Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)                   Human Information Interaction 2016, 3(1): 79-95 | Back to browse issues page

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Yari S. Social Media in Public Libraries: Recognition of Applications, Obstacles and Problems of Use. Human Information Interaction 2016; 3 (1)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2482-en.html
Abstract:   (9350 Views)

Background and Aim: Social media because of its interactive nature and the fact that it is   being free of charge is widely used in libraries. Web 2.0 is a tool that offers permanent connection every time and offers educational programs without limitations of place and time. But what is included in social media application in public libraries and what obstacles and problems are there in the way of using these tools in libraries. So, the main objective was to survey librarians’ viewpoints in Kermanshah on social media and obstacles that exists in its use. 

Method: This is a qualitative research using insightful interviews. 27 librarians in Kermanshah public libraries took part in the study. Sampling was done in a systematic method and continued until the saturation of information. Data analysis was done with information gathering in a subject analysis approach.

Results: Data analysis leading to extraction of 47 sub-subjects, 9 main subjects and two general categories including: Applications, obstacles and problems. 7 main subjects identified in category of applications: Publication, scientific connection and promotion, position promotion, utilization of services and use of library, improvement of processes, recognition and gaining of support. Also, in the category of personal problems, obstacles and non-personal problems two main subjects were identified.

Conclusion: Due to the immensity and diversity of public libraries  services for divergent users, social media have an additional and diverse applications.  Also, because of socio-  economic, cultural and social conditions in public libraries, there are numerous obstacles in use of these tools. However,  with the exclusion of obstacles - in reaching the objectives of public libraries -  promotion of citizens' per study could optimize applications of social media as a influential tool

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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