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Showing 10 results for Sustainable Rural

Ali Ghasemi, Varaz Moradi Masihi,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Rural tourism and tourism economy are being considered as one of the major economic development indicators. Moreover, most of the planners and policy makers believe that tourism industry is the major element of sustainable development. As such, rural tourism through appropriate planning and identification of advantages and limitations could perform effective role regarding rural development as well as national development. The major objective of this study is to identify potentials and capabilities regarding sustainable tourism Alltapeh village located in Behshar in Mazandarn province. This village encompasses Abasabad tourism area which is among one of the recorded safaveeye’s tourism attractions. This study aims to explain the role of tourism regarding economic – social sustainable development in the study area. Research method is based on analytical – descriptive. Data gathering demands application of field work and documentation. Data analysis is based on SWOT matrix emphasizing weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities as well as proposing suggested strategies in order to achieve sustainable rural tourism. Statistical society composed of 1900 rural settlers located in the study area as well as tourists (500000 per year). Sample size was determined to be 218 which constitute of 78 of local community and 140 tourists. This study suggests that rural ecological vulnerability taking into account Abasabad tourist area is relatively high. This paper further believes that rural tourism requires more attention regarding tackling threats and limitations and relative comparative advantages as far as an appropriate policy making is concerned. It further concludes that tourism planning could lead to local economic variations and thriving organized economic activities and more importantly sustainable rural tourism.

Hojatollah Sadeghi, Mahmoud Falsoleyman, Sedigheh Hashemi, Masumeh Fadaee,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

Iran’s border villages are encountering with service deficiencies regarding social, economic and cultural dimensions. However, these entities are facing with foreign propaganda for enlarging border ethnic groups delimits and ignorance of these area’s capabilities and potentials. This in turn, requires more attentions toward bordering village. The major objective of this study is to investigate the limitations as well as potentials and capabilities of bordering villages of Bandan District in Nehbandan. The research method is based on survey technique, field works and documentation. As such using Cochran formula 258 rural households were extracted out of 7577 pertaining to 17 villages of this district. The viability of this questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha (0.71) computation. It is further followed by application of T test, freedman, regression, and one way ANOVA. This study suggests that the economic, social status of these border villages are fairly is critical. This in turn is associated with environmental, management and security issues as well as ignorance of the region’s capabilities. It is argued that security and management variables possess the least averages as opposed to infrastructural indices. Moreover, there exists interrelationship among different indicators. That is improving one would enhance the others.

Abdolreza Rokneddin Eftekhari, Samira Mahmoodi, Gholamreza Ghaffari, Mahdi Pourtaheri,
Volume 4, Issue 11 (5-2015)

Social capital is being considered as way to achieve sustainable rural development as far asthe development experts are concerned. It is argued that social capital make the achievement of sustainable development possible taking into consideration provided opportunities and major societies constants at different levels including micro and macro level. In other word, social capital not only affects development process but also it is affected by as well. It is argued that social capital as a very important theoretical tool is capable of investigating the role of social variables regarding sustainable rural development. Lack of sufficient attention to rural settlers as social capital is a major challenge as far as sustainable rural development is concerned. This in turn could facilitate planning trend regarding rural sustainability through participation of rural settlers. Based on the relevant studies attention to social capital could enhance the achievement of sustainable rural development. Moreover, the relationship between social capital and level of rural development could well be justified by space economy and spatial dimension. Explanation of the phenomena and the spatial organization are affected by interaction of space and activities. Spatial dimension could exemplify itself in social processes and relationships. In effect, function of space is affected by space, time and social and economic mechanisms. As such this study aims to find out the relationship between social capital and rural development. It further tries to come up with social capital pattern.
Research method:
This study deals with analytical-descriptive research method based on both qualitative andquantitative methods. Sampling technique was random stratified sample. Based on physical location, distance, and number of households, six villages were selected from each class. Altogether, 18 villages were selected in the study area. Statistical society is composed of two groups that are local rural settlers (host community) and local authorities. Based on KMO test, social capital viability turned out to be 0:71. Moreover, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients used for evaluation of social capital in corresponding villages turned out to be 0.89. Social capital measures were selected through application of critical analysis over previous studies. In second phase, primary yardsticks and measures were screened in order to identify the prime social capital yardsticks with regard to sustainable development. Topsis technique was used for determination of social capital regarding level of development in sample villages.
Discussion and concluding:
Nowadays social capital is being considered as the most important development capital. As such, social capital with its spatial dimension is being known as a comprehensive strategy for achievement of social sustainability within sustainable development approach. It is because that the major objective of sustainable rural development based on social capital approach is promoting quality of life of local people, empowerment, capability formation, increase participation level as well as self-reliance, expanding rural communication network both in and outside of the villages and institutional development. This study suggests that there exist a relationship between social capital and level of rural development in the study area. It means that 63.5 percent of variation regarding level of development of the villages is explained by social capital. The magnitude of I index for determination of the corresponding spatial pattern based on social capital turned out to be 0.41. This figure compared with E (I) which is 0.03165 indicates that spatial pattern correspond with social capital of the studied villages incline toward multi pattern (concentrated and clustered). The highlight of this paper is first the endogenous nature of social capital and second confirmation of the past studies in this regard. Spatial pattern associated with social capital indicates that villages located in the center and in the proximity of large cities including Mashhad, Nishabur possess lower level of social capital. Heading toward the boundary of the province, the rate of rural social capital will increase.

Samira Mahmoodi, Abdolreza Rokneddine Eftekhari, Gholamreza Ghaffari, Mahdi Pourtaheri,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (2-2016)

Common development capitals such as financial (economic) capitals, human capital, physical capital, environmental capital and social capital are considered as key elements in analyzing the potentials of development for people, organizations, societies and even governments. By presenting the concept of social capital, planning strategies are formed by cooperative, communicative and interactional planning along with an approach to people's participation and according to sustainable development framework which concentrate on some indicators such as assessment of social capital, sustainability, flexibility and participation; considering a relative advantage, every district and settlement had freedom of action in putting sustainable development policies into practice in this type of planning. From an international development perspective, social capital has a special position as a part of movement toward development using a "bottom-up" design. Regarding this, the amount of relations and impacts of different types of capitals are studied because of the great importance of different types of capitals especially social capital in rural development. The most important questions in this study are as follow:
"What is the relation between different types of capital (economic capital, human capital, environmental, and physical capital) with social capital?" and "How do different types of capitals impact on social capital?”
This study is conducted by a geographical approach, and a descriptive-analytic method which is based on qualitative and quantitative research method. For determining the sample population size out of 1162 villages with more than 20 households in Khorasan Razavi province, 67 villages were in accordance with all the criteria in table 2. Since these villages are homogenous in three levels, 18 villages (6 villages in each level) from 14 counties were categorized randomly in GIS environment and were chosen by Hawths Analysis Tools. Statistical population encompasses of two grouping including local people of the village and local officials (council members and municipal official). To evaluate the validity and stability of questionnaire, SPSS software has been used. According to this method, by using KMO Test, validity of determinative indicators of social capital, economic capital, human capital, physical capital and environmental capital are 0.071, 0.72, 0.58, 0.64 and 0.57 respectively and for the whole questionnaire, this number is 0.68. According to the results of construct validity test, Cronbach's Alfa coefficient which is obtained from the designed questionnaire for evaluating different types of development capitals in the studied villages is equal to 0.89, therefore, the validity of the questionnaire is confirmed.
Discussion and Conclusion
Today, one of the challenges that rural development face to, is neglecting social capital; recognition of social capital leads to facilitating the process of rural development planning for experts in this field and also it is followed by rural inhabitants' contribution for better implementation of the plans. Regarding to theories and studies in this field, it can be said that different types of development capitals are interrelated and interchangeable. In pursuing development issues especially sustainable rural development, social capital is extremely focused in recent decades. Since many researchers and experts believe that social capital is subordinate to other capitals, this study aims to evaluate the impacts of different types of capitals including economic capital, human capital, environmental capital and physical capital on social capital in rural districts and also it aims to determine their relationships. Results showed a meaningful relation between economic capital, human capital and social capital and a lack of meaningful statistical relation between environmental and physical capital and social capital in studied villages. Moreover, according to the results, coefficient of determination (R2) for economic capital is 0.0906 and coefficient of determination for human capital is 0.176 and these two indicators had the most impact on social capital respectively. In other words, economic capital determines 90.6 % of social capital rate and human capital determines 17.6% of social capital rate in studied villages.

Zahra Sharifinia,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

A review of studies in developing countries shows that economic programs in developing countries to achieve sustainable livelihoods and economic issues have failed to reduce poverty and a sustainable economy in rural areas. Therefore, today, one of the biggest challenges of planning rural communities and undermining the poverty in developing countries is providing livelihood. A approach that has emerged in the last decade is the sustainable livelihood approach, first proposed by Chambers in the 1980s; and recognized by the World Development and Environment Commission. Among development theories, thus, attention to sustainable livelihood approach, for empowerment and capacity building in rural areas in order to change the pattern of life has become a desirable method, and it is one of the important tools to achieve sustainable development.  Therefore, this approach emphasizes comprehensive and integrated framework about poverty reduction and rural development. Therefore, the present study seeks to answer this fundamental question; What are the most important factors affecting the livelihood sustainability of villagers in the study area?
This research is descriptive-analytical according to the purpose. In the descriptive part, to analyze the factors affecting the sustainability of villagers' livelihoods, documents and statistical methods have been used.  The statistical population of the study is more than 20 household villages in the mentioned rural area of Sari County, which includes 30 villages. The sample size was calculated according to Cochran's formula about 377 and was randomly distributed among the villagers.
The validity of the questionnaire was obtained from face validity method (opinion of professors and experts after several stages of correction and revision). To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, a pre-test (with 30 questionnaires) was performed and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.698, which indicates the validity of the questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods such as central tendency indexes (frequency and percentage), and inferential (factor analytical) indicators have been used.
Discussion and conclusion
Poverty is one of the most important challenges for all society, especially rural communities. Thus, various approaches have been proposed to reduce and eradicate poverty. One of these popular ones is the sustainable livelihood approach, which was introduced in the 1980s. Since this is based on the theoretical approach of development and consists of various indicators, achieving sustainable livelihood is not possible without considering all the influential aspects of livelihood. Therefore, in order to recognize the effective indicators in sustainable rural livelihood, the process of policy-making, planning and rural management should consider all indicators holistically and interconnected. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the sustainable livelihoods of villagers in the mentioned rural area of Sari County.  The attitudes of local people were surveyed in 30 villages of this district, and factor analysis was used to answer the questions raised in the research. Therefore, KMO value for factors affecting livelihood stability was 0.924 and Bartlett value was 9764.279, which was significant at 99% confidence level. Findings showed that 15 factors were identified and a total of 53.908% of the total variance explained the variables. So that the first factor, i.e. income and job creation with a specific amount (15.35), explained more than 15.50% of the total variance and the fifteenth factor i.e., cultural core with a specific amount of 1.384 and the amount of variance 53.908 is the last factor. In a general, it can be said that all the factors explain 53.908% of the total variance of the variables, and 47.002% of the remaining variance is related to other factors that have not been predicted.
The results of the analysis show that the impact of the index is different from the perspective of local people, which should be considered. The first factor, namely employment and income, which has an important and vital role in the sustainability of rural livelihood, is one of their basic needs, should be given special attention. It measures to optimize agriculture and activities related to local and regional capabilities.  Therefore, initiatives can be proposed to strengthen sustainable rural livelihoods in the study area. First, according to the economic needs of people living and active in rural areas via diversification of activities and income generation means, and moreover through this approach create a variety of job opportunities and creating wealth and improving the living standards of the villagers, especially those whose predominant livelihood is agriculture. Second, paying attention to the indicators that were considered the first priority by the local people, as well as to prioritize other indicators used in the research, which were ranked first to fifteenth.

Mehdi Karami Dehkordi, Abdulmatin Miani,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (4-2021)

The world’s population has been growing rapidly in recent decades, and statistics show that most of the added population belongs to development countries. The majority of this population live in rural areas which has an unfavorable standard of living and livelihood compared to international standard. The basis of human and economic development is based on livelihood; livelihoods include all the things that people do to make a living. In addition, livelihoods are sustainable when they can adapt to pressures and shocks, improve and strengthen or maintain capabilities and assets in the present and future, while not destroying natural resources. Sustainable livelihood is a way to think about rural development, which for rural people it leads to higher incomes, increased welfare, reduced vulnerability, improved food security and more sustainable use of basic natural resources. According to statistics, 71% of Afghanistan’s population lives in rural areas and the livelihood of rural households in this country depends on agriculture, livestock and handicrafts. A large part of the country’s economy depends on rural products, and the products of farmers and ranchers make up most of the country’s export. It is worth noting that in rural areas of Afghanistan, few studies have been conducted on sustainable rural livelihoods, and accordingly the present study is one of the most innovative and leading researchers for this area.
Research Methodology
This is a qualitative study of the grounded theory type with the approach of Strauss and Corbin. The grounded theory method is commonly used to achieve theory, but it also has the ability to use its techniques in the form of other qualitative methods. Methods used to collect data include observation, Interviews, field notes and written and audio recordings made during the interviews. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to collect data. The current research integrated purposive and snowball samplings were used to collect data. Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Snowball sampling method, initial subjects with the desired characteristics are identified using purposeful sampling technique. In this study, data analysis was performed simultaneously with data collection and the researcher reached the theoretical saturation stage with 23 interviews.
Results and discussion
Based on the analysis, 220 codes were extracted from 23 interviews in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Code analysis led to the identification of 27 subcategories. Finally, 19 main categories were extracted from their classification. Showed relationships between categories formed in the data that the pattern formed corresponds to the original shape of the paradigm pattern (Pattern or model) of Strauss and Corbin, that is the core category (access to sustainable livelihood) is affected by causal conditions and it influences the strategies themselves. Strategies in turn shape the consequences of the phenomenon under the influence of contextual and interventionist condition.
The causal categories of the paradigm are more dependent on agriculture, war and security challenges and the poor performance of the livestock and poultry sectors. According to the causal categories of the paradigm designed in the studied area, rural industries, rural services, livestock and poultry are very backward compared to the agriculture sector. This does not mean that the agriculture of the northern villages of Andar district is in a good condition. Rather, the monoculture of the rural economy (the majority of vineyards) with low productivity and efficiency in a traditional way has led the villages to an unfavorable living situation. In addition, due to various natural factors the risk of agricultural products is very high and has forced families to multiply their sources of incomes. But unfortunately, the increase in income depends on a particular sector (traditional agriculture). Therefore, in order to meet the economic needs of rural residents through the diversification of activities and income-generating methods, and to provide various job opportunities in this area, further encouragement should be provided.
The war and security challenges in Afghanistan have overshadowed every manufacturing and service sector and prevent any progress and it has caused the villagers to have no connection with the government and rural development department and to live in more deprivation. Rural areas have been severely damaged by war and security challenges, which have weakened the agricultural sector, demolished homes, disabled rural people and lacked investment. The population of the villages has multiplied compared to previous years, but no attention is paid to creating new job opportunities, which has led to rising unemployment, poverty and many livelihood challenges. One of the way to create new job opportunities in the studied villages is the multi-functional approach and abandoning single-function approach.

Bahram Imani,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (3-2022)

The role and position of villages in the process of economic development, Social and political in different scales and the consequences of its underdevelopment such as poverty, Inequality, Immigration and unemployment, fast population growth, It has caused attention to rural development and its priority over urban development. Since the Today, the main economic problem of rural communities is Their inability to understand the available resources and facilities and not recognizing priorities, It is necessary to get the rural economy out of the current situation. therefore, Identifying the components of branding have a direct impact on achieving these benefits, Because in addition to solving problems, it can also have positive consequences. Ardabil is one of the agricultural poles of the country, Which has considerable potential in relation to product branding And more than four million tons of agricultural products are produced in the province. therefore, Branding in rural areas of the province can Lead to the organization and prevention of sporadic action in rural development programs And this through branding of agricultural products, Numerous tourist attractions And handicrafts And creating a target market for export products is possible, Because in recent years, economic constraints that have been accompanied by a significant reduction in manpower in the work process have affected the conditions of the rurals. according to this, Identifying and evaluating brand components is essential in order to achieve economic empowerment. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the analysis of rural brand components on economic empowerment in rural areas of the central part of Ardabil city.

Research Methods
The present study in terms of applied purpose And is based on a descriptive-analytical nature. The statistical population of the study includes two groups of experts and local people in the villages of the central part of Ardabil city. Panel members (experts) in this study in the form of non-probabilistic purposive sampling, 30 qualified people were selected. To obtain the required sample among the local community using cluster sampling in five rural areas of the central part, Initially, six villages from each district And from each village, 436 people were randomly selected as a sample. Data collection method To answer research questions It has been in the form of a library and a questionnaire. To measure research variables, In the variable part of the effects of brand components, Four indicators in the form of 30 indicators and 13 indicators in the economic empowerment variable were used. The validity of the questionnaire was examined by a panel of experts and experienced in this field And confirmed. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, 30 questionnaires were distributed in the same area And the total reliability of the questionnaire was estimated to be 0.917. Analysis of the findings of the questionnaire using the opinion of experts, Mick Mac software was used. In order to analyze the views of the local community, Spss software was used, Where Pearson correlation coefficient to examine the relationship between research variables, Multivariate regression coefficient was used to determine the effect of brand effects on economic empowerment of villagers.

Discussion and conclusion
The results based on the effective and influential rural brand plan indicate that: The system is in an unstable state And most of the factors are scattered around the diagonal axis and are in a similar position to each other And only their weakness and intensity are different from each other. The results were 100% desirable after 4 spins of cross-effect data. And this indicates the favorable validity of the questionnaire. The filling rate of the matrix is 92.62% Which shows that more than 92% of cases, the factors in question have affected each other. After scoring and analysis by Mick Mac model, 15 factors were selected as key factors And from the 15 factors extracted, Five factors of the existence of facilities, Animal species, Local business development, Handicrafts Proper waste disposal was more important. Findings are based on multivariate regression Considering the level of significance of the test with a confidence level of 0.95 among the four effects of the rural brand, Physical effects index with beta coefficient of 0.855 had the greatest effect on the dependent variable And 0.723 of the total variance explains economic empowerment. On the other hand, The environmental effects of the brand with a beta coefficient of 0.640 have had the least effect in explaining economic empowerment And explains only 0.391 of the variance. The results also showed Pearson correlation coefficient, Between the effects of rural branding and economic empowerment, There is a positive and significant relationship. According to the results obtained, it can be said, Economic empowerment is one of the dimensions of sustainable development Emphasizing the existing capacities and potentials in the region, Provides employment and income generation and strengthens production. Pay attention to capabilities And the potential capabilities of these areas And given the existence of a strong and motivated workforce, By investing and branding through flagship agricultural products, Numerous tourist and handicraft attractions and creating a target market for export products And income generation for the villagers, Provided the necessary ground for their economic empowerment.

Jaleh Koorkinejad,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (9-2022)

Pressure on production resources and the environment is getting higher due to increased population and the need for food, especially in developing countries. Thus, the preservation of natural resources and proper allocation of inputs must be considered in production. Sustainable agriculture suggests a framework for human needs without harming the environment and the proper and optimal use of natural resources while taking into account the rights of future generations. Achieving sustainable agricultural development is possible only if productive factors such as labor and social capital are regarded alongside physical capital. Social capital, a complement to other forms of capital, is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development, especially in rural communities. Development in rural areas requires the expansion of trust, participation and communication and cohesion among farmers. Social capital is a factor that compensates for the deficiency of other capital inputs and binds other inputs like glue. This study investigated social capital and its role in facilitating and accelerating sustainable development in the villages of the north of Sirjan County. 

This study first evaluated the different dimensions of social capital and sustainable development using different items with the Likert scale. The required data were collected using a questionnaire that validity and reliability were examined among a sample of 195 farmers living in the northern villages of Sirjan County. After calculating the social capital indicator and sustainable development indicator, we investigated the effect of social capital on various dimensions of sustainable agriculture using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SURE). 

Discussion and conclusion
According to the results of the research, the social capital indicator was calculated at 0.57 on average, and in terms of dimensions, trust is 0.55, participation and social relations is 0.58 and norms, and social cohesion is 0.60. The economic, social, environmental and institutional dimensions of sustainable development were determined to be 0.44, 0.51, 0.49 and 0.40, respectively. The amount of economic and institutional dimensions is below average, which shows the instability of most of these dimensions among farmers. The other two dimensions are in the middle level. The results of seemingly unrelated regression equations showed that the variables of farmer age, years of experience in agriculture, net income of agriculture, social capital, participation in training courses and type of irrigation system have a positive and statistically significant effect on the economic dimension of sustainable agriculture. Variables of education level, membership in agricultural cooperatives, participation in training classes and social capital have a positive and significant effect on social sustainability, and the variables of type of irrigation system, social capital, net income and education have a significant positive effect on environmental sustainability. In addition, the results showed that farmers with higher education and those who are members of agricultural cooperatives feel more institutionally stable, and these variables have a positive effect on promoting institutional sustainability.
Low efficiency and productivity, the staggering cost of inputs, have left no income for them and have led to poor quality and welfare life for them. This has caused farmer dissatisfaction and has led young people to migrate to cities and work in industrial sectors. As it was observed, the variable of social capital has a positive effect on all four dimensions of stability, but its effect on institutional stability is not statistically significant.
Since the calculated social capital is not at a high level among farmers, besides its significance in sustainability, it is necessary to pay attention to proper planning to improve different dimensions of social capital and eliminate the existing shortcomings to achieve higher levels of sustainability. Effective training courses in rural areas are really important due to the lack of transportation facilities in farmers' living regions. In addition, the presence of skilled professionals and experts will increase the trust in the training among farmers. Creating suitable living facilities and equitable distribution of facilities in villages, improving infrastructure, and access of farmers' children to quality schools. The life expectancy and desire of farmers, especially young people, to stay in the villages will be increased when donors and rich farmers participate in improving living conditions in rural areas. 


Masoumeh Noroozinezhad, Majid Yasuri, Ruhollah Oji,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2023)

The declining trend of the rural economy, the spread of poverty, and unemployment show that, in practice, the vital development goals in rural areas have failed. The sustainability of the rural economy is a vital corridor to achieving national economic sustainability. Economic sustainability in rural areas means strengthening the foundations of the rural economy to economic security in terms of access to sustainable livelihoods, economic stability, beneficial employment, reliable financial resources and environmentally friendly technology using human resources. Today, it is necessary to pay attention to economic sustainability, considering the challenges facing developing countries. In the current situation, attention to economic sustainability becomes more necessary, given the challenges and bottlenecks that settlements face.
On the other hand, discovering, understanding, and recognizing spatial patterns leads to a better understanding of phenomena and their relationships, actions, and interactions at the space level. The analysis of the elements of geographical space facilitates the mutual understanding of the phenomena and helps to simplify and create order in a vague and complex reality. Based on objective facts, rural settlements in Langaroud County need better economic stability. This issue is evident in cases such as high unemployment, poverty, low agricultural production, etc. Accordingly, the sustainable development of the rural economy is considered a goal to solve the problems and issues of rural areas in the study area. Therefore, this study seeks to answer two questions: First, what spatial pattern does the economic sustainability of rural settlements in Langroud County follow? And second, what is the relationship between the geographical location of rural areas and their level of economic stability?

In terms of purpose, research is part of applied-developmental research. It is also descriptive-analytical in terms of analysis method. Research information was collected through field study and the use of the village questionnaire, and library-documentary studies. SPSS, GIS and Excel software have also been used to analyze the data. The study's statistical population is the Rural managers of more than 20 households in the city of Langroud, with 110 Rural managers in 7 villages, which has been done in total.

Discussion and conclusion
According to the research findings, in connection with the first purpose of the research (identifying the spatial pattern of economic sustainability of rural settlements in the study city), it was found that the spatial pattern of economic sustainability and its components (justice, stability, welfare), According to the results obtained from the general statistics of G, the statistics of general Moran and also the statistics of G, is random and one of the most important reasons is the randomness of the spatial pattern of the villages of the city, while in the research (2016) ), The spatial model of economic stability has been clustered; In his research, the spatial pattern of the villages was scattered, but the studied features formed a cluster, but in the present study, the spatial pattern of the villages was random, and the studied features were also random. The giver is that the studied villages have not been affected as much as possible by the surrounding villages. Concerning the second goal, namely the difference in geographical location and the level of economic stability of villages, studies have shown that sustainable villages are located in the plains of the city and as the natural and elevation position of villages goes to the foothills, Their economic stability is also reduced due to the recreational conditions of the mountain villages and the lack of easy access to the city, their dispersion, and the low population of these areas. Therefore, the research hypothesis related to the second question is confirmed that there is a difference between the natural and geographical location of villages and their level of economic stability. These results are consistent with the results of the research of Ghadiri Masoom et al. (2010), who concluded that the villages with the highest level of economic stability are located in the plains, like the current study that economically sustainable villages. There are villages located in the plains with large populations that are more extensive, have a natural location and good communication, and the level of job diversity is relatively higher in them.
According to the obtained results, it can be said that, in general, economic stability in the villages of Langroud county is at a weak level. The natural and communication situation of the villages is one of the most important factors that affect their level of economic stability; As the natural position of the villages moves towards the foothills, the level of economic stability decreases compared to other villages located in the plains. The results indicate that among the villages of Langroud county, the distribution of coefficients of economic stability components has been considerable. In other words, in each of the components of economic stability, several specific villages have the highest level of stability. Furthermore, economic stability in components has not occurred between common villages except in very few cases. In this regard, it can be acknowledged that despite some criteria as good economic stability. Other criteria, such as income level, job opportunities, and investments, are low. There were villages that, for example. The level of economic justice is high, and the level of economic stability is low. Therefore, the economic stability of villages has three components and various indicators that achieving the most desirable state requires the alignment and integration of all components and criteria of economic sustainability. Therefore, with a one-dimensional view of this process, we can not expect the desired results. However, it requires a comprehensive view and attention to all economic sustainability components in Langroud county's villages.


Vahid Seyfi, Sajad Khosroabadi,
Volume 13, Issue 49 (11-2024)

Objective: To sustain rural communities and enhance their economic and social vitality, their connections with urban centers and their position within the broader national framework must be preserved. Villages should adopt localized models to ensure their resilience. Unfortunately, a comprehensive model for sustainable rural livelihoods at the national and provincial levels is lacking, often leading to a uniform approach that overlooks regional specificities. This study aims to explore the revitalization of villages and the creation of sustainable livelihoods through biomass entrepreneurship. A biomass village is defined as a region where a comprehensive biomass utilization system is established and collaboratively managed by stakeholders in the area.
Methods: This research employed the meta-combination method to analyze a total of 120 articles and related studies sourced from the CIVILICA citation index (1380–1401). After applying inclusion criteria, 63 articles were selected for in-depth analysis. The study adopts a qualitative approach within the interpretive paradigm to explore a sustainable rural livelihood model grounded in the rural ecosystem. The research is practical, focusing on actionable insights for designing sustainable rural livelihoods.
Results: Key components identified for designing a sustainable rural livelihood model include: 1. Food Security and Nutrition: Ensuring rural food security and addressing malnutrition; 2. Human Capital Development: Increasing workforce productivity through higher literacy levels; 3. Tourism and Markets: Promoting sustainable tourism development and strengthening local markets and bazaars; 4. Infrastructure Investment: Investing in rural development infrastructure to support livelihoods.
Conclusions: The study synthesized findings from prior research conducted across various rural regions in the country to develop a model for sustainable rural livelihoods. The proposed model focuses on three primary axes:
  1. Rural Consumption Patterns: Encouraging sustainable consumption practices within rural households.
  2. Rural Poverty Reduction: Addressing poverty through targeted interventions and resource allocation.
  3. Household Livelihoods: Enhancing the economic resilience of rural households through diversified income sources.
By integrating these elements, the proposed model provides a comprehensive framework for revitalizing rural areas and fostering sustainable livelihoods. The findings underscore the importance of adopting localized, ecosystem-based approaches tailored to the unique needs of rural communities.

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