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Showing 2 results for Evaluation

Shah-Bakhti Rostami, Mohammad Mirza-Ali,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Rural conducted plan is being imposed to accomplish rural development. In fact, these plans are regarded as a document for social – economic development at village level. These plans aim to meet all of residential, services and entertainment needs within their time period taking into account village settings as well as the relevant ultra-plans. However, the implementations of these plans face some problems. This world be intensified taking into account unplanned rural development and shortage in corresponding allocated credits. These plans are ordered by Islamic housing institute. However, there exists some regional differences among geographical spaces. This in turn reduces the degree of accuracy of these plans and demand them some modification. The study area is villages of GonbadKavuoos. It further aims to investigate the locational criteria for different land uses pertaining to rural conducted plans. The research method is based on descriptive – analytical approach and it has applied nature as well. It is based on survey technique. This study suggests that locational criterion for these types of plans have been proposed. However, the lack of monitoring during implementation has diverted these plans from their predetermined goals.

Nasr-O-Llah Mulayi-Hashjin, Abdollhamid Nazari, Vahid Adeli-Mosayeb,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Iran’s agricultural sector comparing with the other economic sector suffers from subsistence method. Small farm size, scatter distribution of holdings, lack of an appropriate irrigation and drainage systems, and non-existence of roads between farms have led to increase in production costs and reluctance regarding agriculture activities and relevant investment. This in turn demands the implementation of equipped – renovated rice paddies plan. The study area is Soome-e Sara. Research method is based on analytical – descriptive method. This is followed by application of field work via observation, interview and filling the questionnaire in order to determine the economic impacts as well as the mechanization and its subsequent labor forces release as a result of implementation of the mentioned plan in the study area. Based on Morgan’s table, 376 questionnaires were distributed among the rural settler’s. This is followed by coding and SPSS analysis. This study suggests that the implementation of the mentioned plan has led to reduction in rice production costs, increase in efficiency and peasant incomes. It is further argued that needed labor force in new rice field is lower than the non-applied plan fields. Moreover, peasants possess job variation in new rice paddies as opposed to non-applied plan paddies. Furthermore, number of peasants deal with second round crop in new farms is more than the traditional one. However, the area under cultivation for second round crop in these villages which adopt the plan is more than the traditional one.

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