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Showing 1 results for Practicality of Ideas.

Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh, Afshin Jazini, Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

The formation of idea is being considered as a first step regarding the creation of new innovative thoughts in any organization. That is idea processing is an important phase regarding the development of new products as well as innovations. Idea about new products processes and markets create new opportunities which potentially is capable of new innovations. This in turn, accelerates and improves organizational functionality. The development of new idea provides organization with competence capabilities at global level. This is a prerequisite for any organization as far as the success issue is concerned. In fact, creativity of the workers associated with level of technology and market presence is a major asset of any organization. The high speed of information flow made some organizations incapable of appropriate competition. This could demand application of continuous flow of ideas to fuel the innovation those practitioners associated with technical and vocational organizations could be considered as major source of new ideas. However, the development as well as the practicalities of new ideas demands specific institutional and social backgrounds. People pertaining to different groups are better able to interchange ideas. The major objective of this paper is to identify the prominent factors responsible for functionality of entrepreneurial ideas regarding internship practitioners in rural educational base associated with Isfahan office of technical and vocational education.
This study is based on descriptive-analytical research method along with application of questionnaires. Statistical participation led society comprised of 2300 interns who in rural technical-vocational educational base in Isfahan during 2011-2014 training period. 322 questionnaires were determined to be appropriate for the analysis. This study further supported by application of Cochran formula and classified random sampling. The viability of  thequestionnaire first based on Isfahan technical vocational expert view points and through Kronbakh varied between 0.88 - 0.940. This study further demands application of principle component analysis, in other to deduct the number of influential variables into relevant factor. Eigenvalue more than 1 was determined as a base for extraction of significant factors. Varimax rotation was applied as well. This study further requires U Mann-Whitney & Kruskal Wallis in order to compare averages pertaining to extracted factors related to respondent groups.
In spite of positive altitude of the respondents to ward training activities, due to existence of certain circumstances in clouding lack of familiarity as well as accessibility regarding creation of entrepreneurial ideas, internets, social press media and newspapers, these ideas did not get a chance to be productive and practical. Moreover, external factors such as physical and financial resources and facilities had lower impacts regarding the conversion of ideas into opportunities. Finally, family supports and social capital components due to small rural settlements as well as the composition of the respondent groups (female as a major group), need to be considered as well.

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