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Showing 62 results for Rural Development

Seyyed Hassan Motiee Langeroudi, Zahra Heydari,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2012)

Rural areas taking into consideration their eco-tourism and natural attractions are among the target of tourism activity. With the consideration of low income level of rural communities, tourism is an appropriate alternative regarding job opportunities and promotion of rural financial capabilities. The major objective of this study is to investigate the potential of coastal rural areas of Tonkabon with respect to fishing activity as far as job opportunities and income earning capabilities is concerned. Research method of this study is based on survey technique and questionnaire. This paper carries descriptive as well as analytical approach. Sample size of 100 were extracted. Data were analyzed via SPSS, regression correlation and T and Freedman tests .This paper suggests that the study area possesses high potentials regarding fishing activities. That is, tourists are more interested in fishing activities if the corresponding infrastructures, suitable accommodations were available in advance.

Hassan Afrakhteh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2012)

Despite all initiatives and endeavors, Iran’s rural communities are encountering with challenges regarding the achievement of comprehensive development. Space economy is associated with location distribution of economic activities as well as movement and flow of population, goods, services, and capital. These in turn, would have great impact upon the development level of different settlement including towns and countries and their interrelations. The major objective of this study is to investigate the impact of space economy upon rural development. The study area is Shaft district located in Gilan providence. Data gathering technique is tied to direct observation, interview with local folks as well as filling questionnaire .This is further supported by application of inferential statistics including regression correlation techniques and top SIS model. This study suggests that concentrated social-economic system is associated with imbalanced location of economic activities. It is argued that spatial arrangement of economic activities is major determinant of flow of population, goods, services, and capital and further influence regional development of rural as well as urban nodes. This in turn, would question the qualification of rural
Farshad Momeni,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2012)

The major objective of this paper is to determine the impact of inappropriate planning on economic function and further to explain the link between oil rent and rural development. The research method is based on descriptive-analytical one. However, this analysis is geared toward combination of institutionalized pattern with emphasis on dependency upon marched path and political economy rent. This study suggests that the failure of our policy constitute the major core of the problem. This similarly exemplified itself in different historic periods with or without dependency upon oil. This paper further tries to propose some
suggestions and recommendations in order to get out of this political failure phenomena.

Mojtaba Ghadirimasoum, Hadi Gharagozloo,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2013)

The construction of industrial towns and regions are being considered as an important strategies regarding rural development. However, Iran is not an exception. It is being argued that by 2010, there exists 335 industrial regions. This in turn, could explain prominent changes associated with rural areas. The research method of this study is based on descriptive- analytical method. 50 out of 139 employed people were extracted. This study further is supported by application of McNamara and Wilcoxon non-parametric tests. This study suggests that there exists signification difference and variation with regard to income, variance in occupations, job satisfaction as well as security, improvement in nutrition and quality of life indices. However, there are not major significant variations regarding community participation, ownership, and rural inertia.

Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2013)

Limitation regarding water resource along with skyrocketing population growth and its subsequent agricultural production consumption, demand more attention with respect to rational methods of water use and as well as improvement in irrigation system. This in turn will lead to provision of ample water resource and increase in agricultural crops as well as helping the country’s economy. Taking into consideration that agriculture is being consideration as major economic sector in rural areas, thus increase in production level along with decrease in its relevant costs could play a prominent role in social and economic trends of rural areas. The major objective of this study is to investigate the impact of practice of under pressure irrigation system on agriculture status of Khodabandeh County. The research method is based on descriptive – analytical as well as surveymethods. The population is composed of 800 of family households in Khodabandeh in 2011-2010 in which 168 were extracted via Kokrans formula and random sampling technique. This study more specifically deals with questionnaire which its viability was proven by extension agricultural experts. According to Chrombakhs reliability is amounted to be 0.79. This study further supported by SPSS software. This paper suggests that the implication of this irrigation system leads to some economic, social, and environmental impacts on agricultural situation of the study area. It is argued that according to T test with 99% confidence level, there exists significant difference with regard to per capita yield as well as provision of job opportunities comparing with past, that is prior to new irrigation system. Moreover, according to principle component analysis, economic, environment, agricultural inputs, and social factors with 17.261, 16.262, 14.729, 12.201 respectively are capable of explaining 60.45% of all variations.

Ahmad Farahani, Falsoliman Mahmod, Mohamad Hajipour, Nahid Haghdost, Morteza Felezi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2013)

Nowadays information technology indices are being concerned as measures of development. This in turn will lead to many advantages’ in different areas
for the evolved party. However, rural development is responsible for social and cultural changes. These could be exemplified itself in increase in job opportunities and rural income, improvement in nutrition’s standards as well as educational and sanitation-medical status. The provision of these them could prevent irrational rural urban migration. The major objective of this study is to investigate the impact of information technology on job opportunities, self employed phenomena, job skill, relevant general knowledge’s, specialized knowledge’s, and last but not least rural urban migration. This study is composed of all rural settlers between 15-30 age brackets living in southern Khorasan villages which are exposed with ICT services the sampling technique was based on regular clustering. As such 386 were selected. The research method is composed of descriptive and in feral statistics. It is further supported by filling questionnaire. This study suggests that the targets of information technology are predominately young. In addition, there exists significant variation and differences between the level of information technologies acceptance and improvement in general and specialized rural knowledge’s as well as self employed and increase in job skills.

Khadijeh Javanii, Esmail Karami Dehkardi, Hosin Farahani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2013)

Agricultural sustainability is being undoubtly considered as one of the most prominrnt sector of sustainable development. Bala Velayats settlers Torbate Heydareeyeh basically rely on orchard economy and more specifically on Safran for their livelihoods. This crop originally was cultivated in Khorasan this in turn requier special attention regardinng the sustainability issue. This paper aims to emphasis on social – economic sustainability regardingSafarans production. The research method of this study is based on both field works and documentary method. It is further supported by regression correlation analysis as a part of data gathering procedures, questionnaire were distributed among rural key and influential persons (Dehyaran) as well as 227 of peasants extracted out of 20 villages. This study suggests that the economic status of the peasants, their low income, price fluctuation of Safran, non-assured prices of Safran, lack of appropriate marketing, the high procurement costs, and incapability of government institutions regarding the creation of co-operative institutions responsible for transaction of Safran, all are being considered s major cause of Saran’s economic no sustainability. However, spontaneous community participation and their extravagant desire regarding cultivation of this crop are among sustainability’s elements. This in turn could justify the social sustainably of the villages. This study suggests that there exists a positive and significant correlation between levels of sustainably of this crop and literacy level of the population as an independent variable. This study further suggests that there exist a significant and negative correlation between sustainability of this crop and distance from the town as an independent variable.

Seyyed Hassan Moteei-Langroudi, Maryam Rezaeyeh-Azadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Economic outcomes and consequences are among one of the most prominent reasons for tourism planners. Tourism is being considered as major motive as long as the economic development is concerned. Taking into account peasant’s economic status as well as downward trend in agricultural activity and high rate of rural migration, there exists a need regarding an economic alternative complementary with agriculture. This in turn leads to rural sustainable development as well as sustainable livelihood. This is associated with improvement in quality of life and rural satisfaction. Band resort, a tourism destination located in vicinity of Oromee-e taking into consideration its prime location and eco-tourism potentials and its closeness to Oromee-e is capable of attracting many tourists. However, not all of the potentials and capabilities of this resort have been uncovered toward sustainable tourism economy. This study aims to investigate the economic impacts from host community’s point of view. It is based on descriptive and analytical method. Sample size happens to be 300 households extracted out of Band village. Data analysis requires application of non-parametric χ2 and T test. This paper shows that tourism has led to economic impacts including creation of job opportunities, revenue for the peasants. However, increase in land price is among its negative economic
Shah-Bakhti Rostami, Mohammad Mirza-Ali,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Rural conducted plan is being imposed to accomplish rural development. In fact, these plans are regarded as a document for social – economic development at village level. These plans aim to meet all of residential, services and entertainment needs within their time period taking into account village settings as well as the relevant ultra-plans. However, the implementations of these plans face some problems. This world be intensified taking into account unplanned rural development and shortage in corresponding allocated credits. These plans are ordered by Islamic housing institute. However, there exists some regional differences among geographical spaces. This in turn reduces the degree of accuracy of these plans and demand them some modification. The study area is villages of GonbadKavuoos. It further aims to investigate the locational criteria for different land uses pertaining to rural conducted plans. The research method is based on descriptive – analytical approach and it has applied nature as well. It is based on survey technique. This study suggests that locational criterion for these types of plans have been proposed. However, the lack of monitoring during implementation has diverted these plans from their predetermined goals.

Hamid Barghi, Yousef Ghanbari, Mohammad Saeedi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

Nowadays, rural councils are performing prominent role on rural development. It is argued that the creation of these bodies is among the major measures for organization of community participation regarding rural development. This study aims to investigate the role of rural Islamic council’s as well as the level of community participation upon rural development of Hossainabad in Najafabad. The research method is based on field work as well as questionnaire. It possesses descriptive-analytical nature. Statistical community is composed of two groups including households and member of rural councils. The sample size turns out to be 255 which were extracted by random sampling technique. As such 15 council members were interviewed. This study followed by application of Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in order to assure the normality of average score distribution. This is followed by application of T test in order to evaluate the council function. Comparison between the view points of the households and council members demands application of Mean Whitney U and non-dependent T. This study suggests that there is not a significant variation in rural council performance from economic aspect. However, social rural council performance is more appropriate comparing with their economic status. With respect to cultural aspect, the significance level is less than average. Moreover, the degree of rural community participation is amounted to be little over than average.

Hossein Farahani, Zahra Asdaghi-Saraskanrood, Mehrshad Tulabi-Nejad,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Nowadays, empowerment is being considered as one of the most applicable ways regarding development achievement. This is more applied to vulnerable rural peasants. It is argued that development without empowerment considerations in general namely as far as the rural settlers are concerned is an incomplete concept. Targeted subsidy could be very influential regarding empowerment of the rural settlers which is the main contribution of this paper. The research method has applied as well as analytical and descriptive nature. Data gathering was done through both survey and documentation procedure. It is followed by distributing questionnaire and conduction of personal interviews of household heads. As such, 10 villages (35%) out of 28 villages located in Jaider district of Poldokhtar were selected. Furthermore, 80 households were interviews via random stratified sampling technique. This is followed by application of SPSS and Wilcoxon non-parametric statistical test. This study suggests that there exists positive relationship between the received targeted subsidy and economic empowerment level of the rural settlers. That is one could observe relativity high purchasing power, increase in saving, reduction of poverty and increase in household welfare. However, the reductions in arable land, as well as decrease in agricultural investment level, high inflation and mortgages are among the main important negative impacts.

Mahdi Pour-Taheri, Abdol-Reza Roknoddin-Eftkhari, Mahnaz Rahbari,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Hidden properties and potentials of agricultural product provide grounds for this sector to play a prominent role in development process in general and rural development in particular. Special capabilities of each region in terms of growing particular crops and their subsequent role in provision of job opportunities as well as rural infrastructures and development could not be underestimated. Taking intoconsideration the role of pistachio in Damghanthis study aims to focus on the social and economic impacts of this crop upon farmers’life. The research method has descriptive - analytical nature which in turn demands application of SPSS.Sample size composed of 318 pistachio growers which was determined viaKokrans. This study suggests that economic impact of pistachios cultivation in terms of economic well-being, economic security and quality of employment compared with social impacts associated with level of participation and social capital is higher. moreover,there exists significant relationships between history crop practice, level of education,familiarity with market, level of mechanization as well as changes and as independent variables and with economic and social impacts each as dependent variable transformation in arable land. Moreover, access to banking credits,consultation services,household dependency rate,area of croplands, yield per acre, the application of new cropping methods and ownership are being considered as additional dependent variables which have relations.

Ali Shams-Aldini, Javad Etaat, Human Shahrivar,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2013)

Rural tendency toward continual participation of rural settlers in social, economic and political activities is being considered as one of the most prominent factor in rural development .However, it is being argued that political participation of people namely rural settlers does not necessarily lead to high level of awareness and overall and comprehensive social and economic development of subsistence communities.Rather,it may provide the ground for demanding their economic and service share and subsequent struggles and internal disputes. In Mamasani region located in Fars province,criteria with regard to peoples participation is not based on an open society rather, political participation principle follows the tribal expectation. This study aims to analyze the political participation trend of the rural settlers taking into account their tribal identity, in provision of economic and social services in rural communities. As such, 90 rural households extracted out of 4 villages with population over 1000 as sample. This paper considered the level of rural participation in national election as well as the determination of relationship between tribal identities of the house of representative with level of provided services in their rural communities. This study suggests that people who took part in election voted for nominees who have high tribal identity. Moreover, provision of services and welfare in villages is highly associated with representative’s identity and his tribal affiliation.

Jamshid Eynali, Ahmad Roumiani,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (6-2014)

Urban-rural linkages play a prominent role with regard to rural development. It is being argued that city considers as an engine of rural development thus urban-rural linkages and their nature and intensity demand thorough and comprehensive investigation. Provision of monetary and financial transaction the flow of capital including governmental construction budgets’, commodity transfers and individual as well as households based investments are the most valuable outcomes of urban-rural linkages. This study aims to investigate urban-rural linkages with particular emphasis upon individual investment with regard to tourism in the area. The nature of study is based on descriptive-analytical approach. Data were gathered via questionnaire and interviews. Statistical society is composed of all of the permanent rural residents. Data analysis requires application of Wilcoxon statistic as well as multi-variable regression. This study suggests that there exists significant difference regarding all of the variables prior and after of tourism development in the study area. Most of the variation is being explained by physical quality of rural dwellings as opposed to rural settler’s participation in general rural development especially regarding tourism activity. It further suggests that according to regression analysis, people satisfaction with respect of individual investment in rural development with regression coefficient of ٠.٦٨ has the greatest positive impacts.

Aaij Azmi, Hadi Almasi,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

New rural management and Islamic Councils are being considered as people-oriented institutions during last years with regard to rural economic development. This in turn, demands extra efforts for improvement of this institution status. The major objective of this study is to analyze the influential factors upon strengthening the economic role of these councils in rural area of Harsin (Kermanshah). The research method of this study is descriptive – analytical using questionnaire survey. The sample size is determined to be 50. The sampling techniques were based on simple random sample out of which 32 villages were selected. This is followed by application of Cronbach's for determination of research viability of the research data. K.M.O coefficient (o.7 and 0.71) as well as Bartlett’s test were used. Data analyses were done via utilization of descriptive methods including median, frequency, principle component analysis and Wilcoxon. This study suggests that there exist significant variation regarding economic service provision prior and after the foundation of these rural councils. Moreover, 6 preventive components with respect to economic rural development were identified. They include the legal deficiencies of the councils, their in capabilities related to passing economic rules, peoples cooperation with the councils, the community’s lack of familiarity with the council’s rules, the people’s lack of confidence regarding the council’s performance and their low financial and administrative authorization level. This is followed by identification of four other corresponding factor including community participation, better council membership selection procedure, high acquaintance of council’s members regarding rural economic problems, drawing governmental, public and private financial supports regarding rural projects and high intimacy of council members performance.

Hamdolah Sojassi Gheydari, Ahmad Rumiyani, Somayeh Sanei,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Industry is being considered as major economic element in any area. This in turn, is associated with prominent economic variables including production, employment and investment. It performs considerable role regarding environmental and social changes. More specifically, rural industries are responsible for provision of job-opportunities, prevention of rural-urban migrations, increase in economic productivity level, economic variation, and decentralization, and resource optimization. This means that rural industries are the major indicator of development level. It is argued that the assessment of rural industrial functions and consequences could assist the planners regarding the achievement of industrial sustainability in rural area. The major objective of this study is to assess and explain the rural industrial function taking into consideration sustainable development approach in Saein Ghaleh district located in Abhar. The nature of this study represents applied character. The research method is based on descriptiveanalytical one. It follows by field work and documentation survey. The sampling size using Cochran’s formula determined to be 104 households. This study suggests that there exist significant influences regarding rural industries and their corresponding economic, social, cultural and physical dimensions. Relative impacts of the industries upon rural development show high score regarding economic and environmental dimensions as opposed to physical dimension. Multiple regression analysis represents that economic dimension possess the highest score and value. Prioritizing of the rural area using victor model show that Chergar village possesses the highest score as opposed to SarveJahan.

Hojatollah Sadeghi, Mahmoud Falsoleyman, Sedigheh Hashemi, Masumeh Fadaee,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Iran’s border villages are encountering with service deficiencies regarding social, economic and cultural dimensions. However, these entities are facing with foreign propaganda for enlarging border ethnic groups delimits and ignorance of these area’s capabilities and potentials. This in turn, requires more attentions toward bordering village. The major objective of this study is to investigate the limitations as well as potentials and capabilities of bordering villages of Bandan District in Nehbandan. The research method is based on survey technique, field works and documentation. As such using Cochran formula 258 rural households were extracted out of 7577 pertaining to 17 villages of this district. The viability of this questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha (0.71) computation. It is further followed by application of T test, freedman, regression, and one way ANOVA. This study suggests that the economic, social status of these border villages are fairly is critical. This in turn is associated with environmental, management and security issues as well as ignorance of the region’s capabilities. It is argued that security and management variables possess the least averages as opposed to infrastructural indices. Moreover, there exists interrelationship among different indicators. That is improving one would enhance the others.

Masoud Mahdavi, Parvin Abdi,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

The achievement of sustainable development is being considered as prominent objective of rural planners. Agriculture is very important sector in this regard. Its associated activities could encompass all pillar of sustainability that is economic, environmental, social and institutional. Jouzan in Hamadan is being known as one of the major area regarding raisin as well as grape production. This in turn, is associated with sustainable rural economic development. The research questions are as follow: To what extent nuts and dried fruits are responsible for employment opportunities and income generation? Are these products capable of attracting investment?
Needed data were obtained through both field works and documentation. Statistical society composed of all rural settlers of Jouzan district. According to 2011 census this district encompasses 12 villages, 2204 households and 7301 persons. Maniran upper Nowshar due to high acreage of vine vary yard were chosen as sample villages via random sampling technique and Cochran formula. Viability of this study through application of Kronbakh alpha turned out to be 0.821.
This study suggests that the household’s status from income stand point compare with the time that this village was not involved in dried fruit production, greatly improved, number of created job due to construction of raison processing companies. It further shows that the amount of saving and purchasing power of rural settlers greatly promoted. The degree of investment in both private and public sectors increased thanks, to positive economic impact of raison and dried fruit production.

Hamid Borghi, Roghaye Taziki, Ramezan Toosi,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)

Variations in rural economy, prevention of the unprecedented rural-urban migration, and reduction in spatial imbalances between rural and urban areas via creation of industries namely industrial towns are being considered as the fundamental Iran’s policies regarding rural development. The major objective of this study is to identify and investigate the economic impact of Aghola industrial towns upon the adjacent rural areas located in Gorgan in Aghola.
This study from methodological stand point has descriptive- analytical nature. However based on its objective, possesses applied essence. The data gathering demands application of field works as well as documentation. The studied villages composed of 7 villages located in vicinity of this industrial town. 320 households were selected based on random sampling technique and Cochran formula. The credibility of the study was checked by rural studies experts. Viability determined to be 70 % based on Kronbakh Alpha. This study is further supported by principle component analysis as well as one way analysis of variance using SPSS.
This study suggests that the location of Aghola industrial town imposed a prominent economic impact upon the adjacent rural development. However, increase in welfare and purchasing power component compare with the other components possesses the highest significant difference.

Ali Akbar Najafi Kani, Mehdi Hesam, Hadiseh Ashor,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Nowadays, management and economy as science as well as entrepreneurship receive special attention. Strengthening entrepreneurship and creation of an appropriate setting for its development are being considered as a good tool for economic improvement namely in developing countries. Based on entrepreneurship world statement, there exist a high relationship between national economic growth and organizational and national entrepreneurship level. Generally speaking, entrepreneurs potentially exist in any country. However, one should put extra effort to increase their capabilities. Moreover, the existing structures should pave the way for proving themselves. As a matter of fact, entrepreneurs play a vital role regarding social and economic development and transformation. They act as a prime element for revitalization as well as continuation of development. That is why many governments in both developed and developing countries try to guide and encourage entrepreneurs and provide them relevant education .Iran experienced high rural-urban migration as a result of rural backwardness. This is associated with ghettoes, down grading of quality of life, low job opportunities, increase in crime and delinquency. The major objective of rural plan is the achievement of rural development. This in turn will lead to reduction of unemployment increase in job opportunities. These two phenomena are the resultant of Imbalanced labor force, demand and supply as well as decrease in agricultural growth sector in rural areas and decline in job opportunities (23.4%). It is argued that agricultural development by itself cannot guarantee rural economic development and irradiate poverty. Thus attention to other sectors is strongly suggested. Despite, the importance of entrepreneurial ship and its impact upon global economy, Iran has not paid an appropriate attention in this regard. High degree of youth population, lack of job opportunities, high unemployment rate demand more attention to this phenomenon. As such this paper predominantly aims to access entrepreneurship status in southern Astarabad in Gorgan.
Research method:
This study possesses descriptive- analytical nature. It is farther based on survey technique and questionnaire. As such 10 experts in the area were asked to give their opinions in order to weigh the relevant chosen criteria. Study area is composed of 16 villages which house 4805 households. Cochran formula was applied in order to determine the appropriate sample size with the significant level of 95%. Sample size turned out to be 356 which extracted via random sampling technique taking into consideration the number of households in every individual village. This study further followed by application of hierarchical weighing fuller triangle technique regarding the viewpoints of the experts. At the end, it demands ORESTE model in order to rank the villages.
Discussion and concluding:
This study suggests that entrepreneurship not only cause better utilization of the existing resources, but also paves the way for rural settlements sustainability. This is because entrepreneurship through providing job opportunities and resultant sufficient incomes make the settlers to remain in their village. It further could attract investment and draw outside labor force to the area. This in turn will strengthen the foundations of national regional development. However, all of the villages do not possess the same potential in terms of entrepreneurship. As such this study try to prioritize villages located in southern Astarabad in Gorgan from entrepreneurship aspect. According to experts view points, accessibility to education and training, consulting, experiences, knowledge and skill are being considered as main yardsticks in this regard. However, access to capital without needed education and training could not lead to entrepreneurship. According to ORESTE technique computation Naziabad, Sarnabad, and Maryamabad, based on the above mentioned criteria possess the highest ranks as opposed to lower shahkoh, Siyashlou and Qazagh-mahale. This study suggests education and training regarding entrepreneurship specifically in the area of tourism. It believes that lack of capital is being considered as a major obstacle in the study area. Providing low interest loans to rural settlers which could give them initial capital and motivation with respect to entrepreneurship is highly recommended.

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