mahdavi N, Niknam Z, Attaran M, Musapour N. (2023). Analyzing the professional action of professors in the primary education discipline of Farhangian University in the context of pedagogy content knowledge.
نظریه و عمل.
11(21), : 9
Abstract: (3408 Views)
ThepurposeofthisresearchistoanalyzetheprofessionalactionofprofessorsintheprimaryeducationdisciplineofFarhangianUniversityinthecontextof pedagogycontentknowledge.In this research,aqualitativeapproachwas used and seven professors of Farhangian University were selected in a purposeful method. Data collection was done through interviews andclassroomobservation at the same time. Based on the professors' interpretation of the pedagogy content knowledge componentsthe professors were classified into two groups of context-independent and context-dependent. The context-independent Professors consider the aim of content pedagogy as how to represent the subject matters purposefully. Whatmakesmeaningfulthe main belief of the professorsin the formation of content pedagogy is the learning opportunities that they plan for the students in a prescriptive way and from the outside, the mission of the professor and the university system is to convey how to represent the concepts and facts. In contrast, the main belief of context-dependentprofessorsistocreateaneffectivelearningspacetocritiquethewrittencurriculumand equallearningopportunitiesforstudentswiththeaimofcreatingtransformative experiences.This belief is formed in student-teachersthatthey have the abilityto create knowledge and can provide opportunities for elementary students to think beyond the subject matters and the experts advice
Article number: 9
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2022/11/18 | Revised: 2023/11/17 | Accepted: 2023/01/24 | Published: 2023/09/1