yield and its effect on rural economy. Another goal of modeling is frost alternations and its relationship with crop yields.
Materials and Methods
Pearson correlation test was used to investigate the relationship between spring frost and bean cultivation performance. Two models of K-NN and artificial neural network were used to model the behavior of frost and its effect on frost in bean crop. For this purpose, 15-year statistics (2004-2008) of Azna meteorological station were used, which includes information on minimum temperatures and sub-zero temperatures and tolerance thresholds in different stages of bean plant phenology.
The nearest neighbor K-NN method is one of the most popular nonparametric regression methods. In this method, the prediction value distribution function is obtained using the nonparametric distribution of the kernel function. This model is formulated in such a way that whenever conditions similar to the historical conditions observed in the present occurrence, the probable conditions in the future will be similar to the conditions that occurred on that date.
Neural networks are actually mathematical models for the rapid and accurate processing of information that are able to communicate between the inputs and outputs of a physical system, connected by a network of nodes. In other words, the artificial neural network is a computational mechanism that is able to provide a series of new information by capturing and calculating information.
Discussion and conclusion
This research consists of two main stages. In the first step, the relationship between bean harvest rate and the phenomenon of freezing and frost is evaluated, and in the second step, using the K-NN algorithm and neural networks, the effects of freezing on bean cultivation are predicted based on observational data Based on the data extracted from the minimum daily temperature of Azna station., which indicates the long frost season in this region. The mild frosts occur mostly in October (6 cases) and the rest in December (8 cases). The earliest date of frosts is on the 20th of October and the latest date of frosts is on the 18th of December.
The results of Pearson test showed that there is a correlation coefficient (42%) between bean harvests in Azna villages with spring frosts. In other words, the occurrence of spring frosts reduces bean yield by up to 42%. As a result, the level of farmers' incomes decreases and farmers whose source of income is heavily dependent on annual crops experience severe economic fluctuations. Other objectives of the study were to model the temperature drop and frost damage in crops and bean yield in Azna County using two approaches K-NN and artificial neural network. The results of Nash-Sutcliffe and RMSE statistics in the K-NN model are (76.4%) and (0.0785), respectively, while the same statistics in the artificial neural network model are equal to (81.5%) and (0.0688).
Therefore, in the same condition, the artificial neural network model predicted the actual data better, based on computational data. Thus, in agricultural economics development plans, this model provides a merrier estimate of the state of frost and its effect on bean crop yield. Lowering the production, crop frost will affect other indices such as employment rate, income shortage, savings and investment by reducing production. Because cultivated area of this crop is higher than other crops, frost in beans has caused great economic losses.

Seyed Hassan Motiee Langroudi, Fazileh Dadvar Khani, Hadi Yaghoot Hardani, Mojtaba Ghadiri Masom,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

In recent years, environmental concerns have been raised as one of the major global challenges and issues that affect countries both individually and collectively, so efforts to integrate the principles and aims of sustainability and environmental as well as economic and social considerations have become one of the main priorities of development planners and politicians, including rural development decision makers. In this regard, strategic approaches to environmental assessment are the most powerful methods and tools to achieve the aforementioned goal, which can be available to rural development planners and decision makers. These approaches are formal, systematic, and comprehensive processes that separately or integrated with planning systems identify, predict, evaluate, address, and mitigate biophysical, economic, and other aspects of development before making key decisions and adopting strategic actions. The approach is currently being introduced in many countries as a support tool for decision-making and a prerequisite for the approval, prescribing, implementation of economic policies, plans and programs, and economic investment projects. Today, due to the extraordinary capabilities of strategic approaches to environmental assessment, their application in the rural development planning and decision-making system is considered as an inevitable necessity. Based on the experiences of several decades of development planning in Iran, focused on rapid economic growth has led to neglecting environmental, economic and social considerations in various national, regional and local development activities and initiatives. rural areas, as a result, are not exception from significant and uncontrollable damage to human and natural environment. This is especially true for Khuzestan Province in south west of Iran, especially its rural areas, which are directly dependent on natural resources and environmental capital for their livelihood and are subject to many development projects. By such an approach, the purpose of this study is to conceptualize the strategic approach of environmental assessment in rural development planning. In addition to its application to screen environmental effects and consequences of the strategic plan of economic development of counties in Khuzestan, as one of the most important and effective strategic initiatives for rural and urban settlement development.
The present research is applied based on the purpose and type of research, and descriptive and survey (analytical) methods in terms of nature and method. Strategic environmental screening of the strategic plan of economic development in Khuzestan Province has been done in the framework of fuzzy Delphi technique and with the advice and survey of 26 responsible practitioners in various fields related to rural planning and to 33 key environmental components. According to this framework, two basic conditions such as the percentage of consensus of experts equal to / or more than 75%. Moreover, the condition of standard rank based on the definite value of environmental importance equal to / or above the threshold (0.7) was considered as acceptance environmental significance criteria. The opinions of the expert group were collected and analyzed using a checklist and a screening matrix based on a 7-point Likert scale.
Discussion and conclusion
Strategic environmental screening findings showed that, from the perspective of the expert group, the effects and environmental consequences of the strategic plan of economic growth and development for Khuzestan counties on 25 key environmental components, including the effect on biodiversity and habitats, population (concentration and migration), human welfare and livelihood, environmental health, flora (vegetation), soil, surface water resources, air quality, climatic conditions, material assets and renewable and non-renewable natural resources, rural landscape, land use, waste generation, rural and urban settlements, transport and communications, industrial structures, national and international protected and natural areas, national and international protected cultural areas, densely populated areas, areas with intensive land use. All of these components are in “noticeable” level and in the future can cause the formation and aggravation of environmental problems and issues.  Screening findings also showed that based on the consensus of the Expert Group (POC) and definite values of environmental importance (Amax/CV), the effects of strategic initiative on 8 environmental components including risk and impact on human health, animal cover, groundwater resources,  architecture and ancient values,  hazardous substances into the environment, the effect on areas with different protection regimes and other environmental components are less than the threshold of 0.7 and in the form of "non-noticeable". Given that, it can be concluded that the strategic plan of economic growth and development of Khuzestan counties for many screening criteria and key environmental components are vital. Furthermore, its implementation can have significant effects and consequences and irreversible damage to the environment of rural and urban areas. Thus, based on the findings of strategic environmental screening, the need for accurate environmental and technical assessments of the strategic initiatives to identify and analyze the effects and, if necessary, review, modify, improve or change the designed content and strategies. Also, it is recommended to anticipate and prepare appropriate mitigation actions.

Asghar Noor-Allahzadeh, Kambiz Hojaber Kiani, Farid Asgari,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

Increase in unemployment rate, along with growing resource depletion, is one of the economic-cultural challenges of many developing countries, including Iran. These problems are more deep and complex in rural areas. In other words, our society has been suffering from a lack of production for many years, and consequently, a high unemployment rate in rural areas, which has led to an increase in the rate of migration from rural to urban areas. Thus, in order to provide mutual financial support to small and medium-sized businesses with the priority of creating employment in rural and less privileged areas, it was licensed as a non-governmental public institution. The fund, as a support leverage of public governance, provides financial support to skilled individuals, females heads of households, villagers, elites and entrepreneurs in the form of creating a market-oriented micro-business in the form of “synergistic networking” with strategies for attracting public participation through the creation and development of local micro-funds, the development of charitable partnerships and the use of the capacity and economic benefits of the country in the development of micro and household industries with the priority of rural areas.
How to finance and invest by public and private groups, individual or group borrowers will be important and fundamental issues that play a decisive role in the success of the operation of micro-financial institutions because credit limits and how to provide collateral by borrowers and finance the institutions is one of the issues that play an important role in the success of these institutions. The more these institutions have a well-codified and well-planned program to overcome these limitations, the higher their success rate. This leads to the growth and development of rural areas. Finally, sustainable development will be accompanied by an increase in investment, production, employment, income, reducing the unemployment rate, equitable distribution of income, and etc. For this reason, the role of financing micro, small, medium businesses in Omid Entrepreneurship Fund as an organization for providing financial services, and examining how it affects the investment functions of this sector is of great importance in the issue of creating employment in rural areas and preventing migration to cities. Therefore, this study seeks to ask whether the financial services of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund have a positive effect on investment and employment functions in rural areas?

The present article is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose, application method, and conducted with econometric method. Its statistical population includes all small and medium workshops located in urban and rural parts of the country, which had less than fifty employees at the time of sampling. Also, the required information and data have been extracted through the library and field methods. Data related to SME financing discussion have been extracted and used from Omid Entrepreneurship Fund statistics system, as well as data related to value-added variables, number of employees, annual and per capita service compensation costs, investment value, in addition to statistics related to the ICT section, the two-digit ISIC classification codes was collected from the Statistics Center of Iran. Adding to these, the price adjustment rate was provided from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. International Standard Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) consists of a coherent and uniform structure for the classification of economic activities based on a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions, principles and rules of classification. This classification provides a comprehensive framework within which economic data can be collected and reported in a format designed for the purposes of economic analysis, decision-making, and policy-making. The classification structure provides a standard format for organizing detailed information about the state of a country's economy according to economic principles and awareness.

Discussion and conclusion
The value added of small and medium businesses has an upward trend from 2008 to 2014 and only in 2015 due to inflation and other fluctuations in the commodity market has decreased. In other words, it can be said that in all the study years, the value added trend has been an upward trend and only in the last year, due to the weakening of the power of small and medium enterprises, they have had a decreasing value added. Value added in 2008 started with 34.870 billion Rials and by 2014 has almost tripled to 92.292 billion Rials and decreased in 2015 to 84.913 billion Rials. The value of investment in small and medium enterprises, such as the value added of this sector, has increased until 2014, but has decreased in 2015. In fact, investment in small and medium enterprises in 2008 has increased from 6.421 billion Rials to 13.589 billion Rials in 2014, i.e., more than double the increase. but in 1394 this figure decreased to 11.336 billion Rials with a declining trend. One of the reasons for this is the effect of high inflation and reduced activity in small and medium enterprises due to the lack of profitability obtained from this type of economic activity. Given the results of the estimated models, it is concluded that the coefficients and parameters of the model, have a logical relationship with job creation in rural areas, despite being significant at an acceptable level. Thus, the variable coefficient of capital price has a negative relationship with employment in this sector. The price of capital, investment in this sector has increased, which leads to an increase in production, hence growth rural employment, which is a positive relationship for production or value added and labor wages in this sector. This will lead to increase in production or value added and labor wages, employment in villages.  As a matter of fact, the amount of employment elasticity in rural areas is 0.83% regarding production or value added, which means that with an increase of 1% value added, employment in this sector increases by 0.83%. This elasticity (elasticity of labor force employment) for compensation of labor force services and the price of capital is 0.15 and 0.07 percent, respectively. That is, in exchange for one percent increase in the compensating cost for labor services, employment increases by 0.15 percent, and in exchange for one percent reduction in interest rates, 0.07 percent employment increases.

Aliakbar Anabestani, Alireza Moieni, Amin Fa'al Jalali,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

Understanding the spatial distribution of job creation credits in rural areas of the country and planning based on is a way for the economic development of rural, which will result in the prosperity of the country's economy. Therefore, it is essential to know how the spatial distribution of rural employment credits in different areas for planning and informed intervention in this field. Furthermore, the study of the spatial distribution process of allocating job creation credits leads to identifying areas with poor performance in this regard. This recognition means that in the redistribution of capital resources, it is necessary to have a larger share of public payments to the weaker areas and changes in the spatial distribution of credit allocation activities to develop employment in these areas, in which case the comparative benefits of these areas increases and investors become more willing to invest in them. In this regard, determining the spatial distribution of credits and the process of job creation of sectors and major groups of economic activities and their spatial distribution in rural areas of Khorasan Razavi province is the purpose of this study. According to the above, the main goal of the research is to identify the privileged and underprivileged areas based on the distribution of credits related to employment to create a relative balance between different regions of the province. Despite being industrial and having employment opportunities, Khorasan Razavi province has many problems and anomalies regarding fair distribution. Interfering factors in the unequal spatial distribution of employment development facilities have led to increased migration flows, unbalanced economic facilities, spatial and welfare inequalities, and increased development gaps between rural areas. Therefore, learning the spatial distribution of job creation and distribution of credits is very important in providing spatial justice in distributing these indicators. Therefore, the main research question is the study of the spatial distribution of rural entrepreneurship credits in the rural areas of the cities of Khorasan Razavi province in 13 job fields?
Research Methods
The present study is descriptive-analytical, at the level of Khorasan Razavi province and by city. The required information is from the data of the General Department of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Khorasan Razavi Province, which to register and receive loans for entrepreneurial credits in thirteen main fields of energy, recycling, product packaging, ecotourism, livestock and agriculture, clothing, health, Saffron and medicinal herbs, rural services, handicrafts, greenhouse products, tourism and ecotourism, and information technology. First, while examining the spatial distribution of rural entrepreneurship facilities and credits in different fields in the cities of Khorasan Razavi province in 1998, we used GIS software to show how the spatial distribution of employment loans in the province's cities. Next, using the MABAC method, the distribution of loans received by the villagers was ranked. Later, using the obtained data identified the most important areas of business paid grants in the province's cities. Then the amount of paid grants in each area and separately in the province's cities were determined.
Discussion and Conclusion
The concentration of economic factors in a region plays an essential role in the formation of regional inequalities. Regional balances in the distribution of job creation opportunities enable government officials to make favorable decisions for the productivity and development of regions, and this contributes to regional economic growth. Therefore, although the geographical distribution of regional employment facilities has been the focus of empirical and theoretical studies of some researchers, the existence of regional inequalities in economic functions, primarily regional employment conditions, is an important issue. It is always the concern of national and regional policymakers. The results of studies in each of the subdivisions of the distribution of job creations credits showed that the most credits allocated in each field in different cities are as follows: energy in Binaloud and Kalat, recycling, rural services, and clothing in Sabzevar, ‌ Packaging in Khalil Abad, ecotourism in Chenaran, livestock and agriculture in Quchan, health in Joghatay, saffron, medicinal herbs, and greenhouse products in Mashhad, handicrafts in Kalat, tourism and ecotourism in Torbat-e Jam, ‌and information technology in Zaveh. Based on the results of this research and the analysis performed in the MABAC model, the highest amount of loans and occupation facilities was allocated to Mashhad city with 9 billion and 610 million Tomans and the lowest to Davarzan with 655 million Tomans. Therefore, we can say that Mashhad city, as the center of the province and rural areas around this metro, has the possibility of doing more activities, so they have the largest amount of loans and credits received. These conditions indicate that there is inequality between the province's cities in terms of the amounts allocated in loans and credits. In addition, the results of previous studies such as Bakhtiari (2002), Misri Nejad and Turki (2004), and Barghi et al. (2011) show that economic and business variables are unequally distributed at the regional level. This form of distribution affects the incidence of regional inequalities. Accumulation of capital and financial resources leads to the growth of labor, employment, and foreign direct investment, creating a competitive market structure, improving human capital, creating institutional changes, improving infrastructure, increasing savings rates, initial productivity, and so on.

Aliakbar Najafi Kani, Kobra Najafi,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

The tourism industry can provide a good platform for investment, and because of its less reliance on resources, provides an opportunity for less developed countries to stimulate their economic growth to increase production and create job opportunities. Meanwhile, the villages have very favorable and special conditions in accordance with their cultural, social, economic, geographical and natural structure. Today, tourists are interested in visiting farms, orchards, groves, springs, cultural and tourist landscapes in rural settlements. Therefore, planning to use them to develop rural tourism is inevitable. Undoubtedly, rural tourism is a reliable source in many developed and developing countries, which can have a significant impact on increasing the income of villagers. One of the biggest benefits of the rural tourism sector is to create income and increase wages, and consequently to improve the economic situation for the people who work there. Accordingly, the overall purpose of this study is to investigate the capacity of tourism development and provide solutions to develop tourism in mountainous villages near the metropolis of Tehran.
Damavand County is in Tehran Province, which has been selected as a typical tourism region of Iran. According to the 2016 census, its population is 125480 people. This county with an area of 1932 square kilometers, includes five districts named Damavand, Absard, Kilan, Rudehen and Abali, two districts including central and Rudehen and 111 villages. Its average height above sea level is 2300 meters.
The center of this county (Damavand city) is located 75 km away from Tehran and has an average height of 2051 meters and its population is 48380 people.
The central district of the county consists of three rural districts, Jam Abroud, (Absard city as capital), Abarshiveh Rural District, (Sarbandan village as the capital), and Tarrud Rural District, (Mara village as the capital), which overall have 87 villages.
Damavand mountainous and countryside county, with its many capabilities and diverse geographical landscapes, has potential and actual capabilities to attract tourists. Abali track, lakes such as Tar and Havir lakes, several waterfalls such as Tizab, Ayeneh Rud. Cheshmeh A'la and Roodafshan Cave and its numerous springs, beautiful gardens and farms, and a very pleasant climate are among its tourist attractions.
The most important attractions of this area attract many nature enthusiasts. For many years, it has been used by the public, especially the residents of the metropolis of Tehran, and many travelers travel from other areas, so comprehensive understanding, design, and proper management to develop tourism in this area is essential and inevitable. Accordingly, the present study, by examining and explaining the important factors of tourism development, tries to consider the welfare of present and future generations, improvement in the quality of life and finally improvement of economic and social welfare level and creating a healthy rural environment in the study area. According to the mentioned issues, the fundamental questions of the research are as follows:
  • What is the capacity of rural tourism in the studied villages?
  • What are the key strategies to solve tourism issues in rural areas?
Research Methodology
Research type is applied research and the research method is descriptive-analytical and field study. The statistical population of the present study is rural households living in the twelve studied villages that according to the 2016 census the population is equal to 14024 people and 3600 households, 15 questions in this research as tourism development capacity and 18 questions as possible challenges for tourism development. It was set in a five-level Likert item (very low, low, medium, high and very high). Tables 1 and 2 demonstrate the reliability of the research instrument using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the studied components which were 79%, the sample size was 260 by using Cochran's formula and the number of samples was randomly simple/systematic after measuring, the generators were analyzed by using SPSS software and using a hierarchical cluster analysis method.

Discussion and Conclusions
The results of studies in the field of rural tourism show that tourism is an important factor in the occurrence of positive and negative changes in the economic, social and environmental fields at the local and regional levels. Although this activity can lead to the development of rural areas, it can have both adverse consequences. The results of the Friedman Test for measuring the tourism development capacity explain a significant difference at the 99% level with each other. Also, for the challenges of tourism development a significant and 95% difference between the investigated indices is observed. The results of the hierarchical cluster analysis test (neighborhood matrix calculations) Euclidean distance of each village is compared to the next village and based on this, the similarities and differences of the villages have been explained. Then, the clustering process is done in eleven stages, and the studied villages are classified into four categories in terms of tourism capacity. The first cluster villages (Moomej, Jaban Ayneh Varzan) and the second cluster villages (Sarbandan, Zan, Seyyedabad, Havir, Dehnar and Shalambeh) have the most tourism development capacity respectively. Although the third cluster village (Vadan) and the fourth cluster villages (Sorkh Deh and Hashemak) have many tourist attractions compared to the first and second cluster villages, they have lower tourism development capacity. The studied villages are also divided into four categories in terms of the challenges of tourism development. The first cluster village (Moomej village) and the second cluster villages (Jaban, Sarbandan, Vadan, Zan, Ayneh Varzan, Seyyedabad, and Dehnar) have the most challenges in tourism development, respectively. However, the villages of the third cluster (Havir and Shalambeh) and the villages of the fourth cluster (Sorkh Deh and Hashemak) have the least challenges respectively. It can be concluded that while some villages have a high tourism potential based on studied indicators, some of them are also more vulnerable. Therefore, the endeavor of all local managers and officials towards the comprehensive management of rural tourism development is essential and inevitable.

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