eskandaripour S, Hajhosseinnezhad G, Ali asgari M, Hosseini khah A. (2019). Explaining Factors Affecting Quality of Teaching at Technical and Vocational University.
نظریه و عمل.
7(13), 329-352.
Abstract: (7468 Views)
This study aimed toexplain factors affecting qualityof teaching and determine their impact onteaching quality.The mixed research approach was used for collecting the data. The population (qualitative method) consisted of staff at central organization of university and researchers of university in 2011- 2016; they were selected using combined sampling method.The population (quantitative method)also consistedof educational assistants,headsof research andeducation department, and faculty members in2016.In qualitative study,the exploratory interviews andsemi-structured interviews wereused for collecting thedata.Inquantitative study,theidentified categories which were derived from encoding qualitative data were used to create paired comparison questionnaires; they included factors affecting quality of teaching.The resultswere analyzed using AHPmethod.Thefindings indicatedthat the contribution of teacher, educational environment, and students was estimated to be41,33, and 26 percent, respectively.Among teacher components,the professional skillsof teacher(weight326) was determined to be themost important component; among student components,theacademicrecords andexperiences(weight463)was determinedto bethe mostcomponent;andamong educational environment components,quality educational spaces and equipment(weight429)was determined to be the most important component.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2018/02/12 | Revised: 2021/05/17 | Accepted: 2018/08/29 | Published: 2019/05/31